868 resultados para Moroccan continental margin


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Sediment accumulation rates, computed using agesediment thickness curves obtained from DSDP cores, are rarely corrected for compaction or bedding attitude to better approximate true sediment accumulation rates (c.f. van Andel et al., 1975; Davies et al., 1977; and Whitman and Davies, 1979). Variations with depth in either of these factors can hinder interpreting relative rates of sedimentary processes associated with a particular depositional environment. This problem becomes particularly relevant for convergent margin sediments, which often display variable bedding attitudes and pronounced changes in porosity, bulk density, and other parameters related to the compaction process at shallow depth. These rapid shallow changes render correlation of sedimentation rates within a single transect of holes very difficult. Two techniques have been applied to data collected from a transect of holes along the southwestern Mexico continental margin, DSDP Leg 66 (Fig. 1), to correct sediment accumulation rates for variations in compaction and bedding attitude. These corrections should help resolve true fluctuations in accumulation rates and their implications regarding convergent margin processes.


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Gas hydrate samples were recovered from four sites (Sites 994, 995, 996, and 997) along the crest of the Blake Ridge during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 164. At Site 996, an area of active gas venting, pockmarks, and chemosynthetic communities, vein-like gas hydrate was recovered from less than 1 meter below seafloor (mbsf) and intermittently through the maximum cored depth of 63 mbsf. In contrast, massive gas hydrate, probably fault filling and/or stratigraphically controlled, was recovered from depths of 260 mbsf at Site 994, and from 331 mbsf at Site 997. Downhole-logging data, along with geochemical and core temperature profiles, indicate that gas hydrate at Sites 994, 995, and 997 occurs from about 180 to 450 mbsf and is dispersed in sediment as 5- to 30-m-thick zones of up to about 15% bulk volume gas hydrate. Selected gas hydrate samples were placed in a sealed chamber and allowed to dissociate. Evolved gas to water volumetric ratios measured on seven samples from Site 996 ranged from 20 to 143 mL gas/mL water to 154 mL gas/mL water in one sample from Site 994, and to 139 mL gas/mL water in one sample from Site 997, which can be compared to the theoretical maximum gas to water ratio of 216. These ratios are minimum gas/water ratios for gas hydrate because of partial dissociation during core recovery and potential contamination with pore waters. Nonetheless, the maximum measured volumetric ratio indicates that at least 71% of the cages in this gas hydrate were filled with gas molecules. When corrections for pore-water contamination are made, these volumetric ratios range from 29 to 204, suggesting that cages in some natural gas hydrate are nearly filled. Methane comprises the bulk of the evolved gas from all sites (98.4%-99.9% methane and 0%-1.5% CO2). Site 996 hydrate contained little CO2 (0%-0.56%). Ethane concentrations differed significantly from Site 996, where they ranged from 720 to 1010 parts per million by volume (ppmv), to Sites 994 and 997, which contained much less ethane (up to 86 ppmv). Up to 19 ppmv propane and other higher homologues were noted; however, these gases are likely contaminants derived from sediment in some hydrate samples. CO2 concentrations are less in gas hydrate than in the surrounding sediment, likely an artifact of core depressurization, which released CO2 derived from dissolved organic carbon (DIC) into sediment. The isotopic composition of methane from gas hydrate ranges from d13C of -62.5 per mil to -70.7 per mil and dD of -175 per mil to -200 per mil and is identical to the isotopic composition of methane from surrounding sediment. Methane of this isotopic composition is mainly microbial in origin and likely produced by bacterial reduction of bicarbonate. The hydrocarbon gases here are likely the products of early microbial diagenesis. The isotopic composition of CO2 from gas hydrate ranges from d13C of -5.7 per mil to -6.9 per mil, about 15 per mil lighter than CO2 derived from nearby sediment.


