140 resultados para cyanoacetylene ro-vibrational spectroscopy spectral analysis


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Cadmium contents in studied rocks from Pacific seamounts usually lower than both in biogenic-diagenetic shelf phosphorites and in pelagic sedimentatary-diagenetic Fe-Mn nodules. In general, the behavior of Cd in phosphorites, phosphatized rocks and iron-manganese-phosphate crusts from the seamounts shows that phosphorus, iron, and manganese are apparently of normal sedimentary origin.


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A detailed study of chemical and mineral compositions of ferromanganese encrustations indicated that their variability dependent on composition of host substrate and on geological and oceanological processes.


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We present a 40-year long monthly resolved Sr/Ca record from a fossil Diploria strigosa coral from Bonaire (Southern Caribbean Sea) dated with U/Th at 2.35 ka before present (BP). Secondary modifiers of this sea surface temperature (SST) proxy in annually-banded corals such as diagenetic alteration of the skeleton and skeletal growth-rate are investigated. Extensive diagenetic investigations reveal that this fossil coral skeleton is pristine which is further supported by clear annual cycles in the coral Sr/Ca record. No significant correlation between annual growth rate and Sr/Ca is observed, suggesting that the Sr/Ca record is not affected by coral growth. Therefore, we conclude that the observed interannual Sr/Ca variability was influenced by ambient SST variability. Spectral analysis of the annual mean Sr/Ca record reveals a dominant frequency centred at 6-7 years that is not associated with changes of the annual growth rate. The first monthly resolved coral Sr/Ca record from the Southern Caribbean Sea for preindustrial time suggests that fossil corals from Bonaire are suitable tools for reconstructing past SST variability. Coastal deposits on Bonaire provide abundant fossil D. strigosa colonies of Holocene age that can be accurately dated and used to reconstruct climate variability. Comparisons of long monthly resolved Sr/Ca records from multiple fossil corals will provide a mean to estimate seasonality and interannual to interdecadal SST variability of the Southern Caribbean Sea during the Holocene.


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Two samples of pumice, obtained by trawling from depths of 3100 and 4300 m on the eastern slope of the Great Meteor Seamount in the Atlantic Ocean, have been examined. Their petrochemical composition has been studied. The pumice is probably a product of youthful explosive volcanism on the Azores, displaced southward by surface currents.


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New geological and geophysical data on the Amirante Arc, which locates to the south of the Seychelles Islands, are presented. These data were obtained by Pacific Oceanological Institute during the 33-rd cruise of R/V Professor Bogorov in 1990. The Amirante Arc represents a seamount chain, which has submeridional strike and total length about 400 km. To the west of the Amirante Arc there are a deep sea trench and a back-arc basin, i.e. this area is characterized by structural elements associated with the subduction zone of Western Pacific type. According to our data the Amirante Arc is composed by tholeiites of ocean plateau type. This facts are evidences that the Amirante Arc differs from typical Pacific island arcs. This gives an opportunity to distinguish a special type of oceanic structures, i.e. non-volcanic (amagmatic) ridges. The Amirante Ridge has been probably formed as a result of oceanic crust heaping due to horizontal displacements of its blocks in the process of spreding ridge formation in the Indian Ocean during Cretaceous-Paleogene.


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Composite stacks were constructed by superimposing 6 to 13 benthic foraminiferal d18O records covering the period 0-850 ka. An initial timescale for each core was established using radioisotopic age control points and assuming constant sedimentation rates between these points. The average of these records is our 13-core "untuned" stack. Next, we matched the 41 kyr component of each record individually to variations in Earth's obliquity. Four of the 13 records produced timescales that were inconsistent with one or more of the known radioisotopic ages. The nine remaining cores were averaged to create a "minimally tuned" stack. Six of the minimally tuned cores were assembled into a "tropical" stack. For each stack we estimated the uncertainty envelope from the standard deviation of the constituents. Spectral analysis of the three stacks indicates that benthic d18O is dominated by a 100 kyr oscillation that has a narrow spectral peak. The contribution of precession to the total variance is small when compared to prior results from planktic stacks.


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High-resolution records from IMAGES core MD95-2011 in the eastern Norwegian Sea provide evidence for relatively large- and small-scale high-latitude climate variability throughout the Holocene. During the early and mid-Holocene a situation possibly driven by consistent stronger westerlies increased the eastward influence of Arctic intermediate and near-surface waters. For the late Holocene a relaxation of the atmospheric forcing resulted in increased influence of Atlantic water. The main changes in Holocene climate show no obvious connection to changing solar irradiance, and spectral analysis reveals no consistent signature for any periodic behavior of Holocene climate at millennial or centennial timescales. There are, however, indications of consistent multidecadal variability.


