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In the southeast of the Bolshoi Lyakhovsky Island there are outcrops of tectonic outliers composed of low-K medium-Ti tholeiitic basic rocks represented by low altered pillow basalts, as well as by their metamorphosed analogs: amphibolites and blueschists. The rocks are depleted in light rare-earth elements and were melted out of a depleted mantle source enriched in Th, Nb, and Zr also contributed to the rock formation. The magma sources were not affected by subduction-related fluids or melts. The rocks were part of the Jurassic South Anyui ocean basin crust. The blueschists are the crust of the same basin submerged beneath the more southern Anyui-Svyatoi Nos arc to depth of 30-40 km. Pressure and temperature of metamorphism suggest a setting of "warm" subduction. Mineral assemblages of the blueschists record time of a collision of the Anyui-Svyatoi Nos island arc and the New Siberian continental block expressed as a counter-clockwise PT trend. The pressure jump during the collision corresponds to heaping of tectonic covers above the zone of convergence 12 km in total thickness. Ocean rocks were thrust upon the margin of the New Siberian continental block in late Late Jurassic - early Early Cretaceous and mark the NW continuation of the South Anyui suture, one of the main tectonic sutures of the Northeastern Asia.


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A high-MgO andesite which is texturally similar to boninite and a variolitic basalt collected from Site 458, about 100 km west of the Mariana Trench, have been studied through microprobe analyses and melting experiments at high water pressures. The boninite-type andesite is very similar in composition and texture to a boninite from Bonin Islands, except that the former is more calcic than the latter. The variolitic basalt contains magnesian pigeonite (Ca12Mg74Fe14) in cores of augite microphenocrysts. This pigeonite crystallized at temperatures above 1200°C. In the melting experiments of the boninite-type rock, clinopyroxene crystallizes as a liquidus phase at pressures at least above 8 kbar. No olivine crystallizes near the liquidus temperatures, indicating that the magma of this rock cannot be in equilibrium with the upper mantle periodotite (lherzolite) at depths at least greater than 25 km. The boninite-type rock is probably a product of fractional crystallization of a more primitive magma (e.g., olivine-bearing boninite magma) by separation of olivine and orthopyroxene. The magma of the variolitic basalt also cannot be in equilibrium with the upper mantle peridotite, and may be a product of fractional crystallization of a more primitive basaltic magma.