57 resultados para Bolingbroke, Henry St. John, Viscount, 1678-1751.


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Material and data were collected at 41 sites in the subpolar North Atlantic Ocean between Scotland and Newfoundland, during the RRS CharlesDarwin CD159 cruise in July 2004 (McCave, 2005). Sites were selected to reflect the major inputs of water that becomes the North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW); the Iceland-Scotland Overflow Water (ISOW), the Denmark Strait Overflow Water (DSOW) and the Labrador Sea Water (LSW). Areas cored were the south Iceland Rise, SE Greenland slope/rise and Eirik Drift, and the Labrador margin. A total of 29 box cores, 19 piston cores, 6 kasten cores, 9 short gravity cores and 20 CTD casts as well as 28 surface water samples were collected during the cruise. Here we present sediment core-top sample ages. The cores were sampled at 1 or 0.5 cm intervals and we used the top 1 or 2 cm, depending on availability of foraminifera in the samples. Sediment samples were disaggregated on an end-over-end wheel, wet sieved at >63 um, and dry sieved to 63-150 and >150 um. Accelerator Mass Spectrometer (AMS) radiocarbon dating was done for each core top based on between 900-1600 monospecific planktonic foraminifera (Globigerina bulloides or Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (sinistral)). All dates were of modern or late Holocene age except site RAPID-08-5B (9806 ± 38 uncorrected 14C years BP) and site RAPID-14-10B (11543 ± 40 uncorrected 14C years BP). The >150 um fraction was split until approximately 300 foraminifera remained and counted for number of lithic grains, benthic foraminifera, planktonic foraminifera and foraminifera fragments. In all but the shallowest sample (Greenland rise, 761m water depth) benthic foraminifera constituted less than 2% of the total >150 um fraction of the sample.


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In 2003 and in 2005, hydrographic data provided sufficient spatial coverage in the Labrador Sea to infer basin wide changes in the water mass characteristic of the Upper Labrador Sea Water (ULSW). The ULSW was considerably saltier and warmer in 2005 than in 2003. Although convection in the Labrador Sea leads to mixing with salinity-poor surface water and is opposed to the observed salinity trend, the increased vertical homogeneity of the CTD profiles, the increase in the ULSW thickness and the intensification of the potential vorticity minimum for the isopycnals sigma-theta = 27.700-27.734 kg/m**3 in 2005 point to convection in winter 2005 which ventilated at least about 20% of the Labrador Sea region.


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LAPMv2 is a research software solution specifically developed to allow marine scientists to produce geo-referenced visual maps of the seafloor, known as mosaics, from a set of underwater images and navigation data. LAPMv2 has a graphical user interface that guides the user through the different steps of the mosaicking workflow. LAPMv2 runs on 64-bit Windows, MacOS X and Linux operating systems. There are two versions for each operating system: (1) the WEB-installers (lightweight but require an internet connection during the installation) and (2) the MCR installers (large files but can be installed on computer without internet-connection). The user manual explains how to install and start the program on the different operating systems. Go to http://www.lapm.eu.com for further information about the latest versions of LAPMv2.


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The Deep Convection cruise repeatedly sampled two locations in the North Atlantic, sited in the Iceland and Norwegian Basins, onboard the RV Meteor (19 March - 2 May 2012). Samples were collected from multiple casts of a conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) - Niskin rosette at each station. Water samples for primary production rates, community structure, chlorophyll a [Chl a], calcite [PIC], particulate organic carbon [POC] and biogenic silicic acid [BSi] were collected from predawn casts from six light depths (55%, 20%, 14%, 7%, 5% and 1% of incident PAR). Additional samples for community structure and ancillary parameters were collected from a second cast. Carbon fixation rates were determined using the 13C stable isotope method. Water samples for diatom and micro zooplankton counts, collected from the predawn casts, were preserved with acidic Lugol's solution (2% final solution) and counted using an inverted light microscope. Water samples for coccolithophore counts were collected onto cellulose nitrate filters and counted using polarising light microscopy. Water samples for Chl a analysis were filtered onto MF300 and polycarbonate filters and extracted in 90% acetone. PIC and BSi samples were filtered onto polycarbonate filters and analysed using an inductively coupled plasma emission optical spectrometer and a SEAL QuAAtro autoanalyser respectively.