429 resultados para 70-508


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Fifteen lengths of Leg 59 cores (primarily from Hole 451 as well as from Holes 447A and 448A) exhibiting macroscopic faults were selected by Dr. R. B. Scott (Co-Chief Scientist, Leg 59) to help us initiate this petrofabric analysis. We proposed to (1) determine what dynamically useful deformation features might be associated with the faults, and (2) infer from these features as much as possible about the physical environment of the deformation (effective pressure, differential stress, temperature, and strain rate), the orientation and relatively magnitudes of the principal stresses at the time of deformation, and the degree of induration of the rocks at the time of deformation. The cores, mainly from Hole 451, had been slabbed on board ship with respect to the trace of bedding so that each cut surface contains the true bedding dip-direction. In general, the cores from Hole 451 are largely calcareous, lithic and vitric, brecciated tuffs, whereas those from Holes 447A and 448A are basalts or basalt breccias.


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A detailed study of physical properties was made on core samples from Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 504B. The measured properties are density, porosity, sonic velocity, electrical resistivity, and fluid permeability. Basalts from this young oceanic crust have higher density and sonic velocity than the average DSDP basalts. Porosity (and temperature) dependences of physical properties are given by V = Vo - a-phi; roo = roo-0 exp(E*/RT)phi**-q; k = k0' phi**2q-1; where V is the sonic velocity (km/s), Vo = 6.45 (km/s), a = 0.111 (km/s %), phi is the porosity (%), roo is the electrical resistivity (ohm m), roo-0 = 0.002 (ohm m), E* = 2.7 (Kcal/mol) for fresh basalts, RT has its usual meaning, q = 1.67 ± 0.27, k is the permeability, k0' = (1 to about 10) x 10**-12 (cm**2). Porosity distribution in the crust in this area is estimated by combining the seismic velocity distribution and velocity-porosity relation. Because of the rapid decrease in porosity with depth, resistivity increases and permeability decreases rapidly with depth. The decreasing rate of permeability with increasing depth is approximately given by k(cm**2) = 2 x 10**-10 exp(-z (km)/0.3).


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About 150 basalt samples from Hole 504B, near the Costa Rica Rift were analyzed for sulfur content and sulfur-isotope composition. The basement in Hole 504B can be divided into an upper part, which has oxidative alteration (274.5-550 m below sea floor), and a lower part, which has nonoxidative alteration (550-835 m below sea floor) (the interval from 540 to 585 meters actually is transitional). This division is reflected in both the sulfur content and the sulfurisotope composition. Oxidative alteration of basalts by sea water at low temperatures has resulted in a depletion in sulfur in the upper part of the hole (mostly less than 600 ppm S) as compared to fresh sulfur-saturated oceanic tholeiites (900-1200 ppm S). High amounts of sulfur in the lower part of the hole are a result of precipitation of secondary pyrite under non-oxidative or weakly oxidative conditions from solutions which dissolved igneous sulfides. The average sulfur-isotope composition of the primary igneous sulfides is d34S = -0.01 per mil, which is close to the assumed mantle sulfur composition (d34S = 0 per mil. Pyrite and sulfate sulfur extracted together in a separate preparation step (as "pyrite-sulfate" sulfur) indicate addition of sea-water sulfate to the upper part of the basalts. The d34S of secondary pyrite isolated by hand-picking varies between -8.0 and +5.8 per mil; the "pyrite-sulfate" sulfur (d34S = -4.8 to +10.5 per mil), as well as that of the isolated pyrite, may have originated in the precipitation of pyrite from solutions containing sulfur from the dissolution of igneous sulfides, but addition of sulfur transported by hydrothermal solutions cannot be excluded.