559 resultados para Supplement of chromium


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Drilling of the distal Newfoundland margin at Ocean Drilling Program Site 1277 recovered part of the transition between exhumed sub-continental mantle lithosphere and normal mid-ocean-ridge basalt (N-MORB) volcanism perhaps related to the initiation of seafloor spreading, which may have occurred near the Aptian/Albian boundary, coincident with the final separation of subcontinental mantle lithosphere. Subcontinental mantle lithosphere was recovered near the crest of a basement high, the Mauzy Ridge. This ridge lies near magnetic Anomaly M1 and is inferred to be of Barremian age. The recovered section is dominated by serpentinized spinel harzburgite, with subordinate dunite and minor gabbroic intrusives, and it includes inferred high-temperature ductile shear zones. The serpentinite is capped by foliated gabbro cataclasite that is interpreted as the product of a major seafloor extensional detachment. The serpentinized harzburgite beneath is highly depleted subcontinental mantle lithosphere that was exhumed to create new seafloor within the ocean-continent transition zone. After inferred removal of overlying brittle crust, the detachment was eroded, producing multiple mass flows that were dominated by clasts of serpentinite and gabbro in a lithoclastic and calcareous matrix. Basaltic lavas were erupted spasmodically, mainly as sheet flows, with subordinate lava breccia, hyaloclastite, and possible pillow lava. The sedimentary-volcanic succession and the exhumed mantle lithosphere experienced later high-angle extensional fracturing and probably faulting. Extensional fissures opened incrementally and were filled with silt-sized carbonate, basalt-derived clastic sediment, and hyaloclastite, forming neptunian dykes and geopetal structures. Chemical analysis of representative basalts for major elements and trace elements were made using a high-precision, high-accuracy X-ray fluorescence method (utilizing increased count times) and by whole-rock inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry that yielded additional evidence for rare earth elements. The analyses indicate N-MORB to slightly enriched compositions. The MORB was produced by relatively high degree melting of a fertile mantle source that differed strongly from the cored serpentinized peridotites. The basalts exhibit a distinct negative Nb anomaly on MORB-normalized plots that can be explained by prior extraction of melt from upper mantle that had previously been affected by subduction, possibly during closure of the Iapetus or Rheic oceans. In the proposed interpretation, mantle lithosphere was exhumed to the seafloor and experienced mass wasting to form serpentinite-rich mass flows. The interbedded MORB records the beginning of a transition to "normal" seafloor spreading. This interpretation takes into account drilling results from the Iberia-Galicia margin and the Jurassic Alps-Apennines.


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Small-scale shear zones are present in drillcore samples of abyssal peridotites from the Mid-Atlantic ridge at 15°20'N (Ocean Drilling Program Leg 209). The shear zones act as pathways for both evolved melts and hydrothermal fluids. We examined serpentinites directly adjacent to such zones to evaluate chemical changes resulting from melt-rock and fluid-rock interaction and their influence on the mineralogy. Compared to fresh harzburgite and melt-unaffected serpentinites, serpentinites adjacent to melt-bearing veins show a marked enrichment in rare earth elements (REE), strontium and high field strength elements (HFSE) zirconium and niobium. From comparison with published chemical data of variably serpentinized and melt-unaffected harzburgites, one possible interpretation is that interaction with the adjacent melt veins caused the enrichment in HFSE, whereas the REE contents might also be enriched due to hydrothermal processes. Enrichment in alumina during serpentinization is corroborated by reaction path models for interaction of seawater with harzburgite-plagiogranite mixtures. These models explain both increased amounts of alumina in the serpentinizing fluid for increasing amounts of plagiogranitic material mixed with harzburgite, and the absence of brucite from the secondary mineralogy due to elevated silica activity. By destabilizing brucite, nearby melt veins might fundamentally influence the low-temperature alteration behaviour of serpentinites. Although observations and model results are in general agreement, due to absence of any unaltered protolith a quantification of element transport during serpentinization is not straightforward.


