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Extremely low summer sea-ice coverage in the Arctic Ocean in 2007 allowed extensive sampling and a wide quasi-synoptic hydrographic and d18O dataset could be collected in the Eurasian Basin and the Makarov Basin up to the Alpha Ridge and the East Siberian continental margin. With the aim of determining the origin of freshwater in the halocline, fractions of river water and sea-ice meltwater in the upper 150 m were quantified by a combination of salinity and d18O in the Eurasian Basin. Two methods, applying the preformed phosphate concentration (PO*) and the nitrate-to-phosphate ratio (N/P), were compared to further differentiate the marine fraction into Atlantic and Pacific-derived contributions. While PO*-based assessments systematically underestimate the contribution of Pacific-derived waters, N/P-based calculations overestimate Pacific-derived waters within the Transpolar Drift due to denitrification in bottom sediments at the Laptev Sea continental margin. Within the Eurasian Basin a west to east oriented front between net melting and production of sea-ice is observed. Outside the Atlantic regime dominated by net sea-ice melting, a pronounced layer influenced by brines released during sea-ice formation is present at about 30 to 50 m water depth with a maximum over the Lomonosov Ridge. The geographically distinct definition of this maximum demonstrates the rapid release and transport of signals from the shelf regions in discrete pulses within the Transpolar Drift. The ratio of sea-ice derived brine influence and river water is roughly constant within each layer of the Arctic Ocean halocline. The correlation between brine influence and river water reveals two clusters that can be assigned to the two main mechanisms of sea-ice formation within the Arctic Ocean. Over the open ocean or in polynyas at the continental slope where relatively small amounts of river water are found, sea-ice formation results in a linear correlation between brine influence and river water at salinities of about 32 to 34. In coastal polynyas in the shallow regions of the Laptev Sea and southern Kara Sea, sea-ice formation transports river water into the shelf's bottom layer due to the close proximity to the river mouths. This process therefore results in waters that form a second linear correlation between brine influence and river water at salinities of about 30 to 32. Our study indicates which layers of the Arctic Ocean halocline are primarily influenced by sea-ice formation in coastal polynyas and which layers are primarily influenced by sea-ice formation over the open ocean. Accordingly we use the ratio of sea-ice derived brine influence and river water to link the maximum in brine influence within the Transpolar Drift with a pulse of shelf waters from the Laptev Sea that was likely released in summer 2005.


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Since the inception of the international GEOTRACES program, studies investigating the distribution of trace elements and their isotopes in the global ocean have significantly increased. In spite of this large-scale effort, the distribution of neodymium isotopes (143Nd/144Nd) and concentrations ([Nd]) in the high latitude south Pacific is still understudied. Here we report dissolved Nd isotopes and concentrations from 11 vertical water column profiles from the south Pacific between South America and New Zealand. Results suggest that Ross Sea Bottom Water (RSBW) is represented by an epsilon-Nd value of ~ -7, and is thus more radiogenic than Circumpolar Deep Water (epsilon-Nd ~ -8). RSBW and its characteristic epsilon-Nd signature can be traced far into the SE Pacific until progressive mixing with ambient Lower Circumpolar Deep water (LCDW) dilutes this signal north of the Antarctic Polar Front (APF). The SW-NE trending Pacific-Antarctic Ridge restricts the advection of RSBW into the SW Pacific, where bottom water density, salinity, and epsilon-Nd values of -9 indicate the presence of bottom waters of an origin different from the Ross Sea. Neodymium concentrations show low surface concentrations and a linear increase with depth north of the Polar Front. South of the APF, surface [Nd] is high and increases with depth but remains almost constant below ~1000 m. This vertical and spatial [Nd] pattern follows the southward shoaling density surfaces of the Southern Ocean frontal system and hence suggests supply of Nd to the upper ocean through upwelling of Nd-rich deep water. Low particle abundance dominated by reduced opal production and seasonal sea ice cover likely contributes to the maintenance of the high upper ocean [Nd] south of the APF. The reported data highlights the use of Nd isotopes as a water mass tracer in the Southern Ocean, with the potential for paleocenaographic reconstructions, and contributes to an improved understanding of Nd biogeochemistry.


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The Ice Station POLarstern (ISPOL) cruise revisited the western Weddell Sea in late 2004 and obtained a comprehensive set of conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) data. This study describes the thermohaline structure and diapycnal mixing environment observed in 2004 and compares them with conditions observed more than a decade earlier. Hydrographic conditions on the central western Weddell Sea continental slope, off Larsen C Ice Shelf, in late winter/early spring of 2004/2005 can be described as a well-stratified environment with upper layers evidencing relict structures from intense winter near-surface vertical fluxes, an intermediate depth temperature maximum, and a cold near-bottom layer marked by patchy property distributions. A well-developed surface mixed layer, isolated from the underlying Warm Deep Water (WDW) by a pronounced pycnocline and characterized by lack of warming and by minimal sea-ice basal melting, supports the assumption that upper ocean winter conditions persisted during most of the ISPOL experiment. Much of the western Weddell Sea water column has remained essentially unchanged since 1992; however, significant differences were observed in two of the regional water masses. The first, Modified Weddell Deep Water (MWDW), comprises the permanent pycnocline and was less saline than a decade earlier, whereas Weddell Sea Bottom Water (WSBW) was horizontally patchier and colder. Near-bottom temperatures observed in 2004 were the coldest on record for the western Weddell Sea over the continental slope. Minimum temperatures were ~0.4 and ~0.3 °C colder than during 1992-1993, respectively. The 2004 near-bottom temperature/salinity characteristics revealed the presence of two different WSBW types, whereby a warm, fresh layer overlays a colder, saltier layer (both formed in the western Weddell Sea). The deeper layer may have formed locally as high salinity shelf water (HSSW) that flowed intermittently down the continental slope, which is consistent with the observed horizontal patchiness. The latter can be associated with the near-bottom variability found in Powell Basin with consequences for the deep water outflow from the Weddell Sea.