732 resultados para Isotopic dilution


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To reconstruct variability of the West African monsoon and associated vegetation changes on precessional and millennial time scales, we analyzed a marine sediment core from the continental slope off Senegal spanning the past 44,000 years (44 ka). We used the stable hydrogen isotopic composition (dD) of individual terrestrial plant wax n-alkanes as a proxy for past rainfall variability. The abundance and stable carbon isotopic composition (d13C) of the same compounds were analyzed to assess changes in vegetation composition (C3/C4 plants) and density. The dD record reveals two wet periods that coincide with local maximum summer insolation from 38 to 28 ka and 15 to 4 ka and that are separated by a less wet period during minimum summer insolation. Our data indicate that rainfall intensity during the rainy season throughout both wet humid periods was similar, whereas the length of the rainy season was presumably shorter during the last glacial than during the Holocene. Additional dry intervals are identified that coincide with North Atlantic Heinrich stadials and the Younger Dryas interval, indicating that the West African monsoon over tropical northwest Africa is linked to both insolation forcing and high-latitude climate variability. The d13C record indicates that vegetation of the western Sahel was consistently dominated by C4 plants during the past 44 ka, whereas C3-type vegetation increased during the Holocene. Moreover, we observe a gradual ending of the Holocene humid period together with unchanging ratio of C3 to C4 plants, indicating that an abrupt aridification due to vegetation feedbacks is not a general characteristic of this time interval.


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The chemical composition of shells of the planktonic foraminifer Globigerinoides ruber (white) is frequently used to determine past sea surface conditions. Recently, it has been shown that arbitrarily defined morphotypes within this species exhibit different chemical and isotopic signatures. Here, we investigate the occurrence through time and in space of morphological types of G. ruber (white) in late Quaternary and Holocene sediments of the central and the eastern Mediterranean Sea. In 115 samples representing two distinct time intervals (MIS 1-2 and MIS 9-12) at ODP Site 964 and the piston core GeoTü-SL96, we have defined three morphological types within this species and determined their relative abundances and stable isotopic composition. A quantitative analysis of morphological variation within G. ruber (white) in four samples revealed that the subjectively defined morphotypes occupy separate segments of a continuous and homogenous morphospace. We further show that the abundance of the morphotypes changes significantly between glacials and interglacials and that the three morphotypes of G. ruber show significant offsets in their stable isotopic composition. These offsets are consistent within glacial and interglacial stages but their sign is systematically reversed between the two Sites. Since the isotopic shifts among the three G. ruber morphotypes are systematic and often exceed 1per mil, their understanding is essential for the interpretation of all G. ruber-based proxy records for the paleoceanographic development of the Mediterranean during the late Quaternary.


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Continental and marine conditions during the last millennium off Porto, Portugal (the southern pole of the North Atlantic Oscillation, NAO), are reconstructed from a sediment archive through a high-resolution multiproxy study and instrumental evidence. Results show multidecadal variability and sea surface temperatures (SSTs) that correlate well with previously published land and sea-based Northern Hemisphere temperature records, and appear to be responding to long-term solar insolation variability. Precipitation was negatively correlated with the NAO, whereas strong flooding events occurred at times of marked climate cooling (AD 1100-1150 and 1400-1470) and transitions in solar activity. AD 1850 marks a major shift in the phytoplankton community associated with a decoupling of d18O records of 3 planktonic foraminifera species. These changes are interpreted as a response to a reduction in the summer and/or annual upwelling and more frequent fall-winter upwelling-like events. This shift's coincidence with a decrease in SST and the increase in coherence between our data and the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) confirms the connection of the upwelling variability to the North Atlantic Ocean's surface and thermohaline circulation on a decadal scale. The disappearance of this agreement between the AMO and our records beyond AD 1850 and its coincidence with the beginning of the recent rise in atmospheric CO2 supports the hypothesis of a strong anthropogenic effect on the last ~150 yr of the climate record. Furthermore, it raises an important question of the use of instrumental records as the sole calibration data set for climate reconstructions, as these may not provide the best analogue for climate beyond AD 1730.


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Stable isotopic data from benthic foraminifera indicate the occurrence of at least three deepwater masses in the late Maastrichtian ocean. Given mean oceanic d18Ow of -1.0 per mil, the temperature of the coolest intermediate-depth waters was 5°-7°C, that of the deepest waters was 10°C, and that of the warmest intermediate waters was 13°-15°C. The cool intermediate-depth water mass probably originated in the high-latitude Southern Ocean. The deepest waters originated at least partly in the northern Atlantic. The source region for the warmest intermediate-depth water mass is unknown. Although much of the late Maastrichtian deep water was probably preconditioned for winter sinking by low- or middle-latitude evaporation, no more than ~11% of late Maastrichtian deep water could have been directly actuated by low-latitude sea surface evaporation. At least in the southern Atlantic and Indian Oceans, heat transport by upwelling of deep water was not the primary cause of mild sea surface and coastal temperatures.


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Oxygen and carbon isotopic variability of the dominant (<38 µm) carbonate fraction within bedded, organic-carbon rich Lower Cretaceous sediment intervals from various DSDP sites are closely correlated with preservational changes in the carbonates. Isotopic fluctuations are absent where carbonate contents vary little and where the carbonate fraction is dominated by biogenic phytoplankton remains. Within each of the studied intervals oxygen and carbon isotopic ratios become increasingly more negative in samples with carbonate contents higher than about 60% in which the proportion of diagenetic microcarbonate increases rapidly. Carbon isotopic ratios show a trend towards positive values in samples with carbonate contents of less than 40% and strong signs of dissolution. The taxonomic composition of nannofossil assemblages varies little within single intervals, despite significant differential diagenesis among individual beds; this points towards ecological stability of oceanic surface waters during the deposition of alternating beds. Bedding is, however, closely related to changing bioturbation intensity, indicating repeated fluctuations of the deep-water renewal rates and oxygen supply. Various microbial decomposition processes of organic matter leading to bed-specific differential carbonate diagenesis resulted in an amplification of primary bedding features and are considered responsible for most of the observed fluctuations in the stable isotopic ratios and carbonate contents.