96 resultados para High moisture contents
Samples from sutface sediments of the shell, continental slope, and adjacent deep sea regions off West Africa between 27° N and 15° N were investigated with respect to grain size distribution of the total samples, sand contents of the acid insoluble residues, carbonate content of the total samples, and the separate grain size fractions, specific surfaces, colours and mineralogical composition of the clay fractions. The grain size distributions of the total samples of the sediments of the shelf and the continental slope off Spanish-Sahara are controlled mainly by biogenic components. The supply of terrigeneous material in this area is very low. At deeper parts of the continental slope and in the deep sea areas, the relative amounts of carbonate minerals in the sediments are considerably reduced. The prevailing sand contents of the upper slope changes into clay dominance. On the shelf of Mauritania - represented by profiles extending down to 200 m water depth - the grain size is also controlled mainly by biogenic carbonates. Nevertheless, the admixture of fossil silicate components is important, too. The southern parts of the area is investigated are located in a region influenced by sediments of the Senegal River, which especially control the contents of silt and clay. The silicate sands, predominately of quartz, are fossil and form a mixed sediment with younger deposits. The carbonate contents of the different grain size fractions are formed either by sedimentation of carbonate and silicate particles of the respective grain size or by autochtonous disintegration of coarser sediment particles, as shown by the occurence of Mg-rich calcite and especially aragonite in the clay sized fraction. In the northern parts of the area investigated, which have very minute terrigeneous supply, the latter mechanism is the dominant factor, controlling the carbonate contents of the fine grain sized fractions. In the vicinity of the mouth of the Senegal the carbonate contents are influenced by extremely high dilution with terrigencous silicates. Mg-rich calcite and aragonite are produced preferentially in shallow slope and shelf areas up to 500 m of water depth. The specific surfaces of the carbonate-free clay fractions indicate that the clay fractions of the shelfareas with little terrigenous supply consits of relatively coarser particles. Very fine particles are removed and transported towards the deep sea. Lateral differentiation of this kind was not observed in the area off Senegal. The high surface areas, characterizing the clay fractions of this region, are thought to be due to high montmorillonite contents as was found for deep seas sediments. The mineralogical composition of the clay fraction from the southern parts of the area is characterized by high kaolinite and montmorillonite contents, while in the northern illite is predominating. At least two types of montmorillionites are present: in areas influenced by the Senegal mostly one type was found, which could swell to 17; on the shelves and slopes of the other regions the montmorillonite-group is represented by a montmorillonite-mica-type mixed-layer mineral. A "glauconite", found in the sand fraction, which had very similar properties to those of the montmorillonite-mica mixed-layer, is believed to be the source of this mixed-layer-type mineral. Palygorskite is present in all samples out of range of the Senegal supply. It may be an indicator of eolian transported material. The occurence of rich palygorskit deposits in the arid hinterlands emphasizes the terrestrial origin.
Modern sedimentary total organic carbon (TOC) content as a proxy for surface water export production was mapped on the shelf and on the upper continental slope of the Benguela upwelling system using 137 core tops. Shelf maxima in TOC can be correlated with maxima in surface water productivity. On the slope, high TOC contents are observed offshore from sites of strong modern upwelling. Estimates of modern TOC mass accumulation rates (MAR) show that approximately 85% of the total is accumulating on the shelf. TOC MAR were calculated, mapped, and budgeted for the Holocene and for the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) using 19 sediment cores from the continental slope. During the LGM, centers of deposition and production have migrated offshore with respect to their Holocene positions. TOC accumulation on the continental slope was approximately 84% higher during the LGM than during the Holocene, possibly reflecting enhanced productivity. The TOC distribution patterns and sediment echo sounding data suggest that undercurrents strongly influence the sedimentation off Namibia. Winnowing and focusing result in great lateral heterogeneity of sedimentation rates and sediment properties. Individual cores therefore do not necessarily reflect general changes in export production. These results highlight the need for detailed regional studies based on a large number of sediment cores for highly heterogeneous high-productivity areas in order to derive general statements on total fluxes.
