77 resultados para Climate variations
In order to investigate a possible link between tropical Northeast (NE) Atlantic sea-surface temperature (SST), Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC), and drought in the Sahel during the past 44 thousand years (kyr) we used alkenone paleothermometry and d13C of C. wuellerstorfi of a marine sediment core from the continental slope off Senegal. Our data show periods of low SST and reduced AMOC that coincided with drought in the Sahel during North Atlantic Heinrich stadials (HS). The coldest period was HS1 (ca. 15-18 kyr before present, BP) when SST decreased by more than 2°C. Moreover, the SST off Senegal lagged variations in Sahel aridity, which is in agreement with results from a freshwater hosing experiment. We conclude that variations in tropical NE Atlantic SST were not the initial trigger of millennial-scale Sahel droughts of the past 44 kyr. Instead, it is thought that these droughts were induced by substantial coolings of the extratropical North Atlantic.
New surface water records from two high sedimentation rate sites, located in the western subtropical North Atlantic near the axis of the Gulf Stream, provide clear evidence of suborbital climate variations through marine isotope stage (MIS) 5 persisting even into the warm peak of the interglaciation (substage 5e). We found that the amplitude of suborbital climate oscillations did not vary significantly for the whole of MIS 5, implying that ice volume has little or no influence on the amplitude of suborbital climate variability in this region. Although some records suggest that longer suborbital variations (4-10 kyr) during MIS 5 are linked to deepwater changes, none of the existing records is of sufficient resolution to assess if a linkage occurred for oscillations shorter than 4 kyr. However, when examined in conjunction with published data from the Norwegian Sea, new evidence from the subpolar North Atlantic suggests that coupled surface-deepwater oscillations occurred during the penultimate deglaciation. This supports the hypothesis that during glacial and deglacial times, ocean-ice interactions and deepwater variability amplify suborbital climate change at higher latitudes. We suggest that during the penultimate deglaciation the North Atlantic deepwater source varied between Nordic Sea and open North Atlantic locations, in parallel with surface temperature oscillations.
The Miocene Climatic Optimum (MCO; ~16.9 to 14.7 Ma) provides an outstanding opportunity to investigate climate-carbon cycle dynamics during a geologically recent interval of global warmth. We present benthic stable oxygen (d18O) and carbon (d13C) isotope records (5-12 kyr time resolution) spanning the late early to middle Miocene interval (18 to 13 Ma) at Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Site U1335 (eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean). The U1335 stable isotope series track the onset and development of the MCO as well as the transitional climatic phase culminating with global cooling and expansion of the East Antarctic ice-sheet at ~13.8 Ma. We integrate these new data with published stable isotope, geomagnetic polarity and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) scanner-derived carbonate records from IODP Sites U1335, U1336, U1337 and U1338 on a consistent, astronomically-tuned timescale. Benthic isotope and XRF scanner-derived CaCO3 records depict prominent 100 kyr variability with 400 kyr cyclicity additionally imprinted on d13C and CaCO3 records, pointing to a tight coupling between the marine carbon cycle and climate variations. Our inter-site comparison further indicates that the lysocline behaved in highly dynamic manner throughout the MCO, with >75% carbonate loss occurring at paleo-depths ranging from ~3.4 to ~4 km in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean. Carbonate dissolution maxima coincide with warm phases (d18O minima) and d13C decreases, implying that climate-carbon cycle feedbacks fundamentally differed from the late Pleistocene glacial-interglacial pattern, where dissolution maxima correspond to d13C maxima and d18O minima. Carbonate dissolution cycles during the MCO were, thus, more similar to Paleogene hyperthermal patterns.
Reconstructing past detrital flux and provenance in the Southern Ocean provides information about changes in source regions associated with climate variations and transport pathways. We present a Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) to Holocene comparison of 230Th normalised fluxes combined with sediment provenance data (Pb, Nd and Sr isotopes) from a latitudinal core transect in the eastern Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean (ODP Leg 177 cores). We compare the radiogenic isotopic composition (IC) of detritus in these cores to that of cores proximal to potential source areas. We observe a well-defined latitudinal Holocene gradient in both detrital flux and provenance of sediment. High detrital fluxes in the north are associated with terrigenous material derived from southern Africa, while low detrital fluxes in the south are associated with supply from southern South America, West Antarctica and the South Sandwich Islands. The data suggest that this well-defined Holocene gradient in detrital flux and sediment provenance is controlled by the flow of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) and the position of its frontal zones. The LGM is characterised by 2 to 6 times higher than modern detrital fluxes at most ODP Leg 177 sites. The LGM detrital fluxes do not show a latitudinal trend and suggest a greater supply of glaciogenic detritus sourced from southern South America. Glacial Patagonian outwash sediments (< 5 µm fraction) were analysed and compared to the bulk compositions of the marine sediments. The Pb IC of the Patagonian sediments is very similar to the glacial IC of sediments in the Scotia Sea and at ~ 49° S latitude in the eastern Atlantic sector. We propose that the glacial IC of sediments is controlled by increased delivery of Patagonian detritus initially supplied by glaciers and then transported at depth via the ACC.
