119 resultados para Aq-19A
The isotopic compositions of dissolved CO2 and CH4 in sediments of the Nankai Trough indicate that CH4 is formed during early diagenesis by microbial reduction of CO2. At the shallowest sampled depths, the CO2 dissolved in the pore water is unusually enriched in 12C (d13C = -35.2 per mil), indicating contribution of CO2 from oxidation of CH4. The most intense microbiological activity appears to be confined to the uppermost 50 m of sediment, based on relative lack of change in the isotopic compositions below this depth. Gas hydrate probably is not present at these localities (Sites 582, 583) because of CH4 concentrations that are insufficient to saturate the pore water with respect to gas hydrate stability.
Molecular and isotope compositions of headspace and total (free + sorbed) hydrocarbon gases from drilled cores of the three ODP Leg 104 Sites 642, 643, and 644 of the Voring Plateau are used to characterize the origin and distribution of these gases in Holocene to Eocene sediments. Only minor amounts of methane were found in the headspace (0.1 to < 0.001 vol%). Although methane through propane are present in all of the total gas samples, different origins account for the concentration and composition variations found. Site 643 at the foot of the outer Voring Plateau represents a geological setting with poor hydrocarbon generating potential, (sediments with low TOC and maturity overlying oceanic basement). Correspondingly, the total gas concentrations are low, typical for background gases (yield C1 - 4 = 31 to 232 ppb, C1/C2+ = 0.6 to 4; delta13C(CH4) -22 per mil to -42 per mil) probably of a diagenetic origin. Holocene to Eocene sediments, which overlie volcanic units, were drilled on the outer Vdring Plateau, at Holes 642B and D. Similar to Site 643, these sediments possess a poor hydrocarbon generating potential. The total gas character (yield C1 - 4 = 20 to 410 ppb; C1/C2+ = 1.7 to 13.3; delta13C(CH4) ca. -23 per mil to -40 per mil) again indicates a diagenetic origin, perhaps with the addition of some biogenic gas. The higher geothermal gradient and the underlying volcanics do not appear to have any influence on the gas geochemistry. The free gas (Vacutainer TM) in the sediments at Site 644 are dominated by biogenic gas (C1/C2+ > 104; delta13C(CH4) -77 per mil). Indications, in the total gas, of hydrocarbons with a thermogenic signature (yield C1 - 4 = 121 to 769 ppb, C1/ C2+ = 3 to 8; delta13C(CH4) = -39 per mil to -71 per mil), could not be unequivocally confirmed as such. Alternatively, these gases may represent mixtures of diagenetic and biogenic gases.
CH4 and CO2 species in pore fluids from slope sediments off Guatemala show extreme 13C-enrichment (d13C of -41 and +38 per mil, respectively) compared with the typical degree of 13C-enrichment in pore fluids of DSDP sediments (d13C of - 60 and + 10 per mil). These unusual isotopic compositions are believed to result from microbial decomposition of organic matter, and possibly from additional isotopic fractionation associated with the formation of gas hydrates. In addition to the isotopic fractionation displayed by CH4 and CO2, the pore water exhibits a systematic increase in d18O with decrease in chlorinity. As against seawater d18O values of 0 and chlorinity of 19 per mil, the water collected from decomposed gas hydrate from Hole 570 had a d18O of + 3.0 per mil and chlorinity of 9.5 per mil. The isotopic compositions of pore-fluid constituents change gradually with depth in Hole 568 and discontinuously with depth in Hole 570.
