629 resultados para SOUTH-ATLANTIC


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We compare a compilation of 220 sediment core d13C data from the glacial Atlantic Ocean with three-dimensional ocean circulation simulations including a marine carbon cycle model. The carbon cycle model employs circulation fields which were derived from previous climate simulations. All sediment data have been thoroughly quality controlled, focusing on epibenthic foraminiferal species (such as Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi or Planulina ariminensis) to improve the comparability of model and sediment core carbon isotopes. The model captures the general d13C pattern indicated by present-day water column data and Late Holocene sediment cores but underestimates intermediate and deep water values in the South Atlantic. The best agreement with glacial reconstructions is obtained for a model scenario with an altered freshwater balance in the Southern Ocean that mimics enhanced northward sea ice export and melting away from the zone of sea ice production. This results in a shoaled and weakened North Atlantic Deep Water flow and intensified Antarctic Bottom Water export, hence confirming previous reconstructions from paleoproxy records. Moreover, the modeled abyssal ocean is very cold and very saline, which is in line with other proxy data evidence.


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Well-dated benthic foraminifer oxygen isotopic records (d18O) from different water depths and locations within the Atlantic Ocean exhibit distinct patterns and significant differences in timing over the last deglaciation. This has two implications: on the one hand, it confirms that benthic d18O cannot be used as a global correlation tool with millennial-scale precision, but on the other hand, the combination of benthic isotopic records with independent dating provides a wealth of information on past circulation changes. Comparing new South Atlantic benthic isotopic data with published benthic isotopic records, we show that (1) circulation changes first affected benthic d18O in the 1000-2200 m range, with marked decreases in benthic d18O taking place at ~17.5 cal. kyr B.P. (ka) due to the southward propagation of brine waters generated in the Nordic Seas during Heinrich Stadial 1 (HS1) cold period; (2) the arrival of d18O-depleted deglacial meltwater took place later at deeper North Atlantic sites; (3) hydrographic changes recorded in North Atlantic cores below 3000 m during HS1 do not correspond to simple alternations between northern- and southern-sourced water but likely reflect instead the incursion of brine-generated deep water of northern as well as southern origin; and (4) South Atlantic waters at ~44°S and ~3800 m depth remained isolated from better-ventilated northern-sourced water masses until after the resumption of North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) formation at the onset of the Bølling-Allerod, which led to the propagation of NADW into the South Atlantic.


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In this study we investigate the potential of organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts (dinocysts) as tools for quantifying past sea-surface temperatures (SST) in the Southern Ocean. For this purpose, a dinocyst reference dataset has been formed, based on 138 surface sediment samples from different circum-Antarctic environments. The dinocyst assemblages of these samples are composed of phototrophic (gonyaulacoid) and heterotrophic (protoperidinioid) species that provide a broad spectrum of palaeoenvironmental information. The relationship between the environmental parameters in the upper water column and the dinocyst distribution patterns of individual species has been established using the statistical method of Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA). Among the variables tested, summer SST appeared to correspond to the maximum variance represented in the dataset. To establish quantitative summer SST reconstructions, a Modern Analogue Technique (MAT) has been performed on data from three Late Quaternary dinocyst records recovered from locations adjacent to prominent oceanic fronts in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean. These dinocyst time series exhibit periodic changes in the dinocyst assemblage during the last two glacial/interglacial-cycles. During glacial conditions the relative abundance of protoperidinioid cysts was highest, whereas interglacial conditions are characterised by generally lower cyst concentrations and increased relative abundance of gonyaulacoid cysts. The MAT palaeotemperature estimates show trends in summer SST changes following the global oxygen isotope signal and a strong correlation with past temperatures of the last 140,000 years based on other proxies. However, by comparing the dinocyst results to quantitative estimates of summer SSTs based on diatoms, radiolarians and foraminifer-derived stable isotope records it can be shown that in several core intervals the dinocyst-based summer SSTs appeared to be extremely high. In these intervals the dinocyst record seems to be highly influenced by selective degradation, leading to unusual temperature ranges and to unrealistic palaeotemperatures. We used the selective degradation index (kt-index) to determine those intervals that have been biased by selective degradation in order to correct the palaeotemperature estimates. We show that after correction the dinocyst based SSTs correspond reasonably well with other palaeotemperature estimates for this region, supporting the great potential of dinoflagellate cysts as a basis for quantitative palaeoenvironmental studies.