Stable isotope ratios from tree rings and peatland mosses have become important proxies of past climate variations. We here compare recent stable carbon and oxygen isotope ratios in cellulose of tree rings from white spruce (Picea glauca), growing near the arctic tree line; and cellulose of Sphagnum fuscum stems, growing in a hummock of a subarctic peatland, in west-central Canada. Results show that carbon isotopes in S. fuscum correlate significantly with July temperatures over the past ~20 yr. The oxygen isotopes correlate with both summer temperature and precipitation. Analyses of the tree-ring isotopes revealed summer temperatures to be the main controlling factor for carbon isotope variations, whereas tree-ring oxygen isotope ratios are controlled by a combination of spring temperatures and precipitation totals. We also explore the potential of combining high-frequency (annual) climate signals derived from long tree-ring series with low-frequency (decadal to centennial) climate signals derived from the moss remains in peat deposits. This cross-archive comparison revealed no association between the oxygen isotopes, which likely results from the varying sensitivity of the archives to different seasons. For the carbon isotopes, common variance could be achieved through adjustments of the Sphagnum age model within dating error.
To settle debate on the timing of sea level fluctuations during marine isotope stage (MIS) 3, we present records of d18O ruber (sea level proxy) and magnetic susceptibility from the same samples within the single sediment archive (i.e., "coregistered") of central Red Sea core GeoTü-KL11. Core-scanning X-ray fluorescence and environmental magnetic data establish the suitability of magnetic susceptibility as a proxy for eolian dust content in Red Sea sediments. The eolian dust data record similar variability as Greenland d18O ice during early to middle MIS 3, in agreement with previous observations that regional Arabian Sea climate fluctuated with a timing similar to that of Greenland climate variations. In contrast, the sea level record fluctuates with a timing similar to that of Antarctic-style climate variations. The coregistered nature of the two records in core KL11 unambiguously reveals a distinct offset in the phase relationship between sea level and eolian dust fluctuations. The results confirm that sea level rises, indicated by shifts in Red Sea d18O ruber to lighter values, occurred during cold episodes in Greenland during early to middle MIS 3. This indicates that the amplitudes of the reconstructed MIS 3 sea level fluctuations would not be reduced by inclusion of regional climate fluctuations in the Red Sea sea level method. Our analysis comprehensively supports our earlier conclusions of large-amplitude sea level variations during MIS 3 with a timing that is strongly similar to Antarctic-style climate variations.
Decadal to sub-decadal variability of inflow, evaporation and biological productivity derived from Lake Nam Co was used to reconstruct hydrological changes for the past ca. 24 k cal a BP. The timing of these variations corresponds to known climatic shifts on the Northern Hemisphere. After a dry and cold Last Glacial Maximum the lake level of Nam Co initially rose at ca. 20 k cal a BP. Moist but further cold conditions between ca. 16.2 and 14 k cal a BP correspond to Heinrich Event 1. A warm and moist phase between ca. 14 and 13 k cal a BP is expressed as a massive enhancement in inflow and biological productivity and might be associated with a first intensification of the Indian Ocean Summer Monsoon coinciding with the Bølling-Allerød complex. A twostep decrease in inflow and a contemporaneous decline in biological productivity until ca. 11.8 k cal a BP points to cool and dry conditions during the Younger Dryas. Lake levels peak at ca. 9.4 k cal a BP, although hydrological conditions remain relatively stable during the Holocene with only low-amplitude variations observed.
Global warming is real and has been with us for at least two decades. Questions arise regarding the response of the ocean to greenhouse forcing, including expectations for changes in ocean circulation, in uptake of excess carbon dioxide, and in upwelling activity. The large climate variations of the ice ages, within the last million years, offer the opportunity to study responses of the ocean to climate change. A histogram of sealevel positions for the last 700,000 years (based on a new d/sup 18/O stratigraphy here compiled) shows that the present is near the margin of the range of fluctuations, with only 6 percent of positions indicating a warmer climate. Thus, the future will be largely outside of experience with regard to fluctuations of the recent geologic past. The same is true for greenhouse forcing. Our inability to explain sudden climate change in the past, including the rapid rise of carbon dioxide during deglaciation, and differences in ocean productivity between glacial and interglacial conditions, demonstrates a lack of understanding that makes predictions suspect. This is the lesson from ice age studies.
