226 resultados para Bearing currents
The Bounty Trough, east of New Zealand, lies along the southeastern edge of the present-day Subtropical Front (STF), and is a major conduit via the Bounty Channel, for terrigenous sediment supply from the uplifted Southern Alps to the abyssal Bounty Fan. Census data on 65 benthic foraminiferal faunas (>63 µm) from upper bathyal (ODP 1119), lower bathyal (DSDP 594) and abyssal (ODP 1122) sequences, test and refine existing models for the paleoceanographic and sedimentary history of the trough through the last 150 ka (marine isotope stages, MIS 6-1). Cluster analysis allows recognition of six species groups, whose distribution patterns coincide with bathymetry, the climate cycles and displaced turbidite beds. Detrended canonical correspondence analysis and comparisons with modern faunal patterns suggest that the groups are most strongly influenced by food supply (organic carbon flux), and to a lesser extent by bottom water oxygen and factors relating to sediment type. Major faunal changes at upper bathyal depths (1119) probably resulted from cycles of counter-intuitive seaward-landward migrations of the Southland Front (SF) (north-south sector of the STF). Benthic foraminiferal changes suggest that lower nutrient, cool Subantarctic Surface Water (SAW) was overhead in warm intervals, and higher nutrient-bearing, warm neritic Subtropical Surface Water (STW) was overhead in cold intervals. At lower bathyal depths (594), foraminiferal changes indicate increased glacial productivity and lowered bottom oxygen, attributed to increased upwelling and inflow of cold, nutrient-rich, Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) and shallowing of the oxygen-minimum zone (upper Circum Polar Deep Water, CPDW). The observed cyclical benthic foraminiferal changes are not a result of associations migrating up and down the slope, as glacial faunas (dominated by Globocassidulina canalisuturata and Eilohedra levicula at upper and lower bathyal depths, respectively) are markedly different from those currently living in the Bounty Trough. On the abyssal Bounty Fan (1122), faunal changes correlate most strongly with grain size, and are attributed to varying amounts of mixing of displaced and in-situ faunas. Most of the displaced foraminifera in turbiditic sand beds are sourced from mid-outer shelf depths at the head of the Bounty Channel. Turbidity currents were more prevalent during, but not restricted to, glacial intervals.
Air-fall volcanic ash and pumice were recovered from 22 intervals in upper Miocene-Pleistocene nannofossil oozes cored in Hole 810C on Shatsky Rise, northwest Pacific. Shatsky Rise is near the eastern limit of ash falls produced by explosive volcanism in arc systems in northern Japan and the Kuriles, more than 1600 km away. Electron probe analyses establish that the ash beds and pumice pebbles are andesitic to rhyolitic in composition, and belong to both tholeiitic and high-alumina lineages similar to tephra from Japanese volcanoes. High-speed winds in the polar-front and subtropical jets are evidently what propelled the ash for such a distance. The pumice arrived by flotation, driven from the same directions by winds, waves, and currents. It is not ice-rafted debris from the north. One thick pumice bed probably was deposited when a large pumice mat passed over Shatsky Rise. Far more abundant ash occurs in sediments cored at DSDP Sites 578 through 580, about 500 km west of Shatsky Rise. Most of the ash and pumice at Shatsky Rise can be correlated with specific ash beds at 1, 2, or all 3 of these sites by interpolating to precisely determined magnetic reversal sequences in the cores. Most of the correlations are to thick ash layers (5.7 +/- 3.0 cm) at one or more sites. These must represent extremely large eruptions that spread ash over very wide areas. Whereas several of the thicker correlative ashes fell from elongate east-trending plumes directed from central Japan, the majority of them - dating from about 2 Ma - came from the North Honshu and Kurile arc systems to the northwest. This direction probably was in response to both long-term and seasonal fluctuations in the location and velocity of the polar-front jet, and to more vigorous winter storm fronts originating over glaciated Siberia.
Data of twenty buoy stations were used to compile a new chart of permanent currents in the surface layer (10 m depth) for the region of the Yucatan shelf (Campeche Bank). It was found that vertical variations in direction of the currents are insignificant within the shallow plateau of the banks.