559 resultados para Supplement of chromium


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The monogragh contains results of mineralogicai and geochemical studies of Mesozoic and Cenozoic deposits from the Pacific Ocean collected during Deep Sea Drilling Project. Special attention is paid on the aspects of geochemical history of post-Jurassic sedimentation in the central part of the Northwest Pacific, detailed characteristics of the main stages of sedimentary evolution are given: Early Cretaceons (protooceanic), Late Cretaceons (transitional) and Cenozoic (oceanic). Results of mineralogical and geochemical studies of hydrothermal deposits from the Galapagos Rift are given as well.


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The Snake Pit hydrothermal field is located on the top of a neovolcanic rise on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at sea depths between 3460 and 3510 m. It was surveyed during several oceanological expeditions including DSDP Legs. Additional scientific materials were obtained in 2002 and 2003 during expedition onboard R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh with two Mir deep-sea manned submersibles. Three eastern hydrothermal mounds (Moose, Beehive, and Fir Tree) are located on the upper part of the eastern slope of the rise over a common fractured pedestal composed of fragments of massive sulfides. The western group of hydrothermal deposits is encountered on the western slope of the axial graben. Within this mature hydrothermal field, which was formed over the past 4000 years, we studied morphology of the hydrothermal mounds, chemistry and mineralogy of hydrothermal deposits, chemistry of sulfide minerals, and isotope composition of sulfur in them.


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Chemical and isotopic data for rare massive and semimassive sulfide samples cored at Site 1189 (Roman Ruins, PACMANUS) suggest their genetic relationship with sulfide chimneys at the seafloor. Sand collected from the hammer drill after commencement of Hole 1189B indicates that at least the lower section of the cased interval was occupied by material similar to the stockwork zone cored from 31 to ~100 meters below seafloor (mbsf) in this hole, but with increased content of barite, sphalerite, and lead-bearing minerals. Fractional crystallization of ascending hydrothermal fluid involving early precipitation of pyrite may explain vertical mineralogical and chemical zoning within the stockwork conduit and the high base and precious metal contents of Roman Ruins chimneys. A mineralized volcaniclastic unit cored deep in Hole 1189A possibly represents the lateral fringe of the conduit system. Lead isotope ratios in the sulfides differ slightly but significantly from those of fresh lavas from Pual Ridge, implying that at least some of the Pb within the Roman Ruins hydrothermal system derived from a deeper, more radiogenic source than the enclosing altered volcanic rocks.


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Distributions of Mn, Fe, Cu, Cd, Cr, Co and Ni in sea water are investigated (42 samples, dissolved and particulate forms) in the vicinity of the underwater gas vent field on the northwestern slope of the Paramushir Island. While regular background distributions of the elements occur in the shore zone, there is a column of elevated concentrations of particulate matter, particulate Mn, and dissolved Mn, Fe, Cu, Cd, Cr, Co and Ni that coincides with location of the gas plume. This column can be traced as high as 780 m above the bottom. High metal concentrations in water of the plume are attributable to physico-chemical concentration at the phase interface; the source of elevated mineral concentrations is obviously flux of dissolved minerals from interstitial waters, which extends to considerable distances in vertical direction.


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Ferromanganese concretions spread out on the bottom of the shallow northwest part of the Black Sea are mainly represented by Fe and Mn nodules on shells and substituted worm tubes. Element composition of these formations was measured by methods of chemical, atomic absorbtion, neutron activation, and ICP-MS analyses. It was established that Fe and Mn contents and Mn/Fe ratio in the concretions varied considerably and which controlled occurrence of several associated metals and minor elements; some of them have not been studied in Black Sea concretions before.


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In order to recognize the distribution of hydrothermal tracers south of the Azores, a series of cores has been sampled during the GEOFAR cruise. The distribution of the Mn concentrations shows that the hydrothermal influence is maximum within and to the north-west of the Lucky Strike segment. North of the East-Azores Fracture Zone the sediments are enriched in Ba which could be derived from different sources. The chemical composition of the interstitial water shows that water advection is limited. Mn, Cu, Ni fluxes evaluated in one site have increased during isotopic stages 4 and 2 and the deglaciation.


