41 resultados para Radioactive substances.


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A description is given of a gamma-ray spectrometer complex consisting of four interchangeable, low-background NaI(Tl) crystals that operate simultaneously. The system is used in determination of concentrations of natural radioactive elements and sedimentation rates of bottom sediments by the ionium method. Three detector sizes are used, depending on amount of material available: 80x80; 100x100, and 150x150. The system is operated clockwise and data are brought out on a punch tape; results are computer-processed. Examples are shown of the complex use in determining sedimentation rates of bottom sediments in the Southeast Pacific and concentrations of natural radioactive elements in DSDP Hole 381.


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Bitumoid contents in metalliferous sediments from axial parts of the East Pacific Rise (EPR) have been studied. Maximal concentrations of bitumoid matter and aromatic hydrocarbons have been found in the axial zones of the EPR as a result of hydrothermal processes and accumulation of endogenous matter in the sediments. Distribution of bitumoids and hydrocarbons coincides with deposition of ore minerals that indicates similarity of their sources.


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Surface active substances (SAS) in the water column were measured by voltammetry using the electrochemical probe o-nitrophenol (ONP) during EIFEX, a mesoscale open ocean iron enrichment experiment in the Southern Ocean. SAS levels were low throughout the experiment (<0.005 - 0.03 mg/L Triton X-100 equivalents). Initially SAS was extremely low in the photic zone, but as the phytoplankton bloom developed concentrations markedly increased throughout the upper 100 m (~0.02 mg/L Triton X-100 equivalents). Highest concentrations of SAS (>0.02 mg/L Triton X-100 equivalents) were found at the end of the bloom particularly at density discontinuities where organic material may accumulate. Exudates from diatoms appeared to be the major source of SAS during EIFEX, either from direct extracellular release or in the action of being grazed upon by zooplankton.


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Characteristic black nodules have been retrieved in 1922 from the bed of the Kichijo River, that runs along the Tanakamiyama mountain in the Oni Province and ends into Lake Biwa in Japan. Their radiocativity has been studied along with that of crusts of similar nature found covering rock formations in the vicinity overlooking the stream. The high content in radium observed may be due to the high uranium content of the granite host rock typical of the Tanakamiyama formation.


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Rising atmospheric CO2 often triggers the production of plant phenolics, including many that serve as herbivore deterrents, digestion reducers, antimicrobials, or ultraviolet sunscreens. Such responses are predicted by popular models of plant defense, especially resource availability models which link carbon availability to phenolic biosynthesis. CO2 availability is also increasing in the oceans, where anthropogenic emissions cause ocean acidification, decreasing seawater pH and shifting the carbonate system towards further CO2 enrichment. Such conditions tend to increase seagrass productivity but may also increase rates of grazing on these marine plants. Here we show that high CO2 / low pH conditions of OA decrease, rather than increase, concentrations of phenolic protective substances in seagrasses and eurysaline marine plants. We observed a loss of simple and polymeric phenolics in the seagrass Cymodocea nodosa near a volcanic CO2 vent on the Island of Vulcano, Italy, where pH values decreased from 8.1 to 7.3 and pCO2 concentrations increased ten-fold. We observed similar responses in two estuarine species, Ruppia maritima and Potamogeton perfoliatus, in in situ Free-Ocean-Carbon-Enrichment experiments conducted in tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay, USA. These responses are strikingly different than those exhibited by terrestrial plants. The loss of phenolic substances may explain the higher-than-usual rates of grazing observed near undersea CO2 vents and suggests that ocean acidification may alter coastal carbon fluxes by affecting rates of decomposition, grazing, and disease. Our observations temper recent predictions that seagrasses would necessarily be "winners" in a high CO2 world.