The calcium isotopic compositions (d44Ca) of 30 high-purity nannofossil ooze and chalk and 7 pore fluid samples from ODP Site 807A (Ontong Java Plateau) are used in conjunction with numerical models to determine the equilibrium calcium isotope fractionation factor (a_s-f) between calcite and dissolved Ca2+ and the rates of post-depositional recrystallization in deep sea carbonate ooze. The value of a_s-f at equilibrium in the marine sedimentary section is 1.0000+/-0.0001, which is significantly different from the value (0.9987+/-0.0002) found in laboratory experiments of calcite precipitation and in the formation of biogenic calcite in the surface ocean. We hypothesize that this fractionation factor is relevant to calcite precipitation in any system at equilibrium and that this equilibrium fractionation factor has implications for the mechanisms responsible for Ca isotope fractionation during calcite precipitation. We describe a steady state model that offers a unified framework for explaining Ca isotope fractionation across the observed precipitation rate range of ~14 orders of magnitude. The model attributes Ca isotope fractionation to the relative balance between the attachment and detachment fluxes at the calcite crystal surface. This model represents our hypothesis for the mechanism responsible for isotope fractionation during calcite precipitation. The Ca isotope data provide evidence that the bulk rate of calcite recrystallization in freshly-deposited carbonate ooze is 30-40%/Myr, and decreases with age to about 2%/Myr in 2-3 million year old sediment. The recrystallization rates determined from Ca isotopes for Pleistocene sediments are higher than those previously inferred from pore fluid Sr concentration and are consistent with rates derived for Late Pleistocene siliciclastic sediments using uranium isotopes. Combining our results for the equilibrium fractionation factor and recrystallization rates, we evaluate the effect of diagenesis on the Ca isotopic composition of marine carbonates at Site 807A. Since calcite precipitation rates in the sedimentary column are many orders of magnitude slower than laboratory experiments and the pore fluids are only slightly oversaturated with respect to calcite, the isotopic composition of diagenetic calcite is likely to reflect equilibrium precipitation. Accordingly, diagenesis produces a maximum shift in d44Ca of +0.15? for Site 807A sediments but will have a larger impact where sedimentation rates are low, seawater circulates through the sediment pile, or there are prolonged depositional hiatuses.
A technique of zooplankton net sampling at night in the Kandalaksha and Dvinskii Bays and during the full tide in the Onezhskii Bay of the White Sea allowed us to obtain "clean" samples without considerable admixtures of terrigenous particulates. Absence of elements-indicators of the terrigenous particulates (Al, Ti, and Zr) in the EDX spectra allows to conclude that ash composition of tested samples is defined by constitutional elements comprising organic matter and integument (chitin, shells) of plankton organisms. A quantitative assessment of accumulation of ca. 40 chemical elements by zooplankton based on a complex of modern physical methods of analysis is presented. Values of the coefficient of the biological accumulation of the elements (Kb) calculated for organic matter and the enrichment factors (EF) relative to Clarke concentrations in shale are in general determined by mobility of the chemical elements in aqueous solution, which is confirmed by calculated chemical speciation of the elements in the inorganic subsystem of surface waters of Onezhskii Bay.
Serpentinization of abyssal peridotites is known to produce extremely reducing conditions as a result of dihydrogen (H2,aq) release upon oxidation of ferrous iron in primary phases to ferric iron in secondary minerals by H2O.We have compiled and evaluated thermodynamic data for Fe-Ni-Co-O-S phases and computed phase relations in fO2,g-fS2,g and aH2,aq-aH2S,aq diagrams for temperatures between 150 and 400°C at 50MPa.We use the relations and compositions of Fe-Ni-Co-O-S phases to trace changes in oxygen and sulfur fugacities during progressive serpentinization and steatitization of peridotites from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in the 15°20'N Fracture Zone area (Ocean Drilling Program Leg 209). Petrographic observations suggest a systematic change from awaruite- magnetite-pentlandite and heazlewoodite-magnetite-pentlandite assemblages forming in the early stages of serpentinization to millerite-pyrite-polydymite-dominated assemblages in steatized rocks. Awaruite is observed in all brucite-bearing partly serpentinized rocks. Apparently, buffering of silica activities to low values by the presence of brucite facilitates the formation of large amounts of hydrogen, which leads to the formation of awaruite. Associated with the prominent desulfurization of pentlandite, sulfide is removed from the rock during the initial stage of serpentinization. In contrast, steatitization indicates increased silica activities and that highsulfur-fugacity sulfides, such as polydymite and pyrite-vaesite solid solution, form as the reducing capacity of the peridotite is exhausted and H2 activities drop. Under these conditions, sulfides will not desulfurize but precipitate and the sulfur content of the rock increases. The co-evolution of fO2,g-fS2,g in the system follows an isopotential of H2S,aq, indicating that H2S in vent fluids is buffered. In contrast, H2 in vent fluids is not buffered by Fe-Ni-Co-O-S phases, which merely monitor the evolution of H2 activities in the fluids in the course of progressive rock alteration.The co-occurrence of pentlandite- awaruite-magnetite indicates H2,aq activities in the interacting fluids near the stability limit of water. The presence of a hydrogen gas phase would add to the catalyzing capacity of awaruite and would facilitate the abiotic formation of organic compounds.
