485 resultados para 13077-062


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TEX86 (TetraEther indeX of tetraethers consisting of 86 carbon atoms) is a sea surface temperature (SST) proxy based on the distribution of archaeal isoprenoid glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs). In this study, we appraise the applicability of TEX86 and TEX86L in subpolar and polar regions using surface sediments. We present TEX86 and TEX86L data from 160 surface sediment samples collected in the Arctic, the Southern Ocean and the North Pacific. Most of the SST estimates derived from both TEX86 and TEX86L are anomalously high in the Arctic, especially in the vicinity of Siberian river mouths and the sea ice margin, plausibly due to additional archaeal contributions linked to terrigenous input. We found unusual GDGT distributions at five sites in the North Pacific. High GDGT-0/crenarchaeol and GDGT-2/crenarchaeol ratios at these sites suggest a substantial contribution of methanogenic and/or methanotrophic archaea to the sedimentary GDGT pool here. Apart from these anomalous findings, TEX86 and TEX86L values in the surface sediments from the Southern Ocean and the North Pacific do usually vary with overlaying SSTs. In these regions, the sedimentary TEX86-SST relationship is similar to the global calibration, and the derived temperature estimates agree well with overlaying annual mean SSTs at the sites. However, there is a systematic offset between the regional TEX86L-SST relationships and the global calibration. At these sites, temperature estimates based on the global TEX86L calibration are closer to summer SSTs than annual mean SSTs. This finding suggests that in these subpolar settings a regional TEX86L calibration may be a more suitable equation for temperature reconstruction than the global calibration.


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Planktic foraminifers Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (sin.) from 87 eastern and central Arctic Ocean surface sediment samples were analyzed for stable oxygen and carbon isotope composition. Additional results from 52 stations were taken from the literature. The lateral distribution of delta18O (18O/16O) values in the Arctic Ocean reveals a pattern of roughly parallel, W-E stretching zones in the Eurasian Basin, each ~0.5 per mil wide on the delta18O scale. The low horizontal and vertical temperature variability in the Arctic halocline waters (0-100 m) suggests only little influence of temperature on the oxygen isotope distribution of N. pachyderma (sin.). The zone of maximum delta18O values of up to 3.8 per mil is situated in the southern Nansen Basin and relates to the tongue of saline (> 33%.) Atlantic waters entering the Arctic Ocean through the Fram Strait. delta18O values decrease both to the Barents Shelf and to the North Pole, in accordance with the decreasing salinities of the halocline waters. In the Nansen Basin, a strong N-S delta18O gradient is in contrast with a relatively low salinity change and suggests contributions from different freshwater sources, i.e. salinity reduction from sea ice meltwater in the south and from light isotope waters (meteoric precipitation and river-runoff) in the northern part of the basin. North of the Gakkel Ridge, delta18O and salinity gradients are in good accordance and suggest less influence of sea ice melting processes. The delta13C (13C/12C) values of N. pachyderma (sin.) from Arctic Ocean surface sediment samples are generally high (0.75-0.95 per mil). Lower values in the southern Eurasian Basin appear to be related to the intrusion of Atlantic waters. The high delta13C values are evidence for well ventilated surface waters. Because the perennial Arctic sea ice cover largely prevents atmosphere-ocean gas exchange, ventilation on the seasonally open shelves must be of major importance. Lack of delta13C gradients along the main routes of the ice drift from the Siberian shelves to the Fram Strait suggests that primary production (i.e. CO2 consumption) does probably not change the CO2 budget of the Arctic Ocean significantly.


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In this study we present a global distribution pattern and budget of the minimum flux of particulate organic carbon to the sea floor (J POC alpha). The estimations are based on regionally specific correlations between the diffusive oxygen flux across the sediment-water interface, the total organic carbon content in surface sediments, and the oxygen concentration in bottom waters. For this, we modified the principal equation of Cai and Reimers [1995] as a basic monod reaction rate, applied within 11 regions where in situ measurements of diffusive oxygen uptake exist. By application of the resulting transfer functions to other regions with similar sedimentary conditions and areal interpolation, we calculated a minimum global budget of particulate organic carbon that actually reaches the sea floor of ~0.5 GtC yr**-1 (>1000 m water depth (wd)), whereas approximately 0.002-0.12 GtC yr**-1 is buried in the sediments (0.01-0.4% of surface primary production). Despite the fact that our global budget is in good agreement with previous studies, we found conspicuous differences among the distribution patterns of primary production, calculations based on particle trap collections of the POC flux, and J POC alpha of this study. These deviations, especially located at the southeastern and southwestern Atlantic Ocean, the Greenland and Norwegian Sea and the entire equatorial Pacific Ocean, strongly indicate a considerable influence of lateral particle transport on the vertical link between surface waters and underlying sediments. This observation is supported by sediment trap data. Furthermore, local differences in the availability and quality of the organic matter as well as different transport mechanisms through the water column are discussed.


