731 resultados para Cenozoic


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ODP Leg 119 drilled 11 sites on the Kerguelen Plateau (southern Indian Ocean) and Prydz Bay (East Antarctica). Upper Pliocene through Quaternary sediments were recovered at Site 736 on the northern Kerguelen Plateau; calcareous nannofossils occurred in only a few samples. Over 700 m of middle Eocene through Quaternary sediments was cored at Site 737 on the northern Kerguelen Plateau, and calcareous nannofossils are abundant in the middle Eocene through the middle Miocene sediments. Nearly 500 m of sediments ranging from the lower Turanian to the Quaternary was recovered at Site 738 on the southern Kerguelen Plateau; calcareous nannofossils are abundant from the Miocene downward. Calcareous nannofossils are also abundant in the upper Eocene through Miocene section from Site 744 on the southern Kerguelen Plateau. Except for Core 119-746A-13H, the Neogene sequences drilled at deep-water Sites 745 and 746 off the southern Kerguelen Plateau are devoid of calcareous nannofossils. Occurrences of calcareous nannofossils were generally rare and sporadic at Sites 739 and 742 in Prydz Bay and suggest that the diamictite sequences recovered is as old as middle Eocene-early Oligocene age. Other sites drilled in Prydz Bay (Sites 740, 741, and 743) did not yield calcareous nannofossils. Species diversity of calcareous nannofossils was low (about a dozen) in the southern Indian Ocean in the Late Cretaceous. High-latitude nanno floral characteristics are apparent after the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary extinctions. Cold climatic conditions limited Oligocene calcareous nannofossil assemblages to fewer than a dozen species, and extinctions of species generally were not compensated by originations of new species. Only a few species of calcareous nannofossils were found in the Miocene sequences, in which Coccolithuspelagicus and one or two species of Reticulofenestra exhibit extreme (0%-100%) fluctuations in assemblage dominance, and these fluctuations may reflect rapid fluctuations in the surface-water temperatures. Further deterioration of climate in the late Neogene essentially excluded calcareous nannoplankton from the Southern Ocean. Significantly warmer water conditions during part of the early-middle Pleistocene were inferred by a few lower-middle Pleistocene calcareous nannofossil species found on the Kerguelen Plateau. The calcareous nannofossil zonation of Roth (1978 doi:10.2973/dsdp.proc.44.134.1978) can be applied to the Upper Cretaceous section recovered at Site 738, and the zonation of Okada and Bukry (1980 doi:10.1016/0377-8398(80)90016-X) can be applied without much difficulty to the Paleocene to middle Eocene sequences from the Kerguelen Plateau. However, some conventional upper Paleogene markers are not useful for southern high latitudes, whereas a few nonconventional species events are useful for subdividing the upper Paleogene sequences. The latter species events include the first occurrence (FO) of Reticulofenestra reticulata, the FO and last occurrence (LO) of Reticulofenestra oamaruensis, the LO of Isthmolithus recurvus, and the LO of Chiasmolithus altus. As the Neogene sequences from the southern Indian Ocean contain only a few long-ranging, cold-water species, or are devoid of coccoliths, calcareous nannofossil zonations remain virtually unworkable for the Neogene in the high-latitude southern Indian Ocean as in other sectors of the Southern Ocean.


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This paper presents the planktonic foraminifer biostratigraphy of the sites drilled during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 124 in the Celebes and Sulu Seas. It discusses preservation of foraminifers in pelagic sediments and in calcareous turbidites. In the Celebes Sea, pelagic carbonates are only found in the Eocene and Oligocene at Site 770. The faunas are poorly preserved due to severe dissolution and offer little biostratigraphic detail. In the Sulu Sea, pelagic carbonates are found in the upper Pliocene and Pleistocene at Sites 768 and 769 and throughout the recovered sequence at the shallower Site 771. The foraminifer faunas from these sediments allow for recognition of most standard zones. Variations in preservation of pelagic foraminifer faunas with time are due to changes in the depth of the lysocline. Shifts to improved preservation at Sites 768 and 769 are synchronous in the upper Pliocene/Pleistocene and may be related to global sea-level cycles. Planktonic foraminifers are also abundant in calcareous turbidites, which were deposited in both basins from the late Miocene onward. However, the turbidites are fine-grained, and biostratigraphic marker species are absent as a result of size-sorting during transport. In the Celebes Sea, shelf-derived material was a major component of early-late Miocene and middle Pliocene to early Pleistocene turbidites. Changes in the composition of the turbidites may correspond to global sea-level changes. In the Sulu Sea, a shift from shelf-derived material in Pliocene calcareous turbidites to a pelagic source in the Pleistocene may be related to subsidence of the Cagayan Ridge.