Here we use compound-specific hydrogen isotope data of aquatic and terrestrial lipid biomarkers from precisely dated annually laminated sediments from Lake Meerfelder Maar (MFM) in Western Germany to reconstruct decadal resolved hydroclimatic changes during the Younger Dryas. We show that cooling at MFM begun synchronous to the onset of cooling in Greenland at 12.850 years BP. Major environmental changes at MFM however took place 170 years later as a result of substantially drier conditions.
Microbially mediated redox diagenetic processes in marine sediments are reflected in the amount and carbon isotopic composition of dissolved CO2 and CH4 (Claypool and Kaplan, 1974). Oxidation of organic matter gives rise to dissolved CO2 with about the same 13C/12C ratio as the starting organic matter. Subsequent reduction of CO2 to form CH4 involves a large (~70) kinetic isotopic effect, resulting in significant 13C depletion in the CH4, and 13C enrichment in the residual CO2. Ocean Drilling Program Leg 174A (offshore New Jersey) presented an opportunity to study these processes in shelf and upper slope sediments. Holes 1071A-1071D, 1071F, and 1072A were drilled on the shelf in water depths of 88.0-98.1 m. Hole 1073A was drilled on the slope in 639.4 m of water. Pore-water samples were collected for analysis at all three sites, whereas gas samples could only be obtained from Hole 1073A on the slope.
In order to validate the use of 238U/235U as a paleoredox proxy in carbonates, we examined the incorporation and early diagenetic evolution of U isotopes in shallow Bahamian carbonate sediments. Our sample set consists of a variety of primary precipitates that represent a range of carbonate producing organisms and components that were important in the past (scleractinian corals, calcareous green and red algae, ooids, and mollusks). In addition, four short push cores were taken in different depositional environments to assess the impact of early diagenesis and pore water chemistry on the U isotopic composition of bulk carbonates. We find that U concentrations are much higher in bulk carbonate sediments (avg. 4.1 ppm) than in primary precipitates (avg. 1.5 ppm). In almost all cases, the lowest bulk sediment U concentrations were as high as or higher than the highest concentrations found in primary precipitates. This is consistent with authigenic accumulation of reduced U(IV) during early diagenesis. The extent of this process appears sensitive to pore water H2S, and thus indirectly to organic matter content. d238/235U values were very close to seawater values in all of the primary precipitates, suggesting that these carbonate components could be used to reconstruct changes in seawater U geochemistry. However, d238/235U of bulk sediments from the push cores was 0.2-0.4 per mil heavier than seawater (and primary precipitates). These results indicate that authigenic accumulation of U under open-system sulfidic pore water conditions commonly found in carbonate sediments strongly affects the bulk U concentrations and 238U/235U ratios. We also report the occurrence of dolomite in a tidal pond core which contains low 234U/238U and 238U/235U ratios and discuss the possibility that the dolomitization process may result in sediments depleted in 238U. From this initial exploration, it is clear that 238U/235U variations in ancient carbonate sediments could be driven by changes in global average seawater, by spatial and temporal variations in the local deposition environment, or subsequent diagenesis. To cope with such effects, proxies for syndepositional pore water redox conditions (e.g., organic matter content, iron speciation, and trace metal distributions) and careful consideration of possible post-deposition alteration will be required to avoid spurious interpretation of 238U/235U data from ancient carbonate sediments.
The isotopic characteristics of CH4 (d13C values range from -101.3 per mil to -61.1 per mil PDB, and dD values range from -256 per mil to -136 per mil SMOW) collected during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 164 indicate that the CH4 was produced by microbial CO2 reduction and that there is not a significant contribution of thermogenic CH4 to the sampled sediment gas from the Blake Ridge. The isotopic values of CO2 (d13C range -20.6 per mil to +1.24 per mil PDB) and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC; d13C range -37.7 per mil to +10.8 per mil PDB) have parallel profiles with depth, but with an offset of 12.5 per mil. Distinct downhole variations in the carbon isotopic composition of CH4 and CO2 cannot be explained by closed-system fractionation where the CO2 is solely derived from the locally available sedimentary organic matter (d13C -2.0 per mil ± 1.4 per mil PDB) and the CH4 is derived from CO2 reduction. The observed isotopic profiles reflect the combined effects of upwards gas migration and decreased microbial activity with depth.