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Sediments from the Baja California Continental Margin Transect - Sites 474 and 476 - showed small amounts of C2-C8 hydrocarbons and functionalized compounds (alkenes) typical of organic-rich, Recent, cold (<30°C) marine sediments. In contrast, some samples from Sites 477, 478, 479, and Hole 481A in the Guaymas Basin, an active spreading center, showed the characteristics of thermally generated hydrocarbons. These include an increase (sometimes exponential) in amount and diversity of C2-C8 hydrocarbons and a decrease in alkenes in more thermally mature sediments. The results indicate that the injection of basaltic sills has minimal effect on C2-C8 hydrocarbon generation except in the immediate vicinity of the sill. The absence of light hydrocarbons close to the hottest sills suggests that the compounds distill away as they are formed in these areas of very active hydrothermal circulation. A sample of young sediment exposed to very high temperatures (>300°C) from deeper thermal sources at the hottest site, 477, showed a very limited hydrocarbon distribution, including primarily ethane, benzene, and toluene, together with smaller amounts of propane and butane.


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As part of an ongoing program of organic geochemical studies of sediments recovered by the Deep Sea Drilling Project, we have analyzed the types, amounts, and thermal alteration indices of organic matter collected from the Pacific continental margin of southern Mexico on Leg 66. The samples were pieces of core frozen aboard ship. Some of them were analyzed by pyrolysis, heavy C15+ hydrocarbons, and nonhydrocarbons to help determine their origin and hydrocarbon potential. Our main objectives were to find out how much organic matter was being deposited; to establish whether it derived from marine or terrestrial sources; to determine the controls of deposition of organic matter; to estimate the hydrocarbon potential of the drilled section; and to compare and contrast organic sedimentation here with that on other margins.


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Using methods of analysis from organic geochemistry and organic petrography, we investigated six Pliocene to Maestrichtian samples from DSDP Site 612 and five Pliocene to Eocene samples from DSDP Site 613 for the quantity, type, and thermal maturity of organic matter. At both sites, organic carbon content is low in the Eocene samples (0.10 to 0.20%) and relatively high in the Pliocene/Miocene samples (0.87 to 1.15%). The Maestrichtian samples from Site 612 contain about 0.6% organic carbon. The organic matter is predominantly terrigenous, as indicated by low hydrogen index values from Rock-Eval pyrolysis and the dominance of long-chain wax alkanes in the extractable hydrocarbons. The organic matter is at a low level of thermal maturity; measured vitrinite reflectance values were between 0.27 and 0.44%.


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Analyses of sediments from Leg 64 sites reveal a diverse and in one case unique geochemistry. Sites are characterized by high heat flow along an active, divergent plate boundary, or rapid accumulation of diatom muds, or both. The geochemical trends of Sites 474-476 at the tip of Baja California reflect changes4n the percentages of sedimentary components - particularly biogenous matter and mineralogy - that support interpretations of sedimentary environments inferred to be present since the commencement of subsidence along this young, passive continental margin. The sediments below dolerite sills in Holes 477, 477A, 478, and 481 show major mineralogic and chemical deviations from "average" hemipelagic sediments. The sills appear to have two functions: (1) they allow hydrothermal circulation and metamorphism in a partially closed system by trapping heat and fluids emanating from below, and (2) they expel heated interstitial fluids at the moment of intrusion and mobilize elements, most likely leading to the formation of metalliferous deposits along the surface traces of normal faults in the basin. The hydrothermal system as a whole appears to be localized and ephemeral, as is indicated by the lack of similar geochemical trends and high heat flow at Sites 478 and 481. Site 479 illustrates sedimentation in an oxygen-minimum zone with anoxic sediments and concomitant geochemical trends, especially for MnO. With few exceptions, geochemical trends are remarkably constant with depth, suggesting that Site 479 can serve as an "internal" standard or average sediment against which the magnitude of hydrothermal alteration at the basinal Sites 477, 478, and 481 can be measured.