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Distribution of pore space and degree of cementation appear to be the main factors controlling the permeability of sediments retrieved from the Lau Basin. The undisturbed microfabrics of two lithologies, nannofossil ooze and vitric sandy silt, commonly found at Holes 834A, 835A, 838A, and 839Aof Leg 135 were examined by scanning electron microscopy equipped with energy dispersive X-ray spectral analysis and image analysis systems. The results of these analyses were compared with laboratory determinations of porosity, grain-size distribution, and permeability on discrete samples from the same sediment depths. The permeability of the vitric sandy silt is 3-5 orders of magnitude higher than the nannofossil ooze samples. The porosity of nannofossil ooze ranges from 6% to 12% greater than the porosity of vitric sandy silt, which partially reflects the finer texture of nannofossil ooze. Although the correlation of higher porosity with lower permeability is not surprising, factors other than simply grain-size distribution must be invoked to explain the large differences in permeability found in these samples.


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Upper Paleocene to lower Eocene sediments drilled at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1051 (Blake Nose, off Florida) display well-defined orbital cycles, a detailed magnetic stratigraphy, and a suite of planktonic foraminiferal datums. We derived a cyclostratigraphy by using spectral analysis of high-resolution records of elemental concentrations obtained by an X-ray fluorescence (XRF) Core Scanner. XRF counts of iron serve as a proxy for the relative amount of terrestrial material. Sliding-window spectral analysis, bandpass filtering, and direct counting of precession and obliquity cycles yield minimum durations for magnetic polarity chrons C22 to C26 (~49 to ~61 Ma), calculations of sediment accumulation rates, as well as constraints on the timing of biostratigraphic and climatological events in the vicinity of the Initial Eocene Thermal Maximum (IETM). Durations of polarity chrons as represented in sediments drilled at Site 1051 were estimated using a conservative assignment of 41 k.y. for obliquity cycles and 21 k.y. for precession cycles. Combined polarity chrons C26r and C26n span 3.61 m.y., and chron C25r spans 1.07 m.y. Polarity chron C24r is estimated as 2.877 m.y. The interpretation of polarity chron C24n is ambiguous, but its duration is probably <1.23 m.y. Polarity chron C23r spans 0.53 m.y., chron C23n is 0.74 m.y., and chron C22r is 0.9 m.y. Spectral analysis through this interval indicates that spectral peaks shift through time and are related to changes in sedimentation rate in Site 1051. The sedimentation rates dramatically increased ~200 k.y. after the IETM and remained high for most of chron C24r.


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Five sections drilled in multiple holes over a depth transect of more than 2200 m at the Walvis Ridge (SE Atlantic) during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 208 resulted in the first complete early Paleogene deep-sea record. Here we present high-resolution stratigraphic records spanning a ~4.3 million yearlong interval of the late Paleocene to early Eocene. This interval includes the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum (PETM) as well as the Eocene thermal maximum (ETM) 2 event. A detailed chronology was developed with nondestructive X-ray fluorescence (XRF) core scanning records and shipboard color data. These records were used to refine the shipboard-derived spliced composite depth for each site and with a record from ODP Site 1051 were then used to establish a continuous time series over this interval. Extensive spectral analysis reveals that the early Paleogene sedimentary cyclicity is dominated by precession modulated by the short (100 kyr) and long (405 kyr) eccentricity cycles. Counting of precession-related cycles at multiple sites results in revised estimates for the duration of magnetochrons C24r and C25n. Direct comparison between the amplitude modulation of the precession component derived from XRF data and recent models of Earth's orbital eccentricity suggests that the onset of the PETM and ETM2 are related to a 100-kyr eccentricity maximum. Both events are approximately a quarter of a period offset from a maximum in the 405-kyr eccentricity cycle, with the major difference that the PETM is lagging and ETM2 is leading a 405-kyr eccentricity maximum. Absolute age estimates for the PETM, ETM2, and the magnetochron boundaries that are consistent with recalibrated radiometric ages and recent models of Earth's orbital eccentricity cannot be precisely determined at present because of too large uncertainties in these methods. Nevertheless, we provide two possible tuning options, which demonstrate the potential for the development of a cyclostratigraphic framework based on the stable 405-kyr eccentricity cycle for the entire Paleogene.