919 resultados para Atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) (0.45 µm pore filtered)


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The sediments within Toolik Lake in arctic Alaska are characterized by extremely low rates of organic matter sedimentation and unusually high concentrations of iron and manganese. Pore water and solid phase measurements of iron, manganese, trace metals, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur are consistent with the hypothesis that the reduction of organic matter by iron and manganese is the most important biogeochemical reaction within the sediment. Very low rates of dissolved oxygen consumption by the sediments result in an oxidizing environment at the sediment-water interface. This results in high retention of upwardly-diffusing iron and manganese and the formation of metal-enriched sediment. Phosphate in sediment pore waters is strongly adsorbed by the metal-enriched phases. Consequently, fluxes of phosphorus from the sediments to overlying waters are very small and contribute to the oligotrophic nature of the Toolik Lake aquatic system. Toolik Lake contains an unusual type of lacustrine sediment, and in many ways the sediments are similar to those found in oligotrophic oceanic environments.


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Recent discoveries relating to the circulation of fluids within the oceanic crust include the finding of both important fluxes of elements and isotopes into the oceans by ridge-crest hydrothermal convection and important fluxes of heat out of the oceanic crust by convection at ridge crests and at some distance from ridge crests. In the present chapter, I present isotopic, chemical, and physical data from sediments and pore waters of Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Holes 503A and 503B. These results are modeled in terms of pore-water diffusion, advection, and production to ascertain the relative contribution of these processes at this location, 7.5 m.y. removed from ridge-crest hydrothermal activity. The observations made here contribute to the understanding of chemical and heat transport in oceanic crust of moderate age.


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The distribution of Li isotopes in pore waters to a depth of 1157 m below seafloor is presented for ODP Sites 918 and 919 in the Irminger Basin, offshore Greenland. Lithium isotope data are accompanied by strontium isotope ratios to decipher diagenetic reactions in the sediments which are characterized by the pervasive presence of volcanic material, as well as by very high accumulation rates in the upper section. The lowering of the 87Sr/86Sr ratio below contemporaneous seawater values indicates several zones of volcanic material alteration. The Li isotope profiles are complex suggesting a variety of exchange reactions with the solid phases. These include cation exchange with NH4+ and mobilization from sediments at depth, in addition to the alteration of volcanic matter. Lithium isotopes are, therefore, a sensitive indicator of sediment-water interaction. d6Li values of pore waters at these two sites vary between -42 and -25?. At shallow depths (<100 mbsf), rapid decreases in the Li concentration, accompanied by a shift to heavier isotopic compositions, indicate uptake of Li into alteration products. A positive anomaly of d6Li observed at both sites is coincident with the NH4+ maximum produced by organic matter decomposition and may be related to ion exchange of Li from the sediments by NH4+. In the lower sediment column at Site 918, dissolved Li increases with depth and is characterized by enrichment of 6Li. The Li isotopic compositions of both the waters and the solid phase suggest that the enrichment of Li in deep interstitial waters is a result of release from pelagic sediments. The significance of sediment diagenesis and adsorption as sinks of oceanic Li is evaluated. The maximum diffusive flux into the sediment due to volcanic matter alteration can be no more than 5% of the combined inputs from rivers and submarine hydrothermal solutions. Adsorption on to sediments can only account for 5-10% of the total inputs from rivers and submarine hot springs.


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At the Western Nankai Trough subduction zone at ODP Site 808, chemical concentration and isotopic ratio depth profiles of D, O, Sr, and He do not support fluid flow along the décollement nor at the frontal thrust. They do, however, support continuous or periodic lateral fluid flow: (1) at the base of the Shikoku Basin volcanic-rich sediment member, situated ~140 m above the décollement, and particularly (2) below the décollement. The latter must have been rather vigorous, as it was capable of transporting clay minerals over great distances. The fluid at ~140 m above the décollement is characterized by lower than seawater concentrations of Cl- (>=18% seawater dilution). It is 18O-rich and D-poor and has a non-radiogenic, oceanic, or volcanic arc Sr isotopic signature. It originates from "volcanic" clay diagenesis. The fluid below the décollement has also less Cl- than seawater (>20% dilution), is more enriched in 18O and depleted in D than fluid, but its Sr isotopic signature is radiogenic, continentalterrigenous. The source of this fluid is located arcward, is deep-seated, where illitization of the subducted clay minerals, a mixture of terrigenous and volcanic clays, occurs. The 3He/4He ratio below the décollement points to an ~25% mantle contribution. The nature of the physical and chemical discontinuities across the décollement suggests it is overpressured and is forming a leaky "dynamic seal" for fluid flow. In contrast with the situation at Barbados and Peru, where the major tectonic features are mineralized, here, although the complex is extremely fractured and faulted, mineralized macroscopic veins, fractures, and faults are absent. Instead, mineralized microstructures are widespread, indicating a diffuse mode of dewatering.


