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Site 765 contains a sequence of tropical, middle Miocene to Holocene dinoflagellate cysts. These diverse assemblages are characterized by abundant Polysphaeridium zoharyi and Spiniferites bulloideus. Abundances of Impagidinium spp. and Nematosphaeridium spp. reflect the shelf-to-slope origin of the assemblages. One new genus, Blysmatodinium, and two new species, Nematosphaeridium (?) wrennii sp. nov. and Blysmatodinium argoi, are described.
Petrographic descriptions and stable oxygen and carbon isotope compositions of microsamples of Campanian-age sediment gravity-flow deposits from Northeast Providence Channel, Bahamas, indicate deep-marine cementation of shallow-marine skeletal grains that were transported to the channel during the Late Cretaceous. Shallow-marine components are represented by mollusks, especially rudists, and shallow-water benthic foraminifers as well as sparse echinoderm and algal grains. The sole evidence of diagenesis in shallow-marine environments consists of micrite envelopes around skeletal grains. Shallow-marine skeletal grains have mean stable isotope values of -3.1 per mil d18O and +2.6 per mil d13C. The d18O values are consistent with precipitation in equilibrium with warm (20°-30°C), shallow-marine water. Deep-marine components are represented by equant calcite spar cements and rip-up clasts of slope sediments. Spar cements, exhibiting hexagonal morphology with scalenohedral terminations, most commonly occur as thin isopachous linings in the abundant porosity. Deep-marine cements have mean stable isotope values of - 1.1 per mil d18O and +2.7 per mil d13C. Deep-marine cements are 18O-enriched relative to shallow-marine skeletal grains, consistent with precipitation in equilibrium with colder (10°-20°C), deep-marine waters. The cement .source during lithification appears to have been dissolution of aragonite and high-magnesium calcite skeletal grains, which made up part of the transported sediment. Interbedded periplatform ooze remains uncemented, or poorly cemented, probably because of lower permeability. Equant spar cements that occur in gravity-flow deposits recovered from Hole 634A have stable isotope compositions similar to spars in Lower and mid-Cretaceous shallow-water limestones exposed on the Bahama Escarpment, to Campanian-Paleocene deep-marine hardgrounds recovered during DSDP Leg 15 in the Caribbean, and to spars in Aptian-Albian talus deposits at the base of the Campeche Escarpment recovered during DSDP Leg 77.
One of the key objectives of Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Leg 75 was to shed light on the underlying causes of Cretaceous oceanic anoxia in the South Atlantic by addressing two major hypotheses: productivity productivity-driven anoxia vs. enhanced ocean stratification leading to preservation of organic matter and black shale deposition. Here we present a detailed geochemical dataset from sediments deposited during the Cenomanian/Turonian (C/T) transition and the global oceanic anoxic event 2 (OAE 2) at DSDP Site 530A, located off-shore Namibia (southeast Angola Basin, north of Walvis Ridge). To characterise the succession of alternating black and green shales at this site and to reconstruct the evolution of their paleoenvironmental setting, we have combined data derived from investigations on bulk organic matter, biomarkers and the inorganic fraction. The location of the C/T boundary itself is biostratigraphically not well constrained due to the carbonate-poor (but organic matter-rich) facies of these sediments. The bulk d13Corg record and compound-specific d13C data, in combination with published as well as new biostratigraphic data, enabled us to locate more precisely the C/T boundary at DSDP Site 530A. The compound-specific d13C record is the first of this kind reported from C/T black shales in the South Atlantic. It is employed for paleoenvironmental reconstructions and chemostratigraphic correlation to other C/T sections in order to discuss the paleoceanographic aspects and implications of the observations at DSDP Site 530A in a broader context, e.g., with regard to the potential trigger mechanisms of OAE 2, global changes in black shale deposition and climate. On a stratigraphic level, an approximation and monitoring of the syndepositional degree of oxygen depletion within the sediments/bottom waters in comparison to the upper water column is achieved by comparing normalised concentrations of redox-sensitive trace elements with the abundance of highly source specific molecular compounds. These biomarkers are derived from photoautotrophic and simultaneously anoxygenic green sulphur bacteria (Chlorobiacea) and are interpreted as paleoindicators for events of photic zone euxinia. In contrast to a number of other OAE 2 sections that are characterised by continuous black shale sequences, DSDP Site 530A represents a highly dynamic setting where newly deposited black shales were repeatedly exposed to conditions of subtle bottom water re-oxidation, presumably leading to their progressive alteration into green shales. The frequent alternation between both facies and the related anoxic to slight oxygenated conditions can be best explained by variations in vertical extent of an oxygen minimum zone in response to changes in a highly productive western continental margin setting driven by upwelling.
Earth's climate underwent a fundamental change between 1250 and 700 thousand years ago, the Mid-Pleistocene Transition (MPT), when the dominant periodicity of climate cycles changed from 41,000 to 100,000 years in the absence of significant change in orbital forcing. Over this time, an increase occurred in the amplitude of change of deep ocean foraminiferal oxygen isotopic ratios, traditionally interpreted as defining the main rhythm of ice ages although containing large effects of changes in deep-ocean temperature. We have separated the effects of decreasing temperature and increasing global ice volume on oxygen isotope ratios. Our results suggest that the MPT was initiated by an abrupt increase in Antarctic ice volume at 900 ka. We see no evidence of a pattern of gradual cooling but near-freezing temperatures occur at every glacial maximum.