600 resultados para zone of confluence
A number of intensely altered, dark xenoliths with palimpsest quench textures were recorded within altered dacitic host rocks at Site 1189 (Roman Ruins, PACMANUS) during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 193. Several of these displayed puzzling marginal fringes, apparently of altered plagioclase with variolitic texture, protruding into adjacent host rocks. Despite their alteration, the xenoliths were interpreted as fragments of rapidly chilled, possibly olivine-bearing basalts incorporated into the dacitic magmas either within the crustal plumbing system or during eruption at the seafloor (figures F15, F16, F17, F42, and F43 in Shipboard Scientific Party, 2002, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.193.104.2002). An additional example of formerly spinifex-textured xenolith, the first from Site 1188 (Snowcap) and the first from the upper cristobalite-bearing zone of alteration, has been revealed by postcruise studies. Furthermore, a pristine sample of the parent lithology has been found within a dredge haul (MD-138, Binatang-2000 Cruise of Franklin; 3°43.60'S, 151°40.35'E, 1688 meters below sea level) from the Satanic Mills hydrothermal field at PACMANUS, near ODP Site 1191. The purpose of this report is to document these discoveries and thereby to confirm and build on shipboard interpretations. To my knowledge, similar xenoliths have never before been found in modern island arc or backarc volcanic sequences. Spinifex textures are most common in Archean komatiites, some of which are bimodally associated with calc-alkaline felsic volcanic rocks.
During Ocean Drilling Program Leg 190 several turbidite successions in the Nankai Trough were drilled through including Pleistocene trench fill (Sites 1173 and 1174), Pleistocene-Pliocene slope basin deposits and underlying trench fill (Sites 1175 and 1176), Miocene Shikoku Basin deposits (Site 1177), and upper Miocene trench fill (Site 1178). Sands from the Pleistocene trench-fill succession of the Nankai Trough are of mixed derivation with significant monomineralic components (quartz and feldspar) and mafic to intermediate volcanic rock fragments, in addition to sedimentary and less abundant metamorphic detritus. They have a source in the Izu collision zone in central Honshu. Sands from the slope and accreted trench fill at Sites 1175 and 1176 are dominated by quartz with less abundant feldspar, sedimentary rock fragments, and only minor volcanic and metamorphic rock fragments. In contrast to the trench turbidites of Sites 1173 and 1174, these sands are very quartzose with characteristic radiolarian chert fragments. Volcanic rock fragments are mainly of silicic composition. Potential sources of these sands are uplifted subduction complexes of southwest Japan. Sands from the accreted trench turbidites at Site 1178 have clast types similar to those at Sites 1175 and 1176. In contrast, however, framework detrital modes are distinctive, with Site 1178 sands having substantially lower total quartz contents and more abundant fine-grained sedimentary rock fragments. These sands were also probably derived from the island of Shikoku, but their composition indicates that sedimentary rocks were abundant in the source area and these may have been Miocene forearc basin successions that were largely removed by erosion. Erosional remnants of Miocene forearc basin deposits are present on the Kii Peninsula east-northeast of Shikoku. Erosion followed a phase of exhumation of the Shimanto Belt indicated by apatite fission track ages at ~10 Ma. Sand in the lower-upper Miocene turbidites of the lower Shikoku Basin section at Site 1177 is more varied in composition, with the upper part of the unit similar to Site 1178 (i.e., rich in sedimentary rock fragments) and the lower part similar to those at Sites 1175 and 1176 (i.e., rich in quartz with some silicic volcanic rock fragments). Sands from the lower part of the Miocene turbidite unit were derived from a continental source with plutonic and volcanic rocks, possibly the inner zone of southwest Japan.
