704 resultados para Biomass carbon


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Vertical distribution of meso- and macroplankton was studied in the region of the most sharply pronounced climatic frontal zone between the Gulf Stream and the Labrador current. Hauls with a plankton net BR 113/140 and visual counts of macroplankton from the Mir submersible were used. In the frontal zone a contact occurs between arctic-boreal communities and communities of the North Atlantic subtropical gyre. The community of the North Atlantic subtropical gyre is more mature in terms of succession; many macroplanktonic carnivores-scavengers (mainly shrimps Acanthephyra) develop there and form a ''living network'' feeding on those transported from the north rich arctic-boreal mesoplankton. As a result biomass of shrimps appears to be significantly higher than biomass of their preys. Peculiarities of vertical distribution and population structure of shrimps were analyzed. Data on quantitative vertical distribution of total biomass of meso- and macroplankton and its principal groups, including gelatinous animals (ctenophores, medusas, and siphonophores) were obtained. Variations of the role of different plankton groups with depth were considered; these data enable a conclusion that frontal variations of the community structure embrace the depth range from the surface down to 2000 m.


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Causes of change in deep water delta13C can be either global or local in extent. Global causes include (1) climatically-induced changes in the amount of terrestrial biomass which alter the average carbon isotopic composition of the oceanic reservoir (Shackleton, 1977), and (2) erosion and deposition of organic-rich, continental shelf sediments during sea level fluctuations which change the mean oceanic carbon: phosphorus ratio (Broecker, 1982 doi:10.1016/0079-6611(82)90007-6). Regional gradients of delta13C are created by remineralization of organic detritus within the deep ocean itself thus reflecting the distribution of water masses and modern thermohaline flow. Changes in a single geological record of benthic foraminiferal delta13C can result from any combination of these global and abyssal circulation effects. By sampling a large number of cores collected over a wide bathymetric range yet confined to a small geographical region we have minimized the ambiguity. We can assume that each delta13C record was equally affected by global causes of delta13C variation. The differences seen between the delta13C records must, therefore, reflect changes in the distribution of delta13C in the deep ocean. We interpret these differences in distribution in terms of changes in the ocean's abyssal circulation. Benthic foraminiferal carbon isotopic evidence from a suite of Sierra Leone Rise cores indicates that the deeper parts of the eastern Atlantic basins underwent a reduction in [O2] during the maximum of the last glaciation. Reduced advection of O2-rich deep water through low-latitude fracture zones, associated with increased delivery of organic matter to the deep ocean, lowered the delta13C of deep water SumCO2 at all depths below the sill separating the eastern and western Atlantic basins (Metcalf et al., 1964 doi:10.1016/0011-7471(64)91078-2). This decreased advection into the eastern Atlantic Ocean coincides with the overall decrease in deep water production in the North Atlantic during the last glacial maximum (Curry and Lohmann, 1982 doi:10.1016/0033-5894(82)90071-0; Boyle and Keigwin, 1982 doi:10.1126/science.218.4574.784; Schnitker, 1979 doi:10.1016/0377-8398(79)90020-3; Streeter and Shackleton, 1979 doi:10.1126/science.203.4376.168).


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The spatial variability of biomass and stable isotopes in plankton size fractions in the upper 200 m was studied in a high spatial resolution transect along 24°N from Canary Islands to Florida (January - March 2011) during Leg 8 of the Malaspina-2010 expedition (http://www.expedicionmalaspina.es) to determine nitrogen and carbon sources. Plankton samples were collected by vertical tows of a microplankton net (40 mm mesh size) and a mesoplankton net (200 mm mesh size) through the upper 200 m of the water column. Sampling was between 10:00 and 16:00 h GMT. Plankton was separated into five size fractions (40 - 200, 200 - 500, 500 - 1000, 1000 - 2000 and > 2000 mm) by gentle filtration of the samples by a graded series of nylon sieves (2000, 1000, 500, 200 and 40 mm). Large gelatinous organisms were removed before filtration. Aliquots for each size fraction were collected on pre-weighed glass-fibre filters, dried (60°C, 48 h) and stored in a desiccator before determination of biomass (dry weight), carbon and nitrogen content and natural abundance of stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes ashore. Vertical advection of waters predominated in lateral zones while the central Atlantic (30-70°W) was characterized by a strong stratification and oligotrophic surface waters. Plankton biomass was low in the central zone and high in both eastern and western sides, with most of the variability due to either large (>2000 µm) and small plankton (<500 µm). Carbon isotopes reflected mainly the advection the deep water in lateral zones. Stable nitrogen isotopes showed a nearly symmetrical spatial distribution in all fractions, with the lowest values (delta15N <1per mill) in the central zone, and were inversely correlated to carbon stable isotopes (delta13C) and to the abundance of the nitrogen-fixer Trichodesmium. Diazotrophy was estimated to account for >50% of organic nitrogen in the central zone, and even >30% in eastern and western zones. The impact of diazotrophy increased with the size of the organisms, supporting the wide participation of all trophic levels in the processing of recently fixed nitrogen. These results indicate that atmospheric sources of carbon and nitrogen prevail over deep water sources in the subtropical North Atlantic and that the zone influenced by diazotrophy is much larger than reported in previous studies.