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Whole rock sulfur and oxygen isotope compositions of altered peridotites and gabbros from near the 15°20'N Fracture Zone on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge were analyzed to investigate hydrothermal alteration processes and test for a subsurface biosphere in oceanic basement. Three processes are identified. (1) High-temperature hydrothermal alteration (~250-350°C) at Sites 1268 and 1271 is characterized by 18O depletion (2.6-4.4 per mil), elevated sulfide-S, and high delta34S (up to ~2 wt% and 4.4-10.8 per mil). Fluids were derived from high-temperature (>350°C) reaction of seawater with gabbro at depth. These cores contain gabbroic rocks, suggesting that associated heat may influence serpentinization. (2) Low-temperature (<150°C) serpentinization at Sites 1272 and 1274 is characterized by elevated delta18O (up to 8.1 per mil), high sulfide-S (up to ~3000 ppm), and negative delta34S (to -32.1 per mil) that reflect microbial reduction of seawater sulfate. These holes penetrate faults at depth, suggesting links between faulting and temperatures of serpentinization. (3) Late low-temperature oxidation of sulfide minerals caused loss of sulfur from rocks close to the seafloor. Sulfate at all sites contains a component of oxidized sulfide minerals. Low delta34S of sulfate may result from kinetic isotope fractionation during oxidation or may indicate readily oxidized low-delta34S sulfide derived from microbial sulfate reduction. Results show that peridotite alteration may be commonly affected by fluids +/- heat derived from mafic intrusions and that microbial sulfate reduction is widespread in mantle exposed at the seafloor.


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Gneissic granodiorite was recovered by drilling at the base of the Mazagan escarpment, 100 km west of the Casablanca, Morocco, at 4000 m water depth. Coarse, predeformative muscovite yielded dates of -515 Ma, fine-grained muscovite of -455 Ma, biotite -360 and 335 Ma, and feldspar -315 Ma. These dates are tentatively correlated with the microscopic results. We assume a minimum age of middle Cambrian for the granodiorite, an Ordovician deformation and mylonitization, and a Late Carboniferous overprint under upper greenschist facies conditions.


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Results of petrographic studies of ultrabasites and gabbro from rift zones of the Indian Ocean are discussed using materials of Cruise 36 of R/V Vityaz. Rocks sampled from two sites 2700 km apart are close to each other in their composition. Petrographically ultrabasic rocks are divided into four subgroups: I - dunite; II - harzburgite, serpentinite; III - plagioclase lherzolite; and IV - metamorphically altered rocks. Petrographic description and chemical composition of basic rock varieties are presented as well as description of rock-forming minerals and their optical properties. Formation of pyroxene and plagioclase is shown to be related to autometasomatosis. Formation of ultrabasite in rift zones is related to complicated processes.


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The chemical compositions of olivine, plagioclase, pyroxene, and spinel in lavas collected during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 187 in the Australian Antarctic Discordance, Southeast Indian Ridge (41°-46°S, 126°-135°E) were analyzed, and modeling of the theoretical equilibrium petrogenetic conditions between olivine and melt was conducted. The cores of larger olivine phenocrysts, particularly in the isotopic Indian-type mid-ocean-ridge basalt (MORB), are not equilibrated with melt compositions and are considered to be xenocrystic. Larger plagioclase phenocrysts with compositionally reversed zonation are also xenocrystic. The compositions of primary magma were calculated using a "maximum olivine fractionation" model for primitive MORB that should fractionate only olivine. Olivine compositions equilibrated with calculated primary magma and compositions of calculated primary magma suggest that (1) isotopic Pacific-type MORB is more fractionated than Indian-type MORB, (2) Pacific-type MORB was produced by higher degrees of partial melting than Indian-type MORB, and (3) primary magma for Indian-type MORB was segregated from mantle at 10 kbar (~30 km depth), whereas that for Pacific-type MORB was segregated at 15 kbar (~45 km depth).


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Legs 106-109 achieved the first basaltic bare-rock drill hole, on a small volcano (Serocki volcano) located on the flanks of the rift valley in the MAR about 70 km south of the Kane fracture zone. Because of severe technical difficulties only 50.5 m of basalt below seafloor was recovered. Geochemical analysis shows that the recovered basalts display typical N-MORB characteristics as expected in this segment of the Mid-Atlantic ridge. The lava flows display rather equivalent geochemical characteristics all over the drilled section and show the imprint of a previous magmatic differentiation suffered by the magmas before their emission, indicative of a fractional crystallization of plagioclase-bearing cumulates. The incompatible and alkali element content of these 648B magmas is very low, a feature which resembles those of other N-MORB. The geochemical characteristics of these basalts look closely similar to those of basalts from the same flow line emitted respectively 10 m.y. (Hole 395, Legs 45-46), and 110 m.y. (Hole 417A, Legs 51-53) ago, supporting the persistence in this ridge segment of a mantle source with depleted characteristics over the last 110 m.y., but with some variations in the degree of depletion of the source along this period. Although these rocks appear fresh, the imprint of an incipient low temperature alteration can be noticed in a few samples, as evidenced by slight increases of alkali, U elements, and 87Sr/86Sr isotopic compositions.


