801 resultados para Western Indian Ocean


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Study of Recent abyssal benthic foraminifera from core-top samples in the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean has identified distinctive faunas whose distribution patterns reflect the major hydrographic features of the region. Above 3800 m, Indian Deep Water (IDW) is characterized by a diverse and evenly-distributed biofacies to which Globocassidulina subglobosa, Pyrgo spp., Uvigerina peregrina, and Eggerella bradyi are the major contributors. Nuttalides umbonifera and Epistominella exigua are associated with Indian Bottom Water (IBW) below 3800 m. Within the IBW fauna, N. umbonifera and E. exigua are characteristic of two biofacies with independent distribution patterns. Nuttalides umbonifera systematically increases in abundance with increasing water depth. The E. exigua biofacies reaches its greatest abundance in sediments on the eastern flank of the Ninetyeast Ridge and in the Wharton-Cocos Basin. The hydrographic transition between IDW and IBW coincides with the level of transition from waters supersaturated to waters undersaturated with respect to calcite and with the depth of the lysocline. Carbonate saturation levels, possibly combined with the effects of selective dissolution on the benthic foraminiferal populations, best explain the change in faunas across the IDW/IBW boundary and the bathymetric distribution pattern of N. umbonifera. The distribution of the E. exigua fauna cannot be explained with this model. Epistominella exigua is associated with the colder, more oxygenated IBW of the Wharton-Cocos Basin. The distribution of this biofacies on the eastern flank of the Ninetyeast Ridge agrees well with the calculated bathymetric position of the northward flowing deep boundary current which aerates the eastern basins of the Indian Ocean.


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The data given in this and previous communications is insufficient to assess the quantitative role of these supplementary sources in the Indian Ocean, but they do not rule out their local significance. Elucidation of this problem requires further data on the characteristics of the composition and structure of nodules in various different metallogenic regions of the ocean floor. A study of the distribution of ore elements in nodules both depthwise and over the area of the floor together with compilation of the first schematic maps based on the results of analyses of samples from 54 stations) enables us to give a more precise empirical relation between the Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, and Co contents in Indian Ocean nodules, the manganese ratio and the values of the oxidation potential, which vary regularly with depth. This in turn also enables us to confirm that formation of nodules completes the prolonged process of deposition of ore components from ocean waters, and the complex physico-chemical transformations of sediments in the bottom layer. Microprobe investigation of ore rinds revealed the nonuniform distribution of a num¬ber of elements within them, owing to the capacity of particles of hydrated oxides of manganese and iron to adsorb various elements. High concentration of individual elements is correlated with local sectors of the ore rinds, in which the presence of todorokite, in particular, has been noted. The appearance of this mineral apparently requires elevated Ca, Mg, Na, and K concentrations, because the stable crystalline phase of this specific mineral form of the psilomelane group may be formed when these cations are incorporated into a lattice of the delta-MnO2 type.


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A satellite-only Mean Dynamic Topography (MDT) of the North Indian Ocean is estimated from the DIRR5 geoid and CNES_CLS11 mean sea surface (Schaffer et al. 2012). DIRR5 geoid is estimated from the latest release (Release 5) of GOCE gravity data according to previous studies (e.g., Johannessen et al. 2003; Raj, 2014). Note that this MDT estimated is referenced to a time period of 7 years (1993-1999). A correction data obtained from AVISO is later used to convert the MDT to a time reference of 20 years (1993-2012). More details are given in Raj (2016).


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Contents and distributions of Cu, Ni, Co, V, Cr, Zn, Pb, Mo, W, and Zr in near-coast and pelagic sediments of the Northern Indian Ocean are under consideration in the paper. Chemical analyses showed enrichment of pelagic clayey radiolarian oozes by Mn, Cu, Ni, Co, Pb, W, and Mo. According to enrichment factors these elements have the following order: Mo> Mn> Cu> Ni> Co> Pb> W. Enrichment of pelagic sediments from the Indian Ocean is mainly determined by the mechanism of the sedimentation process. Enrichment factors of Cu, Ni, Co, W, Mo, and Mn in pelagic sediments of the North Indian Ocean are intermediate between ones in pelagic sediments of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.


