One of the objectives of WHOI Atlantis Cruise 151, covering the period from 7 December 1947 to 18 June 1948, was to obtain as complete a sampling of the sea bottom of the Meditterranean and Aegean Seas as was compatible with the remainder of the scientific program. It was furthermore planned to make concurrent bottom photographs as a means for studying the correlation between bottom sediments and the morphology of the sea floor. The photographs also held the possibility of determining the presence of bottom fauna. The underwater camera used for this work was loaned to us by Dr. Maurice Ewing of Columbia University. As it was fitted with a one foot long coring tube at the base of its pole a majority of the bottom samples were obtained by the camera itself. On the way to Gibraltar, several bottom photos were taken in the Atlantic ocean. One of them was the deepest underwater photograph ever taken at the tima (3026 fathoms) showing a cluster of objects, some as much as 5 inches across on a clay bottom. These appeared to be manganese nodules, judging from their rounded and bulbous shape, especially the potato-like form of some of them. A core sample obtained at the same spot with a corer attached to the camera stand contained abundant manganese grains.
The high-productive upwelling area off Morocco is part of one of the four major trade-wind driven continental margin upwelling zones in the world oceans. While coastal upwelling occurs mostly on the shelf, biogenic particles derived from upwelling are deposited mostly at the upper continental slope. Nutrient-rich coastal water is transported within the Cape Ghir filament region at 30°N up to several hundreds of kilometers offshore. Both upwelling intensity and filament activity are dependent on the strength of the summer Trades. This study is aimed to reconstruct changes in trade wind intensity over the last 250,000 years by the analysis of the productivity signal contained in the sedimentary biogenic particles of the continental slope and beneath the Cape Ghir filament. Detailed geochemical and geophysical analyses (TOC, carbonate, C/N, delta13Corg, delta15N, delta13C of benthic foraminifera, delta18O of benthic and planktic foraminifera, magnetic susceptibility) have been carried out at two sites on the upper continental slope and one site located further offshore influenced by the Cape Ghir filament. A second offshore site south of the filament was analyzed (TOC, magnetic susceptibility) to distinguish the productivity signal related to the filament signal from the general offshore variability. Higher productivity during glacial times was observed at all four sites. However, the variability of productivity during glacial times was remarkably different at the filament-influenced site compared to the upwelling-influenced continental slope sites. In addition to climate-related changes in upwelling intensity, zonal shifts of the upwelling area due to sea-level changes have impacted the sedimentary productivity record, especially at the continental slope sites. By comparison with other proxies related to the strength and direction of the prevailing winds (Si/Al ratio as grain-size indicator, pollen) the productivity record at the filament-influenced site reflects mainly changes in trade-wind intensity. Our reconstruction reveals that especially during glacial times trade-wind intensity was increased and showed a strong variability with frequencies related to precession.
The paleoenvironmental conditions through MIS 15-9 at the Mediterranean Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 975 were interpreted by high resolution study of calcareous plankton assemblages compared with available d18O and d13C records and high resolution paleoclimate proxies from the Atlantic Ocean. Sea Surface Temperatures (SSTs) have been estimated from planktonic foraminiferal assemblages using the artificial neural networks method. Calcareous plankton varied dominantly on a glacial-interglacial scale as testified by the SST record, foraminiferal diversity, total coccolith abundance and changes in warm-water calcareous nannofossil taxa. A general increase in foraminiferal diversity and of total coccolith abundance is observed during interglacials. Warmest SSTs are reached during MIS 11, while MIS 12 and MIS 10 represent the coldest intervals of the studied record. During MIS 12, one of the most extreme glacials of the last million years, occurrence of Globorotalia inflata and of neogloboquadrinids indicates a shoaling of the interface between Atlantic inflowing and Mediterranean outflowing waters. Among calcareous nannofossils the distribution of Gephyrocapsa margereli-G. muellerae > 4 µm also supports a reduced Atlantic-Mediterranean exchange during MIS 12. Superimposed on glacial-interglacial variability, six short-terms coolings are recognized during MIS 12 and 10, which appear comparable in their distribution and amplitude to the Heinrich - type events documented in the Atlantic Ocean in the same interval. During these H-type events, N. pachyderma (s) and G. margereli-G. muellerae > 4 µm increase as a response to the enhanced inflow of cold Atlantic water into the Mediterranean via the Strait of Gibraltar. Mediterranean surface water hydrography appears to have been most severely affected at Termination V during the H-type event Ht4, possibly as a response to a large volume of Atlantic meltwater inflow via the Strait of Gibraltar and/or to freshwater/terrigenous input deriving from local mountain glaciers. Three additional SST coolings are recorded through MIS 14-16, but these are not well correlated with Heinrich - type events documented in the Atlantic Ocean in the same interval; during these cooling episodes only the subpolar Turborotalita quinqueloba increases. These results highlight the sensitive response of the Mediterranean basin to millennial-scale climate variations related to Northern Hemisphere ice-sheet instability and support the hypothesis that the tight connection between high latitude climate dynamics and Mediterranean sea surface water features can be traced through the Middle Pleistocene.
During "Meteor" cruise 23 in spring 1971 intensive investigations of the Mediterranean outflow in the Gulf of Cidiz were carried out. In order to give a budget of the inflow and outflow numerous CTD-stations were taken. The observations also included six moored current meter arrays deployed in the known outflow channels. The considerations given here are based mainly on three hydrographic sections, current meter records averaged over one month, and geological observations from the bed forms beneath the Mediterranean undercurrent. The results show that the outflow essentially is determined by the bathymetry of the area. At least four separate outflow channels could be confirmed. The volumentric transport rates of three of them were calculated. These channels are the northerly near shelf branch (0.40 * 10**6 m**3 * sec**-1), the main branch (1.39 * 10**6 m**3 * sec**-1) in southwesterly direction, and an intermediate branch (0.24 * 10**6 m**3 * sec**-1) found between both. In a static box model the progressive mixing of 0.95 * 10**6 m**3 * sec**-1 pure Mediterranean Water with 1.97 * 10**6 m**3 * sec**-1 North Atlantic Central Water is demonstrated.