Results of a geochemical study of bottom sediments from the Tadjura rift zone are reported. The sediments were analyzed for CaCO3, Si, Al, Ti, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Ni, Co, Cr, V, Zr, Ga, Yb and Y. It was found that formation of chemical composition of the sediments was controlled by factors being appropriate for a near-continental area of the arid climatic zone (aeolian supply of terrigenous material and high biological productivity), as well as by hydrothermal activity in the rift valley. It was shown that high Mn contents were typical for the sediments in study while maximal contents of Fe were found near supposed hydrothermal sources. Total flux of Mn into sediments was been calculated. Diagenetic redistribution gives the main contribution of Mn in surface layer sediments. Speciations of Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Ni, Co, and Al were studied. In the surface layer sediments iron and manganese were in hydroxides. Model calculations of contents of chemical elements in sediments of the area in study are given.
Distribution pattern of titanium in Quaternary sediments of the Atlantic Ocean are examined on the base of 750 Ti and Fe determinations, and several dozen of complete chemical analyses. Analyses of surface sediment samples and sediment cores up to 6 m long were made. Stratigraphic levels from Middle Pleistocene to Holocene were identified from planktonic foraminifera. Distributions of Ti in recent and Pleistocene deposits were mapped. High titanium contents were found in sediments containing products of basalt vulcanism and in iron-manganese nodules. To determine origin of titanium concentrations in sediments, Ti/Fe ratios were calculated. Maximal values of this ratio were found in areas of basaltic volcanism and of intensive terrigenous sedimentation.
Radok Lake in Amery Oasis, East Antarctica, has a water depth of ca. 360 m, making it the deepest non-subglacial lake in Antarctica. Limnological analyses revealed that the lake had, despite a 3 m thick ice cover, a completely mixed water column during austral summer 2001/2002. High oxygen contents, low ion concentrations, and lack of planktonic diatoms throughout the water column indicate that Radok Lake is ultra-oligotrophic today.The late glacial and postglacial lake history is documented in a succession of glacial, glaciolimnic, and limnic sediments at different locations in the lake basin. The sediments record regional differences and past changes in allochthonous sediment supply and lake productivity. However, the lack of age control on these changes, due to extensive sediment redeposition and the lack of applicable dating methods, excluded Radok Lake sediments for advanced paleoenvironmental reconstructions.
Planktic foraminifera have been used as recorders of the neodymium (Nd) isotopic composition of seawater, although there is still controversy over the precise provenance of the Nd signal. We present an extensive, multispecific plankton tow Nd/Ca data set from several geographic locations (SE Atlantic, NE Atlantic, Norwegian Sea, and western Mediterranean), together with core top samples from the Mediterranean region. The range of Nd/Ca ratios in plankton-towed foraminifera, cleaned only of organic material, from all regions (0.01-0.7 µmol/mol), is similar to previously published analyses of sedimentary foraminifera cleaned using both oxidative and reductive steps, with distribution coefficients (Kd) ranging between 4 and 302. For the Mediterranean, where core top and plankton tow data are both available, the range for plankton tows (0.05-0.7 µmol/mol) is essentially identical to that for the core tops (0.1-0.5 µmol/mol). Readsorption of Nd during cleaning is ruled out by the fact that the plankton tow samples underwent only an oxidative cleaning process. We find a relationship between manganese (Mn) and Nd in plankton tow samples that is mirrored by a similar correlation in core top samples. This relationship suggests that Fe-Mn coatings are of negligible importance to the Nd budgets of foraminifera as the Nd/Mn ratio it implies is over an order of magnitude greater than that seen in other Fe-Mn oxide phases. Rather, since both plankton tows and core tops present a similar behavior, the Nd/Mn relationship must originate in the upper water column. The data are consistent with the acquisition of Nd and Mn from the water column by binding to organic material and the fact that intratest organic material is shielded from both aggressive cleaning and diagenetic processes. Collectively, the results help to explain two abiding puzzles about Nd in sedimentary planktic foraminifera: their high REE contents and the fact that they record a surface water Nd isotopic signal, regardless of the cleaning procedure used.
