583 resultados para Apparent porosity


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Temperate, transitional and subtropical waters of the remote Azores Front region east of Azores (24-40°N, 22-32°W) were sampled during three cruises conducted under increasing stratification conditions (April 1999, May 1997 and August 1998). Despite the temporal increase of surface temperature (by 5 °C) and stratification (by 2.1 1/min**2), as well as the thermocline shoaling (by ~15 m), dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrogen (DON) in the surface layer were not significantly different for the early spring, late spring and summer periods, with average concentrations of 69±2 µM-C and 5.2±0.4 µM-N, respectively. The surface excess of semi-labile DOC, compared with the baseline DOC concentration in the deep ocean (47±2 µM-C), represents 33% of the bulk DOC concentration and as much as 85% of the TOC (=POC+DOC) excess. When compared with the winter baseline (56±2 µM-C), the seasonal surface DOC excess is 20% of the bulk DOC concentration and 87% of the seasonal TOC excess. These results confirm the major role played by DOC in the carbon cycle of surface waters of the Azores Front region. The total amount of bioreactive DOC transported from the temperate to the subtropical North Atlantic by the Ekman flux between March and December represents only ~15% of the average annual primary production, and ~15% and ~30% of the measured sinking POC flux+vertical DOC eddy diffusion during early spring and summer, respectively. Vertical eddy diffusion is 35% and 2% of the spring and summer sinking POC flux, respectively. On the other hand, DOC only contributes 13% to the local oxidation of organic matter in subsurface waters (between the pycnocline and 500 m) of the study region.


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Submarine basalts are difficult to date accurately by the potassium-argon method. Dalrymple and Moore (1968) and Dymond (1970), for example, showed that, when the conventional K-Ar method is used, pillow lavas may contain excess 40Ar. Use of the 40Ar/39Ar step-heating method has not overcome the problem, as had been hoped, and has produced some conflicting results. Ozima and Saito (1973) concluded that the excess 40Ar is retained only in high temperature sites, but Seidemann (1978) found that it could be released at all temperatures. Furthermore, addition of potassium, from seawater, to the rock after it has solidified can result in low ages (Seidemann, 1977), the opposite effect to that of excess 40Ar. Thus, apparent ages may be either greater or less than the age of extrusion. Because of this discouraging record, the present study was approached pragmatically, to investigate whether self-consistent results can be obtained by the 40Ar/39Ar step-heating method.


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Siliceous sediments and sedimentary rocks occur as chert and silicified chalk, limestone, and claystone in Site 585 lower Miocene to Campanian sediments, with one older occurrence of chert near the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary. The recovered drill breccia in the Miocene to middle Eocene interval is dominated by bright red, orange, yellow, and brown chips and fragments of chert. In early Eocene and older sediments gray silicified limestone and yellowish brown chert fragments predominate. Recovery is poor in cores with chert because chert tends to fracture into smaller pieces that escape the drill and because the hard chert fragments grind away other sediments during rotary drilling. Thin-section and hand-sample studies show complex diagenetic histories of silicification (silica pore infill) and chertification (silica replacement of host rock). Multiple events of silicification can occur in the same rocks, producing chert from silicified limestone. Despite some prior silicification, silicified limestone is porous enough to provide conduits for dissolved silica-charged pore waters. Silicification and chert are more abundant in the coarser parts of the sedimentary section. These factors reflect the importance of porosity and permeability as well as chemical and lithologic controls in the process of silica diagenesis.


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D18O values of nine tropical-subtropical planktonic foraminiferal species with different preferential habitat depths collected from 62 core-top samples along an east-west transect across the tropical Atlantic/Caribbean were used to test the applicability of interspecific d18O gradients for reconstructions of tropical upper ocean stratification. In general, the d18O difference (Delta d18O) between intermediate- and shallow-dwelling species decreases, and Delta d18O between deep and intermediate dwellers increases with increasing thermocline depth towards the west. The statistical significance of regional differences in Delta d18O highlights Delta d18O between the intermediate dwellers (in particular Globorotalia scitula and Globorotalia tumida) and the shallow dweller Globigerinoides ruber pink, as well as Delta d18O between the deep dwellers Globorotalia crassaformis or Globorotalia truncatulinoides dextral and intermediate dwellers as most sensitive to changes in tropical Atlantic thermocline depth. Based on the observed regional variations in interspecific Delta d18O, we propose a multispecies stratification index "STRAtrop" = (d18Ointermediate - d18Oshallow) / (d18Odeep - d18Oshallow) for the tropical ocean. Statistically significant differences in STRAtrop values between the E-Atlantic and the Caribbean suggest that this index may be a useful tool to monitor variations in tropical upper ocean stratification in the geological record.


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Talus deposits recovered from Site 536 show evidence of aragonite dissolution, secondary porosity development, and calcite cementation. Although freshwater diagenesis could account for the petrographic features of the altered talus deposits, it does not uniquely account for isotopic or trace-element characteristics. Also, the hydrologic setting required for freshwater alteration is not easily demonstrated for the Campeche Bank. A mixing-zone model does not account for the available trace-element data, but does require somewhat less drastic assumptions about the size of the freshwater lens. Although a seawater (bottom-water) alteration model requires no hydrologic difficulties, unusual circumstances are required to account for the geochemical characteristics of the talus deposits using this model.


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At sites 390 and 392 (Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 44) on the Blake nose, thoroughly lithified Lower Cretaceous limestone more than 250 m thick is abruptly overlain by a condensed sequence of Barremian to Eocene pelagic carbonate ooze. The Lower Cretaceous sediments consist of three units: limestone with moldic porosity (base), oolitic limestone, and fenestral limestone. Subaerial diagenesis of the limestone section is recorded by (1) caverns with vertical dimensions of up to 10 m, (2) stalactitic intergranular cement, and (3) meniscus sediment (or cement). Compatible with these subaerial features are mud cracks, fenestral fabrics, intraclasts, and cryptalgal structures. Inasmuch as these shallow-water and tidal-flat deposits are now beneath 2,607 m of sea water (plus 99 m of younger sediments), they serve to dramatize the apparent degree of Barremian and later subsidence of this part of the Atlantic outer continental shelf. Porosity and permeability are high in vuggy samples, which are common in the skelmoldic limestone. Cementation has destroyed most of the extensive primary porosity of the two younger units.