559 resultados para Supplement of chromium


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In this paper we describe textural relationships in hydrated upper mantle peridotites emplaced at a nonconstructive ridge segment. Development of serpentinites and partially serpentinized peridotites takes place in four main stages: (1) pervasive serpentinization forming mainly lizardite, (2) a tensional stage forming chrysotile + talc + chlorite, (3) a deformational stage forming antigorite + tremolite, and (4) a late local tensional stage forming another generation of chrysotile veinlets. Mineral chemistry of serpentine pseudomorphs reflects in part primary mineral compositions. Olivine pseudomorphs are typically nickeliferous and depleted in aluminum and chromium. Orthopyroxene pseudomorphs have lower nickel contents and relatively high iron, aluminum, and chromium contents. Clinopyroxene pseudomorphs have very low nickel contents and relatively high aluminum and chromium contents. These chemical patterns in the serpentinites can be used to help discriminate between harzburgitic and lherzolitic protoliths. Oxygen isotopes and mineral parageneses suggest serpentine is derived from circulation of hydrothermal (200?C) fluids through the peridotite body. Crystallization of tremolite, talc, and chlorite may have occurred at temperatures up to 525?C if C02/H20 ratios were less than 0.25. Open fissures developing in aging upper mantle provide paths for important seawater circulation through a thin basaltic carapace down to shallow mantle rocks.


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In a study of ODP Hole 689B no iridium (Ir) anomaly was found in Sections 1 through 6 of Core 25X or in Core 26X from the top down to section 2, 3-12 cm. The background Ir abundance averaged 11 parts per trillion (ppt) and a clay-enriched region had nearly the same average, 26 ± 12 ppt. If the Cretaceous-Tertiary (K-T) contact is in the region studied, then sedimentation was not continuous, and the K-T boundary was probably either not deposited or it was eroded away. In a study of Cores 15X and 16X of ODP Hole 690C, an iridium peak with a maximum abundance of 1566 ± 222 ppt was found in Section 4 of Core 15X at 39-40 cm with a half-width of 6.6 cm. Background abundances were ~15 ppt and distinctly higher Ir abundances were observed from 119 cm below to 72 cm above the main peak. The Ir distribution below the main peak is attributed to bioturbation by organisms with burrows extending at least 0.4 m. The Ir distribution above the main peak may be due to the same cause but other explanations may be significant. There are variable enrichments of clay in the mainly CaCO3 sediment of Core 15X, and the stratigraphically lowest part of the most abundant clay deposits is found (within 2 cm) in the same position as the main Ir peak. The clay deposit, which is estimated to be about 50% of the sediment, extends upward ~19 cm and then slowly decreases to a background level of 10% over 1 m. The degree of homogeneity of the clay-rich interval suggests it was not due to episodic volcanism but may have been due to a decrease of the CaCO3 deposition rate which was possibly triggered by the impact of a large asteroid or comet on the Earth.


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Distributions of Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Ni, Co, Cr, Pb, As, Ag, Cd, Se, Sb, and Hg in 128 samples of tissues of organisms that inhabit hydrothermal vent fields of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (Menez Gwen, Snake Pit, and Rainbow) depending on the abiotic environmental parameters were studied. The majority of the elements studied showed direct correlations between their concentrations in fluids released and in tissues of hydrothermal organisms. A higher degree of bioaccumulation of metals was revealed in Bathymodiolus mussels and Rimicaris shrimps from the Rainbow hydrothermal vent field as compared to their analogues from the Menez Gwen and Snake Pit fields. This corresponds to maximal concentrations of the majority of the metals studied in the Rainbow high-temperature hydrothermal fluids. The highest degree of bioaccumulation of heavy metals was found in gills of symbiotrophic mussels Bathymodiolus and in maxillipeds of ectosymbiotic shrimps Rimicaris, i.e., in organs that function in dependence on chemosynthetic bacteria. Within the Rainbow vent field, the shrimps, which inhabit in biotopes with more high-temperature conditions and therefore are more strongly subjected to influence of fluids, were found to contain higher metal contents than mollusks. Fe-Mn hydroxide films that cover mussel shells might serve as important reservoirs of other metals related to Fe and Mn.