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Palynological studies were carried out on Paleogene sections from Sites 693 and 696 of Ocean Drilling Project Leg 113 in the Weddell Sea region. Dinoflagellate cysts and sporomorphs were recovered at Site 696 (61°S, 42°W) indicating a middle Eocene to late Eocene/earliest Oligocene age for a glauconitic silt/sandstone. At Site 693 (70°S, 14°W) early Oligocene siliciclastic mud contains a low diversity palynoflora. In an upper Oligocene section (Site 693) only rare, reworked Mesozoic palynomorphs were encountered. Palynological data from Kerogen analyses, dinocysts, and sporomorphs are used to reconstruct the climatic change on the South Orkney microcontinent from the middle Eocene to the late Eocene/earliest Oligocene at Site 696 and the late early Oligocene/early late Oligocene time interval at Site 693 near the continental margin. The middle Eocene was a warm period in the Orkney region with good growing conditions for a warm temperate Nothofagus/conifer forest with an admixture of Proteaceae. Temperate surface water masses, which allowed the growth of a reasonably diverse dinocyst assemblage (ca. 15-20 species), persisted until the end of the Eocene at Site 696. Late early Oligocene sediments of Site 693 (Antarctic continental margin) contain only a low diversity dinocyst flora (two species). The major Cenozoic cooling event in the Weddell Sea region probably occurred at the Eocene/Oligocene boundary. A second dramatic climatic deterioration seems to have taken place during the late early/early late Oligocene, when dinocysts disappeared at the Dronning Maud Land margin area.


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Paleomagnetic results from sediments acquired from the continental margin at DSDP Sites 548, 549, 550, and 551 are described. Where possible, the results were used to construct a polarity reversal stratigraphy for the sections sampled, thus enabling the biostratigraphic dating of the sediments to be refined. Several sections in this study were found to be suitable for magnetostratigraphic work, in particular the upper Paleocene to middle Eocene sediments from Site 549, which contained rich faunal assemblages. These sediments are underlain by a thick sequence of Cretaceous sediments that formed during the Long Cretaceous normal polarity interval. Sediments that formed during the later part of this magnetically quiet interval were also recovered at Site 550. Three short reverse polarity intervals were also recovered at this site; they lie directly over basement and are thought to represent a mixed-polarity interval of late Albian age. They may therefore provide important evidence concerning the age of the earliest sediments at this site. In addition, measurements of the magnetic susceptibility and intensity of remanent magnetism proved to be of interest. A significant decrease in the susceptibility and intensity values close to the early/middle Eocene boundary was noted at Sites 548 and 549. This decrease may be correlated with the results from Holes 400A and 401, which were drilled on DSDP Leg 48 in the northeast Bay of Biscay. The decrease may represent an abrupt reduction in the supply of terrigenous material at the end of the early Eocene, reflecting, perhaps, a change in sediment transport processes at that time


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Geological, petrochemical, and geochemical data are reported for volcanic rocks of a Cretaceous pull-apart basin in the Tan Lu strike-slip system, Asian continental margin. A comparison of these volcanic rocks with magmatic rocks from typical Cenozoic transform margins in the western North America and rift zones of Korea made it possible to distinguish some indicator features of transform-margin volcanic rocks. Magmatic rocks from strike-slip extension zones bear island-arc, intraplate, and occasionally depleted MORB geochemical signatures. In addition to calc-alkaline rocks there are bimodal volcanic series. The rocks are characterized by high K2O, MgO, and TiO2 contents. They show variable enrichment in LILE relative to HFSE, which is typical of island-arc magmas. At the same time they are rich in compatible transition elements, which is a characteristic of intraplate magmas. Trace element distribution patterns normalized to MORB or primitive mantle usually show a negative Ta-Nb anomaly typical of suprasubduction settings. Their Ta/Nb ratio is lower, whereas Ba/Nb, Ba/La, and La/Yb ratios are higher than those of some MORB and OIB. In terms of trace element systematics, for example, Ta-Th-Hf, Ba/La-(Ba/La)_n, (La/Sm)_n-La/Hf, and others, they fall within the area of mixing of magmas from several sources (island arc, intraplate, and depleted reservoirs). Magmatic rocks of transform settings show a sigmoidal chondrite-normalized REE distribution pattern with a negative slope of LREE, depletion in MREE, and an enriched or flat HREE pattern. Magmas with mixed geochemical characteristics presumably originated in a transform margin setting in local extension zones under influence of mantle diapirs, which caused metasomatism and melting of the lithosphere at different levels, and mixing of melts from different sources in variable proportions.


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