443 resultados para MANGROVE SEDIMENTS


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A wealth of sedimentary records aimed at reconstructing late Quaternary changes in productivity and temperature have been devoted to understanding linkages between the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool (IPWP) and other distant oceanic areas. Most of these reconstructions are based, however, on biogeochemical and sedimentological proxies, with comparatively less attention devoted to microfossils. A high-resolution (<1 ka) study of diatom concentrations and the community at site GeoB10038-4, recovered off southern Sumatra (ca. 6°S, 103°E), closely tracks the variations of diatom concentrations in the westernmost IPWP during the last glacial-interglacial cycle. The diatom record provides evidence that diatom paleoproductivity was highest during interglacials, primarily due to the input of lithogenics and nutrients following the rise in sea level after full glacials. In addition, the co-variation of total diatom concentration and Northern Hemisphere forcing for Marine Isotope Stage 5 suggests a direct response of diatom productivity and upwelling intensity to boreal summer insolation. Temporal shifts of the diverse diatom community at site GeoB10038-4 correspond well with the present-day seasonal monsoon pattern and the strengthening and weakening phases of upwelling along the southern coast of Sumatra. Resting spores of Chaetoceros, typical of nutrient-rich waters, were dominant during periods of highest diatom paleoproductivity and responded to the strengthening of the SE monsoon, while diatoms of oligotrophic to mesotrophic waters characterized intermonsoon periods. The close correspondence between the dominance of upwelling diatoms and the boreal summer insolation resembles the present-day dynamics of diatom production. The observed interglacial highs and glacial lows of diatom productivity at site GeoB10038-4 is a unique pattern in the late Quaternary tropics.


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This report is an initial investigation of the planktonic foraminifers from the late Pliocene of Ocean Drilling Program Hole 1021C. Planktonic foraminifer assemblages show fair preservation in many samples. Assemblages are quantitatively dominated by Globigerina bulloides, dextral coiling Neogloboquadrina atlantica, and Globorotalia inflata and alternate between cool temperate and subarctic conditions.


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At Site 535, the four lithologic units of Cretaceous age are controlled by two types of sedimentologic facies: (1) the massive light-colored limestones or marly limestones in which the total organic carbon (TOC) content is low and the organic matter more or less oxidized and (2) laminated dark facies in which the TOC content is higher and associated with a well-preserved organic matter of Type II origin. Very little typical Type III organic matter occurs in the whole series from late Berriasian to Aptian and Cenomanian. Fluctuations from oxidizing to reducing environments of deposition are proposed to account for the variations in properties of the Type II organic matter between the different facies. Dark laminated layers are good but immature potential source rocks: petroleum potential is often higher than 2 kg HC/t of rock.


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In the monograph metalliferous sediments of the East Pacific Rise near 21°S are under consideration. Distribution trends of chemical, mineral and grain size compositions of metalliferous sediments accumulated near the axis of this ultrafast spreading segment of the EPR are shown. On the basis of lithological and geochemical investigations spatial and temporal variations of hydrothermal activity are estimated. Migration rates of hydrothermal fields along the spreading axis are calculated. The model of cyclic hydrothermal process is suggested as a result of tectono-magmatic development of the spreding centre.


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The distribution of C1 to C8 hydrocarbons in sediment samples from DSDP Leg 75, Hole 530A, indicates that significant amounts of methane and ethane have migrated from organic-rich to organic-lean shales in close proximity. Most compounds larger than ethane are not migrating out of black shales, where they occur in high concentrations. These results lead to a general model for assessing migration. In addition, three shale types are identified on the basis of organic carbon and pyrolysis products and patterns.


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Anaerobic methane oxidation (AMO) was characterized in sediment cores from the Blake Ridge collected during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 164. Three independent lines of evidence support the occurrence and scale of AMO at Sites 994 and 995. First, concentration depth profiles of methane from Hole 995B exhibit a region of upward concavity suggestive of methane consumption. Diagenetic modeling of the concentration profile indicates a 1.85-m-thick zone of AMO centered at 21.22 mbsf, with a peak rate of 12.4 nM/d. Second, subsurface maxima in tracer-based sulfate reduction rates from Holes 994B and 995B were observed at depths that coincide with the model-predicted AMO zone. The subsurface zone of sulfate reduction was 2 m thick and had a depth integrated rate that compared favorably to that of AMO (1.3 vs. 1.1 nmol/cm**2/d, respectively). These features suggest close coupling of AMO and sulfate reduction in the Blake Ridge sediments. Third, measured d13CH4 values are lightest at the point of peak model-predicted methane oxidation and become increasingly 13C-enriched with decreasing sediment depth, consistent with kinetic isotope fractionation during bacterially mediated methane oxidation. The isotopic data predict a somewhat (60 cm) shallower maximum depth of methane oxidation than do the model and sulfate reduction data.


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Upper Miocene to Pleistocene hemipelagites and resedimented facies recovered at Holes 976B and 977A (Leg 161) in the Alboran Basin consist mainly of biogenic and detrital components, with a minor contribution of neoformed mineral phases. Diagenetic processes have not obliterated the primary deposition signal, and therefore detrital components (quartz, feldspar, detrital dolomite, rock fragments, and clays) provide information about source rocks and provenances. No major bulk or clay mineralogy differences were recognized between resedimented and hemipelagic facies; in fact, similar mineral assemblages in both types of facies suggest common source rocks. However, mineral abundance fluctuations can be related to climate variations and tectonic factors, as the main controls of sediment fill of this basin. A marked increase in smectites in Messinian sediments suggests an extensive development of soils during that time, probably favored by the alternation of wet and dry climate episodes and the relative aridification of the Mediterranean borderlands. A notable increase in detrital components suggests a sea-level fall and/or tectonic uplift during the late Pliocene. The significant increase in detrital dolomite in the uppermost Pliocene deposits suggests the uplift of dolomite-rich rocks as source areas. Mineral components in Pleistocene sediments indicate increasing tectonic stability, and clay-mineral fluctuations during the Pleistocene can be related not only to tectonic events, but also to alternating cooling and warming periods.


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We have measured the 3He/3He and 3He/20 Ne ratios of thirty-nine pore water and gas samples in deep-sea sediments collected at twelve sites on the Pacific Ocean bottom during the cruises of Deep Sea Drilling Project Legs 87, 89, 90 and 92. The 3He/4He and 4He/20Ne ratios vary from 0.000000215 to 0.00000165 and from 0.29 to 20, respectively. He in the sample is composed of four components: (1) atmospheric He dissolved in seawater; (2) atmospheric He with mantle-derived He in Pacific bottom water; (3) in situ radiogenic He in the sediment; and (4) crustal He in the basement rock. Assuming that the 20Ne contents are constant with the value of seawater, the depth variations in the 4He/20Ne ratios at five Sites, 583D, 594, 597A, 598A and 504B, may provide useful information on 4He flux at the ocean bottom. The estimated 4He fluxes vary from 2000 to 40000 atoms cm**-2 s**-1 and are one to three orders of magnitude less than those calculated from the excess He in deep ocean water. An overall similarity between the geographical distribution of the 3He/4He ratios and heat flow data is found in the study area, between the East Pacific Rise across the Pacific Ocean and the Japanese Islands. The tendency is well explained by a conventional sea-floor spreading model.