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Drilling at Site 765 in the Argo Abyssal Plain sampled sediments and oceanic crust adjacent to the Australian margin. Some day, this site will be consumed in the Java Trench. An intensive analytical program was conducted to establish this site as a geochemical reference section forcrustal recycling calculations. About 150 sediment samples from Site 765 were analyzed for major and trace elements. Downhole trends in the sediment analyses agree well with trends in sediment mineralogy, as well as in Al and K logs. The primary signal in the geochemical variability is dilution of a detrital component by both biogenic silica and calcium carbonate. Although significant variations in the nonbiogenic component occur through time, its overall character is similar to nearby Canning Basin shales, which are typical of average post-Archean Australian shales (PAAS). The bulk composition of the hole is calculated using core descriptions to weight the analyses appropriately. However, a remarkably accurate estimate of the bulk composition of the hole can be made simply from PAAS and the average calcium carbonate and aluminum contents of the hole. Most elements can be estimated within 30% in this way. This means that estimating the bulk composition of other sections dominated by detrital and biogenic components may require little analytical effort: calcium carbonate contents, average Al contents, and average shale values can be taken from core descriptions, geochemical logs, and the literature, respectively. Some of the geochemical systematics developed at Site 765 can be extrapolated along the entire Sunda Trench. However, results are general, and Site 765 should serve as a useful reference for estimating the compositions of other continental margin sections approaching trenches around the world (e.g., outboard of the Lesser Antilles, Aegean, and Eolian arcs).


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Sediment samples collected at DSDP Leg 96 Mississippi Fan Sites 615, 616, 620, 621, and 623, Orca Basin Site 618, and Pigmy Basin Site 619 were analyzed for 22 major, minor, and trace elements. This study was undertaken to document the downhole variability in inorganic geochemistry between sites. The mineralogy of the clays, including those from Sites 614, 617, and 622 on the fan, was determined by X-ray diffraction to define the principal clay minerals present at the sites, examine any downhole trends in clay mineralogy, and aid in the interpretation of the geochemical signature of the sediments. Clay mineral composition at all the sites is smectite:illite:chlorite:kaolinite in the approximate percentage ratio 50:20:20:10. Geochemical results indicate only slight variation between and within the sites, with the exception of a discrete unit of carbonates that occurs near the bottom of Site 615. Variation in the major, minor, and trace element composition can be explained by a change in the relative abundance of quartz, clay minerals, and carbonates.


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With a view to more complete understanding of the role of phyto- and zooplankton in biogeochemical cycles, spatial distributions of Fe, Mn, Co, Ni, Cr, Cu, Cd, Pb, Zn, As, Hg, and Corg in the White Sea seston (21 samples) collected in August 2004 during Cruise 64 of R/V ''Professor Shtokman'' were studied. It was shown that the elements in study are accumulated in plankton with enrichment factors from 10**2 for Hg to 10**5 for Fe, as compared to seawater. Spatial distribution of trace elements is determined by sources of their supply and correlates with distribution of primary production and biomass of zooplankton. Increased values of trace element contents (excluding As) are characteristic of the Dvina Bay, whereas the highest As concentrations were found in the Kandalaksha Bay.


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Mineral and whole-rock geochemical data are presented for chilled dike margins from the lower sheeted dike complex of Deep Sea Drilling Project/Ocean Drilling Program (DSDP/ODP) Hole 504B. Compositions of phenocrystic plagioclase (An80-89); olivine (Fo82-86); clinopyroxene (Wo52En40Fs8, with Cr2O3 up to 1.2%); and rare chromian spinel (Cr# 43) are consistent with those from the lavas and the upper dike complex recovered previously (DSDP Legs 69, 70, 83, and ODP Leg 111). Major and trace element compositions fall in group D of Autio and Rhodes (1983) and have high CaO/Na2O, and low TiO2, K2O, and (La/Sm)N values consistent with previous analyses from this site.