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Chemical and mineralogical analyses of manganese nodules from a large number of widely spaced localities in the Pacific and Indian Oceans have shown that their mineralogy and chemical composition varies both areally and with depth of formation. This is considered to result from a number of factors, important among which are: (a) their proximity to continental or volcanic sources of elements; (b) the chemical environment of deposition, including the degree of oxygenation; and (c) local factors such as the upward migration of reduced manganese in sediments from certain areas. Sub-surface nodules appear to share the chemical characteristics of their surface counterparts, especially those from volcanic areas where sub-surface sources of elements are probably important.


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Bituminous substances in metalliferous sediments from the region of the triple junction in the Indian Ocean were studied. Specific peculiarities of their structure confirming location in "hot conditions" were revealed. Hydrocarbons are genetically connected with hydrothermal matter, and thus they could be considered as a geochemical indicator of hydrothermal processes in the ocean.


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It has been found that oxygen-isotope and paleotemperature curves based on types of planktonic foraminiferal thanatocenoses in three sediment cores, from the tropical, southern temperate, and southern glacial zones of the Indian Ocean can be readily correlated with each other. The sediment cores revealed three epochs of cold climate during the past 700 ky; these are probably connect with worldwide epochs of cooling during Pleistocene that led to advance of ice sheets during continental glaciations in the northern hemisphere.


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In this study we reconstruct sea surface temperatures (SSTs) using two lipid-based biomarker proxies (alkenone unsaturation index UK'37 and TEX86 index based on glycerol dibiphytanyl glycerol tetraethers) in 36 surface sediment samples from the Indonesian continental margin off west Sumatra and south of Java and the Lesser Sunda Islands. Comparison of measured temperatures (World Ocean Atlas 09) to reconstructed temperatures suggests that SST-UK'37 reflects the SE monsoon SST in the upwelling area south of Java and the Lesser Sunda Islands, whereas Temp-TEXH86 estimates are up to 2°C lower than SST-UK'37. This offset is possibly related to either one or a combination of two factors: i) the depth habitats of the source organisms; ii) different seasonal production and/ or seasonality of export associated with phytoplankton blooming triggered by primary productivity. In the non-upwelling area off west Sumatra, the alkenone-based SSTs are cooler than measured temperatures during the entire year, likely due to the reduced sensitivity of the UK'37 proxy beyond 28°C. However, reconstructed temperatures based on TEXH86 are consistent with mean annual SST, implying that the Temp-TEXH86 reflects the mean annual SST in the non-upwelling area of the tropical Eastern Indian Ocean.


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Seismic and multibeam data, as well as sediment samples were acquired in the South Malé Atoll in the Maldives archipelago in 2011 to unravel the stratigraphy and facies of the lagoonal deposits. Multichannel seismic lines show that the sedimentary succession locally reaches a maximum thickness of 15-20 m above an unconformity interpreted as the emersion surface which developed during the last glacial sea-level lowstand. Such depocenters are located in current-protected areas flanking the reef rim of the atoll or in infillings of karst dolinas. Much of the 50 m deep sea floor in the lagoon interior is current swept, and has no or very minor sediment cover. Erosive current moats line drowned patch reefs, whereas other areas are characterized by nondeposition. Karst sink holes, blue holes and karst valleys occur throughout the lagoon, from its rim to its center. Lagoonal sediments are mostly carbonate rubble and coarse-grained carbonate sands with frequent large benthic foraminifers, Halimeda flakes, red algal nodules, mollusks, bioclasts, and intraclasts, some of them glauconitic, as well as very minor ooids. Finer-grained deposits locally are deposited in current-protected areas behind elongated faros, i.e., small atolls which are part of the rim of South Malé Atoll. The South Malé Atoll is a current-flushed atoll, where water and sediment export with the open sea is facilitated by the multiple passes dissecting the atoll rim. With an elevated reef rim and tower-like reefs in the atoll interior it is an example of a leaky bucket atoll which shares characteristics of incipiently drowned carbonate banks or drowning sequences as known from the geological record.


