53 resultados para Back-arc Extension
Mineralogy and geochemistry of low-temperature hydrothermal manifestations occurring on the surface of basalts and in their cracks within a submarine volcano in the north-eastern part of the Kuril deep-sea basin have been studied. The following order of isolation of mineral phases has been found out: Fe-rich sulphides (pyrite) - Fe-rich layered silicates (hydromica of celadonite-nontronite type) - amorphous silica (opal) - Fe-oxyhydroxides (goethite) - Mn-oxyhydroxides (vernadite). Sulphide mineralization is of the phenocryst-stockwork type. Finding of pure barite fragments does not exclude presence of hydrothermal exhalations (smokers) on this volcanic structure.
Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ), in the North Island, New Zealand, is arguably the most active Quaternary rhyolitic system in the world. Numerous and widespread rhyolitic tephra layers, sourced from the TVZ, form valuable chronostratigraphic markers in onshore and offshore sedimentary sequences. In deep-sea cores from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 181 Sites 1125, 1124, 1123 and 1122, located east of New Zealand, ca 100 tephra beds are recognised post-dating the Plio-Pleistocene boundary at 1.81 Ma. These tephras have been dated by a combination of magnetostratigraphy, orbitally tuned stable-isotope data and isothermal plateau fission track ages. The widespread occurrence of ash offshore to the east of New Zealand is favoured by the small size of New Zealand, the explosivity of the mainly plinian and ignimbritic eruptions and the prevailing westerly wind field. Although some tephras can be directly attributed to known TVZ eruptions, there are many more tephras represented within ODP-cores that have yet to be recognised in near-source on-land sequences. This is due to proximal source area erosion and/or deep burial as well as the adverse effect of vapour phase alteration and devitrification within near-source welded ignimbrites. Despite these difficulties, a number of key deep-sea tephras can be reliably correlated to equivalent-aged tephra exposed in uplifted marine back-arc successions of Wanganui Basin where an excellent chronology has been developed based on magnetostratigraphy, orbitally calibrated sedimentary cycles and isothermal plateau fission track ages on tephra. Significant Pleistocene tephra markers include: the Kawakawa, Omataroa, Rangitawa/Onepuhi, Kaukatea, Kidnappers-B, Potaka, Unit D/Ahuroa, Ongatiti, Rewa, Sub-Rewa, Pakihikura, Ototoka and Table Flat Tephras. Six other tephra layers are correlated between ODP-core sites but have yet to be recognised within onshore records. The identification of Pleistocene TVZ-sourced tephras within the ODP record, and their correlation to Wanganui Basin and other onshore sites is a significant advance as it provides: (1) an even more detailed history of the TVZ than can be currently achieved from the near-source record, (2) a high-resolution tephrochronologic framework for future onshore-offshore paleoenvironmental reconstructions, and (3) well-dated tephra beds correlated from the offshore ODP sites with astronomically tuned timescales provide an opportunity to critically evaluate the chronostratigraphic framework for onshore Plio-Pleistocene sedimentary sequences (e.g. Wanganui Basin, cf. Naish et al. (1998, doi:10.1016/S0277-3791(97)00075-9).
Andesitic volcaniclastic sandstones of Middle Eocene age recovered from DSDP Sites 445 and 446, a back-arc basin, contain clinoptilolite, heulandite and analcite as a pore-filling cement. Clinoptilolite and heulandite at Sites 445 and 446 contain different chemical composition from other deep-sea clinoptilolites and heulandites. The dominant cation of both clinoptilolite and heulandite is Na+ ion activity in pore water was greater at the time of their formation. Volcanic glass has acted as a precursor for both clinoptilolite and heulandite at Sites 445 and 446. Biogenic silica is also suggested as a precursor. High Na+ ion activity in pore water also helped to transform clinoptilolite and heulandite to analcite downhole. The necessary Na+ ions for this clinoptilolite, heulandite and analcite at Sites 445 and 446 might have been provided by hydrothermal circulation of seawater through more permeable sandstones deposited during early stages of back-arc basin rifting.
Thermogenic hydrocarbons, formed by the thermal alteration of organic matter, are encountered in several piston core stations in the King George Basin, Anatarctica. These hemipelagic sediments are being deposited in an area of active hydrothermalism, associated with the back-arc spreading in the Bransfield Strait. The lateral extent of sediments infiltrated by the hydrothermally influenced interstitial fluids is characterized by basalt diapiric intrusions and is delineated by an acoustically turbid zone in the sediments of the eastern part of the basin. Iron-sulphide-bearing veins and fractures cut across the sediment in several cores; they appear to be conduits for flow of hydrothermally altered fluids. These zones have the highest C2+ and ethene contents. The thermogenic hydrocarbons have molecular C1/(C2 + C3) ratios typically < 50 and delta13CH4 values between -38? and -48?, indicating an organic source which has undergone strong thermal stress. Several sediment cores also have mixed gas signatures, which indicate the presence of substantial amounts of bacterial gas, predominantly methane. Hydrocarbon generation in the King George Basin is thought to be a local phenomenon, resulting from submarine volcanism with temperatures in the range 70-150°C. There are no apparent seepages of hydrocarbons into the water column, and it is not believed that significant accumulation of thermogenic hydrocarbons reside in the basin.
