944 resultados para Coarse Grain Pipelining


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50 m of Middle Eocene pure radiolarian ooze were drilled at ODP Site 660 in the equatorial East Atlantic, 80 km northeast of the Kane Gap. The oozes comprise a 10 m high and 2 km broad mound of seismic reverberations, covered by manganese-rich sediment, and contain trace amounts of sponge spicules and diatoms, negligible organic carbon (0.15%), clay, and variable amounts of pyrite. The yellow to pale brown silty sediments are relatively coarse-grained (30-45% coarser than 6 µm), little bioturbated, and commonly massive or laminated on a cm-scale. The unlithified radiolarian ooze may indicate an interval of high oceanic productivity, probably linked to a palaeoposition of Site 660 close to the equatorial upwelling belt during Middle Eocene time. The absence of organic matter, however, and both the laminated bedding and the mound-like structure of the deposit on the lower slope of a continental rise indicate deposition by relatively intense contour currents of oxygen-rich deep water, which passed through the Kane Gap, winnowed the fine clay fraction, and prevented the preservation of organic carbon. The ooze may be either a contourite-lag deposit, or a contourite accumulation of displaced radiolarians, originating south of the Kane Gap and being deposited in its northern lee, thus documenting the passage of a strong cross-equatorial bottom-water current formed near Antarctica. These Eocene contourites may be an analogue for ancient radiolarites in the Tethyan Ocean.


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The upper Miocene to Pleistocene sediments recovered at ODP Sites 745 and 746 in the Australian-Antarctic Basin are characterized by cyclic facies changes. Sedimentological investigations of a detailed Quaternary section reveal that facies A is dominated by a high content of siliceous microfossils, a relatively low terrigenous sediment content, an ice-rafted component, low concentrations of fine sediment particles, and a relatively high smectite content. This facies corresponds to interglacial sedimentary conditions. Facies B, in contrast, is characteristic of glacial conditions and is dominated by a large amount of terrigenous material and a smaller opaline component. There is also a prominent ice-rafted component. The microfossils commonly are reworked and broken. The clay mineral assemblages show higher proportions of glacially derived illite and chlorite. A combination of four different processes, attributed to glacial-interglacial cycles, was responsible for the cyclic facies changes during Quaternary time: transport by gravity, ice, and current and changes in primary productivity. Of great importance was the movement of the grounding line of the ice shelves, which directly influenced the intensity of ice rafting and of gravitational sediment transport to the deep sea. The extension of the ice shelves was also responsible for the generation of cold and erosive Antarctic Bottom Water, which controlled the grain-size distribution, particularly of the fine fraction, in the investigated area.


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According to average grain size parameters (Kd, Kd1) recent sediments from the northern Caspian Sea and the Barents Sea shelf are similar, while sediments from the Norwegian Sea are closer to their counterparts of the World Ocean. Seaward content of subcolloidal (<0.001 mm) size fraction increases against the background of decreasing proportions of coarse- and medium-grained pelite (<0.01 mm) material.


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Grain size of 139 unconsolidated sediment samples from seven DSDP sites in the Guaymas Basin and the southeastern tip of the Baja California Peninsula was determined by sieve and pipette techniques. Shepard (1954) classification and Inman (1952) parameters correlation were used for all samples. Sediment texture ranged from sand to silty clay. On the basis of grain-size parameter, the sediments can be divided into three broad groups: (1) very fine sands and coarse silts; (2) medium- to very fine silts; and (3) clays and coarse silts.


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An extensive, high-resolution, sedimentological-geochemical survey was done using geo-acoustics, XRF-core scans, ICP-AES, AMS 14C-dating and grain size analyses of sediments in 11 cores from the Gulf of Taranto, the southern Adriatic Sea, and the central Ionian Sea spanning the last 16 cal. ka BP. Comparable results were obtained for cores from the Gallipoli Shelf (eastern Gulf of Taranto), and the southern Adriatic Sea suggesting that the dominant provenance of Gallipoli Shelf sediments is from the western Adriatic mud belt. The 210Pb and 14C-dated high-accumulation-rate sediments permit a detailed reconstruction of climate variability over the last 16 cal. ka BP. Although, the Glacial-Interglacial transition is generally dry and stable these conditions are interrupted by two phases of increased detrital input during the Bølling-Allerød and the late Younger Dryas. The event during the Younger Dryas period is characterized by increased sediment inputs from southern Italian sources. This suggests that run-off was higher in southern- compared to northern Italy. At approximately ~ 7 cal. ka BP, increased detrital input from the Adriatic mud belt, related to sea level rise and the onset of deep water formation in the Adriatic Sea, is observed and is coincident with the end of sapropel S1 formation in the southern Adriatic Sea. During the mid-to-late Holocene we observed millennial-scale events of increased detrital input, e.g. during the Roman Humid Period, and of decreased detrital input, e.g., Medieval Warm Period. These dry/wet spells are consistent with variability in the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). A negative state of the NAO and thus a more advanced penetration of the westerlies into the central Mediterranean, that result in wet conditions in the research area concord with events of high detrital input e.g., during the Roman Humid Period. In contrast, a positive state of the NAO, resulting in dry conditions in the Mediterranean, dominated during events of rapid climate change such as the Medieval Warm Period and the Bronze Age.