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Subcontinuously cored early(?)-middle Miocene to recently deposited sediments from ODP Site 645 were studied texturally, mineralogically, and geochemically. The entire sequence contains minerals and associated chemical elements that are chiefly of detrital origin. In particular, the clay minerals, which include smectite, kaolinite, chlorite, and illite, are detrital. No obvious evidence of diagenesis with depth, of burial, of volcanism, or of hydrothermal alteration was observed. The sedimentary textures, clay mineralogy, and <2-µm fraction geochemistry of the early middle Miocene sediments (630 to 1147 mbsf) suggest the pronounced but variable influence of a southward bottom current. Two clay facies are defined. The lower one, Cj (780 to 1147 mbsf), is characterized by the great abundance of discrete smectite (with less than 15% illite interlayers), probably detrital in origin, and reworked older, discrete, smectite-rich sediments. The upper clay facies, C2 (630 to 780 mbsf), shows a net decrease of the fully expandable clay abundances, with a great abundance of mixed-layer, illite-smectite clays (60 to 80% of illite interlayers). Such clay assemblages can be inherited from paleosoils or older sedimentary rocks. An important change occurs at 630 mbsf (clay fraction) or 600 mbsf (sedimentary texture), which may be explained by the beginning of continental glaciation (630 mbsf, ~9 Ma) and the onset of ice rafting in Baffin Bay (600 mbsf, ~8 Ma). Above this level, the characteristics and modifications of the clay assemblages are controlled climatically and can be explained by the fluctuations of (1) ice-rafting, (2) speed of weak bottom currents, and (3) some supply by mud turbiditic currents. Three clay facies (C3, C4, and C5) can be defined by the abrupt increases of the inherited chlorite and illite clays.


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Composition of clay minerals in the <0.001 mm size fraction from the uppermost layer of bottom sediments in the northern Amur Bay was determined by X-ray powder diffraction analysis, and enrichment of 33 elements in the <0.001 mm and <0.01 mm size fractions of surface sediments from a number of sites at the marginal filter of the Razdol'naya River were studied by ICP-MS. Fe, U, and chalcophile elements occur in the highest concentrations in sediments from all sampling sites within the filter. The bottom sediments are not enriched in trace, alkali, and alkaline earth elements. Maximum concentrations of chemical elements were found in deposits from the brackish part of the marginal filter, perhaps, because of formation of Fe and Mn (Al) hydroxides. Bottom sediments at the boundary between the brackish and marine parts of the filter contain the lowest concentrations of the examined elements.


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Electron microprobe data are presented for clinopyroxenes, plagioclases, palagonites, smectites, celadonites, and zeolites in Hole 462A sheet-flow basalts and Site 585 volcaniclastic sediments. Glomerocrystic clinopyroxenes in Hole 462A are predominantly Ti-poor augites with minor fractionation to ferroaugites in rim portions. Quenched plumose clinopyroxenes show considerable variation from Ca-rich to Ca-poor augites, although all are characterized by being Tirich and Cr-poor relative to the glomerocrysts. Two differentiated series of Site 585 pyroxene compositions, calcic augite and diopside-salite, demonstrate the coexistence, in the vitric and lithic clasts, of tholeiitic and alkali basalt types, respectively. Plagioclase compositions in all samples are mainly labradorites, although some zoned Hole 462A glomerocrysts range from An73 to An20 and are characterized by high Mg and Fe contents in the more calcic varieties. The K content of the plagioclases is highest in the more sodic crystals, although the overall higher orthoclase component of Site 585 plagioclases reflects the generally higher bulk-rock K content. The compositions of both secondary smectites and celadonites are similar irrespective of the alteration location (glass, matrix, vesicles, etc.), although brown smectites replacing interstitial glass have marginally higher total Fe contents than pale green and yellow smectites. Analyzed zeolites are mainly phillipsites with variable alkali content, and, together with associated celadonite, represent late-stage alteration repositories for K under mildly oxidizing conditions. The compositions of both early and late secondary minerals are typical of those formed by the submarine alteration of basaltic rocks at low temperatures.


