59 resultados para Hatching synchronicity


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As a result of high anthropogenic CO2 emissions, the concentration of CO2 in the oceans has increased, causing a decrease in pH, known as ocean acidification (OA). Numerous studies have shown negative effects on marine invertebrates, and also that the early life stages are the most sensitive to OA. We studied the effects of OA on embryos and unfed larvae of the great scallop (Pecten maximus Lamarck), at pCO(2) levels of 469 (ambient), 807, 1164, and 1599 µatm until seven days after fertilization. To our knowledge, this is the first study on OA effects on larvae of this species. A drop in pCO(2) level the first 12 h was observed in the elevated pCO(2) groups due to a discontinuation in water flow to avoid escape of embryos. When the flow was restarted, pCO(2) level stabilized and was significantly different between all groups. OA affected both survival and shell growth negatively after seven days. Survival was reduced from 45% in the ambient group to 12% in the highest pCO(2) group. Shell length and height were reduced by 8 and 15 %, respectively, when pCO(2) increased from ambient to 1599 µatm. Development of normal hinges was negatively affected by elevated pCO(2) levels in both trochophore larvae after two days and veliger larvae after seven days. After seven days, deformities in the shell hinge were more connected to elevated pCO(2) levels than deformities in the shell edge. Embryos stained with calcein showed fluorescence in the newly formed shell area, indicating calcification of the shell at the early trochophore stage between one and two days after fertilization. Our results show that P. maximus embryos and early larvae may be negatively affected by elevated pCO(2) levels within the range of what is projected towards year 2250, although the initial drop in pCO(2) level may have overestimated the effect of the highest pCO(2) levels. Future work should focus on long-term effects on this species from hatching, throughout the larval stages, and further into the juvenile and adult stages.


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Barents cod spawn in the Motovsky Bay during the periods of warming in the Arctic when proportion of mature fish in the population is high enough. Cod spawning is most likely to occur in the Motovsky Bay when large cod forage in southeastern waters, and prespawning fish migrate close by the Murmansk coast. Under such conditions cod spawn in the Motovsky Bay, but low water temperature and slow egg drift toward Murmansk coastal waters delay development of cod eggs. As a result the eggs remain at the first stage for a long time; this causes high egg mortality before hatching. Larvae that survive and become pelagic and then bottom juveniles nevertheless have little chance to survive in winter because they are not biologically ready for overwintering. Thus, delay in egg development at the first stage delays subsequent stages of fish ontogeny, and strongly impairs survival of cod juveniles from the Motovsky Bay.


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A model is presented for hemipelagic siliciclastic and carbonate sedimentation during the last glacial-interglacial cycle in the Capricorn Channel, southern Great Barrier Reef (GBR). Stable isotope ratios, grainsize, carbonate content and mineralogy were analysed for seven cores in a depth transect from 166 to 2892 m below sea level (mbsl). Results show variations in the flux of terrigenous, neritic and pelagic sediments to the continental slope over the last sea level cycle. During the glacial lowstand terrigenous sediment influenced all the cores down to 2000 mbsl. The percentages of quartz and feldspar in the cores decreased with water depth, while the percentage of clay increased. X-ray diffraction analysis of the glacial lowstand clay mineralogy suggests that the siliciclastic sediment was primarily sourced from the Fitzroy River, which debouched directly into the northwest sector of the Capricorn Channel at this time. The cores also show a decrease in pelagic calcite and an increase in aragonite and high magnesium calcite (HMC) during the glacial. The influx of HMC and aragonite is most likely from reworking of coral reefs exposed on the continental shelf during the glacial, and also from HMC ooids precipitated at the head of the Capricorn Channel at this time. Mass accumulation rates (MARs) are high (13.5 g/cm**/kyr) during the glacial and peak at ~20 g/cm** 3/kyr in the early transgression (16-14 ka BP). MARs then decline with further sea level rise as the Fitzroy River mouth retreats from the edge of the continental shelf after 13.5 ka BP. MARs remain low (4 g/cm**3/kyr) throughout the Holocene highstand. Data for the Holocene highstand indicate there is a reduction in siliciclastic influx to the Capricorn Channel with little quartz and feldspar below 350 mbsl. However, fine-grained fluvial sediments, presumably from the Fitzroy River, were still accumulating on the mid slope down to 2000 mbsl. The proportion of pelagic calcite in the core tops increases with water depth, while HMC decreases, and is present only in trace amounts in cores below 1500 mbsl. The difference in the percentage of HMC in the deeper cores between the glacial and Holocene may reflect differences in supply or deepening of the HMC lysocline during the glacial. Sediment accumulation rates also vary between cores in the Capricorn Channel and do not show the expected exponential decrease with depth. This may be due to intermediate or deep water currents reworking the sediments. It is also possible that present bathymetry data are too sparse to detect the potential role that submarine channels may play in the distribution and accumulation of sediments. Comparison of the Capricorn Channel MARs with those for other mixed carbonate/siliciclastic provinces from the northeast margin of Australia indicates that peak MARs in the early transgression in the Capricorn Channel precede those from the central GBR and south of Fraser Island. The difference in the timing of the carbonate and siliciclastic MAR peaks along the northeast margin is primarily related to differences in the physiography and climate of the provinces. The only common trend in the MARs from the northeast margin of Australia is the near synchronicity of the carbonate and siliciclastic MAR peaks in individual sediment cores, which supports a coeval sedimentation model.