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Two sites on the southern flank of the Costa Rica Rift were drilled on DSDP Legs 68 and 69, one on crust 3.9 m.y. old and the other on crust 5.9 m.y. old. The basement of the younger site is effectively cooled by the circulation of seawater. The basement of the older site has been sealed by sediment, and an interval in the uppermost 560 meters of basement recently reheated to temperatures of 60 to 120°C. Although the thickness of the sediments at the two sites is similar (150-240 m versus 270 m), the much rougher basement topography at the younger Site 505 produces occasional basement outcrops, through which 80 to 90% of the total heat loss apparently occurs by advection of warm seawater. This seawater has been heated only slightly, however; the temperature at the base of the sediments is only 9°C. Changes in its composition due to reaction with the basement basalts are negligible, as indicated by profiles of sediment pore water chemistry. Bacterial sulfate reduction in the sediments produces a decrease in SO4 (and Ca) and an increase in alkalinity (and Sr and NH3) as depth increases to an intermediate level, but at deeper levels these trends reverse, and all of these species plus Mg, K, Na, and chlorinity approach seawater values near basement. Si, however, is higher, and Li may be lower. At the older site, Site 501/504, where heat loss is entirely by conduction, the temperature at the sediment/basement contact is 59°C. Sediment pore water chemistry is heavily affected by reaction with the basaltic basement, as indicated by large decreases in d18O, Mg, alkalinity, Na, and K and an increase in Ca with increasing depth. The size of the changes in d18O, Mg, alkalinity, Ca, Sr, and SO4 varies laterally over 500 meters, indicating lateral gradients in pore water chemistry that are nearly as large as the vertical gradients. The lateral gradients are believed to result from similar lateral gradients in the composition of the basement formation water, which propagate upward through the sediments by diffusion. A model of the d18O profile suggests that the basement at Site 501/504 was sealed off from advection about 1 m.y. ago, so that reaction rates began to dominate the basement pore water chemistry. A limestone-chert diagenetic front began to move upward through the lower sediments less than 200,000 yr. ago.


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The combination of multiple sediment sources and varying rates of sediment accumulation in the Celebes and Sulu seas have had significant impact on the processes of diagenesis, mineralization, and pore-fluid flow. Isotopic and mass-balance calculations help elucidate the various reactions taking place in these western Pacific basins, where ash alteration and basalt-seawater interactions are superimposed on the effects of sulfate oxidation of organic carbon and biogenic methane and of dolomitization of biogenic carbonates. Based on the shape of the calcium and magnesium depth profiles, two major reactive zones have been identified. The first is located near the zone of sulfate depletion and is characterized by carbonate recrystallization, dolomitization and ash alteration reactions at both Ocean Drilling Program Sites 767 and 768. The second reactive zone corresponds to the bottom of the sedimentary sequence and is characterized by alteration reactions in the basement (Site 767) and in the pyroclastic deposits beneath the sediment column (Site 768).


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Sediments at the bottom of Lake Baikal are mostly oxidized at their surface, and the oxidized sedimentary deposits are enriched in Fe and Mn hydroxides. The thickness of the oxidized zone of the pelagic sediments averages at 5 cm and locally reaches 10-15, occasionally exceeding 20 cm. Both the thickness of the oxidized layer and the degree of its enrichment in iron and manganese hydroxides are controlled by the depth to which oxygen can penetrate into the sedimentary deposits, which is, in turn, closely related to the sedimentation conditions in the lake (which broadly vary). The sedimentation rate far off the shores of Lake Baikal ranges from <0.02 mm/year to 1.5 mm/year, and the content of organic matter buried in the sediments varies from 0.1 to >4%. The variability of the sedimentation process makes Lake Baikal very convenient to study its diagenetic processes related to redox reactions in sediments, first of all, processes responsible for the redistribution of Fe and Mn compounds. Although the diagenetic enrichment of Fe and Ni in bottom sediments is known to be of biogenic character, very scarce information is available so far on the microorganisms involved in the redistribution of these elements in sediments in Lake Baikal, which lately led us to explore this issue in detail. Our research was centered on the role played by the microbial community in the diagenetic transformations of Fe and Mn with reference to sedimentation conditions in Lake Baikal.


