333 resultados para Carnochan, Janet


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A total of 500.7 m of continuous, vertical, oceanic gabbroic section was recovered during Leg 118. The gabbros obtained exhibited various degrees of alteration and deformation, which gave us a good opportunity to study the magnetic properties of oceanic gabbros. Many of these gabbros, which are mainly Fe-Ti oxide gabbros, have strong and unstable secondary magnetic components that were acquired during drilling. Stable inclinations, which are probably in-situ magnetic directions, show a single polarity, with an average value of 66° (±5°), meaning that the studied 501-m oceanic gabbroic block may be a candidate for the source of the marine magnetic anomaly. This may also imply that the metamorphism of oceanic gabbros causing acquisition of magnetization probably occurred within one geomagnetic polarity chron (about 0.3 to 0.7 m.y.) after these gabbros formed at the ridge, leading us to conclude that oceanic gabbros record the so-called Vine-Matthews-Morley type of initial magnetization at the ridge. The average intensity value of stable magnetic components of individual samples, which may be a minimum estimate for remanent magnetizations, is 1.6 A/m. Assuming this magnetic intensity value and a uniform magnetization within an oceanic gabbroic layer having a thickness of 4.5 km (i.e., whole layer 3), it is possible to explain most of the marine magnetic anomaly. If magnetic properties of the samples obtained from Hole 735B are common to oceanic gabbros, layer 3 may contribute more significantly to seafloor spreading magnetic anomalies than previously thought.


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New Pb, Sr, and Nd isotope data are presented for 64 samples from the six backarc sites drilled during Leg 135. Systematic changes in Pb and Sr compositions illustrate significant isotopic variations between and within sites as well as provide two key pieces of information. First, a recent influx of asthenosphere with Indian Ocean mantle affinities has occurred and has successfully displaced older "Pacific" asthenosphere from the mantle underlying the backarc region. Second, clear evidence exists for mixing between these two asthenospheric end-members and at least one "arc-like" component. The latter was not the same as most material currently erupting in the Tofua Arc, but it must have had a more radiogenic Pb-isotope signature, perhaps similar to rocks analyzed from the islands of Tafahi, and Niuatoputapu. A comparison between the isotopic variations and the tectonic setting of the drill sites reveals consistent and important information regarding the mantle dynamics beneath the evolving backarc basin. We propose a model in which the source of upwelling magmas changes from Pacific to Indian Ocean asthenosphere with the propagation of seafloor spreading, a model with important implications for the rate of mantle influx into this region. Although the chemistries of backarc magmas have been profoundly influenced by this process, an additional consequence is the advection of Indian Ocean asthenosphere into the sub-arc mantle source. The isotopic compositions of arc rocks from the vicinity have been reevaluated on the basis of the proposed mantle advection model. We suggest that the slab-derived flux of trace elements into the arc wedge has remained relatively uniform with time (i.e., ~40 Ma), so that the change in arc chemistry results from mantle source substitution, rather than from differences in the composition of the downgoing plate.


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Statistical analysis of X-ray fluorescence data acquired during Leg 135 indicates that this instrument produces data of comparable precision to good land-based laboratories. We also examined contamination of certain elements caused by crushing during the use of the tungsten carbide apparatus. Although the concentrations of most elements are not altered during crushing, the powders prepared on the ship should not be used in subsequent studies where key elements of the investigation include W, Co, Ta, Pb, and low levels of Nb.


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Four petrographic lava types occur, ranging from aphyric to moderately phyric clinopyroxene-olivine tholeiitic basalts (Unit 1); olivine-clinopyroxene picritic basalts, sparsely to strongly olivine-phyric (Unit 3-type); olivine-clinopyroxene basalts (clinopyroxene dominant) (Unit 4); and moderately to strongly phyric two-pyroxene-plagioclase basaltic andesites (Unit 9-type). The olivine phyric lavas contain forsteritic olivines (extending to Fo92), and very magnesian Cr-rich spinels similar to those occurring in boninitic lavas. The basaltic andesites are mineralogically and petrographically indistinguishable from the modern Tofua Arc basaltic andesites, one notable feature being the highly calcic cores in plagioclase phenocrysts (up to An95). The forsteritic olivines, the Cr-spinels, and the calcic plagioclases are unlikely to have been precipitated in the lava compositions in which they occur, and are thought to have been incorporated from highly primitive melts by way of mixing processes (as advocated by Allan, this volume). Notwithstanding the evidence for mixing, the major element chemistries of the Unit 1- and Unit 9-type lavas are shown to be consistent with the derivation of the Unit 9-type basaltic andesites by means of fractional crystallization, through magmas of similar chemistry to Unit 1. Some trace element discrepancies in the modeling, and the relative volcanic stratigraphy of Site 839, however, preclude a direct liquid line of descent between the actual recovered units. Trace element data as well as TiO2 and Na2O data clearly illustrate the arc-like affinities of the magmas, with strong highfield-strength element depletion and large-ion-lithophile element enrichment. The abundance patterns are very close to those of the Tofua and Kermadec arc magmas, and also Valu Fa. Pb-, Sr-, and Nd-isotopic compositions indicate closest affinities with a "Pacific" MORB source, apparently characteristic of the western, older part of the Lau Basin. A subduction-related isotopic contribution is, however, inferred. The sources of the Site 839 magmas are thus inferred to be similar to, but less depleted geochemically, than those of the modern Tofua Arc magmas. The Site 839 sequence is interpreted as an older remnant of a volcanic construct of the "proto-Tofua arc", originally developed adjacent to the Tonga Ridge. Opening of the eastern Lau Basin, because of southward migrating propagators, has split and isolated the sequence, leaving it stranded within the modern Lau Basin.