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From X-ray mineralogical studies and chemical analyses of the whole rocks and the fine fractions (<2 µm) of ten to fifteen samples at each site of ODP Leg 124, two major sources were identified in the sedimentary components of the Celebes and Sulu basins: (1) a terrestrial and continental contribution; (2) a volcanic influx that gives way to well-defined volcanic units or to a dilute contamination, consisting of coarse-grained minerals (Plagioclase, pyroxene, olivine, spinel) or a smectitic-rich fraction produced by the alteration of volcanic glasses and ashes. The continental signature increases the amount of quartz in the rocks and the phyllitic association is complex: micas, kaolinite, disordered interstratified clay-minerals. The chemical compositions of the bulk rocks and the fractions <2 µm are more potassic and aluminum-rich. The volcanic imprint depends on the grain-size and chemical properties of the components. Ca/Na contents highly variable compared to the K content of the bulk composition are due to the presence of coarse-grained volcanic Plagioclase. The fractions <2 µm are more magnesian than in the continental regime. The diagenesis is revealed by the crystallization of zeolites, the fixation of magnesium into the smectites that depletes the pore fluids in this element. Smectitization of the disordered interstratified clay minerals enriches the alkalinity of the pore fluids. Some deep formations of the Sulu Basin are affected by a thermal event, but no thermal event was recognized in the Celebes Basin.


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Major and trace element compositions of basalts from the lower part of Hole 504B indicate their cogenetic nature. The cored sequence of interlayered pillow lavas and massive lava flows was produced by eruption of lavas, slightly variable in composition. Plagioclase and olivine crystallization in a shallow magma chamber, followed by small-scale fractionation at higher levels, is responsible for these variations. Except in highly fractured zones within the basement, there are systematic variations in the style and degree of rock alteration with depth. Trace element characteristics of altered rocks and secondary minerals indicate that progressive changes in sea water composition occurred as it reacted with basaltic crust.


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Data presented in the paper suggest significant differences between thermodynamic conditions, under which magmatic complexes were formed in MAR at 29°-34°N and 12°-18°N. Melts occurring at 29°-34°N were derived by melting of a mantle source with homogeneous distribution of volatile components and arrived at the surface without significant fractionation, likely, due to their rapid ascent. The MAR segments between 12° and 18°N combine contrasting geodynamic environments of magmatism, which predetermined development of a large plume region with widespread mixing of melting products of geochemically distinct mantle sources. At the same time, this region is characterized by conditions favorable for origin of localized zones of anomalous plume magmatism. These sporadic magmatic sources were spatially restricted to MAR fragments with the Hess crust, whose compositional and mechanical properties were, perhaps, favorable for focusing and localization of plume magmatism. The plume source between 12° and 18°N beneath MAR may be geochemically heterogeneous.


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The monograph summarizes results of petrological and geochemical studies of rocks from the ocean floor collected by the authors during expeditions to the Central Atlantic. Detailed work in the Capa Verde transform fault zone gave a large amount of new information about magmatic and hydrothermal systems of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.


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Major-, trace-, and rare-earth element analyses are presented from a suite of basaltic rocks from the basement of the Celebes Sea. The major elements and trace-elements were determined by X-ray fluorescence techniques, and the rare-earth elements were analyzed by instrumental neutron activation analysis. Compositionally the Celebes Sea basalts are very similar to typical normal mid-ocean ridge basalts, such as those described from the Indian Ocean triple junction. Petrogenetic modeling shows that all of the basalts analyzed can be formed by 10% to 20% partial melting of a light rare-earth element-depleted spinel lherzolite followed by fractional crystallization of mixtures of olivine, Plagioclase, and iron oxide. The Celebes Sea is interpreted as a fragment of the basement of the Jurassic Argo abyssal plain trapped during the Eocene to the north of Australia.


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Rare earth element (REE), major, and trace element abundances and relative fractionations in forty nodular cherts sampled by the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) and Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) indicate that the REE composition of chert records the interplay between terrigenous sources and scavenging from the local seawater. Major and (non-REE) trace element ratios indicate that the aluminosilicate fraction within the chert is similar to NASC (North American Shale Composite), with average Pacific chert including ~7% NASC-like particles, Indian chert ~11% NASC, Atlantic chert ~17% NASC, and southern high latitude (SHL) chert 53% NASC. Using La as a proxy for sum REE, approximations of excessive La (the amount of La in excess of that supplied by the detrital aluminosilicate fraction) indicate that Pacific chert contains the greatest excessive La (85% of total La) and SHL chert the least (38% of total La). As shown by interelement associations, this excessive La is most likely an adsorbed component onto aluminosilicate and phosphatic phases. Accordingly, chert from the large Pacific Ocean, where deposition occurs relatively removed from significant terrigenous input, records a depositional REE signal dominated by adsorption of dissolved REEs from seawater. Pacific chert Ce/Ce* <<1 and normative La/Yb ~ 0.8-1, resulting from adsorption of local Ce-depleted seawater and preferential adsorption of LREEs from seawater (e.g., normative La/Yb ~0.4), which increases the normative La/Yb ratio recorded in chert. Chert from the Atlantic basin, a moderately sized ocean basin lined by passive margins and with more terrigenous input than the Pacific, records a mix of adsorptive and terrigenous REE signals, with moderately negative Ce anomalies and normative La/Yb ratios intermediate to those of the Pacific and those of terrigenous input. Chert from the SHL region is dominated by the large terrigenous input on the Antarctic passive margin, with inherited Ce/Ce* ~1 and inherited normative La/Yb values of ~1.2-1.4. Ce/Ce* does not vary with age, either throughout the entire data base or within a particular basin. Overall, Ce/Ce* does not correlate with P2O5 concentrations, even though phosphatic phases may be an important REE carrier.


