825 resultados para Leg.
The strontium isotope ratios of authigenic carbonates from Indian Ocean sea-floor basalts have been used to determine the timing of carbonate mineral precipitation and fluid flow. The samples include calcites from 57.2 Ma crust from Ocean Drilling Project (ODP) Site 715, and calcites, aragonites, and siderites from 63.7 Ma crust from ODP Site 707. At Site 715, calcite precipitation may have begun at any time after the basalts cooled, and it continued until approximately 31 Ma, or 26 m.y. after basalt eruption. At Site 707, aragonite and siderite did not begin to precipitate until about 36 Ma, almost 30 m.y. after basalt eruption, and continued to precipitate until at least 30 and 28 Ma, respectively. Calcite precipitation began at approximately 32 Ma and continued until 22 Ma. These ages suggest that vein mineral deposition and low-temperature fluid circulation in the ocean crust may continue for much longer periods of time than previously observed.
During Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 149, five sites were drilled on the Iberia Abyssal Plain in the northeastern Atlantic Ocean. Both Mesozoic and Cenozoic sediments were recovered. Oligocene to Miocene sediments were cored at deepwater Sites 897, 898, 899, and 900. Except for a few intervals, occurrences of generally abundant and well-preserved calcareous nannofossils suggest that the deposition of the turbidite-type sediments occurred above the calcite compensation depth (CCD). One major unconformity in the middle late Miocene is present. Detailed quantitative analyses of calcareous nannofossils are used to determine the changes occurring among the nannoflora in relation to sea-level variation. A succession of 89 biohorizons from the early Oligocene to the late Miocene are defined by combining the biostratigraphic results of the four sites studied in the Iberia Abyssal Plain. One new genus and eight new species are described: Camuralithus, Camuralithus pelliculatus, Ericsonia detecta, Helicosphaera limasera, Sphenolithus akropodus, Sphenolithus aubryae, Sphenolithus cometa, Reticulofenestra circus, and Syracosphaera lamina. Two new variations and seven new combinations are also introduced.
Porewaters in site 680 Peru Margin sediments contain dissolved sulfide over a depth of approximately 70 m which, at a sedimentation rate of 0.005 cm/yr, gives a sediment exposure time to dissolved sulfide of about 1.4 Myr. Reactions with dissolved sulfide cause the site 680 sediments to show a progressive decrease in a poorly-reactive silicate iron fraction, defined as the difference between iron extracted by dithionite (FeD) at room temperature and that extracted by boiling concentrated HCl (FeH), normalised to the total iron content (FeT). Straight line plots are obtained for ln[(FeH - FeD)/FeT] against time of burial, from which a first order rate constant of 0.29 1/Myr (equivalent to a half-life of 2.4 Myr) can be derived for the sulfidation of this silicate iron. Comparable half-lives are also found for the same poorly-reactive iron fraction in the nearby site 681 and 684 sediments. This silicate Fe fraction comprises 0.8-1.0% Fe, only 30-60% of which reacts even with 1.5-3 million years exposure to dissolved sulfide. Diagenetic models based on porewater concentrations of sulfate and sulfide, and solid phase iron contents, at site 680 are consistent in indicating that this poorly-reactive iron fraction is only sulfidized on a million year time scale. Silicate iron not extracted by HCl can be regarded as unreactive towards dissolved sulfide on the time scales encountered in marine sediments.
During Ocean Drilling Program Leg 120, an almost complete Paleogene sediment section on the Kerguelen Plateau in the southern Indian Ocean was recovered. The biostratigraphy of radiolarians from these sediments at Sites 748 and 749 is studied. A biostratigraphic framework established in low and middle latitudes is not applicable because of the absence of most zonal marker species. Biogenic opal is present only in middle Eocene to Oligocene sediments, and three new zones-Lychnocanoma conica, Axoprunum (?) irregularis, and Eucyrtidium spinosum zones-are proposed. The Paleogene antarctic radiolarian fauna is different from that in low and middle latitudes. Three new species, Axoprunum (?) irregularis, Eucyrtidium cheni, and Eucyrtidium spinosum, are described.
