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Sea cucumbers are dominant invertebrates in several ecosystems such as coral reefs, seagrass meadows and mangroves. As bioturbators, they have an important ecological role in making available calcium carbonate and nutrients to the rest of the community. However, due to their commercial value, they face overexploitation in the natural environment. On top of that, occurring ocean acidification could impact these organisms, considered sensitive as echinoderms are osmoconformers, high-magnesium calcite producers and have a low metabolism. As a first investigation of the impact of ocean acidification on sea cucumbers, we tested the impact of short-term (6 to 12 days) exposure to ocean acidification (seawater pH 7.7 and 7.4) on two sea cucumbers collected in SW Madagascar, Holothuria scabra, a high commercial value species living in the seagrass meadows, and H. parva, inhabiting the mangroves. The former lives in a habitat with moderate fluctuations of seawater chemistry (driven by day-night differences) while the second lives in a highly variable intertidal environment. In both species, pH of the coelomic fluid was significantly negatively affected by reduced seawater pH, with a pronounced extracellular acidosis in individuals maintained at pH 7.7 and 7.4. This acidosis was due to an increased dissolved inorganic carbon content and pCO2 of the coelomic fluid, indicating a limited diffusion of the CO2 towards the external medium. However, respiration and ammonium excretion rates were not affected. No evidence of accumulation of bicarbonate was observed to buffer the coelomic fluid pH. If this acidosis stays uncompensated for when facing long-term exposure, other processes could be affected in both species, eventually leading to impacts on their ecological role.


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CaCO3 and total organic carbon concentrations, organic matter C/N and carbon isotope ratios, and sediment accumulation rates in late Quaternary sediments from DSDP Site 594 provide information about glacial-interglacial variations in the delivery of organic matter to the Chatham Rise offshore of southeastern New Zealand. Low C/N ratios and nearly constant organic delta13C values of ?23? indicate that marine production dominates organic matter supply in both glacial and interglacial times during oxygen isotope stages 1 through 6 (0-140 ka) and 17 through 19 (660-790 ka). Increased organic carbon mass accumulation rates in isotope stages 2, 4, 6, and 18 record enhanced marine productivity during glacial maxima. Excursions of organic delta13C values to ca. ?29? in portions of isotope stage 2 suggest that the local concentration of dissolved CO2 was occasionally elevated during the last glacial maximum, probably as a result of short periods of lowered sea-surface temperature. Dilution of carbonates by clastic continental sediment generally increases at this location during glacial maxima, but enhanced delivery of land-derived organic matter does not accompany the increased accumulation of clastic sediments.


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Short-term spectral analysis was carried out on geochemical logging data from ODP Site 704. The FFT was used to compute the amplitude spectra of short-term overlapping segments to produce depth-period-amplitude spectrograms of the logging data. The spectrograms provided a means of evaluating the significance of the observed periodic components. The periodic components that were consistently present and prominent across a given record interval were considered to be significant. Changes in the spectrogram characteristics seem to reflect changes in either lithology, sedimentation rates, or hiatuses and may therefore provide useful information to aid in stratigraphic and paleoenvironmental studies. The dominant periodicity during the late Pleistocene and Brunhes Chron (0.97 to 0.47 Ma) was determined to be > 100,000 yr whereas the upper Matuyama Chron was dominated by the 41,000-yr periodicity. These periodicities suggest that the sedimentation patterns within the upper Matuyama Chron (0.98-1.78 Ma) were influenced by the Milankovitch obliquity cycle and those within the latest Matuyama-Brunhes Chron (<0.98 Ma) by the eccentricity cycle. The Brunhes/Matuyama boundary therefore represents a major discontinuity. Periodicities observed within the lower Matuyama and the upper Gauss Chron did not correlate with any of the periodicities within the Milankovitch frequency bands.


