44 resultados para secondary phases
Basalts in Hole 648B, located in the rift valley of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 23°N in crust estimated to be less than 100,000 years old, are mainly fresh, but small amounts of secondary phases are found on fracture surfaces and in alteration halos within the rocks. The halos are defined by dark bands 1-4 mm thick that have developed parallel to fracture surfaces or pillow margins and which in some cases have migrated some centimeters into the rock. The dark bands are the principal locus of secondary phases. The secondary phases are olive-green and yellow protoceladonites, of composition and structure intermediate between celadonite and iron-rich saponite, red (Mn-poor) to opaque (Mn-rich) iron oxyhydroxides, mixtures of protoceladonite and iron oxyhydroxide, and rare manganese oxides. These phases occur mainly as linings or fillings of open spaces in the basalt within the dark bands. Sulfides and intersertal glass are the only primary phases that can be seen to have been altered. Where dark bands have migrated into the rock, the rock behind the advancing band is almost devoid of secondary phases, implying redissolution. The potassium and magnesium in the secondary phases could have been supplied from ambient seawater. The aluminum in the protoceladonites must have been derived from local reaction of intergranular glass. The source of iron and silica could have been intergranular glass or low temperature mineralizing solutions of the type responsible for the formation of deposits of manganese oxides and iron oxyhydroxides and silicates on the seafloor.
Hole 841B was drilled in the forearc region of the Lau Basin at a water depth of 4810 m. The hole penetrated a roughly 500-m-thick series of Miocene volcanic sediments with a number of basaltic to andesitic units (sills?) varying in thickness between 7 cm and 17 m. The volcanics are slightly to moderately altered and contain analcite, chabazite, natrolite-thompsonite, heulandite (?), prehnite, and quartz as secondary phases. In addition, thaumasite [Ca3Si(OH)6 * 12H2O](SO4)(CO3) was identified in the altered sequence. Sulfur isotope data of two thaumasite separates (+23.5 per mil and +21.1 per mil d34S) indicate a seawater origin of the sulfate sulfur. It is suggested that thaumasite is a product of low-temperature (<60 °C), seawater-derived CaCl2-rich fluids that were almost identical in composition to those presently circulating in the sub-seafloor.
Primary and secondary mineral phases from Holes 1268A (11 samples), 1272A (9 samples), and 1274A (12 samples) were analyzed by electron microprobe in Bonn and Cologne (Germany). Bulk rock powders of these samples were also analyzed geochemically, including major and trace elements (Paulick et al., 2006, doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2006.04.011). Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 209 Holes 1268A, 1272A, and 1274A differ remarkably in alteration intensity and mineralogy, and details regarding their lithologic characteristics are presented in Bach et al. (2004, doi:10.1029/2004GC000744) and Shipboard Scientific Party (2004, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.209.101.2004). Because of the least altered character of peridotite in Hole 1274A, abundant clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, olivine, and spinel were analyzed at this site. In Hole 1272A, primary silicates are rare and analyses were restricted to some samples that contain traces of olivine and orthopyroxene. Because of the intensity of alteration, Hole 1268A is devoid of primary phases except spinel. Commonly, alteration is pseudomorphic and serpentinization of olivine and orthopyroxene can be distinguished. Accordingly, compositional variations of the alteration minerals with regard to the precursor minerals are one of the issues investigated in this data report.
Serpentinization of abyssal peridotites is known to produce extremely reducing conditions as a result of dihydrogen (H2,aq) release upon oxidation of ferrous iron in primary phases to ferric iron in secondary minerals by H2O.We have compiled and evaluated thermodynamic data for Fe-Ni-Co-O-S phases and computed phase relations in fO2,g-fS2,g and aH2,aq-aH2S,aq diagrams for temperatures between 150 and 400°C at 50MPa.We use the relations and compositions of Fe-Ni-Co-O-S phases to trace changes in oxygen and sulfur fugacities during progressive serpentinization and steatitization of peridotites from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in the 15°20'N Fracture Zone area (Ocean Drilling Program Leg 209). Petrographic observations suggest a systematic change from awaruite- magnetite-pentlandite and heazlewoodite-magnetite-pentlandite assemblages forming in the early stages of serpentinization to millerite-pyrite-polydymite-dominated assemblages in steatized rocks. Awaruite is observed in all brucite-bearing partly serpentinized rocks. Apparently, buffering of silica activities to low values by the presence of brucite facilitates the formation of large amounts of hydrogen, which leads to the formation of awaruite. Associated with the prominent desulfurization of pentlandite, sulfide is removed from the rock during the initial stage of serpentinization. In contrast, steatitization indicates increased silica activities and that highsulfur-fugacity sulfides, such as polydymite and pyrite-vaesite solid solution, form as the reducing capacity of the peridotite is exhausted and H2 activities drop. Under these conditions, sulfides will not desulfurize but precipitate and the sulfur content of the rock increases. The co-evolution of fO2,g-fS2,g in the system follows an isopotential of H2S,aq, indicating that H2S in vent fluids is buffered. In contrast, H2 in vent fluids is not buffered by Fe-Ni-Co-O-S phases, which merely monitor the evolution of H2 activities in the fluids in the course of progressive rock alteration.The co-occurrence of pentlandite- awaruite-magnetite indicates H2,aq activities in the interacting fluids near the stability limit of water. The presence of a hydrogen gas phase would add to the catalyzing capacity of awaruite and would facilitate the abiotic formation of organic compounds.