166 resultados para WATER TRANSPORT


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During the "Atlantic Expedition" in1965 (IQSY) a comprehensive bathymetric survey and a few hydrographic stations were made by R.V. "Meteor" in the equatorial region of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The survey results are shown in a bythymetric chart covering the western parts of the Romanche- and Chain Fracture Zones. West of the original Romanche Trench another deep trench with a medium depth of 6000 m was discovered. The maximum sounding obtained was 7028 m. Both trenches apparently belong to the same fracture zone, but are distinctly separated from each other. The estern boundary of the trench against the Brasil Basin is formed by a sill rising to a depth of about 4400 m. The serial hydrographic observations give some indications of the flow of the cold Westatlantic deep water in the fracture zone area and its influence on the hydrographic conditions in the East-Atlantic Basin. The upper limit of the nearly homogenious Westatlantic bottom water with an Antarctic components lies about 4400 m. The water mass entering the system of trenches of the Romanche Fracture Zone over the western sill originates from the lower part of the discontinuity layer lying above the bottom water. Potential temperatures of 0.6°C were the lowest observed by "Meteor" in the western trench. There seems to be a remarkable tongue of relatively high salinity and a minimum of oxygen in the deep water of this trench. At present we can only speculate upon the origin of this highly saline deep water tongue underneath the eastward moving relatively thin layer of less saline Westatlantic deep water. In the range of the sill separating both trenches a lee wave is indicated by the distribution of salinity and oxygen, which implies a vertical transport of water masses. Caused by this transport it is assumed that relatively cold water may be lifted temporarily to a depth, where it can pass the northbounding ridge, thus getting directly into the Sierra Leone Basin. In the original Romanche Trench the cold Westatlantic deep water seems to fill the whole trough, but its extension remains limited to the trench itself. The water masses found east of the sill separating the trench from the East-Atlantic Basin originate from the lower part of the discontinuity layer. With potential temperatures of about 1.3°C they are much warmer than those observed in the Romanche Trench bottom water.


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Benthic fluxes and pore-water compositions of silicic acid, nitrate and phosphate were investigated for surface sediments of the abyssal Arabian Sea during four cruises (1995-1998). Five sites located in the northern (NAST), western (WAST), central (CAST), eastern (EAST), and southern (SAST) Arabian Sea were revisited during intermonsoonal periods after the NE- and SW-Monsoon. At these sites, benthic fluxes of remineralized nutrients from the sediment to the bottom water of 36-106, 102-350 and 4-16 mmol/m**2/yr were measured for nitrate, silicic acid and phosphate, respectively. The benthic fluxes and pore-water compositions showed a distinct regional pattern. Highest fluxes were observed in the western and northern region of the Arabian Sea, whereas decreasing fluxes were derived towards the southeast. At WAST, the general temporal pattern of primary production, related to the NE- and SW-Monsoon, is reflected by benthic fluxes. In contrast, at sites NAST, SAST, CAST, and EAST a temporal pattern of fluxes in response to the monsoon is not obvious. Our results reveal a clear coupling between the general regional pattern of production in surface waters and the response of the benthic environment, as indicated by the flux of remineralized nutrients, though a spatially differing degree of decoupling during transport and remineralization of particulate organic matter and biogenic opal was observed. This has to be taken into account regarding budget calculations and paleoceanographic topics.


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Analyses of spatial structure of hydrophysical fields and its vertical evolution in the Northeast Atlantic in a layer from the surface down to 2-2.5 km are carried out based on results of measurements in a testing area (31°-36°N, 20°-26°W) southeast of the Azores in autumn 1993. A description of an anti-cyclonic lens (ACL) of Mediterranean water (MW), which was found in the eastern part of the testing area from data of sets of sequential surveys, is presented. Analysis of CTD and XBT measurements in an area west of the lens allows to conclude that despite some contraction of width of the Azores Current directed eastward (from 60-80 km to 50-60 km) its total eastward volume transport for a period of time from October to November does not vary much. It is shown that intermediate salinity maxima in the northern part of the testing area formed by advection of MW and meddy destruction weakens while intersecting the Azores frontal zone (AFZ) from north to south, displacing itself to larger depth, and increases in thickness. Analysis of data shows that the number of lenses observed within the selected area north of the AFZ is two times more than that observed south of it. North of the AFZ observed salinity maximum and local temperature maxima may be associated with accumulation of heat and salt because of the fact that the AFZ is not only a southern boundary of penetration of MW into the North Atlantic, but also is a "semitransparent" boundary for Mediterranean lenses.


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Two trenches off Japan were explored during DSDP Leg 87. One is the Nankai Trough and the other is the Japan Trench; Site 582 is located on the floor of the former and Site 584 is situated on the deep-sea terrace of the latter. Cores from Site 582 and 584 consist mainly of hemipelagic sediments and diatomaceous silts and mudstone, respectively. In this report we analyze the chemistry of the interstitial water and sediments, as well as the sediment mineralogy. Sulfate reduction is accompanied by the production of secondary pyrite, which is rich in the sediment at both sites. Dissolved Ca concentration is relatively low and changes only slightly at both sites, probably because of the formation of carbonate with high alkalinity. Concentrations of dissolved Mg decrease with depth at Site 584. The dissolved Mg depletion probably results from the formation of Mg-rich carbonate and/or ion exchange and reaction between interstitial water and clay minerals. Higher Si/Al values are due to biogenic opal in the sediments and roughly correlate with higher values of interstitial water SiO2. Increases in dissolved Li concentrations may be related to its release from clay minerals, to advection that results from dewatering, and/or to fluid transport.


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The motivation for ISSS-08 was to alleviate the scarcity of observational data on transport and processing of water, sediment and carbon on the East Siberian Arctic Shelves (ESAS). The region is of particular interest from the perspective of carbon-climate couplings as it has witnessed a 4°C springtime positive temperature anomaly for 2000-2005 compared with preceding decades. A complex sampling program was accomplished during the 50-days ISSS-08 cruise August - September 2008 by participants from 12 organizations in Russia, Sweden, UK and USA.