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Low planktic and benthic d18O and d13C values in sediments from the Nordic seas of cold stadials of the last glaciation have been attributed to brines, formed similar to modern ones in the Arctic Ocean. To expand on the carbon isotopes of this hypothesis I investigated benthic d13C from the modern Arctic Ocean. I show that mean d13C values of live epibenthic foraminifera from the deep Arctic basins are higher than mean d13C values of upper slope epibenthic foraminifera. This agrees with mean high d13C values of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in Arctic Bottom Water (ABW), which are higher than mean d13CDIC values from shallower water masses of mainly Atlantic origin. However, adjustments for oceanic 13C-Suess depletion raise subsurface and intermediate water d13CDIC values over ABW d13CDIC ones. Accordingly, during preindustrial Holocene times, the d13CDIC of ABW was as high or higher than today, but lower than the d13CDIC of younger subsurface and intermediate water. If brine-enriched water significantly ventilated ABW, brines should have had high d13CDIC values. Analogously, high-d13CDIC brines may have been formed in the Nordic seas during warm interstadials. During cold stadials, when most of the Arctic Ocean was perennially sea-ice covered, a cessation of high-d13CDIC brine rejection may have lowered d13CDIC values of ABW, and ultimately the d13CDIC in Nordic seas intermediate and deep water. So, in contrast to the idea of enhanced brine formation during cold stadials, the results of this investigation imply that a cessation of brine rejection would be more likely.


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Based on the quantitative analysis of diatom assemblages preserved in 274 surface sediment samples recovered in the Pacific, Atlantic and western Indian sectors of the Southern Ocean we have defined a new reference database for quantitative estimation of late-middle Pleistocene Antarctic sea ice fields using the transfer function technique. The Detrended Canonical Analysis (DCA) of the diatom data set points to a unimodal distribution of the diatom assemblages. Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) indicates that winter sea ice (WSI) but also summer sea surface temperature (SSST) represent the most prominent environmental variables that control the spatial species distribution. To test the applicability of transfer functions for sea ice reconstruction in terms of concentration and occurrence probability we applied four different methods, the Imbrie and Kipp Method (IKM), the Modern Analog Technique (MAT), Weighted Averaging (WA), and Weighted Averaging Partial Least Squares (WAPLS), using logarithm-transformed diatom data and satellite-derived (1981-2010) sea ice data as a reference. The best performance for IKM results was obtained using a subset of 172 samples with 28 diatom taxa/taxa groups, quadratic regression and a three-factor model (IKM-D172/28/3q) resulting in root mean square errors of prediction (RMSEP) of 7.27% and 11.4% for WSI and summer sea ice (SSI) concentration, respectively. MAT estimates were calculated with different numbers of analogs (4, 6) using a 274-sample/28-taxa reference data set (MAT-D274/28/4an, -6an) resulting in RMSEP's ranging from 5.52% (4an) to 5.91% (6an) for WSI as well as 8.93% (4an) to 9.05% (6an) for SSI. WA and WAPLS performed less well with the D274 data set, compared to MAT, achieving WSI concentration RMSEP's of 9.91% with WA and 11.29% with WAPLS, recommending the use of IKM and MAT. The application of IKM and MAT to surface sediment data revealed strong relations to the satellite-derived winter and summer sea ice field. Sea ice reconstructions performed on an Atlantic- and a Pacific Southern Ocean sediment core, both documenting sea ice variability over the past 150,000 years (MIS 1 - MIS 6), resulted in similar glacial/interglacial trends of IKM and MAT-based sea-ice estimates. On the average, however, IKM estimates display smaller WSI and slightly higher SSI concentration and probability at lower variability in comparison with MAT. This pattern is a result of different estimation techniques with integration of WSI and SSI signals in one single factor assemblage by applying IKM and selecting specific single samples, thus keeping close to the original diatom database and included variability, by MAT. In contrast to the estimation of WSI, reconstructions of past SSI variability remains weaker. Combined with diatom-based estimates, the abundance and flux pattern of biogenic opal represents an additional indication for the WSI and SSI extent.