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During the past decades, remarkable changes in sea-surface temperature (SST) and sea-ice extent have been observed in the marginal seas of the subarctic Pacific. However, little is known about natural climate variability at millennial time scales far beyond instrumental observations. Geological proxy records, such as those derived from marine sediments, offer a unique opportunity to investigate millennial-scale natural climate variability of the Artic and subarctic environments during past glacial-interglacial cycles. Here we provide reconstructions of sea-ice variability inferred from IP25 (Ice Proxy with 25 carbon atoms) sea-ice biomarker and SST fluctuations based on alkenone unsaturation index (UK'37) of the subarctic Pacific realm between 138 and 70 ka. Warmest sea-surface conditions were found during the early Eemian interglacial (128 to 126 ka), exceeding modern SSTs by ~2 °C. The further North Pacific climate evolu- tion is marked by pronounced oscillations in SST and sea-ice extent on millennial time scales, which correspond remarkably well to short-term temperature oscillations known from Green- land and the North Atlantic. These results imply a common forcing, which seems to be closely coupled to dynamics of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation. However, immediate propagation of such climate fluctuations far beyond the North Atlantic basin suggests a rapid circumpolar coupling mechanism probably acting through the atmosphere, a prerequisite to explain the apparent synchronicity of remote climatic reorganizations in the subarctic Pacific.


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Rising levels of atmospheric CO2 are responsible for a change in the carbonate chemistry of seawater with associated pH drops (acidification) projected to reach 0.4 units from 1950 to 2100. We investigated possible indirect effects of seawater acidification on the feeding, fecundity, and hatching success of the calanoid copepod Acartia grani, mediated by potential CO2-induced changes in the nutritional characteristics of their prey. We used as prey the autotrophic dinoflagellate Heterocapsa sp., cultured at three distinct pH levels (control: 8.17, medium: 7.96, and low: 7.75) by bubbling pure CO2 via a computer automated system. Acartia grani adults collected from a laboratory culture were acclimatized for 3 d at food suspensions of Heterocapsa from each pH treatment (ca. 500 cells/ml; 300 ?g C/l). Feeding and egg production rates of the preconditioned females did not differ significantly among the three Heterocapsa diets. Egg hatching success, monitored once per day for the 72 h, did not reveal significant difference among treatments. These results are in agreement with the lack of difference in the cellular stoichiometry (C : N, C : P, and N : P ratios) and fatty acid concentration and composition encountered between the three tested Heterocapsa treatments. Our findings disagree with those of other studies using distinct types of prey, suggesting that this kind of indirect influence of acidification on copepods may be largely associated with interspecific differences among prey items with regard to their sensitivity to elevated CO2 levels.


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Differences in the sensitivity of marine species to ocean acidification will influence the structure of marine communities in the future. Reproduction is critical for individual and population success, yet is energetically expensive and could be adversely affected by rising CO2 levels in the ocean. We investigated the effects of projected future CO2 levels on reproductive output of two species of coral reef damselfish, Amphiprion percula and Acanthochromis polyacanthus. Adult breeding pairs were maintained at current-day control (446 µatm), moderate (652 µatm) or high CO2 (912 µatm) for a 9-month period that included the summer breeding season. The elevated CO2 treatments were consistent with CO2 levels projected by 2100 under moderate (RCP6) and high (RCP8) emission scenarios. Reproductive output increased in A. percula, with 45-75 % more egg clutches produced and a 47-56 % increase in the number of eggs per clutch in the two elevated CO2 treatments. In contrast, reproductive output decreased at high CO2 in Ac. polyacanthus, with approximately one-third as many clutches produced compared with controls. Egg survival was not affected by CO2 for A. percula, but was greater in elevated CO2 for Ac. polyacanthus. Hatching success was also greater for Ac. polyacanthus at elevated CO2, but there was no effect of CO2 treatments on offspring size. Despite the variation in reproductive output, body condition of adults did not differ between control and CO2 treatments in either species. Our results demonstrate different effects of high CO2 on fish reproduction, even among species within the same family. A greater understanding of the variation in effects of ocean acidification on reproductive performance is required to predict the consequences for future populations of marine organisms.


