293 resultados para Rare-earth exchanged zeolite-Y


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An area of about 22,000 km² on the northern Blake Plateau, off the coast of South Carolina, contains an estimated 2 billion metric tons of phosphorite concretions, and about 1.2 billion metric tons of mixed ferromanganese-phosphorite pavement. Other offshore phosphorites occur between the Blake Plateau and known continental deposits, buried under variable thicknesses of sediments. The phosphorite resembles other marine phosphorites in composition, consisting primarily of carbonate-fluorapatite, some calcite, minor quartz and other minerals. The apatite is optically pseudo-isotropic and contains about 6% [CO3]**2- replacing [PO4]**3- in its structure. JOIDES drillings and other evidence show that the phosphorite is a lag deposit derived from Miocene strata correlatable with phosphatic Middle Tertiary sediments on the continent. It has undergone variable cycles of erosion, reworking, partial dissolution and reprecipitation. Its present form varies from phosphatized carbonate debris, loose pellets, and pebbles, to continuous pavements, plates, and conglomeratic boulders weighing hundreds of kilograms. No primary phosphatization is currently taking place on the Blake Plateau. The primary phosphate-depositing environment involved reducing conditions and required at least temporary absence of the powerful Gulf Stream current that now sweeps the bottom of the Blake Plateau and has eroded away the bulk of the Hawthorne-equivalent sediments with which the phosphorites were once associated.


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The ultramafic-hosted Logatchev Hydrothermal Field (LHF) at 15°N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the Arctic Gakkel Ridge (GR) feature carbonate precipitates (aragonite, calcite, and dolomite) in voids and fractures within different types of host rocks. We present chemical and Sr isotopic compositions of these different carbonates to examine the conditions that led to their formation. Our data reveal that different processes have led to the precipitation of carbonates in the various settings. Seawater-like 87Sr/86Sr ratios for aragonite in serpentinites (0.70909 to 0.70917) from the LHF are similar to those of aragonite from the GR (0.70912 to 0.70917) and indicate aragonite precipitation from seawater at ambient conditions at both sites. Aragonite veins in sulfide breccias from LHF also have seawater-like Sr isotope compositions (0.70909 to 0.70915), however, their rare earth element (REE) patterns show a clear positive europium (Eu) anomaly indicative of a small (< 1%) hydrothermal contribution. In contrast to aragonite, dolomite from the LHF has precipitated at much higher temperatures (~100 °C), and yet its 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.70896 to 0.70907) are only slightly lower than those of aragonite. Even higher temperatures are calculated for the precipitation of deformed calcite veins in serpentine-talc fault schists form north of the LHF. These calcites show unradiogenic 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.70460 to 0.70499) indicative of precipitation from evolved hydrothermal fluids. A simple mixing model based on Sr mass balance and enthalpy conservation indicates strongly variable conditions of fluid mixing and heat transfers involved in carbonate formation. Dolomite precipitated from a mixture of 97% seawater and 3% hydrothermal fluid that should have had a temperature of approximately 14 °C assuming that no heat was transferred. The much higher apparent precipitation temperatures based on oxygen isotopes (~ 100 °C) may be indicative of conductive heating, probably of seawater prior to mixing. The hydrothermal calcite in the fault schist has precipitated from a mixture of 67% hydrothermal fluid and 33% seawater, which should have had an isenthalpic mixing temperature of ~ 250 °C. The significantly lower temperatures calculated from oxygen isotopes are likely due to conductive cooling of hydrothermal fluid discharging along faults. Rare earth element patterns corroborate the results of the mixing model, since the hydrothermal calcite, which formed from waters with the greatest hydrothermal contribution, has REE patterns that closely resemble those of vent fluids from the LHF. Our results demonstrate, for the first time, that (1) precipitation from pure seawater, (2) conductive heating of seawater, and (3) conductive cooling of hydrothermal fluids in the sub-seafloor all can lead to carbonate precipitation within a single ultramafic-hosted hydrothermal system.


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Collisional and post-collisional volcanic rocks in the Ulubey (Ordu) area at the western edge of the Eastern Pontide Tertiary Volcanic Province (EPTVP) in NE Turkey are divided into four suites; Middle Eocene (49.4-44.6 Ma) aged Andesite-Trachyandesite (AT), Trachyandesite-Trachydacite-Rhyolite (TTR), Trachydacite-Dacite (TD) suites, and Middle Miocene (15.1 Ma) aged Trachybasalt (TB) suite. Local stratigraphy in the Ulubey area starts with shallow marine environment sediments of the Paleocene-Eocene time and then continues extensively with sub-aerial andesitic to rhyolitic and rare basaltic volcanism during Eocene and Miocene time, respectively. Petrographically, the volcanic rocks are composed primarily of andesites/trachyandesites, with minor trachydacites/rhyolites, basalts/trachybasalts and pyroclastics, and show porphyric, hyalo-microlitic porphyric and rarely glomeroporphyric, intersertal, intergranular, fluidal and sieve textures. The Ulubey (Ordu) volcanic rocks indicate magma evolution from tholeiitic-alkaline to calc-alkaline with medium-K contents. Primitive mantle normalized trace element and chondrite normalized rare earth element (REE) patterns show that the volcanic rocks have moderate light rare earth element (LREE)/heavy rare earth element (HREE) ratios relative to E-Type MORB and depletion in Nb, Ta and Ti. High Th/Yb ratios indicate parental magma(s) derived from an enriched source formed by mixing of slab and asthenospheric melts previously modified by fluids and sediments from a subduction zone. All of the volcanic rocks share similar incompatible element ratios (e.g., La/Sm, Zr/Nb, La/Nb) and chondrite-normalized REE patterns, indicating that the basic to acidic rocks originated from the same source. The volcanic rocks were produced by the slab dehydration-induced melting of an existing metasomatized mantle source, and the fluids from the slab dehydration introduced significant large ion lithophile element (LILE) and LREE to the source, masking its inherent HFSE-enriched characteristics. The initial 87Sr/86Sr (0.7044-0.7050) and eNd (-0.3 to +3.4) ratios of the volcanics suggest that they originated from an enriched lithospheric mantle source with low Sm/Nd ratios. Integration of the geochemical, petrological and isotopical with regional and local geological data suggest that the Tertiary volcanic rocks from the Ulubey (Ordu) area were derived from an enriched mantle, which had been previously metasomatized by fluids derived from subducted slab during Eocene to Miocene in collisional and post-collisional extension-related geodynamic setting following Late Mesozoic continental collision between the Eurasian plate and the Tauride-Anatolide platform.