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Sediment and interstitial water samples recovered during DSDP Leg 93 at Site 603 (lower continental rise off Cape Hatteras) were analyzed for a series of geochemical facies indicators to elucidate the nature and origin of the sedimentary material. Special emphasis was given to middle Cretaceous organic-matter-rich turbidite sequences of Aptian to Turanian age. Organic carbon content ranges from nil in pelagic claystone samples to 4.2% (total rock) in middle Cretaceous carbonaceous mudstones of turbiditic origin. The organic matter is of marine algal origin with significant contributions of terrigenous matter via turbidites. Maturation indices (vitrinite reflectance) reveal that the terrestrial humic material is reworked. Maturity of autochthonous material (i.e., primary vitrinite) falls in the range of 0.3 to 0.6% Carbohydrate, hydrocarbon, and microscopic investigations reveal moderate to high microbial degradation. Unlike deep-basin black shales of the South and North Atlantic, organic-carbon-rich members of the Hatteras Formation lack trace metal enrichment. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in interstitial water samples ranges from 34.4 ppm in a sandstone sample to 126.2 ppm in an organic-matter-rich carbonaceous claystone sample. One to two percent of DOC is carbohydratecarbon.


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During the Indian Ocean Expedition of R/V METEOR phytoplankton samples were taken with a multiple closing net (Multinet) at 103 stations. In this material the diatoms were investigated. In all 247 taxa could be identified which belong to 242 species and 5 varieties of formae of 80 genera. Of these 1 variety, 15 pecies, and 3 genera are newly described. New combinations were made for 18 species, and a number of old combinations was reinstated.


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A large manganese nodule (manganese slab) was dredged from 2100 m on the Scott Plateau by R.V. Valdivia in 1977. It is an irregular ellipsoid, with a maximum dimension of 28 cm, parallel to the sea floor. Chemical analyses show that Mn and Fe proportions are comparable, and total Ni + Cu + Co content averages 0.7%. The nodule has a complex growth history which started with radial upward growth leading to coalescing into a continuous crust. The crust was coated with horizontal layers. After fracturing and infilling of cracks with calcareous sediment, further layers encased the nodule.


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X-ray computed tomography (CT) provides an insight into the progression of dissolution in the tests of planktonic foraminifera. Four species of foraminifera (G. ruber [white], G. sacculifer, N. dutertrei and P. obliquiloculata) from Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Ocean core-top samples were examined by CT and SEM. Inner chamber walls began to dissolve at Delta[CO3**2-] values of 12-14 µmol/kg. Close to the calcite saturation horizon, dissolution and precipitation of calcite may occur simultaneously. Inner calcite of G. sacculifer, N. dutertrei and P. obliquiloculata from such sites appeared altered or replaced, whereas outer crust calcite was dense with no pores. Unlike the other species, there was no distinction between inner and outer calcite in CT scans of G. ruber. Empty calcite crusts of N. dutertrei and P. obliquiloculata were most resistant to dissolution and were present in samples where Delta[CO3**2-] ~ -20 µmol/kg. Five stages of preservation were identified in CT scans, and an empirical dissolution index, XDX, was established. XDX appears to be insensitive to initial test mass. Mass loss in response to dissolution was similar between species and sites at ~ 0.4 µg/µmol/kg. We provide calibrations to estimate Delta[CO3**2-] and initial test mass from XDX.


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Analytical data on the basic salt composition in evaporation products of sea (ocean) water and of rain water falling on the central area of the Indian Ocean are examined. Both hot and low-temperature (vacuum) distillation were used. When ocean water evaporates under calm conditions, sea salts in molecular-dispersed state, metamorphosed in the upper boundary layer, enter the atmosphere in addition to water vapor ("salt respiration of the ocean"). Concentration of these salts is about 0.5 mg per liter of water evaporated. Salts also enter the atmosphere from a foam-covered ocean surface as aerosols.


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We have determined the concentrations and isotopic composition of noble gases in old oceanic crust and oceanic sediments and the isotopic composition of noble gases in emanations from subduction volcanoes. Comparison with the noble gas signature of the upper mantle and a simple model allow us to conclude that at least 98% of the noble gases and water in the subducted slab returns back into the atmosphere through subduction volcanism before they can be admixed into the earth's mantle. It seems that the upper mantle is inaccessible to atmospheric noble gases due to an efficient subduction barrier for volatiles.