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A number of short-lasting warm periods (interstadials) interrupted the otherwise cold climate of the last glacial period. These events are supposedly linked to the inflow of the warm Atlantic surface water to the Nordic seas. However, previous investigations of planktonic foraminifera from the Nordic seas have not been able to resolve any significant difference between the interstadials and intervening cold stadials, as the faunas are continuously dominated by the polar species Neogloboquadrina pachyderma s. Here we examine the planktonic foraminifera assemblages from a high-resolution core, LINK17, taken at 1500 m water depth off northern Scotland below the warmest part of the inflowing Atlantic water. The core comprises the time period 34-10 calibrated ka B.P., the coldest period of the last glaciation and the deglaciation. The results reveal a hitherto unknown faunistic variability indicating significant fluctuations in both surface water inflow and in summer sea surface temperatures. During the interstadials, relatively warm Atlantic surface water (4-7°C) flowed north into the eastern Norwegian Sea. During the stadials and Heinrich events the surface inflow stopped and the temperatures in the study area dropped to <2°C. The Last Glacial Maximum was nearly as warm as the interstadials, but the inflow was much more unstable. The data reveal two previously unrecognized warming events each lasting more than 1600 years and preceding Heinrich events HE3 and HE2, respectively. By destabilizing the ice sheets on the shelves the warmings may have played a crucial role for the development of Heinrich events HE2 and HE3.


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Seagrass is expected to benefit from increased carbon availability under future ocean acidification. This hypothesis has been little tested by in situ manipulation. To test for ocean acidification effects on seagrass meadows under controlled CO2/pH conditions, we used a Free Ocean Carbon Dioxide Enrichment (FOCE) system which allows for the manipulation of pH as continuous offset from ambient. It was deployed in a Posidonia oceanica meadow at 11 m depth in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea. It consisted of two benthic enclosures, an experimental and a control unit both 1.7 m**3, and an additional reference plot in the ambient environment (2 m**2) to account for structural artifacts. The meadow was monitored from April to November 2014. The pH of the experimental enclosure was lowered by 0.26 pH units for the second half of the 8-month study. The greatest magnitude of change in P. oceanica leaf biometrics, photosynthesis, and leaf growth accompanied seasonal changes recorded in the environment and values were similar between the two enclosures. Leaf thickness may change in response to lower pH but this requires further testing. Results are congruent with other short-term and natural studies that have investigated the response of P. oceanica over a wide range of pH. They suggest any benefit from ocean acidification, over the next century (at a pH of 7.7 on the total scale), on Posidonia physiology and growth may be minimal and difficult to detect without increased replication or longer experimental duration. The limited stimulation, which did not surpass any enclosure or seasonal effect, casts doubts on speculations that elevated CO2 would confer resistance to thermal stress and increase the buffering capacity of meadows.


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Understanding the ecology of bioindicators such as ostracods is essential in order to reconstruct past environmental and climate change from analysis of fossil assemblages preserved in lake sediment cores. Knowledge of the ecology of ancient Lake Ohrid's ostracod fauna is very limited and open to debate. In advance of the Ohrid ICDP-Drilling project, which has potential to generate high-resolution long-term paleoenvironmental data of global importance in paleoclimate research, we sampled Lake Ohrid and a wide range of habitat types in its surroundings to assess 1) the composition of ostracod assemblages in lakes, springs, streams, and short-lived seasonal water bodies, 2) the geographical distribution of ostracods, and 3) the ecological characteristics of individual ostracod species. In total, 40 species were collected alive, and seven species were preserved as valves and empty carapaces. Of the 40 ostracod species, twelve were endemic to Lake Ohrid. The most common genus in the lake was Candona, represented by 13 living species, followed by Paralimnocythere, represented by five living species. The most frequent species was Cypria obliqua. Species with distinct distributions included Heterocypris incongruens, Candonopsis kingsleii, and Cypria lacustris. The most common species in shallow, flooded areas was H. incongruens, and the most prominent species in ditches was C. kingsleii. C. lacustris was widely distributed in channels, springs, lakes, and rivers. Statistical analyses were performed on a "Lake Ohrid" dataset, comprising the subset of samples from Lake Ohrid alone, and an "entire" dataset comprising all samples collected. The unweighted pair group mean average (UPGMA) clustering was mainly controlled by species-specific depth preferences. Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) with forward selection identified water depth, water temperature, and pH as variables that best explained the ostracod distribution in Lake Ohrid. The lack of significance of conductivity and dissolved oxygen in CCA of Ohrid data highlight the uniformity across the lake of the well-mixed waters. In the entire area, CCA revealed that ostracod distribution was best explained by water depth, salinity, conductivity, pH, and dissolved oxygen. Salinity was probably selected by CCA due to the presence of Eucypris virens and Bradleystrandesia reticulata in short-lived seasonal water bodies. Water depth is an important, although indirect, influence on ostracod species distribution which is probably associated with other factors such as sediment texture and food supply. Some species appeared to be indicators for multiple environmental variables, such as lake level and water temperature.