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Two igneous rock units were recovered at Site 841. More than 200 m of island-arc rhyolites, rhyolitic tuffs, lapilli tuffs, and pumice breccias, divided into five units, compose the basement at the site. These rhyolitic volcanics are late middle Eocene or older and formed part of a subaerial rhyolitic volcano. These low-K rhyolites were produced by fractional crystallization of a more mafic arc-tholeiitic lava or by dehydration melting of lower crustal arc tholeiites. The Site 841 basement rocks are similar in composition to high-SiO2 lavas in the Eocene basement on 'Eua and crystallized from depleted island-arc-tholeiitic basalts like those exposed on 'Eua. No evidence is present in the rhyolites, or in the clasts enclosed within them, for boninite series magmas at Site 841. The Site 841 rhyolitic complex bears no resemblance to Cretaceous rhyolites from the Lord Howe Rise, which are enriched in K and incompatible elements. The volcanic rocks at Site 841 are part of a widely distributed Eocene volcanic episode that marked the earliest phases of subduction in the Tonga region; they are not part of an older crustal fragment. The second igneous sequence is a series of basaltic dikes and sills that intruded Miocene sediments. These basalts have trace element abundances and ratios identical to upper Miocene lavas from the Lau Ridge. The Site 841 basalts do not have any geochemical characteristics that suggest they were generated by unusual thermal conditions in the shallow sub-forearc mantle. They are most reasonably interpreted as intrusions fed by basement dikes propagated from the associated active arc. No evidence for local serpentinite exposures, like those that are common in the Mariana forearc, was found at Site 841. The results from Site 841 provide strong support for hypotheses of forearc evolution that have been advanced for the Izu-Bonin-Mariana system.


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New major, trace element, and isotope data (Pb, Sr, and Nd) reveal an impressive compositional variation in the basalts recovered from Site 834. Major element compositions span almost the entire range observed in basalts from the modern axial systems of the Lau Basin, and variations are consistent with low-pressure fractionation of a mid-ocean-ridge-basalt (MORB)-like parent, in which plagioclase crystallization has been somewhat suppressed. Trace element compositions deviate from MORB in all but one unit (Unit 7) and show enrichments in large-ion-lithophile elements (LILEs) relative to high-field-strength elements (HFSEs) more typically associated with island-arc magmas. The Pb-isotope ratios define linear trends that extend from the field of Pacific MORB to highly radiogenic values similar to those observed in rocks from the northernmost islands of the Tofua Arc. The Sr-isotope compositions also show significant variation, and these too project from radiogenic values back into the field for Pacific MORB. The variations in key trace element and isotopic features are consistent with magma mixing between two relatively mafic melts: one represented by Pacific MORB, and the other by a magma similar to those erupted on 'Eua when it was part of the original Tongan arc, or perhaps members of the Lau Volcanic Group (LVG). Based on our model, the most radiogenic compositions (Units 2 and 8) represent approximately 50:50 mixtures of these MORB and arc end-members. Magma mixing requires that both components are simultaneously available, and implies that melts have not shown a compositional progression from arc-like to MORB-like with extension at this locality. Rather, it is apparent that essentially pristine MORB can erupt as one of the earliest products of backarc initiation. Indeed, repetition of isotopic and trace element signatures with depth suggests that eruptions have been triggered by periodic injections of fresh MORB melts into the source regions of these magmas. The slow and almost amagmatic extension of the original arc complex envisaged to explain the observed chemistry is also consistent with the horst-and-graben topography of the western side of the Lau Basin. Given the similarities between basalts erupted at the modern Lau Basin spreading centers and MORB from the Indian Ocean, the overwhelming evidence for involvement of mantle similar to Pacific MORB in the petrogenesis of basalts from Site 834 is a new and important observation. It indicates that the original arc was underlain by asthenospheric material derived from the Pacific mantle convection cell, and that this has somehow been replaced by Indian Ocean MORB during the last ~5.5 Ma.