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Results of mineralogical and geochemical investigations of post-Middle Jurassic deposits of the Atlantic Ocean are based on materials of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. Comparative characteristics of primary matter for ''black shales'' are given. Exhalative origin of heavy metal accumulation in near-axial sedimentary deeps of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (23°N) are shown. History of post-Middle Jurassic sedimentation is considered on the base of clay mineral-, clastic component-, trace and rare- chemical element studies.


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Abundant iron-titanium (Fe-Ti) oxide gabbro, olivine gabbro, and troctolite were drilled at Hole 735B adjacent to the Atlantis II Fracture Zone of the Southwest Indian Ridge during Leg 118. The Fe-Ti oxide gabbro occurs as intrusive bodies into olivine gabbro with very sharp intrusive contacts. The size of the intrusive bodies varies from a millimeter to a few tens of meters. Mineralogical parameters, such as anorthite content of plagioclase and Mg/(Mg+Fe) ratios of mafic minerals exhibit bimodal distributions corresponding to olivine and Fe-Ti oxide gabbros, respectively. When the two major gabbro types are looked at separately, several downhole mineralogical cycles are recognized. The Fe-Ti oxide gabbros exhibit two such cycles with plagioclase becoming more sodic and mafic minerals becoming more iron-rich downward in the drill core. The olivine gabbros and troctolites, however, exhibit two cycles showing an upward increase in sodium in plagioclase and iron in mafic minerals. The mineralogical variations of these gabbros and the intrusive contact relationships probably resulted from downward intrusion of evolved magma into underlying solid or almost solidified olivine gabbros and troctolite. The dense evolved melt at the top of the cumulus pile probably formed from the crystallization of olivine gabbro cumulates followed by extreme fractional crystallization of residual melt in an isolated, ephemeral magma chamber. The interlayered occurrence of evolved and primitive gabbros from Hole 735B represents a typical section of lower ocean crust formed at a very slow spreading ridge.


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The first series of Soviet standard reference samples of composition of ore materials and ocean pelagic sediments has been created. It includes iron-manganese nodules (SDO-4, SDO-5 and SDO-6), ore crusts (SDO-7) diatomaceous ooze (SDO-8), and deep-sea red clays (SDO-9). The standards are intended to serve as a metrologic basis for physical, physicochemical and chemical analyses of iron-manganese minerals and ocean sediments. The standards are provided with certified analyses of rock-forming components and certain trace elements. Certified characteristics are based on statistical analysis of data obtained from an inter-laboratory experiment involving analysis of the standard reference samples by a variety of methods.


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In the Tyrrhenian Sea (Western Mediterranean), unusual reddish, soft to lithified, dolomitic sediments up to 45 m thick overlie igneous crust at the base of thick Pliocene-Quaternary deep-sea sediment successions in the Marsili (Site 650) and Vavilov (Site 651) basins. These sediments also overlie the Gortani Ridge, a basaltic Seamount near the base of the Sardinian continental margin (Site 655). At both basinal sites (650, 651), the lowest sediments are dolomitic, with manganese oxide (MnO) segregations. Whole-rock X-ray diffraction indicates abundant dolomite and quartz, with subordinate calcite, illite (authigenic), feldspar and minor kaolinite, chlorite, and anhydrite. Chemical analyses show strong enrichment in magnesium oxide (MgO) and MnO relative to shale or deep-sea clay. Mg and Mn correlate positively and exhibit decreasing concentrations up the succession in the Marsili Basin (Site 650). The following scenario is proposed: peridotites were exposed on the seafloor in the Vavilov Basin (Site 651) and then eroded, depositing talc in local fine-grained dolomitic sediments within the igneous basement. After local magmatism ended, the igneous basement at each site subsided rapidly (about 800 m/m.y.) and was blanketed with calcareous and clay-rich oozes. During early diagenesis (from isotopic evidence; McKenzie et al., this volume) tepid fluids, of modified seawater composition, reacted with and dolomitized the overlying deep-sea sediments. At Site 651 additional Mg may have been extracted from asthenosphere peridotite cored at shallow depths (about 100 m). One can hypothesize that fluids rich in Mg and Mn were flushed from the igneous basement, triggered by extensional faulting and local tilting during subsidence of the basement, and that these fluids then dolomitized the base of the overlying sediment succession. Late tectonic movements in the Vavilov Basin (Site 651) fractured already lithified dolomitic sediments and more reducing (? hydrothermal) fluids locally remobilized Fe and Mn and corroded dolomite crystals.