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Hole 1256C was cored 88.5 m into basement, and Hole 1256D, the deep reentry hole, was cored 502 m into basement during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 206. Hole 1256D is located ~30 m south of Hole 1256C (Wilson, Teagle, Acton, et al., 2003, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.206.2003). A thick massive flow drilled in both holes, Units 1256C-18 and 1256D-1, consists of a single cooling unit of cryptocrystalline to fine-grained basalt, interpreted as a ponded lava, 32 m and at least 74.2 m thick, respectively. This ponded flow gives us a unique opportunity to examine textural variations from the glassy, folded crust of the lava pond recovered from the top of Unit 1256C-18 through the coarse-grained, thick massive lava body to the unusually recrystallized and deformed base cored in Unit 1256C-18. Some detailed descriptions of the textures and grain size variations through the lava pond (Units 1256C-18 and 1256D-1), with special reference to the recrystallization of the base of Unit 1256C-18, are presented here.


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New data on elemental composition of particulate matter from the North Dvina River are presented. In May (period of snowmelt flood) it is similar to the upper layer of the continental crust due to active erosion of crust material in the catchment area. In August (summer low water period) impact of biogenic components increases and elevated concentrations of Cd, Sb, Mn, Zn, Pb, and Cu are observed. At other seasons no significant increase in heavy and rare earth element concentrations is observed.


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Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 66 drilled eight sites along a transect across the Middle America Trench off Mexico, including continental (Sites 493 and 489), oceanic (Site 487), and trench (Site 486) reference sites and four sites (490, 492, 491, 488) in the trench inner wall. Because of their location - close to volcanic sources and subject to prevailing winds and marine currents (N to S, NW to SE) - analysis of airborne ashes intercalated within the sediments at these sites provides a reliable record of explosive volcanism in the area. Intense onshore volcanic activity in Mexico during the Oligo-Miocene has been well documented by the andesites and ignimbrites of the Sierra Madre Occidental and Sierra Madre del Sur and in the Plio-Quaternary by the andesites and basalts from the Trans-Mexican Neovolcanic Belt and the eastern border of Baja California.


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One of the essential problems of oceanic tectonics is estimation of the influence of plumes of the deep hot mantle on processes in the axial spreading zone. Areas of two giant (St. Helena and Tristan da Cunha) plumes in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) rift zone (South Atlantic) are characterized by the effusion of basalts that differ from typical depleted riftogenic tholeiites by anomalously high contents of lithophile components and specific isotopic compositions. Moreover, the rift valley floor with basalt effusion is significantly uplifted above the adjacent sectors of the rift. The formation of the St. Helena Seamount located 400 km east of the MAR axis is related to magmatism that is active to this day. St. Helena Island is a member of the structural ensemble of large volcanic seamounts (Bonaparte, Bagration, and Kutuzov). Like St. Helena Island, each seamount incorporates a series of smaller rises of different morphologies and dimensions. Thus, a system of subparallel series of NE-trending (~45°) rises extend from the seamount ensemble to the African continent. According to the plate tectonics concept, the seamount series represent hotspots related to a deep mantle plume that can be projected onto the present-day St. Helena Island area (St. Helena plume). At the same time, the inferred topographic map based on satellite altimetry data shows that the seamount series also extend along the opposite southwestern direction (~225°) toward the axial MAR and even intersect the latter structure. This fact cannot be explained by the hotspot hypothesis, which suggests stationary positions of plumes relative to the mobile oceanic plate. In the course of Cruise 10 of the R/V Akademik Ioffe (2002), detailed geological and geophysical investigations were carried out at the junction of one structural series with the MAR rift zone located near the Martin Vaz Fracture Zone (Martin Vaz test area, 19°-20° S). The present communication is devoted to the study of lithology, geochemistry, and isotopy of basalts dredged at the test area.