618 resultados para Corals juvenils
In the nineties, cold-water coral mounds were discovered in the Porcupine Seabight (NE Atlantic, west of Ireland). A decade later, this discovery led to the drilling of the entire Challenger cold-water coral mound (Eastern slope, Porcupine Seabight) during IODP Expedition 307. As more than 50% of the sediment within Challenger Mound consists of terrigenous material, the terrigenous component is equally important for the build-up of the mound as the framework-building corals. Moreover, the terrigenous fraction contains important information on the dynamics and the conditions of the depositional environment during mound development. In this study, the first in-depth investigation of the terrigenous sediment fraction of a cold-water coral mound is performed, combining clay mineralogy, sedimentology, petrography and Sr-Nd-isotopic analysis on a gravity core (MD01-2451G) collected at the top of Challenger Mound. Sr- and Nd-isotopic fingerprinting identifies Ireland as the main contributor of terrigenous material in Challenger Mound. Besides this, a variable input of volcanic material from the northern volcanic provinces (Iceland and/or the NW British Isles) is recognized in most of the samples. This volcanic material was most likely transported to Challenger Mound during cold climatic stages. In three samples, the isotopic ratios indicate a minor contribution of sediment deriving from the old cratons on Greenland, Scandinavia or Canada. The grain-size distributions of glacial sediments demonstrate that ice-rafted debris was deposited with little or no sorting, indicating a slow bottom-current regime. In contrast, interglacial intervals contain strongly current-sorted sediments, including reworked glacio-marine grains. The micro textures of the quartz-sand grains confirm the presence of grains transported by icebergs in interglacial intervals. These observations highlight the role of ice-rafting as an important transport mechanism of terrigenous material towards the mound during the Late Quaternary. Furthermore, elevated smectite content in the siliciclastic, glaciomarine sediment intervals is linked to the deglaciation history of the British-Irish Ice Sheet (BIIS). The increase of smectite is attributed to the initial stage of chemical weathering processes, which became activated following glacial retreat and the onset of warmer climatic conditions. During these deglaciations a significant change in the signature of the detrital fraction and a lack of coral growth is observed. Therefore, we postulate that the deglaciation of the BIIS has an important effect on mound growth. It can seriously alter the hydrography, nutrient supply and sedimentation processes, thereby affecting both sediment input and coral growth and hence, coral mound development.
Past sea-level records provide invaluable information about the response of ice sheets to climate forcing. Some such records suggest that the last deglaciation was punctuated by a dramatic period of sea-level rise, of about 20 metres, in less than 500 years. Controversy about the amplitude and timing of this meltwater pulse (MWP-1A) has, however, led to uncertainty about the source of the melt water and its temporal and causal relationships with the abrupt climate changes of the deglaciation. Here we show that MWP-1A started no earlier than 14,650 years ago and ended before 14,310 years ago, making it coeval with the Bølling warming. Our results, based on corals drilled offshore from Tahiti during Integrated Ocean Drilling Project Expedition 310, reveal that the increase in sea level at Tahiti was between 12 and 22 metres, with a most probable value between 14 and 18 metres, establishing a significant meltwater contribution from the Southern Hemisphere. This implies that the rate of eustatic sea-level rise exceeded 40 millimetres per year during MWP-1A.
Nine holes were drilled with a submersible hydraulic drill into the slopes and reef flats of the Caubyan and Calituban reefs as well as of Olango Flat. The maximum depth of core penetration was 11 m. 14C ages showed that the Caubyan and Calituban reefs were formed within the last 6,000 years. Corals settled on a pre-existing relief parallel to the island of Bohol, building a framework for other carbonate-producing organisms. The reef flat south of Olango has a different structure. Formation took place during a Pleistocene high sea level, e.g. 125,000 years ago.