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Twenty-six samples representing the wide range of lithologies (low- and intermediate-Ca boninites and bronzite andesites, high-Ca boninites, basaltic andesites-rhyolites) drilled during Leg 125 at Sites 782 and 786 on the Izu-Bonin outer-arc high have been analyzed for Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopes. Nd-Sr isotope covariations show that most samples follow a trend parallel to a line from Pacific MORB mantle (PMM) to Pacific Volcanogenic sediment (PVS) but displaced slightly toward more radiogenic Sr. Pb isotope covariations show that all the Eocene-Oligocene samples plot along the Northern Hemisphere Reference Line, indicating little or no Pb derived from subducted pelagic sediment in their source. Two young basaltic andesite clasts within sediment do have a pelagic sediment signature but this may have been gained by alteration rather than subduction. In all isotopic projections, the samples form consistent groupings: the tholeiites from Site 782 and Hole 786A plot closest to PMM, the boninites and related rocks from Sites 786B plot closest to PVS, and the boninite lavas from Hole 786A and late boninitic dikes from Hole 786B occupy an intermediate position. Isotope-trace element covariations indicate that these isotopic variations can be explained by a three-component mixing model. One component (A) has the isotopic signature of PMM but is depleted in the more incompatible elements. It is interpreted as representing suboceanic mantle lithosphere. A second component (B) is relatively radiogenic (epsilon-Nd = ca 4-6; 206Pb/204Pb = ca 19.0-19.3; epsilon-Sr = ca -10 to -6)). Its trace element pattern has, among other characteristics, a high Zr/Sm ratio, which distinguishes it from the ìnormalî fluid components associated with subduction and hotspot activity. There are insufficient data at present to tie down its origin: probably it was either derived from subducted lithosphere or volcanogenic sediment fused in amphibolite facies; or it represents an asthenospheric melt component that has been fractionated by interaction with amphibole-bearing mantle. The third component (C) is characterized by high contents of Sr and high epsilon-Sr values and is interpreted as a subducted fluid component. The mixing line on a diagram of Zr/Sr against epsilon-Sr suggests that component C may have enriched the lithosphere (component A) before component B. These components may also be present on a regional basis but, if so, may not have had uniform compositions. Only the boninitic series from nearby Chichijima would require an additional, pelagic sediment component. In general, these results are consistent with models of subduction of ridges and young lithosphere during the change from a ridge-transform to subduction geometry at the initiation of subduction in the Western Pacific.


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Dolerites sampled from the lower sheeted dikes from Hole 504B during Ocean Drilling Program Legs 137 and 140, between 1562.4 and 2000.4 mbsf, were examined to document the mineralogy, petrography, and mineral parageneses associated with secondary alteration, to constrain the thermal history and composition of hydrothermal fluids. The main methods used were mineral chemical analyses by electron microprobe, X-ray diffraction, and cathodoluminescence microscopy. Temperatures of alteration were estimated on the basis of single and/or coexisting mineral chemistry. Permeability is important in controlling the type and extent of alteration in the studied dike section. At the meter-scale, intervals of weakly altered dolerites containing fresh olivine are interpreted as having experienced restricted exposure to hydrothermal fluids. At the centimeter- or millimeter-scale, alteration patches and extensively altered halos adjacent to veins reflect the permeability related to intergranular primary porosity and cracks. Most of the sheeted dike alteration in this case resulted from non-focused, pervasive fluid-rock interaction. This study confirms and extends the previous model for hydrothermal alteration at Hole 504B: hydrothermal alteration at the ridge axis followed by seawater recharge and off-axis alteration. The major new discoveries, all related to higher temperatures of alteration, are: (1) the presence of hydrothermal plagioclase (An80-95), (2) the presence of deuteric and/or hydrothermal diopside, and (3) the general increasing proportion of amphiboles, and particularly magnesio-hornblende with depth. We propose that the dolerites at Hole 504B were altered in five stages. Stage 1 occurred at high temperatures (less than 500° to 700°C) and involved late-magmatic formation of Na- and Ti-rich diopside, the hydrothermal formation of Na, Ti-poor diopside and the hydrothermal formation of an assemblage of An-rich plagioclase + hornblende. Stage 2 occurred at lower temperatures (250°-320°C) and is characterized by the appearance of actinolite, chlorite, chlorite-smectite, and/or talc (in low permeability zones) and albite. During Stage 3, quartz and epidote precipitated from evolved hydrothermal fluids at temperatures between 310° and 320°C. Anhydrite appeared during Stage 4 and likely precipitated directly from heated seawater. Stage 5 occurred off-axis at low temperatures (250°C) with laumontite and prehnite from evolved fluids.