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New trace element, Sr-, Nd-, Pb- and Hf isotope data provide insights into the evolution of the Tonga-Lau Basin subduction system. The involvement of two separate mantle domains, namely Pacific MORB mantle in the pre-rift and early stages of back-arc basin formation, and Indian MORB mantle in the later stages, is confirmed by these results. Contrary to models proposed in recent studies on the basis of Pb isotope and other compositional data, this change in mantle wedge character best explains the shift in the isotopic composition, particularly 143Nd/144Nd ratios, of modern Tofua Arc magmas relative to all other arc products from this region. Nevertheless, significant changes in the slab-derived flux during the evolution of the arc system are also required to explain second order variations in magma chemistry. In this region, the slab-derived flux is dominated by fluid; however, these fluids carry Pb with sediment-influenced isotopic signatures, indicating that their source is not restricted to the subducting altered mafic oceanic crust. This has been the case from the earliest magmatic activity in the arc (Eocene) until the present time, with the exception of two periods of magmatic activity recorded in samples from the Lau Islands. Both the Lau Volcanic Group, and Korobasaga Volcanic Group lavas preserve trace element and isotope evidence for a contribution from subducted sediment that was not transported as a fluid, but possibly in the form of a melt. This component shares similarities with that influencing the chemistry of the northern Tofua Arc magmas, suggesting some caution may be required in the adoption of constraints for the latter dependent upon the involvement of sediments from the Louisville Ridge. A key outcome of this study is to demonstrate that the models proposed to explain subduction zone magmatism cannot afford to ignore the small but important contributions made by the mantle wedge to the incompatible trace element inventory of arc magmas.


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Barremian through uppermost Aptian strata from ODP Hole 641C, located upslope of a tilted fault block on the Galicia margin (northwest Spain), are syn-rift sediments deposited in the bathyal realm and are characterized by rapid sedimentation from turbidity currents and debris flows. Calcarenite and calcirudite turbidites contain shallow-water carbonate, terrigenous, and pelagic debris, in complete or partial Bouma sequences. These deposits contain abraded micritized bioclasts of reefal debris, including rudist fragments. The youngest turbidite containing shallow-water carbonate debris at Site 641 defines the boundary between syn-rift and post-rift sediments; this is also the boundary between Aptian and Albian sediments. Some Aptian turbidites are partially silicified, with pore-filling chalcedony and megaquartz. Adjacent layers of length-fast and -slow chalcedony are succeeded by megaquartz as the final pore-filling stage within carbonate reef debris. Temperatures of formation, calculated from the oxygen isotopic composition of the authigenic quartz, are relatively low for formation of quartz but are relatively warm for shallow burial depths. This quartz cement may be interpreted as a rift-associated precipitate from seawater-derived epithermal fluids that migrated along a fault associated with the tilted block and were injected into the porous turbidite beds. These warm fluids may have cooled rapidly and precipitated silica at the boundaries of the turbidite beds as a result of contact with cooler pore waters. The color pattern in the quartz cement, observed by cathodoluminescence and fluorescence techniques, and changes in the trace lement geochemistry mimic the textural change of the different quartz layers and indicates growth synchronism of the different quartz phases. Fluorescence petrography of neomorphosed low-Mg-calcite bioclasts in the silicified turbidites shows extensive zonation and details of replacive crystal growth in the bioclasts that are not observed by cathodoluminescence. Fluorescence microscopy also reveals a competitive growth history during neomorphism of the adjacent crystals in an altered carbonate bioclast. Barremian-Aptian background pelagic sediments from Hole 641C have characteristics similar to pelagic sediments from the Blake-Bahama Formation described by Jansa et al. (1979) from the western North Atlantic. Sediments at this site differ from the Blake-Bahama Formation type locality in that the Barremian-Aptian pelagic sediments have a higher percentage of dark calcareous claystone and some turbidites are silicified at Site 641. The stable isotopic composition of the pelagic marlstones from Site 641 is similar to those of other Berriasian-Aptian pelagic sediments from the Atlantic.


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In this study, we compared the fluke geometries of male and female narwhals, which may be associated with hydrodynamic effects. Computerized tomography (CT) scanning was used to obtain data for analyses of the three-dimensional geometry of the flukes. The flukes from four narwhals (two males and two females) were obtained from aboriginal hunters in the vicinity of Broughton Island, Canada. The body lengths of the animals ranged from 2.98 to 3.60 m. Both males had erupted, upper left tusks. Standard body measurements were made including the span of the fluke (i.e., linear distance between fluke tips).