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We investigate the evolution of Cenozoic climate and ice volume as evidenced by the oxygen isotopic composition of seawater (delta18Osw) derived from benthic foraminiferal Mg/Ca ratios to constrain the temperature effect contained in foraminiferal delta18O values. We have constructed two benthic foraminiferal Mg/Ca records from intermediate water depth sites (Ocean Drilling Program sites 757 and 689 from the subtropical Indian Ocean and the Weddell Sea, respectively). Together with the previously published composite record of Lear et al. (2002, doi:10.1126/science.287.5451.269) and the Neogene record from the Southern Ocean of Billups and Schrag (2002, doi:10.1029/2000PA000567), we obtain three, almost complete representations of the delta18Osw for the past 52 Myr. We discuss the sensitivity of early Cenozoic Mg/Ca-derived paleotemperatures (and hence the delta18Osw) to assumptions about seawater Mg/Ca ratios. We find that during the middle Eocene (~ 49-40 Ma), modern seawater ratios yield Mg/Ca-derived temperatures that are in good agreement with the oxygen isotope paleothermometer assuming ice-free conditions. Intermediate waters cooled during the middle Eocene reaching minimum temperatures by 40 Ma. The corresponding delta18Osw reconstructions support ice growth on Antarctica beginning by at least 40 Ma. At the Eocene/Oligocene boundary, Mg/Ca ratios (and hence temperatures) from Weddell Sea site 689 display a well-defined maximum. We caution against a paleoclimatic significance of this result and put forth that the partitioning coefficient of Mg in benthic foraminifera may be sensitive to factors other than temperature. Throughout the remainder of the Cenozoic, the temporal variability among delta18Osw records is similar and similar to longer-term trends in the benthic foraminiferal delta18O record. An exception occurs during the Pliocene when delta18Osw minima in two of the three records suggest reductions in global ice volume that are not apparent in foraminiferal delta18O records, which provides a new perspective to the ongoing debate about the stability of the Antarctic ice sheet. Maximum delta18Osw values recorded during the Pleistocene at Southern Ocean site 747 agree well with values derived from the geochemistry of pore waters (Schrag et al., 1996, doi:10.1126/science.272.5270.1930) further highlighting the value of the new Mg/Ca calibrations of Martin et al. (2002, doi:10.1016/S0012-821X(02)00472-7) and Lear et al. (2002, doi:10.1016/S0016-7037(02)00941-9) applied in this study. We conclude that the application of foraminiferal Mg/Ca ratios allows a refined view of Cenozoic ice volume history despite uncertainties related to the geochemical cycling of Mg and Ca on long time scales.


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This paper is a comparative study of the variation in 10Be content of different late Cenozoic sedimentary environments recovered during ODP Leg 117. The Oman Margin site, Hole 728A, with overlying high-productivity cells, the pelagic Owen Ridge site, Hole 722A, and the Indus Fan site, Hole 720A, each display a specific 10Be distribution with time. Differences in scavenging intensity and upwelling in the water column, must account for the variations in the initial 10Be input into the sediments from Holes 728A and 722A, whereas differences in sediment character and sedimentation rate can explain the variances between Holes 722A, 728A, and 720A.


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Middle Cenozoic evolution of magmatism in the Schmidt Peninsula between 37 and 25 Ma began with eruptions of subalkaline and moderately alkaline andesite, latite, trachyandesite, and trachyrhyolite lavas and ended with subvolcanic intrusions of highly alkaline strongly undersaturated essexites. According to trace element data magmatism evolved from melting of a mantle source in the zone of ocean-continent plate convergence to small degree partial melting in the lithospheric mantle at the final stage. This succession is generally typical for Late Cenozoic continental-margin magmatism in the Southeast Russia. Similarity in the Middle and Late Cenozoic stages of magmatism is an evidence for their individual significance.


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Sparse terrestrial palynomorphs (spores and pollen) were recovered from glacigene Lower Miocene and Oligocene core samples from the Cape Roberts Project (CRP) drillhole CRP-2/2A, Victoria Land Basin, Antarctica. Rarity of palynomorphs probably results from the spares periglacial vegetation in the surrounding landscape at the time of deposition, as well as dilution from rapid sediment accumulation. The Miocene and Late Oligocene vegetation is interpreted as including herb-moss tundra with low-growing woody plants (including Nothofagus and podocarp conifers) in more protected areas, similar to that encountered in the Miocene of CRP-1. Species richness and numbers of specimens increase downhole, a trend that begins very gradually below ~307 mbsf, and increases below ~443 mbsf through the Early Oligocene. These lower assemblages reflect low diversity woody vegetation dominated by several species of Nofhofagus and podocarps, growing in somewhat milder conditions, though still cold temperate to periglacial in the Early Oligocene. The CRP-2/2A core provides new biostratigraphical information, such as the First Appearance Datums (FADS) of Tricolpites sp. a near the Oligocene/Miocene boundary, and Marchantiaceae in the Early/Late Oligocene transition: these are taxa that along with N. lachlaniae, Coptospora spp. and Podocarpidites sp.b characterize assemblages recovered from outcrops of the Pliocene Sirius Group in the Transantarctic Mountains. Some elements of the extremely hardy periglacial tundra vegetation that survived in Antarctica into the Pliocene had their origin in the Oligocene during a time of deteriorating (colder, drier) climatic conditions. The CRP results highlight the long persistence of this tundra vegetation, through approximately 30 million years of dynamically changing climatic conditions. Rare Jurassic and more common Permian-Triassic spores and pollen occur sporadically throughout the core. These are derived from Jurassic Ferrar Group sediments, and from the Permian-Triassic Victoria Group, upper Beacon Supergroup. Higher frequencies of reworked Beacon palynomorphs and coaly organic matter below ~307 mbsf indicate greater erosion of the Beacon Supergroup for this lower part of the core. A color range from black, severely metamorphosed specimens, to light-colored, yellow (indicating low thermal alteration), reworked Permian palynomorphs, indicates local provenance in the dolerite-intruded Beacon strata of the Transantarctic Mountains, as well as areas (now sub-ice) of Beacon strata with little or no associated dolerite well inland (cratonwards) of the present Transantarctic Mountains.


