84 resultados para controlling factors


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In this article, we present a study on the surface energy balance of a polygonal tundra landscape in northeast Siberia. The study was performed during half-year periods from April to September in each of 2007 and 2008. The surface energy balance is obtained from independent measurements of the net radiation, the turbulent heat fluxes, and the ground heat flux at several sites. Short-wave radiation is the dominant factor controlling the magnitude of all the other components of the surface energy balance during the entire observation period. About 50% of the available net radiation is consumed by the latent heat flux, while the sensible and the ground heat flux are each around 20 to 30%. The ground heat flux is mainly consumed by active layer thawing. About 60% of the energy storage in the ground is attributed to the phase change of soil water. The remainder is used for soil warming down to a depth of 15 m. In particular, the controlling factors for the surface energy partitioning are snow cover, cloud cover, and the temperature gradient in the soil. The thin snow cover melts within a few days, during which the equivalent of about 20% of the snow-water evaporates or sublimates. Surface temperature differences of the heterogeneous landscape indicate spatial variabilities of sensible and latent heat fluxes, which are verified by measurements. However, spatial differences in the partitioning between sensible and latent heat flux are only measured during conditions of high radiative forcing, which only occur occasionally.


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Recent deep-ocean exploration has revealed unexpectedly widespread and diverse coral ecosystems in deep water on continental shelves, slopes, seamounts, and ridge systems around the world. Origin and growth history of these cold-water coral mounds are poorly known, owing to a lack of complete stratigraphic sections through them. Here we show high-resolution oxygen isotope records of planktic foraminifers from the base to the top of Challenger Mound, southwest of Ireland, which was drilled during Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 307. Challenger Mound began to grow during isotope stage 92 (2.24 million years ago (Ma)), immediately after the onset of Northern Hemisphere glaciation and the initiation of modern stratification in the northeast Atlantic. Mound initiation was likely due to reintroduction of Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW) and ensuing development of a density gradient with overlying northeastern Atlantic water (NEAW), where organic matter was prone to be stagnated and fueled the coral ecosystem. Coral growth continued for 11 glacial-interglacial cycles until isotopic stage 72 (1.82 Ma) with glacial siliciclastic input from the continental margin. After a long hiatus that separates the lower mound and the upper mound, coral growth restored for a short time in isotope stages 19-18 (0.8-0.7 Ma) in which sediments were either eroded or not deposited during a full glacial stage. The development pattern of the water mass interface between MOW and NEAW might have changed, because of the fluctuations of the MOW production which is responsible for the amplitude in ice volume oscillations from the low-amplitude 41 ka cycles for the lower mound to the high-amplitude 100 ka cycles for the upper mound. The average sedimentation and CaCO3 production rates of the lower mound were evaluated 27 cm/ka and 31.1 g/cm2/ka, respectively.


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Despite intensive research on the different domains of the marine phosphorus (P) cycle during the last decades, frequently discussed open questions still exist especially on controlling factors for the benthic behaviour of P and its general distribution in sediment-pore water systems. Steady state or the internal balance of all relevant physical and (bio)geochemical processes are amongst the key issues. In this study we present and discuss an extended data set from surface sediments recovered from three locations on the NW African continental slope. Pore water data and results from sequential sediment extractions give clear evidence to the well-known close relationship between the benthic cycles of P and iron. Accordingly, most of the dissolved phosphate must have been released by microbially catalyzed reductive dissolution of iron (oxhydr)oxides. However, rates of release and association of P and iron, respectively, are not directly represented in profiles of element specific sediment compositions. Results from steady-state based transport-reaction modelling suggest that particle mixing due to active bioturbation, or rather a physical net downward transport of P associated to iron (oxyhydr)oxides, is an essential process for the balance of the inspected benthic cycles. This study emphasizes the importance of balancing analytical data for a comprehensive understanding of all processes involved in biogeochemical cycles.


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Total organic carbon to total nitrogen ratio (C/N) and their isotopic composition (d13CTOC vs. d15NTN) are oft-applied proxies to discern terrigenous from marine sourced organics and to unravel the ancient environmental information. In high depositional Asian marginal seas, matrixes, including N-bearing minerals, dilution leads to illusive and even contradictive interpretations. We use KOH-KOBr to separate operationally defined total organic matter into oxidizable (labile) and residual fractions for content and isotope measurements. In a sediment core in the Okinawa Trough, significant amounts of carbon and nitrogen existed in the residual phase, in which the C/N ratio was ~9 resembling most documented sedimentary bulk C/N ratios in the China marginal seas. Such similarity creates a pseudo-C/N interrupting the application of bulk C/N. The residual carbon, though composition unknown, it displayed a d13C range (-22.7 to -18.9 per mil, mean -20.7 per mil) similar to black carbon (-24.0 to -22.8 per mil) in East China Sea surface sediments. After removing residual fraction, we found the temporal pattern of d13CLOC in labile fraction (LOC) was more variable but broadly agreed with the atmospheric pCO2-induced changes in marine endmember d13C. Thus, we suggested adding pCO2-induced endmember modulation into two-endmember mixing model for paleo-environment reconstruction. Meanwhile, the residual nitrogen revealed an intimate association with illite content suggesting its terrestrial origin. Additionally, d15N in residual fraction likely carried the climate imprint from land. Further studies are required to explore the controlling factors for carbon and nitrogen isotopic speciation and to retrieve the information locked in the residual fraction.