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Refractory spinel peridotites were drilled during Leg 125 from two diapiric serpentinite seamounts: Conical Seamount in the Mariana forearc (Sites 778-780) and Torishima Forearc Seamount (Sites 783-784) in the Izu-Ogasawara forearc. Harzburgite is the predominant rock type in the recovered samples, with subordinate dunite; no lherzolite was found. The harzburgite is diopside-free to sparsely diopside-bearing, with modal percentages of diopside that range from 0% to 2%. Spinels in the harzburgites are chrome-rich (Cr/[Cr + Al] = 0.38-0.83; Fe3+/[Fe3+ + Cr + Al] = 0.01-0.07). Olivine and orthopyroxene are magnesian (Mg# = 0.92). Discrete diopsides reveal extreme depletion of light rare earth elements. Primary hornblende is rare. The bulk major-element chemistry shows low average values of TiO2 (trace), Al2O3 (0.55%) and CaO (0.60%), but high Mg# (0.90). These rocks are more depleted than the abyssal peridotites from the mid-oceanic ridge. They are interpreted as residues of extensive partial melting (= 30%), of which the last episode was in the mantle wedge, probably associated with the generation of incipient island-arc magma, including boninite and/or arc-tholeiite. These depleted peridotites probably represent the residues of melting within mantle diapirs that developed within the mantle wedge.


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Thirty-five samples from Hole 778A were prepared for X-ray diffraction (XRD) mineralogical analyses and for chemical analyses of major and trace elements. Most of the selected samples were silt- and sand-sized sedimentary serpentinites or microbreccias except for a soft clast of mafic rock, a hard clast of massive serpentinized peridotite, and a pebble of consolidated, undeformed serpentine microbreccia that contained planktonic foraminifers. Both mineralogical and geochemical analyses allow discrimination of three groups among the analyzed samples. These groups correspond to three stratigraphic intervals present along the drilled section. Group A contains the upper samples (lithologic Unit I). These consist of poorly consolidated serpentine muds carrying hard-rock clasts (serpentinized peridotites, metabasalts). They are characterized by the following mineralogical assemblage: serpentine, Fe-oxides and hydroxides, aragonite, and halite. They exhibit variable SiO2, MgO contents, but are characterized by a SiO2/MgO ratio near 1. CaO content is high in relation to development of aragonite. Al2O3 content is low. Relatively high K2O, Na2O, and Sr contents are present, presumably in relation to interactions with seawater. Group B (30-77 mbsf) contains samples exhibiting very homogeneous chemical and mineralogical compositions. They consist of serpentinite microbreccias exhibiting frequent shear structures. Hard-rock clasts are also present (serpentinized peridotites, metabasalts, one possible chert fragment). The mineralogy of the Group B samples is characterized by the presence of serpentine and authigenic minerals: hydroxycarbonates and hydrogrossular. Calcite and chlorite are also present, but all the samples lack aragonite. Their chemical compositions are remarkably similar to compositions of their parent rocks. Group C contains silt- and sand-sized serpentine and serpentine microbreccias, which are locally rich in red clasts, probably strongly altered (oxidized?) mafic fragments. Intervals having clasts of more diverse origin than those higher in the section were recovered. Clast lithology includes serpentinized peridotites, metabasalts, metavolcaniclastite, meta-olivine gabbro, and amphibolite sandstone. Mineralogy and geochemistry reflect these compositions. Serpentine content of the samples is less than in previous groups. Correlatively, sepiolite, palygorskite, and chlorite-smectite are mineral phases present in the analyzed samples. Accessory igneous minerals (amphiboles, pyroxenes, hematite) also were found. The chemical compositions of most of Group C samples differ from that of massive serpentinized peridotites. The main differences are (1) higher SiO2, CaO, TiO2 and Al2O3 contents, (2) a SiO2/MgO ratio greater than 1, and (3) a negative correlation between Al2O3, and MgO, Cr, and Ni. These characteristics suggest new constraints relative to the flow structure of the flank of Conical Seamount.