Microchemical analyses of rare earth element (REE) concentrations and Sr and S isotope ratios of anhydrite are used to identify sub-seafloor processes governing the formation of hydrothermal fluids in the convergent margin Manus Basin, Papua New Guinea. Samples comprise drill-core vein anhydrite and seafloor massive anhydrite from the PACMANUS (Roman Ruins, Snowcap and Fenway) and SuSu Knolls (North Su) active hydrothermal fields. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns in anhydrite show remarkable heterogeneity on the scale of individual grains, different from the near uniform REEN patterns measured in anhydrite from mid-ocean ridge deposits. The REEN patterns in anhydrite are correlated with REE distributions measured in hydrothermal fluids venting at the seafloor at these vent fields and are interpreted to record episodes of hydrothermal fluid formation affected by magmatic volatile degassing. 87Sr/86Sr ratios vary dramatically within individual grains between that of contemporary seawater and that of endmember hydrothermal fluid. Anhydrite was precipitated from a highly variable mixture of the two. The intra-grain heterogeneity implies that anhydrite preserves periods of contrasting hydrothermal versus seawater dominant near-seafloor fluid circulation. Most sulfate d34S values of anhydrite cluster around that of contemporary seawater, consistent with anhydrite precipitating from hydrothermal fluid mixed with locally entrained seawater. Sulfate d34S isotope ratios in some anhydrites are, however, lighter than that of seawater, which are interpreted as recording a source of sulfate derived from magmatic SO2 degassed from underlying felsic magmas in the Manus Basin. The range of elemental and isotopic signatures observed in anhydrite records a range of sub-seafloor processes including high-temperature hydrothermal fluid circulation, varying extents of magmatic volatile degassing, seawater entrainment and fluid mixing. The chemical and isotopic heterogeneity recorded in anhydrite at the inter- and intra-grain scale captures the dynamics of hydrothermal fluid formation and sub-seafloor circulation that is highly variable both spatially and temporally on timescales over which hydrothermal deposits are formed. Microchemical analysis of hydrothermal minerals can provide information about the temporal history of submarine hydrothermal systems that are variable over time and cannot necessarily be inferred only from the study of vent fluids.
New major, trace element, and isotope data (Pb, Sr, and Nd) reveal an impressive compositional variation in the basalts recovered from Site 834. Major element compositions span almost the entire range observed in basalts from the modern axial systems of the Lau Basin, and variations are consistent with low-pressure fractionation of a mid-ocean-ridge-basalt (MORB)-like parent, in which plagioclase crystallization has been somewhat suppressed. Trace element compositions deviate from MORB in all but one unit (Unit 7) and show enrichments in large-ion-lithophile elements (LILEs) relative to high-field-strength elements (HFSEs) more typically associated with island-arc magmas. The Pb-isotope ratios define linear trends that extend from the field of Pacific MORB to highly radiogenic values similar to those observed in rocks from the northernmost islands of the Tofua Arc. The Sr-isotope compositions also show significant variation, and these too project from radiogenic values back into the field for Pacific MORB. The variations in key trace element and isotopic features are consistent with magma mixing between two relatively mafic melts: one represented by Pacific MORB, and the other by a magma similar to those erupted on 'Eua when it was part of the original Tongan arc, or perhaps members of the Lau Volcanic Group (LVG). Based on our model, the most radiogenic compositions (Units 2 and 8) represent approximately 50:50 mixtures of these MORB and arc end-members. Magma mixing requires that both components are simultaneously available, and implies that melts have not shown a compositional progression from arc-like to MORB-like with extension at this locality. Rather, it is apparent that essentially pristine MORB can erupt as one of the earliest products of backarc initiation. Indeed, repetition of isotopic and trace element signatures with depth suggests that eruptions have been triggered by periodic injections of fresh MORB melts into the source regions of these magmas. The slow and almost amagmatic extension of the original arc complex envisaged to explain the observed chemistry is also consistent with the horst-and-graben topography of the western side of the Lau Basin. Given the similarities between basalts erupted at the modern Lau Basin spreading centers and MORB from the Indian Ocean, the overwhelming evidence for involvement of mantle similar to Pacific MORB in the petrogenesis of basalts from Site 834 is a new and important observation. It indicates that the original arc was underlain by asthenospheric material derived from the Pacific mantle convection cell, and that this has somehow been replaced by Indian Ocean MORB during the last ~5.5 Ma.