52 resultados para Iberian inscriptions
Centennial climate variability over the last ice age exhibits clear bipolar behavior. High-resolution analyses of marine sediment cores from the Iberian margin trace a number of associated changes simultaneously. Proxies of sea surface temperature and water mass distribution, as well as relative biomarker content, demonstrate that this typical north-south coupling was pervasive for the cold phases of climate during the past 420,000 years. Cold episodes after relatively warm and largely ice-free periods occurred when the predominance of deep water formation changed from northern to southern sources. These results reinforce the connection between rapid climate changes at Mediterranean latitudes and century-to-millennial variability in northern and southern polar regions.
Bioturbation in marine sediments has basically two aspects of interest for palaeo-environmental studies. First, the traces left by the burrowing organisms reflect the prevailing environmental conditions at the seafloor and thus can be used to reconstruct the ecologic and palaeoceanographic situation. Traces have the advantage over other proxies of practically always being preserved in situ. Secondly, for high- resolution stratigraphy, bioturbation is a nuisance due to the stirring and mixing processes that destroy the stratigraphic record. In order to evaluate the applicability of biogenic traces as palaeoenvironmental indicators, a number of gravity cores from the Portuguese continental slope, covering the period from the last glacial to the present were investigated through X-ray radiographs. In addition, physical and chemical parameters were determined to define the environmental niche in each core interval. A number of traces could be recognized, the most important being: Thalassinoides, Planolites, Zoophycos, Chondrites, Scolicia, Palaeophycus, Phycosiphon and the generally pyritized traces Trichichnus and Mycellia. The shifts between the different ichnofabrics agree strikingly well with the variations in ocean circulation caused by the changing climate. On the upper and middle slope, variations in current intensity and oxygenation of the Mediterranean Outflow Water were responsible for shifts in the ichnofabric. Larger traces such as Planolites and Thalassinoides dominated in coarse, well oxygenated intervals, while small traces such as Chondrites and Trichichnus dominated in fine grained, poorly oxygenated intervals. In contrast, on the lower slope where calm steady sedimentation conditions prevail, changes in sedimentation rate and nutrient flux have controlled variations in the distribution of larger traces such as Planolites, Thalassinoides, and Palaeophycus. Additionally, distinct layers of abundant Chondrites correspond to Heinrich events 1, 2, and 4, and are interpreted as a response to incursions of nutrient rich, oxygen depleted Antarctic waters during phases of reduced thermohaline circulation. The results clearly show that not one single factor but a combination of several factors is necessary to explain the changes in ichnofabric. Furthermore, large variations in the extent and type of bioturbation and tiering between different settings clearly show that a more detailed knowledge of the factors governing bioturbation is necessary if we shall fully comprehend how proxy records are disturbed. A first attempt to automatize a part of the recognition and quantification of the ichnofabric was performed using the DIAna image analysis program on digitized X-ray radiographs. The results show that enhanced abundance of pyritized microburrows appears to be coupled to organic rich sediments deposited under dysoxic conditions. Coarse grained sediments inhibit the formation of pyritized burrows. However, the smallest changes in program settings controlling the grey scale threshold and the sensitivity resulted in large shifts in the number of detected burrows. Therefore, this method can only be considered to be semi-quantitative. Through AMS-^C dating of sample pairs from the Zoophycos spreiten and the surrounding host sediment, age reversals of up to 3,320 years could be demonstrated for the first time. The spreiten material is always several thousands of years younger than the surrounding host sediment. Together with detailed X-ray radiograph studies this shows that the trace maker collects the material on the seafloor, and then transports it downwards up to more than one meter in to the underlying sediment where it is deposited in distinct structures termed spreiten. This clearly shows that age reversals of several thousands of years can be expected whenever Zoophycos is unknowingly sampled. These results also render the hitherto proposed ethological models proposed for Zoophycos as largely implausible. Therefore, a combination of detritus feeding, short time caching, and hibernation possibly combined also with gardening, is suggested here as an explanation for this complicated burrow.
Based on a well-established stratigraphic framework and 47 AMS-14C dated sediment cores, the distribution of facies types on the NW Iberian margin is analysed in response to the last deglacial sea-level rise, thus providing a case study on the sedimentary evolution of a high-energy, low-accumulation shelf system. Altogether, four main types of sedimentary facies are defined. (1) A gravel-dominated facies occurs mostly as time-transgressive ravinement beds, which initially developed as shoreface and storm deposits in shallow waters on the outer shelf during the last sea-level lowstand; (2) A widespread, time-transgressive mixed siliceous/biogenic-carbonaceous sand facies indicates areas of moderate hydrodynamic regimes, high contribution of reworked shelf material, and fluvial supply to the shelf; (3) A glaucony-containing sand facies in a stationary position on the outer shelf formed mostly during the last-glacial sea-level rise by reworking of older deposits as well as authigenic mineral formation; and (4) A mud facies is mostly restricted to confined Holocene fine-grained depocentres, which are located in mid-shelf position. The observed spatial and temporal distribution of these facies types on the high-energy, low-accumulation NW Iberian shelf was essentially controlled by the local interplay of sediment supply, shelf morphology, and strength of the hydrodynamic system. These patterns are in contrast to high-accumulation systems where extensive sediment supply is the dominant factor on the facies distribution. This study emphasises the importance of large-scale erosion and material recycling on the sedimentary buildup during the deglacial drowning of the shelf. The presence of a homogenous and up to 15-m thick transgressive cover above a lag horizon contradicts the common assumption of sparse and laterally confined sediment accumulation on high-energy shelf systems during deglacial sea-level rise. In contrast to this extensive sand cover, laterally very confined and maximal 4-m thin mud depocentres developed during the Holocene sea-level highstand. This restricted formation of fine-grained depocentres was related to the combination of: (1) frequently occurring high-energy hydrodynamic conditions; (2) low overall terrigenous input by the adjacent rivers; and (3) the large distance of the Galicia Mud Belt to its main sediment supplier.