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In recent years, temporal fluctuations in the abundance of C. d. davisiana have been used frequently as a highresolution stratigraphic and paleoenvironmental tool. The modern ecology and morphologic variation (temporal and geographic) of this radiolarian species is evaluated to ascertain its potential stratigraphic and paleoenvironmental significance. Statistics were obtained on the width and height of all C. d. davisiana segments from Pleistocene populations of differing ages from the Northern Hemisphere (Labrador Sea and Iceland-Faeroe Ridge) and Southern Hemisphere (Namibian shelf and Meteor Rise). Results reveal that segment height variations between and within populations are more conservative than segment width. The mean sizes of the thorax and first abdominal segment have distinguishable differences between C. d. davisiana found in the North and South Atlantic. All populations have no significant difference in first abdominal segment width, however, mean heights of this segment differ greatly between populations of the North and South Atlantic. Second abdominal segment sizes show no clear population grouping. Size differences in post-cephalic segment size of these populations would appear to be related to some isolation of gene pools and possibly unknown paleoenvironmental factors. Temporal changes in the postcephalic size of C. d. davisiana may be used to: (1) identify temporally equivalent peaks in abundance of the species in a given region, (2) possibly evaluate the degree of mixing of water'masses between regions, and (3) trace the initial spread of the species from its area of origin. Cleve's 1887 plankton samples, between Greenland and Spitzsbergen, were studied and used in conjunction with other data to make the following conclusions on the modern ecology of C. d. davisiana in the Arctic and Greenland-Norwegian Seas. (1) It is presently absent in surface water plankton samples, (2) it currently lives at depths below 500 m, where it is rare, (3) it does not live in the upper 200 m under Arctic ice but is rare at greater depths, (4) it is absent in the upper 200 m near permanent Greenland Sea ice where normal oceanic salinity prevails, and (5) it is most common in deep marginal fjord environments which may serve as a refuge for the species during interglacial periods. In the Atlantic Ocean, the abundance of C. d. davisiana does not exceed 1% of the assemblage between the Subtropical Convergence of each hemisphere. In the Norwegian and Labrador Seas the species may occasionally be in the range of 1-5% of the modern radiolarian assemblage and never more than 5% in the southern high latitudes. Apparently only in the modern Sea of Okhotsk, does the species presently occur in high abundance. We concur with Morley and Hays (1983) that increased abundances are likely caused by the development of a strong low-salinity surface layer associated with seasonal sea ice melting and a strong temperature minimum above warmer and higher salinity intermediate waters. Similar conditions were frequent during the Pleistocene in the high latitudes and its modern scarcity outside the Sea of Okhotsk must be related to the absence of the presently unique conditions in the latter region.


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Nd isotopes preserved in fossil fish teeth and ferromanganese crusts have become a common tool for tracking variations in water mass composition and circulation through time. Studies of Nd isotopes extracted from Pleistocene to Holocene bulk sediments using hydroxylamine hydrochloride (HH) solution yield high resolution records of Nd isotopes that can be interpreted in terms of deep water circulation, but concerns about diagenesis and potential contamination of the seawater signal limit application of this technique to geologically young samples. In this study we demonstrate that Nd extracted from the > 63 µm, decarbonated fraction of older Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) sediments using a 0.02 M HH solution produces Nd isotopic ratios that are within error of values from cleaned fossil fish teeth collected from the same samples, indicating that the HH-extractions are robust recorders of deep sea Nd isotopes. This excellent correlation was achieved for 94 paired fish teeth and HH-extraction samples ranging in age from the Miocene to Cretaceous, distributed throughout the north, tropical and south Atlantic, and composed of a range of lithologies including carbonate-rich oozes/chalks and black shales. The strong Nd signal recovered from Cretaceous anoxic black shale sequences is unlikely to be associated with ferromanganese oxide coatings, but may be derived from abundant phosphatic fish teeth and debris or organic matter in these samples. In contrast to the deep water Nd isotopic signal, Sr isotopes from HH-extractions are often offset from seawater values, suggesting that evaluation of Sr isotopes is a conservative test for the integrity of Nd isotopes in the HH fraction. However, rare earth elements (REE) from the HH-extractions and fish teeth produce distinctive middle REE bulge patterns that may prove useful for evaluating whether the Nd isotopic signal represents uncontaminated seawater. Alternatively, a few paired HH-extraction and cleaned fish teeth samples from each site of interest can be used to verify the seawater composition of the HH-extractions. The similarity between isotopic values for the HH-extraction and fish teeth illustrates that the extensive cleaning protocol applied to fish teeth samples is not necessary in typical, carbonate-rich, deep sea sediments.


