86 resultados para TiO2(110)
The shape and morphology of the northern Barbados Ridge complex is largely controlled by the sediment yield and failure behavior in response to high lateral loads imposed by convergence. Loads in excess of sediment yield strength result in nonrecoverable deformations within the wedge, and failure strength acts as an upper limit beyond which stresses are released through thrust faults. Relatively high loading rates lead to delayed consolidation and in-situ pore pressures greater than hydrostatic. The sediment yield and failure behavior is described for any stress path by a generalized constitutive model. A yield locus delineates the onset of plastic (non-recoverable) deformation, as defined from the isotropic and anisotropic consolidation responses of high-quality 38-mm triaxial specimens; a failure envelope was obtained by shearing the same specimens in both triaxial compression and extension. The yield locus is shown to be rotated into extension space and is centered about a K-line greater than unity, suggesting that the in-situ major principal stress has rotated into the horizontal plane, and that the sediment wedge is being subjected to extensional effective stress paths.
Very rare, halogen-rich andesite melt inclusions (HRA) in bytownitic plagioclase phenocrysts (An89-90) from tephra fallout of the Izu arc volcanic front (Izu VF) provide new insights into the processes of fluid release from slab trenchward to the volcanic front in a cool subduction zone. These HRA are markedly enriched in Cl, F and Li - by factors of up to 8 (Cl, F) and 1.5 (Li) - but indistinguishable with respect to the fluid-mobile large-ion lithophile elements (LILE; K, Sr, Rb, Cs, Ba, Pb, U), rare earths (REE) or high field strength elements (HFSE) from the low-K tholeiitic magmas of the Izu VF. We suggest that the chemical signature of the HRA reflects the presence of a fluid in the mantle source that originated from the serpentinized mantle peridotite above the metacrust. This "wedge serpentinite" presumably formed by fluid infiltration beneath the forearc and was subsequently down-dragged with the slab to arc front depths. The combined evidence from the Izu VF (?110 km above slab) and the outer forearc serpentinite seamounts (~25 to 30 km above slab) suggests that the slab flux of B and Cl is highest beneath the forearc, and decreases with increasing slab depths. In contrast, the slab flux of Li is minor beneath the forearc, but increases with depth. Fluorine may behave similarly to Li, whereas the fluid-mobile LILE appear to be largely retained in the slab trenchward from the Izu VF. Consequently, the chemical signatures of both Izu trench sediments and basaltic rocks appear preserved until arc front depths.
The mineralogy of both bulk- and clay-sized fractions of samples from Sites 671, 672, and 674 of ODP Leg 110 was determined by X-ray diffraction. The major minerals include quartz, calcite, plagioclase feldspar, and the clay minerals smectite, illite, and kaolinite. The smectite is a dioctahedral montmorillonite and is derived primarily from degradation of volcanic ash. Percentage of smectite varies with sediment age; Miocene and Eocene sediments are the most smectite-rich. High smectite content tends to correlate with elevated porosity, presumably because of the ability of smectite clays to absorb significant amounts of interlayer water. Because of a change in physical properties, the decollement zone at Site 671 formed in sediments immediately subjacent to a section of smectite-rich, high-porosity, Miocene-age sediments. Sediments above the decollement at Site 671, as well as all sediments analyzed from Sites 672 and 674, contain nearly pure smectite characteristic of the alteration of volcanic ash. Within the decollement zone and underthrust sequence, however, the smectite contains up to 65% illite interlayers. Although the illite/smectite could be interpreted as detrital clay derived from South America, its absence in the sediments stratigraphically equivalent to the decollement and underthrust sequences at Sites 672 and 674 favors the interpretation that it originated by diagenetic alteration of pre-existing smectite similar to that in the overlying sediments. A significant percentage of the freshening of the pore waters observed in these zones could be due to the water released during smectite dehydration.
Volcaniclastic rocks of Late Cretaceous age occur in four out of five sites (525, 527, 528, 529) drilled on the crest and the northwest flank of the Walvis Ridge during Leg 74. They are mostly interlayered with and overlie basement in the lowermost 10-100 m of the sedimentary section. Rocks from Holes 525A and 528 were studied megascopically and microscopically, by XRD, and XRF chemical analyses of whole-rock major and trace elements were undertaken. The dominant rock of Hole 528 volcaniclastics is a fine-grained (silt to fine sand), mostly matrix-bearing (partly matrix-rich) vitric "tuff," occurring as 5-110 cm thick, partly graded layers, some of which are distinctly bedded. Volcaniclastics of Hole 525A are generally richer in sanidine crystals. Most rocks contain some nonvolcanic clasts, chiefly foraminifers and lesser amounts of shallow-water fossil debris. Scoria shards, clasts of tachylite, and fine-grained basalts as well as chemical analyses suggest a basaltic to intermediate composition for most rocks of Hole 528, whereas volcaniclastics of Hole 525A are more silicic. The occurrence of tachylite and epiclastic, coarse-grained, basaltic clasts throughout the volcaniclastic sequence at Site 528 indicates shallow-water eruptions and perhaps even ocean island volcanism. The minor occurrence in Hole 528 of trachytic? pumice shards with phenocrysts of K-feldspar and the abundance of such shards in rocks from Hole 525A indicate Plinian eruptions characteristic of more mature stages of ocean island evolution. The sedimentary structures of volcaniclastic layers and their occurrence within deep sea calcareous oozes indicate a mass flow origin. Diagenetic alteration of the volcaniclastic rocks is pronounced, and four major stages of glass shard alteration are distinguished. Despite the effects of alteration and small-scale redistribution of elements and the admixture of nonvolcanic components, there were no drastic changes in the chemical composition of the rocks, except for pronounced increases in K and Rb and decreases in Ca and Fe. The basaltic volcaniclastic rocks very much resemble basement basalts in that they are moderately evolved tholeiites derived from an LIL-enriched mantle source with Zr/Nb ratios (Hole 528) of 5 to 6. This, in conjunction with the interbedding of volcaniclastic rocks and basement lavas, indicates contemporaneous seamount or island and basement volcanic activity involving magmas derived from similar sources.