Numerous studies use major element concentrations measured on continental margin sediments to reconstruct terrestrial climate variations. The choice and interpretation of climate proxies however differ from site to site. Here we map the concentrations of major elements (Ca, Fe, Al, Si, Ti, K) in Atlantic surface sediments (36°N-49°S) to assess the factors influencing the geochemistry of Atlantic hemipelagic sediments and the potential of elemental ratios to reconstruct different terrestrial climate regimes. High concentrations of terrigenous elements and low Ca concentrations along the African and South American margins reflect the dominance of terrigenous input in these regions. Single element concentrations and elemental ratios including Ca (e.g., Fe/Ca) are too sensitive to dilution effects (enhanced biological productivity, carbonate dissolution) to allow reliable reconstructions of terrestrial climate. Other elemental ratios reflect the composition of terrigenous material and mirror the climatic conditions within the continental catchment areas. The Atlantic distribution of Ti/Al supports its use as a proxy for eolian versus fluvial input in regions of dust deposition that are not affected by the input of mafic rock material. The spatial distributions of Al/Si and Fe/K reflect the relative input of intensively weathered material from humid regions versus slightly weathered particles from drier areas. High biogenic opal input however influences the Al/Si ratio. Fe/K is sensitive to the input of mafic material and the topography of Andean river drainage basins. Both ratios are suitable to reconstruct African and South American climatic zones characterized by different intensities of chemical weathering in well-understood environmental settings.
This paper concentrates on the Early Oligocene palaeoclimate of the southern part of Eastern and Central Europe and gives a detailed climatological analysis, combined with leaf-morphological studies and modelling of the palaeoatmospheric CO2 level using stomatal and d13 C data. Climate data are calculated using the Coexistence Approach for Kiscellian floras of the Palaeogene Basin (Hungary and Slovenia) and coeval assemblages from Central and Southeastern Europe. Potential microclimatic or habitat variations are considered using morphometric analysis of fossil leaves from Hungarian, Slovenian and Italian floras. Reconstruction of CO2 is performed by applying a recently introduced mechanistic model. Results of climate analysis indicate distinct latitudinal and longitudinal climate patterns for various variables which agree well with reconstructed palaeogeography and vegetation. Calculated climate variables in general suggest a warm and frost-free climate with low seasonal variation of temperature. A difference in temperature parameters is recorded between localities from Central and Southeastern Europe, manifested mainly in the mean temperature of the coldest month. Results of morphometric analysis suggest microclimatic or habitat difference among studied floras. Extending the scarce information available on atmospheric CO2 levels during the Oligocene, we provide data for a well-defined time-interval. Reconstructed atmospheric CO2 levels agree well with threshold values for Antarctic ice sheet growth suggested by recent modelling studies. The successful application of the mechanistic model for the reconstruction of atmospheric CO2 levels raises new possibitities for future climate inference from macro-flora studies.
High-resolution palynological analysis on annually laminated sediments of Sihailongwan Maar Lake (SHL) provides new insights into the Holocene vegetation and climate dynamics of NE China. The robust chronology of the presented record is based on varve counting and AMS radiocarbon dates from terrestrial plant macro-remains. In addition to the qualitative interpretation of the pollen data, we provide quantitative reconstructions of vegetation and climate based on the method of biomization and weighted averaging partial least squares regression (WA-PLS) technique, respectively. Power spectra were computed to investigate the frequency domain distribution of proxy signals and potential natural periodicities. Pollen assemblages, pollen-derived biome scores and climate variables as well as the cyclicity pattern indicate that NE China experienced significant changes in temperature and moisture conditions during the Holocene. Within the earliest phase of the Holocene, a large-scale reorganization of vegetation occurred, reflecting the reconstructed shift towards higher temperatures and precipitation values and the initial Holocene strengthening and northward expansion of the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM). Afterwards, summer temperatures remain at a high level, whereas the reconstructed precipitation shows an increasing trend until approximately 4000 cal. yr BP. Since 3500 cal. yr BP, temperature and precipitation values decline, indicating moderate cooling and weakening of the EASM. A distinct periodicity of 550-600 years and evidence of a Mid-Holocene transition from a temperature-triggered to a predominantly moisture-triggered climate regime are derived from the power spectra analysis. The results obtained from SHL are largely consistent with other palaeoenvironmental records from NE China, substantiating the regional nature of the reconstructed vegetation and climate patterns. However, the reconstructed climate changes contrast with the moisture evolution recorded in S China and the mid-latitude (semi-)arid regions of N China. Whereas a clear insolation-related trend of monsoon intensity over the Holocene is lacking from the SHL record, variations in the coupled atmosphere-Pacific Ocean system can largely explain the reconstructed changes in NE China.