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Benthic foraminiferal oxygen isotope ratios from two sediment cores recovered at 426 and 1299 m water depth in the eastern and western tropical Atlantic show that a slowdown of the thermohaline circulation (THC) during Heinrich event H1 and the Younger Dryas was accompanied by rapid and intense warming of intermediate depth waters. Millennial-scale covariations of low paleosalinities in the subpolar North Atlantic with decreased benthic oxygen isotope ratios in the eastern tropical Atlantic throughout the past 10,000 years suggest that THC weakening might be related to middepth warming during the Holocene period as well. Climate model experiments simulating a strong reduction of the THC in the Atlantic Ocean under present-day and glacial conditions reveal that the increase of temperature in the middepth tropical and South Atlantic is a common feature for both climatic states, caused by a reduced ventilation of cold intermediate and deep waters in conjunction with downward mixing of heat from the thermocline. From the similarity of the paleoclimatic records with the model simulations, we infer that the characteristic pattern of temperature change in the Atlantic Ocean related to weakened thermohaline circulation can serve as an indicator of present-day and future THC slowdown.


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Thirty-two surface sediment samples from the Southern Ocean (eastern Atlantic sector), between the Subtropical Front and the Weddell Gyre, were investigated to provide information on the distribution of modern organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts in relation to the oceanic fronts of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC). A clearly distinguishable distribution pattern was observed in relation to the water masses and fronts of the ACC. The dinoflagellate cysts of species characteristic of open oceanic environments, such as Impagidinium species, are highly abundant around the Subtropical Front, whereas south of this front, cosmopolitan species such as Nematosphaeropsis labyrinthus and the cysts of Protoceratium reticulatum characterise the transition from subtropical to subantarctic surface waters. The subantarctic surface waters are dominated by the cysts of heterotrophic dinoflagellates, such as Protoperidinium spp. and Selenopemphix antarctica. The cysts of Protoperidinium spp. form the dominant part of the assemblages around the Antarctic Polar Front, whereas S. antarctica concentrations increase further to the south. The presence of S. antarctica in sediments of the Maud Rise, a region of seasonal sea-ice cover, reflects its tolerance for low temperatures and sea-ice cover. A previously undescribed species, Cryodinium meridianum gen. nov. sp. nov., has a restricted distribution pattern between the Antarctic Polar Front and the ACC-Weddell Gyre Boundary.


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Carbon in lipids separated from organic matter of fish and marine mammal bones from bottom of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans has d13C values ranging from -21.6 to -25.8 per mil and is isotopically lighter than that in lipids and total organic matter of host sediments. During fossilization of organic phosphate carbon isotope composition of bound lipids of fish bone becomes lighter and that of bones of mammals becomes heavier, possibly as a result of metabolisms of these organisms and composition of phospholipids in them.


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Site 532 on the Walvis Ridge was sampled at 4000- to 800-year intervals from 2.24 to 2.60 Ma, spanning the three large glacial advances of the late Pliocene. An age model was created by correlating the oxygen isotope record to Site 607 with linear interpolations between tie-lines. The resultant age model differs from that in the site reports by more than 800,000 years, due to misidentification of a magnetic boundary. Sedimentation rates varied by an order of magnitude at this site, with minimum accumulation during glacial events. Interglacial intervals were charactrized by high marine production and high summer precipitation on land, while glacials had very low production and arid continental climate. During the large glacial events (Stages 96-100) conditions of low production and continental aridity reached their greatest intensity, but there is no evidence of a permanent mode shift in either marine or terrestrial records. Calcite concentration has a strong variation at obliquity frequencies, with maxima during interglacials, but occasionally shows a large amplitude at precessional frequencies as well, so that high concentrations occur in a few glacial intervals. As a result, color variation is not a reliable guide to glacial-scale cycles at this site. Composition of the phytoplankton assemblage is diverse and highly variable, and we have not been able to distinguish a clear indicator of upwelling-related production. Spectral analysis reveals obliquity and precessional signals in the pollen data, while several diatom records contain combination tones, indicating that these data represent a complicated response to both local and high-latitude forcing.


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From 27 January to 23 June 1979 R.V. "Meteor" surveyed the central equatorial Atlantic on a section along 22° W from 3° N to 2° S. During the observation period, a hydrographic section down to 600 m was repeated ten times with a continous "Howaldt-Bathysonde" CTD and a rosette sampler. The station distance was 10 to 15 nm. The water samples were used to recalibrate salinity and to determine oxygen, nutrients and chlorophyll a. An undulating CTD system ("Delphin") was towed on 11 sections. A profiling distance of one to two nautical miles and a profile depth of 90 m was obtained. Five current meter arrys were moored along 22° W between 3° N and 1°S from January to March 1979. In May and June two moorings were installed at 2° N and at the equator. On the buoys measurements of wind speed and direction were obtained. At 43 stations a wire-guided Aanderaa profiling current meter was successfully lowered. Drifting buoy experiments were repeated three times with clusters of 5 to 10 buoys. A fourth experiment took place in 1978 in the Gulf of Guinea. On the way from and to XBT sections were carried out. The data sets obtained by these instruments are presented in this data report.