Time series of terrigenous source elements (Al, K, Ti, Zr) from core GeoB4901-8 recovered from the deep-sea fan of the Niger River record variations in riverine sediment discharge over the past 245,000 yr. Although the flux rates of all the elements depend on physical erosion, which is mainly controlled by the extent of vegetation coverage in central Africa, element/Al ratios reflect conditions for chemical weathering in the river basin. Maximum sediment input to the ocean occurs during cold and arid periods, when precipitation intensity and associated freshwater runoff are reduced. High carbonate contents during the same periods indicate that the sediment supply has a positive effect on river-induced marine productivity. In general, variations in the terrestrial signals contain a strong precessional component in tune with changes in low-latitude solar radiation. However, the terrestrial signal lags the insolation signal by several thousand years. K/Al, Ti/Al, and Zr/Al records reveal that African monsoonal precipitation depends on high-latitude forcing. We attribute the shift between insolation cycle and river discharge to the frequently reported nonlinear response of African climate to primary orbital configurations, which may be caused by a complex interaction of the secondary control parameters, such as surface albedo and/or thermohaline circulation.
Two types of deep-sea dredges are currently under development for the mining of the manganese nodules, a deep-sea hydraulic dredge and a mechanical cable-bucket system. Both systems offer some advantages with the hydraulic system appearing to be advantageous in themining of a specific deposit for which it is designed while the cable-bucket system appears to be somewhat more flexible in working in a variety of deposits, topographic environments, and water depths. Environmental studies conducted in conjunction with deep-sea tests of the two types of mining systems currently indicate that substantially no environmental damage will be done in the mining of the deep-sea nodules. Because of the nature of the deposits and the way in which they can be mined, the manganese nodules appear to be a relatively pollution free and energy-saving source of a number of industrially important metals.
Modern carbonate sedimentation takes place on the northern Mauritanian shelf (20°N), where typical tropical components (e.g. hermatypic reefs, calcareous green algae) are absent. Such deposits are reminiscent of extratropical sediment in the geological record. The tropical open shelf of Mauritania is influenced by large siliciclastic dust input and upwelling, highly fertilizing the ocean, as well as strongly limiting the light penetration. In this context, temperature does not appear to be the steering factor of carbonate production. This thesis describes the depositional system of the Golfe d'Arguin off Mauritania and focuses on environmental conditions that control the depositional pattern, in particular carbonate production. The description of this modern analogue provides a tool for paleoenvironmental interpretation of ancient counterparts. The Golfe d'Arguin is a broad shallow shelf comprising extensive shoals (<10 m water depth; i.e. the Banc d'Arguin) on the inner shelf where waters warm up. The sediments collected in water depths between 4 and 600 m are characterized by mixed carbonate and siliciclastic (dust) deposits. They vary from clean coarse-grained, almost pure carbonate loose sediments to siliciclastic-dominated fine-grained sediments. The carbonate content and sediment grain size show a north-south decreasing pattern through the Golfe d'Arguin and are controlled by the hydraulic regime influenced by wind-driven surface currents, swell, and tidal currents. The carbonate grain association is heterozoan. Components include abundant molluscs, foraminifers, and worm tubes, as well as barnacles and echinoderms, elements that are also abundant in extratropical sediments. The spatial distribution of the sedimentary facies of the Golfe d'Arguin does not display a depth zonation but rather a mosaic (i.e. patchy distribution). The depth and climatic signatures of the different sedimentary facies are determined by taxonomic and ecological investigations of the carbonate-secreting biota (molluscs and foraminifers). While certain planktonic foraminifers and molluscs represent upwelling elements, other components (e.g. mollusc and benthic foraminifer taxa) demonstrate the tropical origin of the sediment. The nutrient-rich (and thus also low light-penetration) conditions are reflected in the fact that symbiotic and photosynthetic carbonate-producing organisms (e.g. hermatypic corals) are absent. The Mauritanian deposits represent an environment that is rare in the modern world but might have been more common in the geological past when global temperatures were higher. Taxonomic and ecological studies allow for distinguishing carbonate sediments formed under either tropical high-nutrient or extratropical conditions, thus improving paleoclimate reconstruction.
