425 resultados para Bryan®
Basalts collected during drilling and diving programs on Serocki Volcano mostly fall within a limited compositional range, and are moderately evolved, normal MORBs with distinctive high MgO contents (averaging 7.60 wt%) and high A1203 concentrations (averaging 16.14 wt% in whole rock samples). However, samples recovered from within the central crater have lower Ti02 and FeO*/MgO, and higher MgO and Al2O3 concentrations, and are most similar to glasses recovered at Site 649 about 45 km to the north. Comparison of the observed geochemical variations with low-pressure experimental work and other samples from the region suggests that the Serocki Volcano and Site 649 data are compatible with crystal-liquid fractionation involving both olivine and early-stage clinopyroxene, as well as plagioclase, and that the sources may be similar even though Sites 648 and 649 are located in different, but adjacent, spreading cells. Consideration of the stratigraphy and morphology of Serocki Volcano suggests that this feature is more properly described as a megatumulus or lava delta, associated with a steeper, conical peak to the southwest. The evolution of Serocki Volcano involved early construction of a marginal rampart of pillows, followed by doming of this feature and the formation of a perched lava pond. Draining of this pond resulted in collapse and the formation of the central crater.
Site 534 reflects a complex interplay of global, basinal, and local influences on sedimentation during the Callovian and Late Jurassic. Rifting and rapid subsidence of the continental margins of the North Atlantic-Tethys seaway occurred during the late Early Jurassic (Sinemurian-Pliensbachian), but rapid spreading between the North American margin (Blake Spur Ridge and magnetic lineation) and the northwest African margin did not commence until the Bathonian or earliest Callovian. Site 534, drilled on marine magnetic anomaly "M-28" of Bryan et al. (1980), was initially about 150 km from either continental margin. The ?middle Callovian basal sediments are dusky red silty marl. Callovian transgression led to active carbonate platforms on the margin, recorded at Site 534 as a rise in the CCD (carbonate compensation depth), then arrival of lime-rich turbidites from the Blake Plateau platform across the Blake Spur Ridge. The host pelagic sediment is greenish black, organic-rich, radiolarian-rich, silty claystone. Hydrothermal activity on the nearby spreading ridge enriched this lower unit in metals. In the Oxfordian, the input of terrestrial silt rapidly diminished; radiolarians or other bioclasts were not preserved. The dark variegated claystone has fine-grained marl and reddish claystone turbidite beds. The late Callovian-Oxfordian Western Tethys has radiolarian chert deposition, marine hiatuses, or organic-rich sediments. The Kimmeridgian and Tithonian had a stable or receding sea level. Near the end of the Jurassic many of the carbonate platforms of the margins were buried beneath prograding fan or alluvial deposits. Carbonate deposition shifted to the deep sea. Site 534 records the deepening of the CCD and ACD (aragonite compensation depth) during the Kimmeridgian and early Tithonian, then a rise of the ACD in the middle Tithonian. Similar trends occurred throughout the Western Tethys-Atlantic. High nannofossil productivity of the seaway led to deposition of very widespread white micritic limestone in the late Tithonian-Berriasian. The underlying sediment had a slower deposition rate of carbonate, therefore its higher clay and associated Fe content produced a red marl. A short sea-level incursion occurred on the Atlantic margins during the Kimmeridgian and is reflected in the Site 534 greenish gray marl unit by numerous turbidite beds of shallow-water carbonates.
Two igneous rock units were recovered at Site 841. More than 200 m of island-arc rhyolites, rhyolitic tuffs, lapilli tuffs, and pumice breccias, divided into five units, compose the basement at the site. These rhyolitic volcanics are late middle Eocene or older and formed part of a subaerial rhyolitic volcano. These low-K rhyolites were produced by fractional crystallization of a more mafic arc-tholeiitic lava or by dehydration melting of lower crustal arc tholeiites. The Site 841 basement rocks are similar in composition to high-SiO2 lavas in the Eocene basement on 'Eua and crystallized from depleted island-arc-tholeiitic basalts like those exposed on 'Eua. No evidence is present in the rhyolites, or in the clasts enclosed within them, for boninite series magmas at Site 841. The Site 841 rhyolitic complex bears no resemblance to Cretaceous rhyolites from the Lord Howe Rise, which are enriched in K and incompatible elements. The volcanic rocks at Site 841 are part of a widely distributed Eocene volcanic episode that marked the earliest phases of subduction in the Tonga region; they are not part of an older crustal fragment. The second igneous sequence is a series of basaltic dikes and sills that intruded Miocene sediments. These basalts have trace element abundances and ratios identical to upper Miocene lavas from the Lau Ridge. The Site 841 basalts do not have any geochemical characteristics that suggest they were generated by unusual thermal conditions in the shallow sub-forearc mantle. They are most reasonably interpreted as intrusions fed by basement dikes propagated from the associated active arc. No evidence for local serpentinite exposures, like those that are common in the Mariana forearc, was found at Site 841. The results from Site 841 provide strong support for hypotheses of forearc evolution that have been advanced for the Izu-Bonin-Mariana system.