144 resultados para Broken Lance
Core samples taken during Leg 121 drilling aboard the JOIDES Resolution in the central Indian Ocean were analyzed for their low-molecular-weight hydrocarbon contents. Forty-three samples from the Broken Ridge and 39 samples from the Ninetyeast Ridge drill sites, deep-frozen on board immediately after recovery, were studied by a dynamic headspace technique (hydrogen-stripping/thermovaporization). Light hydrocarbons (saturated and olefinic) with two to four carbon atoms, and toluene as a selected aromatic compound, were identified. Total C2-C4 saturated hydrocarbon yields vary considerably from virtually zero in a Paleogene calcareous ooze from Hole 757B to nearly 600 nanogram/gram of dry-weight sediment (parts per billion) in a Cretaceous claystone from Hole 758A. An increase of light-hydrocarbon yields with depth, and hence with sediment temperature, was observed from Hole 758A samples down to a depth of about 500 meters below seafloor. Despite extreme data scatter due to lithological changes over this depth interval, this increased yield indicates the onset of temperature-controlled hydrocarbon formation reactions. Toluene contents are also extremely variable (generally between 10 and 100 ppb) and reach more than 300 ppb in two samples of tuffaceous lithology (Sections 121-755A-17R-4 and 121-758A-48R-4). As for the saturated hydrocarbons, there was also an increase of toluene yields with increasing depth in Hole 758A.
The mineral component of pelagic sediments recovered from the Indian Ocean provides both a history of eolian deposition related to climatic changes in southern Africa and a record of terrigenous input related to sediment delivery from the Himalayas. A composite Cenozoic dust flux record from four sites in the central Indian Ocean is used to define the evolution of the Kalahari and Namib desert source regions. The overall record of dust input is one of very low flux for much of the Cenozoic indicating a long history of climate stability and regional hyperaridity. The most significant reduction in dust flux occurred near the Paleocene/Eocene boundary and is interpreted as a shift from semiarid climates during the Paleocene to more arid conditions in the early Eocene. Further aridification is recorded as stepwise reductions in the input of dust material which occur from about 35 to 40 Ma, 27 to 32 Ma, and 13 to 15 Ma and correlate to significant enrichments in benthic foraminifer delta18O values. The mineral flux in sediments from the northern Indian Ocean, site 758, records changes in the terrigenous input apparently related to the erosion of the Himalayas and indicates a rapid late Cenozoic uplift history. Three major pulses of increased terrigeneous sediment flux are inferred from the depositional record. The initial increase began at about 9.5 Ma and continued for roughly 1.0 million years. A second pulse with approximately the same magnitude occurred from about 7.0 to 5.6 Ma. The largest pulse of enhanced terrigenous influx occurred during the Pliocene from about 3.9 to 2.0 Ma when average flux values were severalfold greater than at any other time in the Cenozoic.