The aim of DSDP Leg 82 was to decipher the temporal and spatial evolution of Azores Plume. The Pb-isotopic results of this leg are rather complex, and can be summarized as follows: 1. At a given site (561, 558), variations of Pb isotopic compositions are generally accompanied by major changes in trace-element ratios, indicating significant heterogeneity of the source region. There is a correlation between Pb isotopes and trace elements. 2. In contrast, if all the data (i.e., all studied sites) of Leg 82 are considered together, no correlation can be discerned between Pb isotopes and trace elements. Site 556, especially, shows abnormal behavior. 3. Leg 82 samples not only cover the entire range of Pb isotopic composition previously established for the Atlantic Ocean, but extend this field to more radiogenic values. 4. The data are compatible with the hot-spot model proposed by Schilling (1975), if one considers that the Azores Plume itself is isotopically heterogeneous, and that it has been progressively contaminated to various degrees by upper mantle material.
The sulfur contents of 21 basalt samples from four DSDP Leg 82 holes were determined and the isotopic compositions of sulfur were measured on 15 of them. Most of the basalts are altered and have sulfur contents of about 100 ppm. Isotopic ratios for sulfate and total sulfur range from +0.7 to +10.5 per mil, indicating almost complete leaching of the igneous sulfide in low-sulfur samples by alteration. Total sulfur content of some samples ranges between 960 and 1170 ppm, somewhat higher than expected for tholeiitic basalts. The isotope ratios of total sulfur in these samples are slightly shifted to values heavier than the generally assumed mantle ratio of zero, and this shift is thought to result from a secondary source of sulfur.
We present grain size, granulometric statistical parameters, and calcium carbonate content of sediment samples from the summit and east and west flanks of southern Hydrate Ridge (Sites 1244-1250). These data are compared with magnetic susceptibility measurements from the same intervals. Bulk and clay mineralogy from Sites 1244 (east flank), 1247 (west flank), and 1250 (summit) are also presented. The integration of these data allows us to characterize the main sedimentary facies and composition of the Quaternary age sediments from southern Hydrate Ridge.
On Leg 96 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP), holes were drilled in Orca and Pigmy basins on the northern Gulf of Mexico continental slope and on the Mississippi Fan. The holes on the fan encountered interbedded sand, silt, and mud deposited extremely rapidly, most during late Wisconsin glacial time. Pore-water chemistry in these holes is variable, but does not follow lithologic changes in any simple way. Both Ca and SO4 are enriched in the pore water of many samples from the fan. Two sites drilled in the prominent central channel of the middle fan show rapid SO4 reduction with depth, whereas two nearby sites in overbank deposits show no sulfate reduction for 300 m. Calcium concentration decreases as SO4 is depleted and Li follows the same pattern. Strontium, which like Li, is enriched in samples enriched in Ca, does not decrease with SO4 and Ca. Potassium in the pore water decreases with depth at almost all sites. Sulfate reduction was active at the two basin sites and, as on the fan, this resulted in calcium carbonate precipitation and a lowering of pore water Ca, Mg, and Li. The Orca Basin site was drilled through a brine pool of 258? salinity. Pore-water salinity decreases smoothly with depth to 50 m and remains well above normal seawater values to the bottom of the hole at about 90 m. This suggests constant sedimentation under anoxic hypersaline conditions for at least the last 50,000 yr.
The lithostratigraphy of Neogene hemipelagic sediments recovered from the Japan Sea during Leg 127 was revised to improve intersite consistency and to remove confusion stemming from diagenetic modification of the lithology through the opal-A to opal-CT transformation. Special emphasis was put on the presence and nature of dark-light cycles in revising the lithostratigraphy. Mineral composition analysis was conducted for samples from Sites 794, 795, and 797. In addition, major element chemical composition analysis was conducted for these same sample sets from Site 794. The result of mineral composition analysis suggests that the detrital component, which consists of such minerals as quartz, plagioclase, illite, and kaolinite plus chlorite, is diluted to various degrees by biogenic silica (opal-A) and its diagenetic equivalents (opal-CT and quartz). Smectite, on the other hand, may be a diagenetic or hydrothermal alteration product of volcanic material, although more study is necessary to confirm its origin. As a whole, vertical variation in the sediment composition is consistent with the revised lithostratigraphy and helps to characterize the redefined lithologic units quantitatively.
