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A number of essential elements closely related to each other are involved in the Earth's climatic system. The temporal and spatial distribution of insolation determines wind patterns and the ocean's thermohaline pump. In turn, these last two are directly linked to the extension and retreat of marine and continental ice and to the chemistry of the atmosphere and the ocean. The variability of these elements may trigger, amplify, sustain or globalize rapid climatic changes. Paleoclimatic oscillations have been identified in this thesis by using fossil organic compounds synthesized by marine and terrestrial flora. High sedimentation rate deposits at the Barents and the Iberian peninsula continental margins were chosen in order to estimate the climatic changes on centennial time resolution. At the Barents margin, the sediment recovered was up to 15,000 years old (unit ''a'', from latin ''annos'') (M23258; west of the Bjørnøya island). At the Iberian margin, the sediment cores studied covered a wide range of time spans: up to 115,000 a (MD99-2343; north of the Minorca island), up to 250,000 a (ODP-977A; Alboran basin) and up to 420,000 a (MD01-2442, MD01-2443, MD01-2444, MD01-2445; close to the Tagus abyssal plain). At the northern site, inputs containing marine, continental and ancient reworked organic matter provided a detailed reconstruction of climate history at the time of the final retreat of the Barents ice sheet. At the western Barents continental slope, warm climatic conditions were observed during the early Holocene (~from 8,650 a to 5,240 a ago); in contrast, an apparent long-term cooling trend occurred in the late Holocene (~from 5,240 a to 760 a ago), in consistence with other paleoarchives from northern and southern European latitudes. The Iberian margin sites, which were never covered with large ice sheets, preserved exceptionally complete sequences of rapid events during ice ages hitherto not studied in such great detail: during the last glacial (~from 70,900 a to 11,800 a ago), the second glacial (~from 189,300 a to 127,500 a ago), the third ice age (~from 278,600 a to 244,800 a ago) and the fourth (~from 376,300 a to 337,500 a ago). In this thesis, crucial research questions were brought up concerning the severity of different glacial periods, the intensity and rates of the recorded oscillations and the long distance connections related to rapid climate change. The data obtained provide a sound basis to further research on the mechanisms involved in this rapid climate variability. An essential point of the research was the evidence that, over the past 420,000 a, at the whole Iberian margin, warm and stable long periods similar to the Holocene always ended abruptly in few centuries after a gradual deterioration of climate conditions. The detailed estimate of past climate variability provides clues to the natural end of the present warm period. Returning to an ice age in European lands would be exacerbated by a number of factors: a lack of differential solar heating between northern and southern north Atlantic latitudes, enhanced evaporation at low latitudes, and an increase in snowfall or iceberg discharges at northern regions. It must be emphasized that all climatic oscillations observed in this thesis were caused by forces of nature, i.e. the last two centuries were not taken into consideration.


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The interglacial known as Marine Isotope Stage 11 has been proposed to be analogous to the Holocene, owing to similarities in the amplitudes of orbital forcing. It has been difficult to compare the periods, however, because of the long duration of Stage 11 and a lack of detailed knowledge of any extreme climate events that may have occurred. Here we use the distinctive phasing between seasurface temperatures and the oxygen-isotope records of benthic foraminifera in the southeast Atlantic Ocean to stratigraphically align the Holocene interglacial with the first half of the Marine Isotope Stage 11 interglacial optimum. This alignment suggests that the second half of Marine Isotope Stage 11 should not be used as a reference for 'pre-anthropogenic' greenhouse-gas emissions. By compiling benthic carbon-isotope records from sites in the Atlantic Ocean on a single timescale, we also find that meridional overturning circulation strengthened about 415,000 years ago, at a time of high orbital obliquity. We propose that this mechanism transported heat to the high northern latitudes, inhibiting significant ice-sheet build-up and prolonging interglacial conditions. We suggest that this mechanism may have also prolonged other interglacial periods throughout the past 800,000 years.


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The Permafrost Favorability Index (PFI) map for the Chilean Semi-Arid Andes (29°S-32°S) indicates where permafrost is likely to occur (resolution 30 m x 30 m). The predicted favorability of permafrost occurrence ranges between 0 and 1, where high PFI values indicate most favorable environmental conditions for permafrost existence and low values indicates that permafrost will be present in exceptional circumstances with favorable local conditions. Conditions highly favorable to permafrost presence (PFI > 0.75) are predicted for 1051 km² of mountain terrain, or 2.7 % of the total area of the watersheds studied. Favorable conditions are expected to occur in 2636 km², or 6.8% of the area. Especially the Elqui and Huasco watersheds in the northern half of the study area where a substantial surface portion (11.8 % each) was considered to be favorable for permafrost presence, while predicted favorable areas in the southern Limarí and Choapa watersheds are mostly limited to specific sub-watersheds.


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Contemporary cnidarian-algae symbioses are challenged by increasing CO2 concentrations (ocean warming and acidification) affecting organisms' biological performance. We examined the natural variability of carbon and nitrogen isotopes in the symbiotic sea anemone Anemonia viridis to investigate dietary shifts (autotrophy/heterotrophy) along a natural pCO2 gradient at the island of Vulcano, Italy. delta 13C values for both algal symbionts (Symbiodinium) and host tissue of A. viridis became significantly lighter with increasing seawater pCO2. Together with a decrease in the difference between delta 13C values of both fractions at the higher pCO2 sites, these results indicate there is a greater net autotrophic input to the A. viridis carbon budget under high pCO2 conditions. delta 15N values and C/N ratios did not change in Symbiodinium and host tissue along the pCO2 gradient. Additional physiological parameters revealed anemone protein and Symbiodinium chlorophyll a remained unaltered among sites. Symbiodinium density was similar among sites yet their mitotic index increased in anemones under elevated pCO2. Overall, our findings show that A. viridis is characterized by a higher autotrophic/heterotrophic ratio as pCO2 increases. The unique trophic flexibility of this species may give it a competitive advantage and enable its potential acclimation and ecological success in the future under increased ocean acidification.