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The climate during the Cenozoic era changed in several steps from ice-free poles and warm conditions to ice-covered poles and cold conditions. Since the 1950s, a body of information on ice volume and temperature changes has been built up predominantly on the basis of measurements of the oxygen isotopic composition of shells of benthic foraminifera collected from marine sediment cores. The statistical methodology of time series analysis has also evolved, allowing more information to be extracted from these records. Here we provide a comprehensive view of Cenozoic climate evolution by means of a coherent and systematic application of time series analytical tools to each record from a compilation spanning the interval from 4 to 61 Myr ago. We quantitatively describe several prominent features of the oxygen isotope record, taking into account the various sources of uncertainty (including measurement, proxy noise, and dating errors). The estimated transition times and amplitudes allow us to assess causal climatological-tectonic influences on the following known features of the Cenozoic oxygen isotopic record: Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, Eocene-Oligocene Transition, Oligocene-Miocene Boundary, and the Middle Miocene Climate Optimum. We further describe and causally interpret the following features: Paleocene-Eocene warming trend, the two-step, long-term Eocene cooling, and the changes within the most recent interval (Miocene-Pliocene). We review the scope and methods of constructing Cenozoic stacks of benthic oxygen isotope records and present two new latitudinal stacks, which capture besides global ice volume also bottom water temperatures at low (less than 30°) and high latitudes. This review concludes with an identification of future directions for data collection, statistical method development, and climate modeling.


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The abundance and composition of the upper Cenozoic terrigenous coarse-sand fraction (250 µm-2 mm) at ODP Sites 642, 643, and 644 were investigated to date the onset of significant ice-rafting in the Norwegian Sea, establish the regional chronology of ice-rafting, and determine the relative importance of global vs. regional controls on ice-rafting in this area. The first input of ice-rafted debris (IRD) occurs at approximately 2.9 Ma, with significant ice-rafting beginning at about 2.5 Ma. IRD abundances increase significantly in sediments younger than 0.9 Ma at all three holes, indicating climatic deterioration in the late Pleistocene. Differences in the timing of this IRD increase between holes result from regional patterns of IRD supply and surface circulation. Variations in IRD sources and dispersal patterns may also explain the slightly higher background level of IRD abundance at Hole 642B, a seaward site. Major peaks in the generalized IRD records from the Norwegian Sea are tentatively correlated to glacial stages or glacial-to-interglacial transitions in the globally defined oxygen isotope record. This correlation indicates the effect of global conditions on the regional climate of the Norwegian Sea, although the detailed IRD records at these sites are also affected by local/regional processes (e.g., circulation patterns and source area differences).


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The Cenozoic Pagodroma Group in the northern Prince Charles Mountains, East Antarctica, is a glaciomarine succession of fjordal character, comprising four uplifted formations of different ages. The composition of the <2 µm fraction of sediments of the Pagodroma Group was analysed in order to help identify source areas, past weathering conditions and glacial regimes. Both clay and non-clay minerals have been quantified. The assemblage of the upper Oligocene to lower Miocene Mount Johnston Formation is characterised by the dominance of illite and intermediate concentrations of chlorite. Similar to that assemblage is the clay mineral suite of the middle Miocene Fisher Bench Formation, where illite and chlorite together account for 95% of the clay minerals. The middle to upper Miocene Battye Glacier Formation is the only formation with significant and persistent smectite concentrations, although illite is still dominant. The kaolinite concentration is also high and is even higher than that of chlorite. The clay fraction of the upper Pliocene to lower Pleistocene Bardin Bluffs Formation is characterised by maximum kaolinite concentrations and relatively low illite and chlorite concentrations. The bulk of the clay fraction in each formation can be explained by the physical weathering and erosion of a nearby source under glacial conditions. In the case of Mount Johnston Formation and Fisher Bench Formation this source may be situated in the metavolcanic and gneissic rocks of Fisher Massif. The sediments of the Bardin Bluffs Formation indicate a local source within the Amery Oasis, where Proterozoic granitoid rocks and gneisses, and Permo-Triassic fluvial rocks of the Amery Group are exposed. These results suggest a strong local imprint on the glacial sediments as northwards flowing ice eroded the bedrock in these areas. The origin of the clay fraction of the Battye Glacier Formation is a matter of debate. The smectite and kaolinite content most easily can be explained by erosion of sources largely hidden beneath the ice upstream. Less likely, these clay minerals reflect climatic conditions that were much warmer and wetter than today, facilitating chemical weathering.