Warming and changes in ocean carbonate chemistry alter marine coastal ecosystems at an accelerating pace. The interaction between these stressors has been the subject of recent studies on reef organisms such as corals, bryozoa, molluscs, and crustose coralline algae. Here we investigated the combined effects of elevated sea surface temperatures and pCO2 on two species of photosymbiont-bearing coral reef Foraminifera: Heterostegina depressa (hosting diatoms) and Marginopora vertebralis (hosting dinoflagellates). The effects of single and combined stressors were studied by monitoring survivorship, growth, and physiological parameters, such as respiration, photochemistry (pulse amplitude modulation fluorometry and oxygen production), and chl a content. Specimens were exposed in flow-through aquaria for up to seven weeks to combinations of two pCO2 (~790 and ~490 µatm) and two temperature (28 and 31 °C) regimes. Elevated temperature had negative effects on the physiology of both species. Elevated pCO2 had negative effects on growth and apparent photosynthetic rate in H.depressa but a positive effect on effective quantum yield. With increasing pCO2, chl a content decreased in H. depressa and increased in M. vertebralis. The strongest stress responses were observed when the two stressors acted in combination. An interaction term was statistically significant in half of the measured parameters. Further exploration revealed that 75 % of these cases showed a synergistic (= larger than additive) interaction between the two stressors. These results indicate that negative physiological effects on photosymbiont-bearing coral reef Foraminifera are likely to be stronger under simultaneous acidification and temperature rise than what would be expected from the effect of each of the stressors individually.
Tropical scleractinian corals are particularly vulnerable to global warming as elevated sea surface temperatures (SST) disrupt the delicate balance between the coral host and their algal endosymbionts, leading to symbiont expulsion, mass bleaching and mortality. While satellite sensing of SST has proven a good predictor of coral bleaching at the regional scale, there are large deviations in bleaching severity and mortality on the local scale, which are only poorly understood. Here, we show that internal waves play a major role in explaining local coral bleaching and mortality patterns in the Andaman Sea. In spite of a severe region-wide SST anomaly in May 2010, frequent upslope intrusions of cold sub-pycnocline waters due to breaking large amplitude internal waves (LAIW) alleviated heating and mitigated coral bleaching and mortality in shallow LAIW-exposed waters. In LAIW-sheltered waters, by contrast, bleaching susceptible species suffered severe bleaching and total mortality. These findings suggest that LAIW, which are ubiquitous in tropical stratified waters, benefit coral reefs during thermal stress and provide local refugia for bleaching susceptible corals. The swash zones of LAIW may thus be important, so far overlooked, conservation areas for the maintainance of coral diversity in a warming climate. The consideration of LAIW can significantly improve coral bleaching predictions and can provide a valuable tool for coral reef conservation and management.
The derivation of a detailed sea-surface paleotemperature curve for the middle Miocene-Holocene (10-0 Ma) from ODP Site 811 on the Queensland Plateau, northeast Australia, has clarified the role of sea-surface temperature fluctuations as a control on the initiation and development of the extensive carbonate platforms of this region. This curve was derived from isotopic analyses of the planktonic foraminifer Globigerinoides ruber, and converted to temperature using the surface-water paleotemperature equation accounting for variations in global ice volume. The accuracy of these data were confirmed by derivation of paleotemperatures using the water column isotopic gradient (Delta delta18O), corrected for salinity and variations in seafloor water mass temperature. Results indicate that during this period surface-water temperatures were, on average, greater than the minimum required for tropical reef growth (20°C; Veron, 1986), with the exception of the late Miocene and earliest early Pliocene (10-4.9 Ma), when there were repeated intervals of temperatures between 18-20°C. Tropical reef growth on the Queensland Plateau was extensive from the early to early middle Miocene (~21-13 Ma), after which reef development began to decline. A lowstand near 11 Ma probably exposed shallower portions of the plateau; after re-immersion near 7 Ma, the areal extent of reef development was greatly reduced (~ 50%). Paleotemperature data from Site 811 indicate that decreased sea-surface temperatures were likely to have been instrumental in