Chemical analyses for calcium carbonate, organic carbon, and major constituents (Al, Ti, Ca, Mg, K, Fe) of bulk sediments collected in Hole 671B have been carried out. Organic carbon contents in Pleistocene through middle Miocene sediments above the zone of decollement are very low (<0.1%); below the decollement considerably higher concentrations of organic carbon occur (up to 1 %). Changes in Ti/Al and Fe/Al ratios are minor, but K/Al and Mg/Al ratios show clear trends with the age of the sediments. Preliminary comparisons of these ratios with mineralogic information on clays indicate good correspondence with clay abundances. Calculations of the mass flux of magnesium from the overlying ocean into the pore fluids suggest that addition of magnesium to the sediments is difficult to detect, especially in the absence of a background reference concentration.
We explore the impact of a latitudinal shift in the westerly wind belt over the Southern Ocean on the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) and on the carbon cycle for Last Glacial Maximum background conditions using a state-of-the-art ocean general circulation model. We find that a southward (northward) shift in the westerly winds leads to an intensification (weakening) of no more than 10% of the AMOC. This response of the ocean physics to shifting winds agrees with other studies starting from preindustrial background climate, but the responsible processes are different. In our setup changes in AMOC seemed to be more pulled by upwelling in the south than pushed by downwelling in the north, opposite to what previous studies with different background climate are suggesting. The net effects of the changes in ocean circulation lead to a rise in atmospheric pCO2 of less than 10 atm for both northward and southward shift in the winds. For northward shifted winds the zone of upwelling of carbon- and nutrient-rich waters in the Southern Ocean is expanded, leading to more CO2 outgassing to the atmosphere but also to an enhanced biological pump in the subpolar region. For southward shifted winds the upwelling region contracts around Antarctica, leading to less nutrient export northward and thus a weakening of the biological pump. These model results do not support the idea that shifts in the westerly wind belt play a dominant role in coupling atmospheric CO2 rise and Antarctic temperature during deglaciation suggested by the ice core data.
Distribution patterns of the most important pollen types from southern European and northwest African source areas for the 18,000 years B.P. time slice are reconstructed from pollen records of 14 well-dated deep-sea cores located between 37° and 9°N and compared with the modern pollen distribution in this area. It is concluded that the belt with maximum African Easterly Jet transport did not shift latitudinally during the last glacial-interglacial transition but remained at about 20°N. Furthermore, it is substantiated that the trade winds did not shift latitudinally during the last glacial-interglacial transition. This evidence is not compatible with an atmospheric circulation model that assumes a zone of surface westerlies in the northern part of northwest Africa. Trade winds during glacial episodes did, however, intensify, especially from about 36° to 24° N.
During most of the vegetation season from late May to early September large-sized diatom alga Proboscia alata forms local patches with high abundances and biomasses in different oceanographic domains of the eastern Bering Sea shelf. For 0-25 m layer average abundance and biomass of species in these patches are 700000 cells/l and 5 g/m**3 (wet weight), while corresponding estimates for the layer of maximal species concentrations are 40000000 cells/l and 38 g/m**3 (wet weight) or 1.6 g C/m**3. These levels of abundance and biomass are typical for the spring diatom bloom in the region. Outbursts of P. alata mass development are important for the carbon cycle in the pelagic zone of the shelf area in the summer season. The paradox of P. alata summertime blooms over the middle shelf lies in their occurrences against the background of the sharp seasonal pycnocline and deficiency in nutrients in the upper mixed layer. Duration of the outbursts in P. alata development is about two weeks and size of patches with high abundances can be as large as 200 km across. Degradation of the P. alata summertime outbursts may occur during 4-5 days. Rapid sinking of cells through the seasonal pycnocline results in intense transport of organic matter to bottom sediments. One of possible factors responsible for rapid degradation of the blooms is affect on the population by ectoparasitic flagellates. At terminal stages of the P. alata blooms percentage of infected cells can reach 70-99%.