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The interaction between biogenic silica export and burial, paleoceanography, diatom species succession and mats formation was examined based on relative abundances data of Plio/Pleistocene diatoms from six cores recovered during ODP Leg 177 on a transect across the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean. Fragilariopsis kerguelensis, Actinocyclus ingens and species of the genus Thalassiothrix were the main contributors to the diatom assemblages. Three main steps marked the development of the silica system in the Southern Ocean: Step 1 (at ca. 2.77 Ma), establishment of increased biogenic silica burial in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current area, following the large-scale oceanic reorganization connected to the increased northern hemisphere glaciation; Step 2 (at ca. 1.93 Ma), the Antarctic Polar Front becomes the main biogenic silica sink, diatom mats are widespread, and are also found slightly to the north and south of the APF; Step 3 (at ca. 0.63 Ma), with the strong drop in abundance (and later extinction at 0.38 Ma) of A. ingens and the rise to dominance of F. kerguelensis, the system enters a glacial-interglacial mode, with diatom mats occurring during interglacials at the APF and in the Antarctic Zone, but disappearing north of it.


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A submillennial resolution, radiolarian-based record of summer sea surface temperature (SST) documents the last five glacial to interglacial transitions at the subtropical front, southern Atlantic Ocean. Rapid fluctuations occur both during glacial and interglacial intervals, and sudden cooling episodes at glacial terminations are recurrent. Surface hydrography and global ice volume proxies from the same core suggest that summer SST increases prior to terminations lead global ice-volume decreases by 4.7 ± 3.7 ka (in the eccentricity band), 6.9 ± 2.5 ka (obliquity), and 2.7 ± 0.9 ka (precession). A comparison between SST and benthic delta13C suggests a decoupling in the response of northern subantarctic surface, intermediate, and deep water masses to cold events in the North Atlantic. The matching features between our SST record and the one from core MD97-2120 (southwest Pacific) suggests that the super-regional expression of climatic events is substantially affected by a single climatic agent: the Subtropical Front, amplifier and vehicle for the transfer of climatic change. The direct correlation between warmer DeltaTsite at Vostok and warmer SST at ODP Site 1089 suggests that warmer oceanic/atmospheric conditions imply a more southward placed frontal system, weaker gradients, and therefore stronger Agulhas input to the Atlantic Ocean.


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The mid-Holocene (6000 calibrated years before present) is a key period in palaeoclimatology because incoming summer insolation was lower than during the late Holocene in the Southern Hemisphere, whereas the opposite happened in the Northern Hemisphere. However, the effects of the decreased austral summer insolation over South American climate have been poorly discussed by palaeodata syntheses. In addition, only a few of the regional studies have characterised the mid-Holocene climate in South America through a multiproxy approach. Here, we present a multiproxy compilation of mid-Holocene palaeoclimate data for eastern South America. We compiled 120 palaeoclimatological datasets, which were published in 84 different papers. The palaeodata analysed here suggest a water deficit scenario in the majority of eastern South America during the mid-Holocene if compared to the late Holocene, with the exception of northeastern Brazil. Low mid-Holocene austral summer insolation caused a reduced land-sea temperature contrast and hence a weakened South American monsoon system circulation. This scenario is represented by a decrease in precipitation over the South Atlantic Convergence Zone area, saltier conditions along the South American continental margin, and lower lake levels.


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Numerous studies use major element concentrations measured on continental margin sediments to reconstruct terrestrial climate variations. The choice and interpretation of climate proxies however differ from site to site. Here we map the concentrations of major elements (Ca, Fe, Al, Si, Ti, K) in Atlantic surface sediments (36°N-49°S) to assess the factors influencing the geochemistry of Atlantic hemipelagic sediments and the potential of elemental ratios to reconstruct different terrestrial climate regimes. High concentrations of terrigenous elements and low Ca concentrations along the African and South American margins reflect the dominance of terrigenous input in these regions. Single element concentrations and elemental ratios including Ca (e.g., Fe/Ca) are too sensitive to dilution effects (enhanced biological productivity, carbonate dissolution) to allow reliable reconstructions of terrestrial climate. Other elemental ratios reflect the composition of terrigenous material and mirror the climatic conditions within the continental catchment areas. The Atlantic distribution of Ti/Al supports its use as a proxy for eolian versus fluvial input in regions of dust deposition that are not affected by the input of mafic rock material. The spatial distributions of Al/Si and Fe/K reflect the relative input of intensively weathered material from humid regions versus slightly weathered particles from drier areas. High biogenic opal input however influences the Al/Si ratio. Fe/K is sensitive to the input of mafic material and the topography of Andean river drainage basins. Both ratios are suitable to reconstruct African and South American climatic zones characterized by different intensities of chemical weathering in well-understood environmental settings.