reducing the area of active reef growth on the Queensland Plateau. Reduced reefal growth rates continued until the late Pliocene or Quaternary, despite the increase of average sea-surface paleotemperatures to 22-23°C. Studies on modern corals show that when sea-surface temperatures are below ~24°C, as they were from the late Miocene to the Pleistocene off northeast Australia, corals are stressed and growth rates are greatly reduced. Consequently, when temperatures are in this range, corals have difficulty keeping pace with subsidence and changing environmental factors. In the late Pliocene, sedimentation rates increased due to increases in non-reefal carbonate production and falling sea levels. It was not until the mid-Quaternary (0.6-0.7 Ma) that sea-surface paleotemperatures increased above 24°C as a result of the formation of a western Coral Sea warm water pool. Because of age discrepancies, it is unclear exactly when an effective barrier developed on the central Great Barrier Reef; the formation of the warm water pool was likely to have either assisted the formation of this barrier and/or permitted increased coral growth rates. Fluctuations in sea-surface temperature can account for much of the observed spatial and temporal variations of reef growth and carbonate platform distribution off northeast Australia, and therefore we conclude that paleotemperature variations are a critical control on the development of carbonate platforms, and must be considered an important cause of ancient platform "drowning".
Acropora is one of the largest taxonomic groups of scleractinian corals in the Indo-Pacific and contributes towards the establishment of coral communities in the Ryukyu Islands. Branching Acropora populations have a component of asexual reproduction; however, this may lead to a decline in genetic diversity, leaving populations vulnerable to environmental changes. Therefore, a sufficient supply of larvae produced via sexual reproduction is necessary to maintain genetic diversity in the branching Acropora communities. Fertilization success in branching Acropora depends on a variety of factors, including genetic and environmental conditions. How genotype and/or genetic compatibility drives fertilization rates in Acropora communities under natural conditions has not been investigated. To investigate how genotype and/or genetic compatibility determine fertilization rates in Acropora communities over the long-term, cross-mating experiments with branching Acropora using the same colonies were conducted from 2006 to 2011 in an aquarium. Acropora from cultured and natural colonies collected from a reef (26° 40' 19.2'' N, 127° 52' 40.8'' E) were used. Fertilization rates showed less variation within the same crossing combinations, but large variation across years for the same genotypes of focal colonies. Results indicated that fertilization rate was highly variable depending on genotype compatibility with different mating partners. Additionally, simulations of fertilization rates with increasing population size revealed that small populations that had low genetic diversity (fewer than 10 genotypes) failed to fertilize. These results support the establishment or maintenance of source populations that facilitate sufficient genetic diversity of branching Acropora to enhance coral community restoration.
The formation of calcareous skeletons by marine planktonic organisms and their subsequent sinking to depth generates a continuous rain of calcium carbonate to the deep ocean and underlying sediments1. This is important in regulating marine carbon cycling and ocean-atmosphere CO2 exchange2. The present rise in atmospheric CO2 levels3 causes significant changes in surface ocean pH and carbonate chemistry4. Such changes have been shown to slow down calcification in corals and coralline macroalgae5,6, but the majority of marine calcification occurs in planktonic organisms. Here we report reduced calcite production at increased CO2 concentrations in monospecific cultures of two dominant marine calcifying phytoplankton species, the coccolithophorids Emiliania huxleyi and Gephyrocapsa oceanica . This was accompanied by an increased proportion of malformed coccoliths and incomplete coccospheres. Diminished calcification led to a reduction in the ratio of calcite precipitation to organic matter production. Similar results were obtained in incubations of natural plankton assemblages from the north Pacific ocean when exposed to experimentally elevated CO2 levels. We suggest that the progressive increase in atmospheric CO2 concentrations may therefore slow down the production of calcium carbonate in the surface ocean. As the process of calcification releases CO2 to the atmosphere, the response observed here could potentially act as a negative feedback on atmospheric CO2 levels.
Rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations will significantly reduce ocean pH during the 21st century (ocean acidification, OA). This may hamper calcification in marine organisms such as corals and echinoderms, as shown in many laboratory-based experiments. Sea urchins are considered highly vulnerable to OA. We studied an Echinometra species on natural volcanic CO2 vents in Papua New Guinea, where they are CO2-acclimatized and also subjected to secondary ecological changes from elevated CO2. Near the vent site, the urchins experienced large daily variations in pH (> 1 unit) and pCO2 (> 2000 ppm) and average pH values (pHT 7.73) much below those expected under the most pessimistic future emission scenarios. Growth was measured over a 17-month period using tetracycline tagging of the calcareous feeding lanterns. Average-sized urchins grew more than twice as fast at the vent compared with those at an adjacent control site, and assumed larger sizes at the vent compared to the control site and two other sites at another reef near-by. A small reduction in gonad weight was detected at the vents, but no differences in mortality, respiration, or degree of test calcification were detected between urchins from vent and control populations. Thus, urchins did not only persist but actually 'thrived' under extreme CO2 conditions. We suggest an ecological basis for this response: increased algal productivity under increased pCO2 provided more food at the vent, resulting in higher growth rates. The wider implication of our observation is that laboratory studies on non-acclimatized specimens, which typically do not consider ecological changes, can lead to erroneous conclusions on responses to global change.
The exponential growth of studies on the biological response to ocean acidification over the last few decades has generated a large amount of data. To facilitate data comparison, a data compilation hosted at the data publisher PANGAEA was initiated in 2008 and is updated on a regular basis (doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.149999). By January 2015, a total of 581 data sets (over 4 000 000 data points) from 539 papers had been archived. Here we present the developments of this data compilation five years since its first description by Nisumaa et al. (2010). Most of study sites from which data archived are still in the Northern Hemisphere and the number of archived data from studies from the Southern Hemisphere and polar oceans are still relatively low. Data from 60 studies that investigated the response of a mix of organisms or natural communities were all added after 2010, indicating a welcomed shift from the study of individual organisms to communities and ecosystems. The initial imbalance of considerably more data archived on calcification and primary production than on other processes has improved. There is also a clear tendency towards more data archived from multifactorial studies after 2010. For easier and more effective access to ocean acidification data, the ocean acidification community is strongly encouraged to contribute to the data archiving effort, and help develop standard vocabularies describing the variables and define best practices for archiving ocean acidification data.
Ocean acidification (OA) threatens the existence of coral reefs by slowing the rate of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) production of framework-building corals thus reducing the amount of CaCO3 the reef can produce to counteract natural dissolution. Some evidence exists to suggest that elevated levels of dissolved inorganic nutrients can reduce the impact of OA on coral calcification. Here, we investigated the potential for enhanced energetic status of juvenile corals, achieved via heterotrophic feeding, to modulate the negative impact of OA on calcification. Larvae of the common Atlantic golf ball coral, Favia fragum, were collected and reared for 3 weeks under ambient (421 µatm) or significantly elevated (1,311 µatm) CO2 conditions. The metamorphosed, zooxanthellate spat were either fed brine shrimp (i.e., received nutrition from photosynthesis plus heterotrophy) or not fed (i.e., primarily autotrophic). Regardless of CO2 condition, the skeletons of fed corals exhibited accelerated development of septal cycles and were larger than those of unfed corals. At each CO2 level, fed corals accreted more CaCO3 than unfed corals, and fed corals reared under 1,311 µatm CO2 accreted as much CaCO3 as unfed corals reared under ambient CO2. However, feeding did not alter the sensitivity of calcification to increased CO2; Delta calcification/Delta Omega was comparable for fed and unfed corals. Our results suggest that calcification rates of nutritionally replete juvenile corals will decline as OA intensifies over the course of this century. Critically, however, such corals could maintain higher rates of skeletal growth and CaCO3 production under OA than those in nutritionally limited environments.