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As an effect of anthropogenic CO2 emissions, the chemistry of the world's oceans is changing. Understanding how this will affect marine organisms and ecosystems are critical in predicting the impacts of this ongoing ocean acidification. Work on coral reef fishes has revealed dramatic effects of elevated oceanic CO2 on sensory responses and behavior. Such effects may be widespread but have almost exclusively been tested on tropical reef fishes. Here we test the effects elevated CO2 has on the reproduction and early life history stages of a temperate coastal goby with paternal care by allowing goby pairs to reproduce naturally in an aquarium with either elevated (ca 1400 µatm) CO2 or control seawater (ca 370 µatm CO2). Elevated CO2 did not affect the occurrence of spawning nor clutch size, but increased embryonic abnormalities and egg loss. Moreover, we found that elevated CO2 significantly affected the phototactic response of newly hatched larvae. Phototaxis is a vision-related fundamental behavior of many marine fishes, but has never before been tested in the context of ocean acidification. Our findings suggest that ocean acidification affects embryonic development and sensory responses in temperate fishes, with potentially important implications for fish recruitment.


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Reproduction in many organisms can be disrupted by changes to the physical environment, such as those predicted to occur during climate change. Marine organisms face the dual climate change threats of increasing temperature and ocean acidification, yet no studies have examined the potential interactive effects of these stressors on reproduction in marine fishes. We used a long-term experiment to test the interactive effects of increased temperature and CO2 on the reproductive performance of the anemonefish, Amphiprion melanopus. Adult breeding pairs were kept for 10 months at three temperatures, 28.5°C (+0.0°C), 30.0°C (+1.5°C) and 31.5°C (+3.0°C), cross-factored with 3 CO2 levels, a current day control (417 µatm) and moderate (644 µatm) and high (1134 µatm) treatments consistent with the range of CO2 projections for the year 2100 under RCP8.5. We recorded each egg clutch produced during the breeding season, the number of eggs laid per clutch, average egg size, fertilization success, survival to hatching, hatchling length and yolk provisioning. Adult body condition, hepatosomatic index, gonadosomatic index, and plasma 17beta-estradiol concentrations were measured at the end of the breeding season to determine the effect of prolonged exposure to increased temperature and elevated CO2 on adults, and to examine potential physiological mechanisms for changes in reproduction. Temperature had by far the stronger influence on reproduction, with clear declines in reproduction occurring in the +1.5°C treatment and ceasing altogether in the +3.0°C treatment. In contrast, CO2 had a minimal effect on the majority of reproductive traits measured, but caused a decline in offspring quality in combination with elevated temperature. We detected no significant effect of temperature or CO2 on adult body condition or hepatosomatic index. Elevated temperature had a significant negative effect on plasma 17beta-estradiol concentrations, suggesting that declines in reproduction with increasing temperature were due to the thermal sensitivity of reproductive hormones rather than a reduction in energy available for reproduction. Our results show that elevated temperature exerts a stronger influence than high CO2 on reproduction in A. melanopus. Understanding how these two environmental variables interact to affect the reproductive performance of marine organisms will be important for predicting the future impacts of climate change.


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Ocean acidification (OA) is anticipated to interact with the more frequently occurring hypoxic conditions in shallow coastal environments. These could exert extreme stress on the barnacle-dominated fouling communities. However, the interactive effect of these two emerging stressors on early-life stages of fouling organisms remains poorly studied. We investigated both the independent and interactive effect of low pH (7.6 vs. ambient 8.2) and low oxygen (LO; 3 mg/l vs. ambient 5 mg/l) from larval development through settlement (attachment and metamorphosis) and juvenile growth of the widespread fouling barnacle, Balanus amphitrite. In particular, we focused on the critical transition between planktonic and benthic phases to examine potential limiting factors (i.e. larval energy storage and the ability to perceive cues) that may restrain barnacle recruitment under the interactive stressors. LO significantly slowed naupliar development, while the interaction with low pH (LO-LP) seemed to alleviate the negative effect. However, 20-50% of the larvae became cyprid within 4 d post-hatching, regardless of treatment. Under the two stressors interaction (LO-LP), the barnacle larvae increased their feeding rate, which may explain why their energy reserves at competency were not different from any other treatment. In the absence of a settlement-inducing cue, a significantly lower percentage of cyprids (15% lower) settled in LO and LO-LP. The presence of an inducing cue, however, elevated attachment up to 50-70% equally across all treatments. Post-metamorphic growth was not altered, although the condition index was different between LO and LO-LP treatments, potentially indicating that less and/or weaker calcified structures were developed when the two stressors were experienced simultaneously. LO was the major driver for the responses observed and its interaction with low pH should be considered in future studies to avoid underestimating the sensitivity of biofouling species to OA and associated climate change stressors.


