943 resultados para calcium oxide micro pulverized


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The complete Paleocene section begins with the basal Tertiary Globigerina eugubina Zone. This zone occurs at 465A-3-3, 4 cm to 465A-3-3, 144 cm and belongs to Lithologic Unit I (Site 465 report, this volume), a homogeneous, white, moderately to highly disturbed nannofossil ooze.


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Basalt samples recovered from the lowermost 37 m of Leg 105 Hole 647A in the Labrador Sea are fine- to medium grained, have microphenocrysts of clinopyroxene, and show little evidence of alteration. Chemically, these rocks are low potassium (0.01-0.09 wt% K20), olivine- to quartz-normative tholeiites that are also depleted in other incompatible elements. In terms of many of the incompatible trace elements, the Labrador Sea samples are similar both to iV-type midocean ridge basalts (MORBs) and to the terrestrial Paleocene volcanic rocks in the Davis Strait region of Baffin Island and West Greenland. However, significant differences are found in their strontium and neodymium isotope systematics. Hole 647A samples are more depleted in epsilon-Nd (+9.3) and are anomalously rich in 87Sr/86Sr (0.7040) relative to the Davis Strait basalts (epsilon-Nd +2.54 to + 8.97; mean 87Sr/86Sr, 0.7034). We conclude that the Hole 647A and Davis Strait basalts may have been derived from a similar depleted mantle source composition. In addition, the Davis Strait magmas were generated from mantle of more than one composition. We also suggest that there is no geochemical evidence from the Hole 647A samples to support or to refute the existence of foundered continental crust in the Labrador Sea.


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Restudy of Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 536 and 540 in the southeast Gulf of Mexico gives evidence for a giant wave at Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary time. Five units are recognized: (1) Cenomanian limestone underlies a hiatus in which the five highest Cretaceous stages are missing, possibly because of catastrophic K-T erosion. (2) Pebbly mudstone, 45 m thick, represents a submarine landslide possibly of K-T age. (3) Current-bedded sandstone, more than 2.5 m thick, contains anomalous iridium, tektite glass, and shocked quartz; it is interpreted as ejecta from a nearby impact crater, reworked on the deep-sea floor by the resulting tsunami. (4) A 50-cm interval of calcareous mudstone containing small Cretaceous planktic foraminifera and the Ir peak is interpreted as the silt-size fraction of the Cretaceous material suspended by the impact-generated wave. (5) Calcareous mudstone with basal Tertiary forams and the uppermost tail of the Ir anomaly overlies the disturbed interval, dating the impact and wave event as K-T boundary age. Like Beloc in Haiti and Mimbral in Mexico, Sites 536 and 540 are consistent with a large K-T age impact at the nearby Chicxulub crater.


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Chemical and isotopic (Nd and Sr) compositions have been determined for 12 Cretaceous basaltic samples (108 Ma old) from Holes 417D and 418A of Legs 51,52 and 53. We have found that: (1) The chemical compositions are typical of MORB. They do not vary systematically with the stratigraphic positions of the analyzed samples; thus, the chemical evolution is independent of the eruption sequence that occurred at this Cretaceous ridge. (2) REE patterns for all rocks are characterized by a strong LREE depletion with (La/Sm)N = 0.38-0.50; no significant Eu anomalies are found; HREE are nearly flat or slightly depleted towards Yb-Lu and have 12-18 * chondritic abundances. Combining the results of previous studies, it suggests that no significant temporal and spatial variation in magma chemistry (especially for LIL elements) has occurred in the 'normal' ridge segments over the last 150 Ma. (3) lsotopically, 143Nd/144Nd ratios vary from 0.513026 to 0.513154, corresponding to epsilon-Nd(0) = +7.5 to +10, and they fall in the typical range of MORB. However, these rocks have unexpectedly high 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.70355-0.70470) which are attributed to the result of seawater-rock interaction. (4) The Nd model ages (Tin), ranging from 1.53 to 2.47 (average 2.06) AE, suggest that the upper mantle source(s) underwent a large scale chemical differentiation leading to LREE and other LIL element depletion about 2 AE ago, assuming a simple two-stage model. More realistically, the variation in Tm(Nd) or epsilon-Nd could be derived from mixing of heterogeneous mantle sources that were a consequence of continuous mantle differentiation and continental formation. (5) Because of the low mg values (0.52-0.63), the analyzed basaltic rocks do not represent primary liquids of mantle melting. The variation in La/Sm ratios and TiO2 are not compatible with a model in which all rocks are genetically related by a simple fractional crystallization. Rather, it is proposed that the basaltic rocks might have been derived from some heterogeneous upper mantle source with or without later magmatic mixing, and followed by some shallow-level fraetionations.


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This chemical and petrologic study of rocks from Site 448 on the Palau-Kyushu Ridge is designed to answer some fundamental questions concerning the volcanic origin of remnant island arcs. According to the reconstruction of the Western Pacific prior to about 45 m.y. ago (Hilde et al., 1977), the site of the Palau-Kyushu Ridge was a major transform fault. From a synthesis of existing geological and geophysical data (R. Scott et al., this volume), it appears that the ridge originated by subduction of the Pacific plate under the West Philippine Basin. Thus the Palau-Kyushu Ridge should be a prime example of both initial volcanism of an incipient arc formed by interaction of oceanic lithospheric plates and remnant-arc volcanic evolution. The Palau-Kyushu Ridge was an active island arc from about 42 to 30 m.y. ago, after which initiation of back-arc spreading formed the Parece Vela Basin (R. Scott et al., this volume; Karig, 1975a). This spreading left the western portion of the ridge as a remnant arc that separates the West Philippine Basin from the Parece Vela Basin. In spite of numerous oceanographic expeditions to the Philippine Sea, including the two previous DSDP Legs 6 and 31 (Fischer, Heezen et al., 1971; Karig, Ingle et al., 1975), and even though the origins of inter-arc basins have been linked by various hypotheses to that of remnant island arcs (Karig, 1971, 1972, 1975a, and 1975b; Gill, 1976; Uyeda and Ben-Avraham, 1972; Hilde et al., 1977), very little hard data are available on inactive remnant arcs.