Microthermometric and isotopic analyses of fluid inclusions in primitive olivine gabbros, oxide gabbros, and evolved granitic material recovered from Ocean Drilling Program Hole 735B at the Southwest Indian Ridge provide new insights into the evolution of C-O-H-NaCl fluids in the plutonic foundation of the oceanic crust. The variably altered and deformed plutonic rocks span a crustal section of over 1500 m and record a remarkably complex magma-hydrothermal history. Magmatic fluids within this suite followed two chemically distinct paths during cooling through the subsolidus regime: the first path included formation of CO2+CH4+H2O+C fluids with up to 43 mole% CH4; the second path produced hypersaline brines that contain up to 50% NaCl equivalent salinities. Subsequent to devolatilization, respeciation of magmatic CO2, attendant graphite precipitation, and cooling from 800°C to 500°C promoted formation of CH4-enriched fluids. These fluids are characterized by average d13C(CH4) values of -27.1+/-4.3 per mil (N=45) with associated d13C(CO2) compositions ranging from -24.9 per mil to -1.9 per mil (N=39), and average dD values of exsolved vapor of -41+/-12 per mil (N=23). In pods, veins, and lenses of highly fractionated residual material, hypersaline brines formed during condensation and by direct exsolution in the absence of a conjugate vapor phase. Entrapped CO2+CH4+H2O-rich fluids within many oxide-bearing rocks and felsic zones are significantly depleted in 13C (with d13C(CO2) values down to about -25 per mil) and contain CO2 concentrations higher than those predicted by equilibrium devolatilization models. We hypothesize that lower effective pressures in high-temperature shear zones promoted infiltration of highly fractionated melts and compositionally evolved volatiles into focused zones of deformation, significantly weakening the rock strength. In felsic-rich zones, volatile build-up may have driven hydraulic fracturing of gabbroic wall rocks resulting in the formation of magmatic breccias. Comparison of isotopic compositions of fluids in plutonic rocks from 735B, the MARK area of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, and the Mid-Cayman Rise indicate (1) that the carbon isotope composition of the lower oceanic crust may be far more heterogeneous than previously believed and (2) that carbon-bearing species in the oceanic crust and their distribution at depth are highly variable.
Concentrations and d34S and d13C values were determined on SO4, HCO3, CO2, and CH4 in interstitial water and gas samples from the uppermost 400 m of sediment on the Blake Outer Ridge. These measurements provide the basis for detailed interpretation of diagenetic processes associated with anaerobic respiration of electrons generated by organic- matter decomposition. The sediments are anaerobic at very shallow depths (<1 m) below the seafloor. Sulfate reduction is confined to the uppermost 15 m of sediment and results in a significant outflux of oxidized carbon from the sediments. At the base of the sulfate reduction zone, upward-diffusing CH4 is being oxidized, apparently in conjunction with SO4 reduction. CH4 generation by CO2 reduction is the most important metabolic process below the 15-m depth. CO2 removal is more rapid than CO2 input over the depth interval from 15 to 100 m, and results in a slight decrease in HCO3 concentration accompanied by a 40 per mil positive shift in d13C. The differences among coexisting CH4, CO2, and HCO3 are consistent with kinetic fractionation between CH4 and dissolved CO2, and equilibrium fractionation between CO2 and HCO3. At depths greater than 100 m, the rate of input of CO2 (d13C = -25 per mil) exceeds by 2 times the rate of removal of CO2 by conversion to CH4 (d13C of -60 to -65 per mil). This results in an increase of dissolved HCO3 concentration while maintaining d13C of HCO3 relatively constant at +10 per mil. Non-steady-state deposition has resulted in significantly higher organic carbon contents and unusually high (70 meq/l) pore-water alkalinities below 150 m. These high alkalinities are believed to be related more to spontaneous decarboxylation reactions than to biological processes. The general decrease in HCO3 concentration with constant d13C over the depth interval of 200 to 400 m probably reflects increased precipitation of authigenic carbonate. Input-output carbon isotope-mass balance calculations, and carbonate system equilibria in conjunction with observed CO2-CH4 ratios in the gas phase, independently suggest that CH4 concentrations on the order of 100 mmol/kg are present in the pore waters of Blake Outer Ridge sediments. This quantity of CH4 is believed to be insufficient to saturate pore waters and stabilize the CH4*6H2O gas hydrate. Results of these calculations are in conflict with the physical recovery of gas hydrate from 238 m, and with the indirect evidence (seismic reflectors, sediment frothing, slightly decreasing salinity and chlorinity with depth, and pressure core barrel observations) of gas-hydrate occurrence in these sediments. Resolution of this apparent conflict would be possible if CH4 generation were restricted to relatively thin (1-10 m) depth intervals, and did not occur uniformly at all depths throughout the sediment column, or if another methanogenic process (e.g., acetate fermentation) were a major contributor of gas.