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A comparative analysis of grain size composition of shallow water terrigenous sediments from the southeastern Laptev Sea was carried out using methods developed by V.P. Petelin and A. Atterberg. Potential of these methods and possibilities of improvement of domestic techniques for grain size analysis are discussed.


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Holes 1209A and 1211A on Southern High, Shatsky Rise contain expanded, nearly continuous records of carbonate-rich sediment deposited in deep water of the equatorial Pacific Ocean during the Paleocene and Eocene. In this study, we document intervals of carbonate dissolution in these records by examining temporal changes in four parameters: carbonate content, coarse size fraction (>38 µm), benthic foraminiferal abundance, and planktonic foraminiferal fragmentation ratio. Carbonate content is not a sensitive indicator of carbonate dissolution in the studied sections, although rare intervals of low carbonate may reflect times of relatively high dissolution. The proportion of coarse size fraction does not accurately record carbonate dissolution either because the relative abundance of nannofossils largely determines the grain-size distribution. Benthic abundance and fragmentation covary (r**2 = 0.77) and are probably the best indicators for carbonate dissolution. For both holes, records of these parameters indicate two episodes of prominent dissolution. The first of these occurs in the upper Paleocene (~59-58 Ma) and the second in the middle to upper Eocene (~45-33.7 Ma). Other intervals of enhanced carbonate dissolution are located in the upper Paleocene (~56 Ma) and in the upper lower Eocene (~51 Ma). Enhanced preservation of planktonic foraminiferal assemblages marks the start of both the Paleocene and Eocene epochs.


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Hemipelagic muds deposited during the past 5.3 cal kyr in the northern Gulf of Mexico (Orca Basin) contain seven intervals punctuated by relatively coarse siliciclastic grain-size peaks, planktonic faunal turnovers, and negative d13C excursions. We believe these episodes represent megaflood deposits reflecting historically unprecedented outfall of North American floodwater and terrigenous mud plumes into the gulf, resulting in collapse of the open-ocean pelagic ecosystem. The deposits record multidecadal episodes of high continental precipitation and large Mississippi River floods at ~4.7, 3.5, 3.0, 2.5, 2.0, 1.2, and 0.3 cal ka (500-1200-year recurrence interval). Variations in tropical plankton frequencies define submillenial warming intervals that culminate in these fluvial episodes. Strengthened tropical currents in the gulf at these times appear to have increased sea surface temperatures and associated flow of moist gulf air to the midwest. Terrestrial paleohydrologic records support the marine evidence for millennial-scale changes in recurrence of large midwest flood episodes.


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Siliciclastic sedimentation at Ocean Drilling Program Site 1017 on the southern slope of the Santa Lucia Bank, central California margin, responded closely to oceanographic and climatic change over the past ~130 ka. Variation in mean grain-size and sediment sorting within the ~25-m-thick succession from Hole 1017E show Milankovitch-band to submillenial-scale variation. Mean grain size of the "sortable silt" fraction (10-63 µm) ranges from 17.6 to 33.9 µm (average 24.8 µm) and is inversely correlated with the degree of sorting. Much of the sediment has a bimodal or trimodal grain-size distribution that is composed of distinct fine silt, coarse silt to fine sand, and clay-size components. The position of the mode and the sorting of each component changes through the succession, but the primary variation is in the presence or abundance of the coarse silt fraction that controls the overall mean grain size and sorting of the sample. The occurrence of the best-sorted, finest grained sediment at high stands of sea level (Holocene, marine isotope Substages 5c and 5e) reflect the linkage between global climate and the sedimentary record at Site 1017 and suggest that the efficiency of off-shelf transport is a key control of sedimentation on the Santa Lucia Slope. It is not clear what proportion of the variation in grain size and sorting may also be caused by variations in bottom current strength and in situ hydrodynamic sorting.


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The widely accepted age estimate for the onset of glaciation in the Northern Hemisphere ranges between 2 and 15 million years ago (Ma). However, recent studies indicate the date for glacial onset may be significantly older. We report the presence of ice-rafted debris (IRD) in ~44 to 30 Ma sediments from the Greenland Sea, evidence for glaciation in the North Atlantic during the Middle Eocene to Early Oligocene. Detailed sedimentological evidence indicates that glaciers extended to sea level in the region, allowing icebergs to be produced. IRD may have been sourced from tidewater glaciers, small ice caps, and/or a continental ice sheet.