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This report presents the results of a study of the stable isotopic and chemical composition of secondary carbonate minerals precipitated within basalts at Ocean Drilling Program Sites 707 and 715. At Site 715, the secondary carbonates are all composed of calcite and display a narrow range of carbon and oxygen stable isotope ratios, with values ranging from -2.75 per mil to 1.95 per mil PDB and -0.27 per mil to 2.86 per mil PDB, respectively. Strontium, iron, and manganese values of the samples are generally low. The geochemistry of Site 715 samples indicates that they precipitated from seawater-domi- nated fluids, at low temperatures, as is typical of secondary carbonates from most Deep Sea Drilling Project sites. In contrast, at Site 707, aragonite, siderite, and manganese-rich calcite occur as secondary carbonates in addition to calcite. The carbon isotopes of the Site 707 carbonates of all rock types are depleted in 13C. Values range from -2.79 per mil to -16.43 per mil PDB. Oxygen isotope values do not show a wide variation, ranging from -1.78 per mil to 1.17 per mil. The strontium contents of the samples range from 5200 to 8100 ppm for aragonites, and from 145 to 862 ppm for calcites. Iron and manganese contents are high in calcites and siderites and low in aragonites. Site 707 carbonates precipitated at low temperatures in a fairly closed system, in which basalt-seawater interaction has greatly influenced the chemistry of the pore fluids. The reactions occurring within the system before and in conjunction with secondary carbonate precipita- tion include oxidation of isotopically light methane, derived from fluids circulating within the basalts, and reduction of substantial amounts of iron and manganese oxides from the basalts.


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Concentrations of dissolved Ca2+, Sr2+, Mg2+, SO4[2-], and alkalinity were measured in pore waters squeezed from sediments taken from ODP Holes 626C and 626D in the Florida Straits; Holes 627A and 627B, 628A, and 630A and 630C north of Little Bahama Bank; Holes 631 A, 632A and 632B, and 633A in Exuma Sound; and Holes 634A and 635A and 635B in Northeast Providence Channel. These data are compared with the mineralogy and strontium content of the sediments from which the waters were squeezed. Contrasts in the geochemical profiles suggest that significantly different processes govern pore-water signatures at each group of sites. In Little Bahama Bank, strong positive Ca2+ gradients are correlated with weak negative Mg2+ profiles. These trends are analogous to those seen at DSDP sites where carbonate deposits immediately overlie mafic basement, but as the depth to basement may be in excess of 5000 m, we suggest that diffusion gradients are initiated by an underlying sedimentary unit. In contrast, Ca2+ and Mg2+ gradients in Exuma Sound are not developed to any appreciable extent over similar thicknesses of sediment. We suggest that the pore-water chemistry in these deposits is principally controlled by diagenetic reactions occurring within each sequence. The location and extent of carbonate diagenesis can be estimated from dissolved Sr2+ profiles. In Little Bahama Bank and Exuma Sound, Sr2+ concentrations reach a maximum value of between 700 and 1000 µmol/L. Although the depths at which these concentrations are achieved are different for the two areas, the corresponding age of the sediment at the dissolved Sr2+ maximum is similar. Consequently, the diffusive flux of Sr2+ and the calculated rates of recrystallization in the two areas are likewise of a similar magnitude. The rates of recrystallization we calculate are lower than those found in some DSDP pelagic sites. As the waters throughout most of the holes are saturated with respect to SrSO4, celestite precipitation may cause erroneously low Sr2+ production rates and, consequently, low calculated rates of recrystallization. We therefore encourage only the discriminate use of Sr2+ profiles in the quantification of diagenetic processes.