33 resultados para Processes of identification


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Apatite (U-Th-Sm)/He (AHe) thermochronology is increasingly used for reconstructing geodynamic processes of the upper crust and the surface. Results of AHe thermochronology, however, are often in conflict with apatite fission track (AFT) thermochronology, yielding an inverted age-relationship with AHe dates older than AFT dates of the same samples. This effect is mainly explained by radiation damage of apatite, either impeding He diffusion or causing non-thermal annealing of fission tracks. So far, systematic age inversions have only been described for old and slowly cooled terranes, whereas for young and rapidly cooled samples 'too old' AHe dates are usually explained by the presence of undetected U and/or Th-rich micro-inclusions. We report apatite (U-Th-Sm)/He results for rapidly cooled volcanogenic samples deposited in a deep ocean environment with a relatively simple post-depositional thermal history. Robust age constraints are provided independently through sample biostratigraphy. All studied apatites have low U contents (< 5 ppm on average). While AFT dates are largely in agreement with deposition ages, most AHe dates are too old. For leg 43, where deposition age of sampled sediment is 26.5-29.5 Ma, alpha-corrected average AHe dates are up to 45 Ma, indicating overestimations of AHe dates up to 50%. This is explained by He implantation from surrounding host U-Th rich sedimentary components and it is shown that AHe dates can be "corrected" by mechanically abrading the outer part of grains. We recommend that particularly for low U-Th-apatites the possibility of He implantation should be carefully checked before considering the degree to which the alpha-ejection correction should be applied.


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Through the processes of the biological pump, carbon is exported to the deep ocean in the form of dissolved and particulate organic matter. There are several ways by which downward export fluxes can be estimated. The great attraction of the 234Th technique is that its fundamental operation allows a downward flux rate to be determined from a single water column profile of thorium coupled to an estimate of POC/234Th ratio in sinking matter. We present a database of 723 estimates of organic carbon export from the surface ocean derived from the 234Th technique. Data were collected from tables in papers published between 1985 and 2013 only. We also present sampling dates, publication dates and sampling areas. Most of the open ocean Longhurst provinces are represented by several measurements. However, the Western Pacific, the Atlantic Arctic, South Pacific and the South Indian Ocean are not well represented. There is a variety of integration depths ranging from surface to 220m. Globally the fluxes ranged from -22 to 125 mmol of C/m**2/d. We believe that this database is important for providing new global estimate of the magnitude of the biological carbon pump.


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During the expeditions ARK-VII/1, ARK-VII/3 and ARK-Xl2 sediment cores were taken by "RV Polarstern" from the shelf and the fjords of East Greenland and the Greenland Sea. The magnetic susceptibility and heavy mineral were determined at 48 surface sediment samples from undisturbed box cores. The main objective of this study was the identification of source areas and transport processes of terrigenous sediments at the East Greenland continental margin. The results can be summarized as lollows: 1a) Magnetic susceptibility in the North Atlantic is useful to detect delivery regions of the material transported by currents. b) The magnetic susceptibility is controlled by the ferromagnetic particles of the silt fraction. c) There are four important source areas: . The ferromagnetic particles of the box core PS2644-2 are transported from the Iceland Archipelago. . The material from the Geiki-Plateau effects the magnetic susceptibility in the Scoresby Sund Basin. . The magnetic susceptibility in the shelf regions in the North are produced by material from the fjords. . The ferromagnetic particles in the Greenland Sea are derived from the Mid Atlantic Ridges in the east. d) It is possible to determine the rock type, which delivers the ferromagnetic material because of differences in magnetic susceptibility of different intensity. . The erosion of the basalts of the Geiki-Plateau and the basalts of the Mid Atlantic ridges produce the high magnetic susceptibility in the south. . The magnetic susceptibility on the shelf in the north are probably produced by erosionproducts of the gneises of East Greenland. (2a) Heavy mineral assemblages show a significant difference between material transported by the Transpolar Drift from the Eurasian shelf regions (amphiboles, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene) and material derived from East Greenland (garnets and opaque minerals). Transport via ice is dominant. b) lt is also possible to show different petrographic provenances (volcanic and metamorphic provenances). These associations verify the source areas. c) The information of heavy mineral composition gives no more detailed hint on the rock type or rock formation in the source area, due to mixing processes, large area of investigation and the sample quantity.