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For the investigation of organic carbon fluxes reaching the seafloor, oxygen microprofiles were measured at 145 sites in different sub-regions of the Southern Ocean. At eleven sites, an in situ oxygen microprofiler was deployed for the measurement of oxygen profiles and the calculation of organic carbon fluxes. At four sites, both in situ and ex situ data were determined for high latitudes. Based on this dataset as well as on previous published data, a relationship was established for the estimation of fluxes derived by ex situ measured O2 profiles. The fluxes of labile organic matter range from 0.5 to 37.1 mgC m**2/day. The high values determined by in situ measurements were observed in the Polar Front region (water depth of more than 4290 m) and are comparable to organic matter fluxes observed for high-productivity, upwelling areas like off West Africa. The oxygen penetration depth, which reflects the long-term organic matter flux to the sediment, was correlated with assemblages of key diatom species. In the Scotia Sea (~3000 m water depth), oxygen penetration depths of less than 15 cm were observed, indicating high benthic organic carbon fluxes. In contrast, the oxic zone extends down to several decimeters in abyssal sediments of the Weddell Sea and the southeastern South Atlantic. The regional pattern of organic carbon fluxes derived from micro-sensor data suggest that episodic and seasonal sedimentation pulses are important for the carbon supply to the seafloor of the deep Southern Ocean.


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The surface water in the Transpolar Drift in the Arctic Ocean has a strong signature of 228Ra. In an earlier study of 228Ra in the open Arctic we showed that the major 228Ra source had to be in the Siberian shelf seas, but only a single shelf station was published so far. Here we investigate the sources of this signal on the Siberian shelves by measurements of 228Ra and 226Ra in surface waters of the Kara and Laptev Sea, including the Ob, Yenisey and Lena estuaries. In the Ob and Lena rivers we found an indication for a very strong and unexpected removal of both isotopes in the early stage of estuarine mixing, presumably related to flocculation of organic-rich material. Whereas 226Ra behaves conservatively on the shelf, the distribution of 228Ra is governed by large inputs on the shelves, although sources are highly variable. In the Kara Sea the maximum activity was found in the Baydaratskaya Bay, where tidal resonance and low freshwater supply favour 228Ra accumulation. The Laptev Sea is a stronger source for 228Ra than the Kara Sea. Since a large part of Kara Sea water flows through the Laptev Sea, the 228Ra signal in the Transpolar Drift can be described as originating on the Laptev shelf. The combined freshwater inputs from the Eurasian shelves thus produce a common radium signature with a 228Ra/226Ra activity ratio of 4.0 at 20% river water. The radium signals of the individual Siberian rivers and shelves cannot be separated, but their signal is significantly different from the signal produced on the Canadian shelf (Smith et al., in press). In this respect, the radium tracers add to the information given by Barium. Moreover, with the 5.8 year half-life of 228Ra, they have the potential to serve as a tracer for the age of a water mass since its contact with the shelves.


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The present data set is a worldwide compilation from 11 oceanographic expeditions during which an underwater vision profiler (UVP) was deployed in situ to determine the vertical distribution (biomass) of 4 taxonomic groups of plankton larger than 600 µm, belonging to the Infrakingdom Rhizaria, including Collodaria, Acantharia, Phaeodaria and other Rhizaria. Vertical distributions are binned in four layers: 0-100, 0-200, 100-500 and 0-500 m.


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Magnetic susceptibility and ice-rafted debris of surface sediments in the Nordic Seas were investigated to reconstruct source areas and recent transport pathways of magnetic minerals. From the distribution of magnetic susceptibility and ice-rafted debris and published data on petrographic tracers for iceberg drift, we reconstructed a counter-clockwise iceberg drift pattern during cooler phases in the Holocene, which is similar to conceptual and numerical models for Weichselian iceberg drift. The release of basaltic debris at Scoresby Sund played a significant role for the magnetic signature of stadial/interstadial events during isotope stage 3 recorded in sediment cores of the Nordic Seas.


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Composition and accumulation rates of organic carbon in Holocene sediments provided data to calculate an organic carbon budget for the Laptev Sea continental margin. Mean Holocene accumulation rates in the inner Laptev Sea vary between 0.14 and 2.7 g C cm**2/ky; maximum values occur close to the Lena River delta. Seawards, the mean accumulation rates decrease from 0.43 to 0.02 g C cm**2/ky. The organic matter is predominantly of terrigenous origin. About 0.9*10**6 t/year of organic carbon are buried in the Laptev Sea, and 0.25*10**6 t/year on the continental slope. Between about 8.5 and 9 ka, major changes in supply of terrigenous and marine organic carbon occur, related to changes in coastal erosion, Siberian river discharge, and/or Atlantic water inflow along the Eurasian continental margin.