556 resultados para 71-512A
C2-C8 hydrocarbons (36 compounds identified) from 56 shipboard sealed, deep-frozen core samples of DSDP Leg 71, Site 511, Falkland Plateau, South Atlantic, were analyzed by a combined hydrogen stripping-thermovaporization method. Concentrations, which represent hydrocarbons dissolved in the pore water and adsorbed to the mineral surfaces of the sediment, vary from 24 ng/g of dry weight sediment in Lithologic Unit 4 to 17,400 ng/g in Lithologic Unit 6 ("black shale" unit). Likewise, the organic carbon normalized C2-C8 hydrocarbon concentrations range from 104 to 3.5 x 105 ng/g Corg. The latter value is more than one order of magnitude lower than expected for petroleum source beds in the main phase of oil generation. The low maturity at 600 meters depth is further supported by light hydrocarbon concentration ratios. The change of the kerogen type from Lithologic Unit 5 (Type III) to 6 (Type II) is evidenced by changes in the C6 and C7 hydrocarbon composition. Redistribution phenomena are observed close to the Tertiary-Cretaceous unconformity and at the contact between the "black shale" unit and the overlying Cretaceous chalks and claystones. Otherwise, the low molecular weight hydrocarbons in Hole 511 are formed in situ and remain at their place of formation. The core samples turned out to be contaminated by large quantities of acetone, which is routinely used as a solvent during sampling procedures onboard Glomar Challenger.
Calcareous nannofossils from upper Campanian-lower Maestrichtian Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 71 Cores 511-23 and 511-24 are described and correlated with assemblages of similar age from piston and drill cores on the Falkland Plateau, South Atlantic Ocean. The Leg 71 cores partially fill a drilling gap of at least 20 meters left within a thick (50 m) carbonate section first drilled by DSDP Leg 36 at Site 327. Cores 511-23 and 511-24 both fall within the upper portion of the Biscutum coronum Zone of Wind and demonstrate an overlap in the range of Monomarginatus quaternarius with the ranges of M. pectinatus, Misceomarginatus pleniporus, and Biscutum coronum across the Campanian/ Maestrichtian boundary. Resolution of the sequence of highest occurrence datums for the latter species must await the recovery of a more complete section. Comparison of the Site 511 assemblages with those from Mas Orcadas Core 07-75-44 to the north confirms earlier speculation that the Falkland Plateau served as an important boundary between major water masses during the Late Cretaceous.