Numerous large igneous provinces formed in the Pacific Ocean during Early Cretaceous time, but their origins and relations are poorly understood. We present new geochronological and geochemical data on rocks from the Manihiki Plateau and compare these results to those for other Cretaceous Pacific plateaus. A dredged Manihiki basalt gives an 40Ar-39Ar age of 117.9+/-3.5 Ma (2 sigma), essentially contemporaneous with the Ontong Java Plateau ~2500 km to the west, and the possibly related Hikurangi Plateau ~3000 km to the south. Drilled Manihiki lavas are tholeiitic with incompatible trace element abundances similar to those of Ontong Java basalts. These lavas may result from high degrees of partial melting during the main eruptive phase of plateau formation. There are two categories of dredged lavas from the Danger Islands Troughs, which bisect the plateau. The first is alkalic lavas having strong enrichments in light rare earth and large-ion lithophile elements; these lavas may represent late-stage activity, as one sample yields an 40Ar-39Ar age of 99.5+/-0.7 Ma. The second category consists of tholeiitic basalts with U-shaped incompatible element patterns and unusually low abundances of several elements; these basalts record a mantle component not previously observed in Manihiki, Ontong Java, or Hikurangi lavas. Their trace element characteristics may result from extensive melting of depleted mantle wedge material mixed with small amounts of volcaniclastic sediment. We are unaware of comparable basalts elsewhere.
We obtained sediment physical properties and geochemical data from 47 piston and gravity cores located in the Bay of Bengal, to study the complex history of the Late Pleistocene run-off from the Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers and its imprint on the Bengal Fan. Grain-size parameters were predicted from core logs of density and velocity to infer sediment transport energy and to distinguish different environments along the 3000-km-long transport path from the delta platform to the lower fan. On the shelf, 27 cores indicate rapidly prograding delta foresets today that contain primarily mud, whereas outer shelf sediment has 25% higher silt contents, indicative of stronger and more stable transport regime, which prevent deposition and expose a Late Pleistocene relic surface. Deposition is currently directed towards the shelf canyon 'Swatch of No Ground', where turbidites are released to the only channel-levee system that is active on the fan during the Holocene. Active growth of the channel-levee system occurred throughout sea-level rise and highstand with a distinct growth phase at the end of the Younger Dryas. Coarse-grained material bypasses the upper fan and upper parts of the middle fan, where particle flow is enhanced as a result of flow-restriction in well-defined channels. Sandier material is deposited mainly as sheet-flow deposits on turbidite-dominated plains at the lower fan. The currently most active part of the fan with 10-40 cm thick turbidites is documented for the central channel including inner levees (e.g., site 40). Site 47 from the lower fan far to the east of the active channel-levee system indicates the end of turbidite sedimentation at 300 ka for that location. That time corresponds to the sea-level lowering during late isotopic stage 9 when sediment supply to the fan increased and led to channel avulsion farther upstream, probably indicating a close relation of climate variability and fan activity. Pelagic deep-sea sites 22 and 28 contain a 630-kyear record of climate response to orbital forcing with dominant 21- and 41-kyear cycles for carbonate and magnetic susceptibility, respectively, pointing to teleconnections of low-latitude monsoonal forcing on the precession band to high-latitude obliquity forcing. Upper slope sites 115, 124, and 126 contain a record of the response to high-frequency climate change in the Dansgaard-Oeschger bands during the last glacial cycle with shared frequencies between 0.75 and 2.5 kyear. Correlation of highs in Bengal Fan physical properties to lows in the d18O record of the GISP2 ice-core suggests that times of greater sediment transport energy in the Bay of Bengal are associated with cooler air temperatures over Greenland. Teleconnections were probably established through moisture and other greenhouse-gas forcing that could have been initiated by instabilities in the methane hydrate reservoir in the oceans.