Gas hydrates were recovered from eight sites on the Louisiana slope of the Gulf of Mexico. The gas hydrate discoveries ranged in water depths from 530 to 2400 m occurring as small to medium sized (0.5-50 mm) nodules, interspersed layers (1-10 mm thick) or as solid masses (> 150 mm thick). The hydrates have gas:fluid ratios as high as 170:1 at STP, C1/(C2 + C3) ratios ranging from 1.9 to > 1000 and d13C ratios from -43 to -71 per mil. Thermogenic gas hydrates are associated with oil-stained cores containing up to 7% extractable oil exhibiting moderate to severe biodegradation. Biogenic gas hydrates are also associated with elevated bitumen levels (10-700 ppm). All gas hydrate associated cores contain high percentages (up to 65%) of authigenic, isotopically light carbonate. The hydrate-containing cores are associated with seismic "wipeout" zones indicative of gassy sediments. Collapsed structures, diapiric crests, or deep faults on the flanks of diapirs appear to be the sites of the shallow hydrates.
Carbon isotopically based estimates of CO2 levels have been generated from a record of the photosynthetic fractionation of 13C (epsilon p) in a central equatorial Pacific sediment core that spans the last ~255 ka. Contents of 13C in phytoplanktonic biomass were determined by analysis of C37 alkadienones. These compounds are exclusive products of Prymnesiophyte algae which at present grow most abundantly at depths of 70-90 m in the central equatorial Pacific. A record of the isotopic compostion of dissolved CO2 was constructed from isotopic analyses of the planktonic foraminifera Neogloboquadrina dutertrei, which calcifies at 70-90 m in the same region. Values of epsilon p, derived by comparison of the organic and inorganic delta values, were transformed to yield concentrations of dissolved CO2 (c e) based on a new, site-specific calibration of the relationship between epsilon p and c e. The calibration was based on reassessment of existing epsilon p versus c e data, which support a physiologically based model in which epsilon p is inversely related to c e. Values of PCO2, the partial pressure of CO2 that would be in equilibrium with the estimated concentrations of dissolved CO2, were calculated using Henry's law and the temperature determined from the alkenone-unsaturation index UK 37. Uncertainties in these values arise mainly from uncertainties about the appropriateness (particularly over time) of the site-specific relationship between epsilon p and 1/c e. These are discussed in detail and it is concluded that the observed record of epsilon p most probably reflects significant variations in Delta pCO2, the ocean-atmosphere disequilibrium, which appears to have ranged from ~110 µatm during glacial intervals (ocean > atmosphere) to ~60 µatm during interglacials. Fluxes of CO2 to the atmosphere would thus have been significantly larger during glacial intervals. If this were characteristic of large areas of the equatorial Pacific, then greater glacial sinks for the equatorially evaded CO2 must have existed elsewhere. Statistical analysis of air-sea pCO2 differences and other parameters revealed significant (p < 0.01) inverse correlations of Delta pCO2 with sea surface temperature and with the mass accumulation rate of opal. The former suggests response to the strength of upwelling, the latter may indicate either drawdown of CO2 by siliceous phytoplankton or variation of [CO2]/[Si(OH)4] ratios in upwelling waters.