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Results of petrographic studies of ultrabasite and gabbro from the rift zones of the Indian Ocean ridges are discussed using materials of R/V Vityaz Cruise 36. Rocks sampled from two sites 2700 km apart are close to each other in their composition. Petrographically ultrabasic rocks are divided into four subgroups: I - dunite; II - harzburgite, serpentinite; III - plagioclase lherzolite; and IV - metamorphically altered rocks. Petrographic description and chemical composition of basic rock varieties are presented as well as description of rock-forming minerals and their optical properties. Formation of pyroxene and plagioclase is shown to be related to autometasomatosis, which concludes the magmatic phase proper in rock mass formation accompanied by activity of residual intragranular liquid. Formation of ultrabasite in the rift zones is related to complicated processes.


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Basement rocks from the Ontong Java Plateau are tholeiitic basalts that appear to record very high degrees of partial melting, much like those found today in the vicinity of Iceland. They display a limited range of incompatible element and isotopic variation, but small differences are apparent between sampled sites and between upper and lower groups of flows at Ocean Drilling Program Site 807.40Ar-39Ar ages of lavas from Site 807 and Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 289 are indistinguishable about an early Aptian mean of 122 Ma (as are preliminary data for the island of Malaita at the southern edge of the plateau), indicating that plateau-building eruptions ended more or less simultaneously at widely separated locations. Pb-Nd-Sr isotopes for lavas from Sites 289, 803, and 807, as well as southern Malaita, reflect a hotspot-like source with epsilon-Nd(T) = +4.0 to +6.3, (87Sr/86Sr)T = 0.70423-0.70339, and 206Pb/204Pb = 18.245-18.709 and possessing consistently greater 208Pb/204Pb for a given 206Pb/204Pb than Pacific MORB. The combination of hotspot-like mantle source, very high degrees of melting, and lack of a discernible age progression is best explained if the bulk of the plateau was constructed rapidly above a surfacing plume head, possibly that of the Louisville hotspot. Basalt and feldspar separates indicate a substantially younger age of ~90 Ma for basement at Site 803; in addition, volcaniclastic layers of mid-Cenomanian through Coniacian age occur at DSDP Site 288, and beds of late Aptian-Albian age are found at Site 289. Therefore, at least some volcanism continued on the plateau for 30 m.y. or more. The basalts at Site 803 are chemically and isotopically very similar to those at the ~122 Ma sites, suggesting that hot plume-type mantle was present beneath the plateau for an extended period or at two different times. Surviving seamounts of the Louisville Ridge formed between 70 and 0 Ma have much higher 206Pb/204Pb than any of the plateau basalts. Thus, assuming the Louisville hotspot was the source of the plateau lavas, a change in the hotspot's isotopic composition may have occurred between roughly 70 and 90 Ma; such a change may have accompanied the plume-head to plume-tail transition. Similar shifts from early, lower 206Pb/204Pb to subsequently higher 206Pb/204Pb values are found in several other oceanic plateau-hotspot and continental flood basalt-hotspot systems, and could reflect either a reduction in the supply of low 206Pb/204Pb mantle or an inability of some off-ridge plume-tails to melt refractory low 206Pb/204Pb material.