Oxygen isotopes in marine sulfate (d18O SO4) measured in marine barite show variability over the past 10 million years, including a 5per mil decrease during the Plio-Pleistocene, with near-constant values during the Miocene that are slightly enriched over the modern ocean. A numerical model suggests that sea level fluctuations during Plio-Pleistocene glacial cycles affected the sulfur cycle by reducing the area of continental shelves and increasing the oxidative weathering of pyrite. The data also require that sulfate concentrations were 10 to 20% lower in the late Miocene than today.
We present a detailed study of the co-diagenesis of Fe and P in hydrothermal plume fallout sediments from ~19°S on the southern East Pacific Rise. Three distal sediment cores from 340-1130 km from the ridge crest, collected during DSDP Leg 92, were analysed for solid phase Fe and P associations using sequential chemical extraction techniques. The sediments at all sites are enriched in hydrothermal Fe (oxyhydr)oxides, but during diagenesis a large proportion of the primary ferrihydrite precipitates are transformed to the more stable mineral form of goethite and to a lesser extent to clay minerals, resulting in the release to solution of scavenged P. However, a significant proportion of this P is retained within the sediment, by incorporation into secondary goethite, by precipitation as authigenic apatite, and by readsorption to Fe (oxyhydr)oxides. Molar P/Fe ratios for these sediments are significantly lower than those measured in plume particles from more northern localities along the southern East Pacific Rise, and show a distinct downcore decrease to a depth of ~12 m. Molar P/Fe ratios are then relatively constant to a depth of ~35 m. The Fe and P speciation data indicate that diagenetic modification of the sediments is largely complete by a depth of 2.5 m, and thus depth trends in molar P/Fe ratios can not solely be explained by losses of P from the sediment by diffusion to the overlying water column during early diagenesis. Instead, these sediments are likely recording changes in dissolved P concentrations off the SEPR, possibly as a result of redistribution of nutrients in response to changes in oceanic circulation over the last 10 million years. Furthermore, the relatively low molar P/Fe ratios observed throughout these sediments are not necessarily solely due to losses of scavenged P by diffusion to the overlying water column during diagenesis, but may also reflect post-depositional oxidation of pyrite originating from the volatile-rich vents of the southern East Pacific Rise. This study suggests that the molar P/Fe ratio of oxic Fe-rich sediments may serve as a proxy of relative changes in paleoseawater phosphate concentrations, particularly if Fe sulfide minerals are not an important component during transport and deposition.
As part of a continuing program of organic-geochemistry studies of sediments recovered by the Deep Sea Drilling Project, we have analyzed the types, amounts, and thermal-alteration indices of organic matter in samples collected from the landward wall of the Japan Trench on Legs 56 and 57. The samples were canned aboard ship, enabling us to measure also their gas contents. In addition, we analyzed the heavy C15+ hydrocarbons, NSO compounds, and asphaltenes extracted from selected samples. Our samples form a transect down the trench wall, from Holes 438 and 438A (water depth 1558 m), through Holes 435 and 435A (water depth 3401 m), and 440 (water depth 4507 m), to Holes 434 and 434B (water depth 5986 m). The trench wall is the continental slope of Japan. Its sediments are Cenozoic hemipelagic diatomaceous muds that were deposited where they are found or have slumped from farther up the slope. Their terrigenous components probably were deposited from near-bottom nepheloid layers transported by bottom currents or in low density flows (Arthur et al., 1978). Our objective was to find out what types of organic matter exist in the sediment and to estimate their potential for generation of hydrocarbons.