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In locations of rapid sediment accumulation receiving substantial amounts of laterally transported material the timescales of transport and accurate quantification of the transported material are at the focus of intense research. Here we present radiocarbon data obtained on co-occurring planktic foraminifera, marine haptophyte biomarkers (alkenones) and total organic carbon (TOC) coupled with excess Thorium-230 (230Thxs) measurements on four sediment cores retrieved in 1649-2879 m water depth from two such high accumulation drift deposits in the Northeast Atlantic, Björn and Gardar Drifts. While 230Thxs inventories imply strong sediment focussing, no age offsets are observed between planktic foraminifera and alkenones, suggesting that redistribution of sediments is rapid and occurs soon after formation of marine organic matter, or that transported material contains negligible amounts of alkenones. An isotopic mass balance calculation based on radiocarbon concentrations of co-occurring sediment components leads us to estimate that transported sediment components contain up to 12% of fossil organic matter that is free of or very poor in alkenones, but nevertheless appears to consist of a mixture of fresh and eroded fossil material. Considering all available constraints to characterize transported material, our results show that although focussing factors calculated from bulk sediment 230Thxs inventories may allow useful approximations of bulk redeposition, they do not provide a unique estimate of the amount of each laterally transported sediment component. Furthermore, our findings provide evidence that the occurrence of lateral sediment redistribution alone does not always hinder the use of multiple proxies but that individual sediment fractions are affected to variable extents by sediment focussing.
This paper presents chlorine stable isotope compositions (delta37Cl) of sediment pore waters collected by squeezing sediment cores from the sediment-basement interface along an East-West transect through the eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge (ODP Leg 168). These "near basement fluids" (NBF) are generally thought to be representative of low-temperature fluids circulating in the off-axis basaltic crust. The delta37Cl value of the fluid directly sampled from a flow at the base of Site 1026 (WSTP1026) is also reported. NBF display delta37Cl values between -2.09? and -0.12? relative to the Standard Mean Ocean Chloride (SMOC defined as 0?) and small variations in chlorinity (~4%). These data contrast with the homogeneity of delta37Cl values associated with highly variable chlorinities observed in high-temperature on-axis fluids [Bonifacie et al., 2005, doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2005.06.008]. The NBF delta37Cl values show a general decreasing trend with distance from the ridge-axis except for two fluids. When plotted against delta18O values, the delta37Cl of the NBF show two different trends. This paper discusses the possible contributions on NBF delta37Cl values of fluid-mixing, water-rock interactions and transport processes (diffusion, ion membrane filtration) that can occur in the igneous basement. However, as none of these processes can fully explain the observed delta37Cl variations, the potential effect of the sediment cover is also investigated. At site 1026, the interstitial pore fluid displays a delta37Cl signature significantly lower than that of the fluid discharge sample (-1.90? and -0.28?, respectively). This difference, demonstrated here cannot be an artifact of the sampling method, rather indicates the influence of the sediment cover on NBF delta37Cl values. The potential contributions of physical processes associated with transport/compaction (e.g., diffusion, ion membrane filtration, adsorption, ion exchange) on NBF delta37Cl values are qualitatively discussed here but require additional studies for further insights. However, this study indicates that "near basement fluids" (NBF) are not, at least for Cl isotopic compositions, necessarily as representative of fluids circulating in the basaltic crust as initially thought. These results add new constraints on Cl geodynamics and show that Cl-isotopes fractionate during low-temperature circulation of fluids in off-axis and off-margin flow contexts, but not to the extent observed for active margins. Fluids circulating at low-temperature in the magmatic and/or the sedimentary part of the oceanic crust might have played a major role on the delta37Cl evolution of seawater over geologic time.