53 resultados para Assignment of lease


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The clay mineral compositions of upper Miocene to Quaternary sediments recovered at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 178, Sites 1095 and 1096, from the continental rise west of the Antarctic Peninsula were analyzed in order to reconstruct the Neogene and Quaternary Antarctic paleoclimate and ice dynamics. The clay mineral assemblages are dominated by smectite, illite, and chlorite. Kaolinite occurs only in trace amounts. Analysis of a surface-sample data set facilitates the assignment of these clay minerals to particular source areas on the Antarctic Peninsula and, thus, the reconstruction of transport pathways. In the ODP cores, clay mineral composition cyclically alternates between two end-member assemblages. One assemblage is characterized by <20% smectite and >40% chlorite. The other assemblage has >20% smectite and <40% chlorite. Illite fluctuates between 30% and 50% without a significant affinity to one end-member assemblage. By comparison with a Quaternary sediment sequence from gravity core PS1565, the clay mineral fluctuations can be ascribed to glacial and interglacial periods, respectively. The cyclic changes in the clay mineral composition suggest that glacial-interglacial cycles, repeated ice advances and retreats, and changes in the Antarctic ice volume were already a main control of the global climate in late Miocene time. Throughout the late Neogene and Quaternary, the clay mineral records in the drift sediments exhibit only slight long-term changes predominantly attributed to local changes in glacial erosion and supply of source rocks. The absence of clear long-term trends associated with major climatic or glaciological changes points to an onset of vast glaciation in the Antarctic Peninsula region before ~9 Ma and to relative stability of the Antarctic ice sheet since then.


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Hierarchical clustering. Taxonomic assignment of reads was performed using a preexisting database of SSU rDNA sequences from including XXX reference sequences generated by Sanger sequencing. Experimental amplicons (reads), sorted by abundance, were then concatenated with the reference extracted sequences sorted by decreasing length. All sequences, experimental and referential, were then clustered to 85% identity using the global alignment clustering option of the uclust module from the usearch v4.0 software (Edgar, 2010). Each 85% cluster was then reclustered at a higher stringency level (86%) and so on (87%, 88%,.) in a hierarchical manner up to 100% similarity. Each experimental sequence was then identified by the list of clusters to which it belonged at 85% to 100% levels. This information can be viewed as a matrix with the lines corresponding to different sequences and the columns corresponding to the cluster membership at each clustering level. Taxonomic assignment for a given read was performed by first looking if reference sequences clustered with the experimental sequence at the 100% clustering level. If this was the case, the last common taxonomic name of the reference sequence(s) within the cluster was used to assign the environmental read. If not, the same procedure was applied to clusters from 99% to 85% similarity if necessary, until a cluster was found containing both the experimental read and reference sequence(s), in which case sequences were taxonomically assigned as described above.