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An increasing number of studies have examined the effects of elevated carbon dioxide (CO2) and ocean acidification on marine fish, yet little is known about the effects on large pelagic fish. We tested the effects of elevated CO2 on the early life history development and behaviour of yellowtail kingfish, Seriola lalandi. Eggs and larvae were reared in current day control (450 µatm) and two elevated CO2 treatments for a total of 6 d, from 12 h post-fertilization until 3 d post-hatching (dph). Elevated CO2 treatments matched projections for the open ocean by the year 2100 under RCP 8.5 (880 µatm CO2) and a higher level (1700 µatm CO2) relevant to upwelling zones where pelagic fish often spawn. There was no effect of elevated CO2 on survival to hatching or 3 dph. Oil globule diameter decreased with an increasing CO2 level, indicating potential effects of elevated CO2 on energy utilization of newly hatched larvae, but other morphometric traits did not differ among treatments. Contrary to expectations, there were no effects of elevated CO2 on larval behaviour. Activity level, startle response, and phototaxis did not differ among treatments. Our results contrast with findings for reef fish, where a wide range of sensory and behavioural effects have been reported. We hypothesize that the absence of behavioural effects in 3 dph yellowtail kingfish is due to the early developmental state of newly hatched pelagic fish. Behavioural effects of high CO2 may not occur until larvae commence branchial acid-base regulation when the gills develop; however, further studies are required to test this hypothesis. Our results suggest that the early stages of kingfish development are tolerant to rising CO2 levels in the ocean.


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The effects of CO2-induced seawater acidification on plankton communities were also addressed in a series of 3 mesocosm experiments, called the Pelagic Ecosystem CO2 Enrichment (PeECE I-III) studies, which were conducted in the Large-Scale Mesocosm Facilities of the University of Bergen, Norway in 2001, 2003 and 2005, respectively. Each experiment consisted of 9 mesocosms, in which CO2 was manipulated to initial concentrations of 190, 350 and 750 µatm in 2001 and 2003, and 350, 700 and 1050 µatm in 2005. The present dataset concerns PeECE III.


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The climate of Chilean Patagonia is strongly influenced by the southern westerlies, which control the amount and latitudinal distribution of precipitation in the southern Andes. In austral summer, the Southern Westerly Wind Belt (SWWB) is restricted to the high latitudes. It expands northward in winter, which results in a strong precipitation seasonality between 35 and 45°S. Here, we present a new precipitation seasonality proxy record from Quitralco fjord (46°S), where relatively small latitudinal shifts in the SWWB result in large changes in precipitation seasonality. Our 1400 yr record is based on sedimentological and geochemical data obtained on a sediment core collected in front of a small river that drains the Patagonian Andes, which makes this site particularly sensitive to changes in river discharge. Our results show Fe/Al and Ti/Al values that are low between 600 and 1200 CE, increasing at 1200-1500 CE, and high between 1500 and 1950 CE. The increasing Fe/Al and Ti/Al values reflect a decrease in mean sediment grain-size from 30 to 20 µm, which is interpreted as a decrease in seasonal floods resulting from an equatorward shift of the SWWB. Our results suggest that, compared to present-day conditions, the SWWB was located in a more poleward position before 1200 CE. It gradually shifted towards the equator in 1200-1500 CE, where it remained in a sustained position until 1950 CE. The comparison of our record with published regional sea surface temperature (SST) reconstructions for the late Holocene shows that equatorward shifts in the SWWB are systematically coeval with decreasing SSTs and vice versa, which resembles fluctuations over glacial-interglacial timescales. We argue that the synchronicity between SST and SWWB changes during the last 1400 years represents the response of the SWWB to temperature changes in the Southern Hemisphere.


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Nongenetic inheritance mechanisms such as transgenerational plasticity (TGP) can buffer populations against rapid environmental change such as ocean warming. Yet, little is known about how long these effects persist and whether they are cumulative over generations. Here, we tested for adaptive TGP in response to simulated ocean warming across parental and grandparental generations of marine sticklebacks. Grandparents were acclimated for two months during reproductive conditioning, whereas parents experienced developmental acclimation, allowing us to compare the fitness consequences of short-term vs. prolonged exposure to elevated temperature across multiple generations. We found that reproductive output of F1 adults was primarily determined by maternal developmental temperature, but carry-over effects from grandparental acclimation environments resulted in cumulative negative effects of elevated temperature on hatching success. In very early stages of growth, F2 offspring reached larger sizes in their respective paternal and grandparental environment down the paternal line, suggesting that other factors than just the paternal genome may be transferred between generations. In later growth stages, maternal and maternal granddam environments strongly influenced offspring body size, but in opposing directions, indicating that the mechanism(s) underlying the transfer of environmental information may have differed between acute and developmental acclimation experienced by the two generations. Taken together, our results suggest that the fitness consequences of parental and grandparental TGP are highly context dependent, but will play an important role in mediating some of the impacts of rapid climate change in this system.