54 resultados para radius of starlikeness
During the third part of the Atlantic Expedition 1969 from 10° S to 60° N along 30° W, measurements of the complete size distribution of atmospheric aeosols over the whole size range from about 10**-7 to 10**-2 cm radius were made. This was possibe by the simultaneous operation of different methods which are critically discussed. The results obtained are the first of its kind and are of general interest despite some methodical shortcomings. North of the equator the ship passed through air masses of west African origin and the influence of Sahara dust on the Marine aerosols could be documented in a unique way. The Sahara dust component was restricted to the size range of 10**-5 to 10**-3 radius. Throughout the voyage particles up to 10**-2 radius were always found to be present, similar to findings over continents. Of special interest is the observation that the size distribution extends to very small particles, suggesting continuous aerosol production over the ocean.
Pollen productivity estimates (PPE) are used to quantitatively reconstruct variations in vegetation within a specific distance of the sampled pollen archive. Here, for the first time, PPEs from Siberia are presented. The study area (Khatanga region, Krasnoyarsk territory, Russia) is located in the Siberian Sub-arctic where Larixis the sole forest-line forming tree taxon. Pollen spectra from two different sedimentary environments, namely terrestrial mosses (n=16) and lakes (n=15, median radius ~100 m) and their surrounding vegetation were investigated to extract PPEs. Our results indicate some differences in pollen spectra between moss and lake pollen. Larix and Cyperaceae for example obtained higher representation in the lacustrine than in terrestrial moss samples. This highlights that in calibration studies modern and fossil dataset should be of similar sedimentary origin. The results of the Extended R-Value model were applied to assess the relevant source area of pollen (RSAP) and to calculate the PPEs for both datasets. As expected, the RSAP of the moss samples was very small (about 10 m) compared to the lacustrine samples (about 25 km). Calculation of PPEs for the six most common taxa yielded generally similar results for both datasets. Relative to Poaceae (reference taxon, PPE=1) Betula nana-type (PPEmoss: 1.8, PPElake: 1.8) and Alnusfruticosa-type (PPEmoss: 6.4, PPElake: 2.9) were overrepresented while Cyperaceae (PPEmoss: 0.5, PPElake: 0.1), Ericaceae (PPEmoss: 0.3, PPElake <0.01), Salix (PPEmoss: 0.03, PPElake <0.01) and Larix (PPEmoss <0.01, PPElake: 0.2) were under-represented in the pollen spectra compared to the vegetation in the RSAP. The estimation for the dominant tree in the region, Larixgmelinii, is the first published result for this species, but need to be considered very preliminary. The inferred sequence from over- to under-representation is mostly consistent with results from Europe; however, still the absolute values show some differences. Gathering vegetation data was limited by flowering season and low resolute satellite imagery and accessibility of the remote location of our study area. Therefore, our estimate may serve as first reference to strengthen future vegetation reconstructions in this climate-sensitive region.
In the last 20 years directed shark and ray fishery has increased alarmingly everywhere in the world. For most species though, no data on growth rate, mortality, fecundity and other life history aspects exist as of now and management of the fishery is therefore insufficient. Also there still exist methodological difficulties in the age determination of elasmobranchs fishes, a fact which complicates the investigation of growth parameters. This study tried to identify the best ageing methods and estimate growth parameters for ten skate species of the genus Bathyraja, all occurring in the southwest Atlantic in depths of 50m and more. 720 samples were collected on board of argentine research vessels in between 2003 and 2005. Crystal violet and a new staining method using potassium permanganate, both applied on sagittal sections of vertebral centra, proved to be most effective in enhancing the banding pattern in most of the species. Thorns were also tested and readings were consistent with the ones made on vertebral sections. Growth parameters could be derived for six species and for the other four estimates could be made. Growth rate as well as infinite length varied between species, with those attaining bigger sizes having lower growth rates. No latitudinal differences in growth rate could be detected but a comparison with samples from other studies showed that total lengths were always reported to be higher around the Malvinas Islands.