Studies of diatoms from dredge samples collected on the island slope of the Kuril-Kamchatka Trench have allowed to recognize well-preserved marine diatom assemblages corresponding to assemblages of the followed Oligocene zones: Rhizosolenia oligocaenica (subzone ''a'', 33.6-31 Ma), Cavitatus rectus (29.6-28.2 Ma), and Rocella gelida (28.2-24.0 Ma) as identified in the North Pacific zonal scale. Description of these assemblages and their complete taxonomic composition are presented. Diversity of species together with abundance and degree of preservation of diatoms and accompanying siliceous microorganisms suggests their autochtonous origin and favorable conditions of their development. Assemblages of the Early Oligocene zones Rhizosolenia oligocaenica and Cavitatus rectus recognized in sediments of the outer zone of the Lesser Kuril Ridge (submarine slope of the Shikotan Island) and on the Vityaz' submarine ridge were most probably formed under conditions of a vast shelf, while assemblage of the Late Oligocene zone Rocella gelida encountered only in the region of the Lesser Kuril Ridge formed under more deep-water conditions, presumably, over an island slope. Deepening of the basin in the region of the outer zone of the Lesser Kuril Ridge in Late Oligocene probably reflects one of stages of evolution of the Kuril-Kamchatka Trench.
Antarctic calcified macroorganisms are particularly vulnerable to ocean acidification because many are weakly calcified, the dissolution rates of calcium carbonate are inversely related to temperature, and high latitude seas are predicted to become undersaturated in aragonite by the year 2100. We examined the post-mortem dissolution rates of aragonitic and calcitic shells from four species of Antarctic benthic marine invertebrates (two bivalves, one limpet, one brachiopod) and the thallus of a limpet shell-encrusting coralline alga exposed to acidified pH (7.4) or non-acidified pH (8.2) seawater at a constant temperature of 4 C. Within a period of only 14-35 days, shells of all four species held in pH 7.4 seawater had suffered significant dissolution. Despite calcite being 35% less soluble in seawater than aragonite, there was surprisingly, no consistent pattern of calcitic shells having slower dissolution rates than aragonitic shells. Outer surfaces of shells held in pH 7.4 seawater exhibited deterioration by day 35, and by day 56 there was exposure of aragonitic or calcitic prisms within the shell architecture of three of the macroinvertebrate species. Dissolution of coralline algae was confirmed by differences in weight loss in limpet shells with and without coralline algae. By day 56, thalli of the coralline alga held in pH 7.4 displayed a loss of definition of the conceptacle pores and cracking was evident at the zone of interface with limpet shells. Experimental studies are needed to evaluate whether there are adequate compensatory mechanisms in these and other calcified Antarctic benthic macroorganisms to cope with anticipated ocean acidification. In their absence, these organisms, and the communities they comprise, are likely to be among the first to experience the cascading impacts of ocean acidification.
Rate of hydrogen sulfide oxidation in the redox zone of the Black Sea and rate of hydrogen sulfide formation due to bacterial sulfate reduction in the upper layer of anaerobic waters were measured in February-April 1991. These measurements were made using sulfur radioisotope under conditions close to those in situ. It was established that hydrogen sulfide is oxidized in the layer of oxygen and hydrogen sulfide coexistence under the upper boundary of the hydrogen sulfide layer. Maximum rate of hydrogen sulfide oxidation was recorded within the limits of density values dT of 16.20-16.30, while varying in the layer from 2 to 4.5 µmol/day. The average rate of hydrogen sulfide oxidation was 1.5-3 times higher than that during the warm season. Sulfide formation was not observed at most of the stations in the examined lower portion of the pycnocline layer (140 to 400 m). Noticeable sulfate reduction was detected only at one station on the northwestern shelf. Intensified hydrodynamics in the upper layers of the water mass during the cold season can be a probable reason for such noticeable changes in sulfur dynamics in the water mass of the Black Sea. Data suggesting that hydrogen sulfide oxidation proceeds under the hydrogen sulfide boundary indicate absence of the so-called "suboxic zone" in this basin.
A core of foraminiferal-coccolithic oozes filling a valley of the transform fault located at 29°40'S on the South Atlantic Ridge contains layers composed of angular fragments of igneous and metamorphic rocks. They include many serpentinites deriving from serpentinized ultrabasic rocks, probably exposed on the lower section of the southern slope of the fault valley. A mineral and chemical description of these serpentinites is given.