593 resultados para Sediments lacustres
We describe the molecular composition of a portion of the solvent-soluble organic material (lipid extract), from three organic rich muds (samples 116-717C-22X-1, 80-86 cm, 116-717C-34X-3, 130-135 cm, and 116-717C-55X-1, 65-70 cm). These samples were taken from Hole 717C, located on the Bengal Fan at a position of 0°55.8'S and 81°23.4'E. Both the palaeoenvironmental and digenetic significance of these lipid distributions have been assessed and found to be consistent with their suspected origins, i.e., turbidites from the upper slope of the western Bay of Bengal and the Ganges-Brahmaputra delta.
Visual-domain diffuse reflectance data collected aboard the JOIDES Resolution with the Minolta spectrometer CM-2002 during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 172 have been used to estimate successfully the carbonate content of sediments. Calibration equations were developed for each site and for each lithostratigraphic unit (or subunit at Site 1063) using multiple linear regression on raw as well as pretreated reflectance spectra (i.e., first-order derivation and squaring of raw reflectance spectra) for a total of 4141 direct carbonate measurements. The root-mean-square errors of 4% to 7% are within the range of previous estimates using diffuse reflectance data and are acceptable for the general extensive range of carbonate contents (i.e., 0-70 wt%) that characterize sedimentation at Leg 172 sites.
The distributions of calcium carbonate, of amorphous silica, and of 21 chemical compounds and elements in sediments of Holes 515A, 515B, 516, 516F, 517, and 518 are highly nonuniform; they change depending on the sediment types, grain size, and mineral composition. The main source of the lithogenous elements (K, Li, Rb, Fe, Ti, Zr, Ni, Cr, Sn) is terrigenous matter of South America. These elements correlate well or at least satisfactorily with each other and with the sum of clay minerals. CaCO3, amorphous SiO2 and organic C form a second group, the main source of which is biota of the ocean. Zn, Cu, Ba, Mo, (V, Na) are a third group, which is supplied by both terrigenous and biogenic matter. Judging by the distribution of chemical elements and components in sediments of Site 515, this area of the Brazil Basin is characterized by the rather constant conditions of pelagic terrigenous sedimentation from upper Eocene till Holocene. Small changes in chemical composition of sediments throughout the section are linked mainly to the evolution of subaerial source provinces, changes in hydrodynamic regime, and fluctuations of the ocean level. The chemical composition of sediments from the Rio Grande Rise sites suggests the existence of three main stages of sedimentation in this area. The first stage is the initial period of sediment accumulation on basalts at the beginning of the Late Cretaceous. Then followed sedimentary conditions notable for their sharp changes in chemical composition and type. Beginning in the middle Eocene and persisting into the Holocene, stable conditions of sedimentation characterize a third stage, represented by the formation of approximately 700 m of nannofossil oozes of rather monotonous chemical composition.
Impact and monitoring of dredge spoils are an important environmental issue. This investigation aims to map two dredge-spoil dispersals in the Bay of Seine by using an innovative application of well-established environmental magnetic proxies. Low-field magnetic susceptibility measurements were performed on discrete samples from dredge sediments and from the Bay of Seine seafloor before & after dumping. The fingerprinting of the dispersion of dredge-dumped sediments is efficient due to the higher susceptibility of the dredge sediments with respect to the background. Besides, terrestrial input is also monitored in our susceptibility maps. Dilution of the susceptibility signal allows an estimation of the resilience of the sedimentary environment on a six-month survey. This susceptibility signal is controlled by the ferromagnetic fraction of the sediment. A constant magnetic mineralogy carried by magnetite is observed in the study area, thus a qualitative parameter for magnetic grain size was selected that shows an in-progress resilience pattern over the survey.
Laboratory measurements of ultrasonic velocity (VP, VS) and attenuation (QP**-1, QS**-1) in deep-sea carbonate sequences at DSDP Sites 288, 289 and 316 in the equatorial Pacific were made in conjunction with studies of sediment density, porosity and pore geometry in order to investigate the role of diagenesis in the development of physical properties. Bulk porosity decrease appears to be related more significantly to depth of burial than to age of strata. Both depth of burial and age, however, are important factors controlling the modal pore diameter. In deep-burial diagenesis the modification of pore geometry is influenced by the presence of silica during diagenesis. In carbonate sequences at the three DSDP sites studied, shear wave attenuation anisotropy (QSHH**-1/QSHV**-1) correlates with the shear wave velocity anisotropy. Pore orientation, resulting from overburden pressure and other deep-burial diagenetic processes, is an important factor controlling the increase of VP anisotropy with age and depth of burial. On the basis of observed minor changes in anisotropy values with increasing pressure for some samples, other contributions to VP anisotropy such as grain orientation and bedding lamination cannot be ruled out.