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A combined record of three cores spanning the last 18 kyr from the northern North Sea is investigated for content of benthic and planktonic foraminifera and stable oxygen isotopes. The paleoenvironmental development through this time period shows an early deglaciation (18-14.4 ka) and the Younger Dryas (12.7-11.5 ka) characterized by arctic/polar conditions and increased ice rafting in the Norwegian Channel. During the Bølling-Allerød period, warm sea surface temperature (9°C) conditions similar to present conditions are inferred, while bottom waters stayed cold (0-1°C) with normal salinity. The Bølling-Allerød period is interrupted twice at 13.9-13.6 ka (Older Dryas) and at 13.0-12.8 ka (Inter-Allerød Cooling Period) by reductions in sea surface temperatures and increased sea ice cover. The beginning of the Holocene period is marked by increases in surface and bottom water temperature. Superimposed on the broad climatic changes through the Holocene, a series of short-lived oscillations in the ocean circulation are recorded. The amplitude of these Holocene events appears larger in the early Holocene (prior to 8 ka) than compared with the remaining part of the Holocene. This amplification can possibly be attributed to a general increased freshwater budget in the North Atlantic at this time during the final stages of the deglaciation of the Laurentide and Scandinavian ice sheets.


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Salty and warm Indian Ocean waters enter the South Atlantic via the Agulhas leakage, south of Africa. Model simulations and proxy evidence of Agulhas leakage strengthening during glacial terminations led to the hypothesis that it was an important modulator of the Atlantic Ocean circulation. Yet, the fate of the leakage salinity and temperature anomalies remains undocumented beyond the southern tip of Africa. Downstream of the leakage, new paleoceanographic evidence from the central Walvis Ridge (southeast Atlantic) shows that salinity increased at the thermocline, and less so at the surface, during glacial termination II. Thermocline salinity change coincided with higher frequency of Agulhas rings passage at the core location and with salinity maxima in the Agulhas leakage area, suggesting that leakage waters were incorporated in the Atlantic circulation through the thermocline. Hydrographic changes at the Walvis Ridge and in the leakage area display a distinct two-step structure, with a reversal at ca. 134 ka. This matched a wet interlude within the East Asia weak monsoon interval of termination II, and a short-lived North Atlantic warming. Such concurrence points to a Bølling-Allerød-like recovery of the Atlantic circulation amidst termination II, with a northward shift of the Intertropical Convergence Zone and Southern Hemisphere westerlies, and attendant curtailment of the interocean connection south of Africa.


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During the early Eocene, a series of short-term global warming events ("hyperthermals") occurred in response to the rapid release of carbon into the oceans and atmosphere. In order to investigate the response of ocean redox to global warming, we have determined the molybdenum isotope compositions (d98/95Mo) of samples spanning one such hyperthermal (Eocene Thermal Maximum 2 (ETM-2, 54.1 Ma)), from Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 302 Site M0004A in the Arctic Ocean. The highest d98/95Mo in our sample set (2.00 ± 0.11 per mil) corresponds to the development of local euxinia at Site M0004A during the peak of ETM-2, which we interpret as recording the global seawater d98/95Mo at that time. The ETM-2 seawater d98/95Mo is indistinguishable from a recent estimate of seawater d98/95Mo from an earlier hyperthermal (Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM, 55.9 Ma), d98/95Mo = 2.08 ± 0.11 per mil). We argue that the similarity in seawater d98/95Mo during ETM-2 and the PETM was caused by the development of transient euxinia in the Arctic Ocean during each hyperthermal that allowed sediments accumulating in this basin to capture the long-term d98/95Mo of early Eocene seawater. Our new data therefore place a minimum constraint on the magnitude of transient global seafloor deoxygenation during early Eocene hyperthermals.