219 resultados para 79-544B
At Site 546, below the Mazagan Escarpment at a water depth of 4 km, 36 m of salt rock was cored from the top of one of a field of salt domes. The core was studied by thin section and a variety of geochemical procedures. The salt rock contains 0.1 to 3% carnallite and lesser amounts of sylvite and polyhalite, which with the corresponding high level of bromide place it within the potash evaporite facies. The bromide profile is of a dominantly marine evaporite deposited in moderately shallow brine which, however, was not repeatedly desiccated. A mineralogical argument suggests that the brine surface was not below sea level. An average of about 5% elastics, with dispersed anhydrite, darken the salt rock to deep shades of red, brown, and gray green. Most of the included materials are in highly deformed boudins or dispersions in the salt rock that has also undergone cataclasis in a subsequent, probably tectonic, deformation. The salt rock is slightly deficient in anhydrite, and the usual separate beds and laminae of anhydrite are virtually absent. Stable isotope ratios of sulfur and oxygen in the sulfate are clearly derived from sea water of Permian to Scythian age, in contrast to the late Triassic or Early Jurassic age of evaporites onshore in Morocco and Portugal and the corresponding evaporites offshore Maritime Canada. In contrast to those evaporites off the axis of Atlantic rifting, the salt at Site 546 may have been deposited in a very early central rift fed by marine waters from Tethys through the Gibraltar or South Atlas fracture zones.
Laminated sediments deposited under anoxic bottom waters in the Japan Sea during the last glacial maximum (LGM) contain extremely well preserved calcareous microfossils and eolian carbonates. The radiocarbon age-difference between bulk sediment and monospecific planktonic foraminifera in discrete laminae from a core in the southern Japan Sea implies that ~40% of the total carbonates in the sediments at the LGM are of eolian origin. Extrapolation of this result yields a rate of supply of eolian carbonates of ~2800 tons/d to the entire Japan Sea during the LGM. The climatic significance of this flux potentially lies in its broader geographic extension, particularly in the interaction of the carbonate-bearing dust with shallow, corrosive North Pacific waters and with rain in the atmosphere. By increasing the alkalinity of such waters and by enhancing the biological pump the dust flux could have increased CO2 absorption by both the ocean and rain during the LGM.
Detailed mineralogical and geochemical studies were performed on samples from selected time intervals recovered during Leg 79 on the Mazagan Plateau. The uppermost Albian and Cenomanian sediments of Sites 545 and 547 can be correlated on the basis of mineralogy and geochemistry; these sediments illustrate differential settling processes and the existence of hot climates with alternating humid and dry seasons in the African coastal zone. The upper Aptian to Albian black shales of Site 545 point to an irregular alternation of tectonic activity and relaxation stages, allowing different behaviors in the reworking of soils, crystalline rocks, and sediments born in peri-marine basins. The barren lower Mesozoic reddish sediments and evaporitic series of Sites 546 and 547 are characterized by a strong physical erosion of sialic landscapes, without clear evidence of post-depositional metamorphic events. At Site 546 strong early diagenetic processes in a confined evaporitic environment affect both the mineralogy and the geochemistry of pre-Miocene rocks.
Twenty-five samples from selected cored intervals of problematic Triassic-Jurassic age from Sites 545, 546, and Hole 547B have been analyzed palynologically to aid age determination. Section 545-73-1 yielded a marine palynoflora of Sinemurian-Bajocian age. A palynoflora of nonmarine origin and assigned a Rhaetian-Hettangian age was recovered from halite in Section 546-18-2. Marine palynofloras of Hettangian-early Pliensbachian age were recovered from Sample 547B-24-CC to Section 547B-14-2. Sections 547B-28-1 to 547B-25-3 yielded impoverished nonmarine palynofloras to which only a general Rhaetian-Hettangian age could be given.
Die Nachmessungen an den Gletschern der österreichischen Alpen wurden wie bisher von ehrenamtlichen Berichterstattern im Auftrage des Osterreichischen Alpenvereins durchgeführt, der auch die dafür nötigen Mittel zur Verfügung stellte. Der Stab der Mitarbeiter blieb gleich. Die ausführlichen, mit Fotos und Lageskizzen versehenen Berichte sind im Gletschermeßarchiv des OeAV aufbewahrt. Gegenüber den vorangegangenen, von H. Kinzl seit 1963 verfaßten Sammelberichten wurde aus Gründen der Übersichtlichkeit eine formale Umgestaltung vorgenommen. Die Berechnung der Tendenzstatistik wurde den internationalen Gepflogenheiten entsprechend durchgeführt. Dadurch ergeben sich geringfügige Änderungen an den bisher in diesen Berichten publizierten Zahlenwerten. Sie sind jetzt mit der Statistik der Längenmessungen aus den Schweizer Alpen direkt vergleichbar.